Tibor Szamuely
Sir: The foundation of the Tibor Szamuely Memorial Prize was announced some weeks ago, under the distinguished sponsorship of a variety of figures from the literary, academic, ,political and journalistic worlds. It is to be presented yearly-to a book in the fields of modern history, politics or social science which seems to the judges to embody best the qualities of erudition and good sense for which Dr, Szamuely stood.
A committee consisting of myself, Mr John Gross and Professor Hugh Thomas are now formally soliciting subscriptions. We feel that readers of The Spectator, to which Dr Szamuely so vigorously and vividly contributed, may especially wish to contribute. Subscriptions may be sent (cheques made out to myself) to me care of Messrs Martin Seeker & Warburg, 14 Carlisle Street, Soho Square, London WI. Robert Conquest 4 York Mansions, Prince of Wales Drive, London SW II