Rival Bibles
Sir: Richard Luckett's words about the " rough and Aramaically barbarous Greek " of St Mark are very relevant to a paper which I am at the moment preparing for a Biblical......
It Looks Specious, 'arty,' Modernistic; With-it...
given to the same kind of ' verse' — or used to be. But, in my own view, versifying of any kind which is not actual prose, is unsuitable to the fundamental utterances with which......
1922' Myths
Sir: Patrick Cosgrave's review-article on the 1922 Committee July 28, was characteristically trenchant, I hope it is not pedantic to point out a few historical errors. The......
Capp's Watergate
Sir: Al Capp's interpretations of the Watergate affair and its ramifications have in your July 21 issue fallen to the level of caricature which, perhaps, is the best that could......
Clockwork Orange
Sir: This is a belated letter to 0 13 4 you for printing Mr Spring's article your July 14 issue. So many arguments about art toe lli l are based on an illogicality. People 011......
Sir: Alexander Walker's Cornmentsl: The Article, 'who...
are predictable but not rejl'. ly relevant to what I actually wrot.er He states there is some confusion 0 % 74 whether Palmer, the murderer McManus, saw the film ClochW°';„......