Sir: We regret that we find it necessary to respond
to some of the references to the Orange Order in Vicki Woods's article.
On more than one occasion reference is made to Flute Bands wearing para-military uniforms. This is an unfair and inaccurate description. They are neither military-like nor do they have an image that relates them to para-military organisations with terrorist connotations. So it is not surpris- ing that the bandsmen do not look like 'soldiers'.
The Revd. William McCrae, Unionist MP for Mid Ulster, did at times close his eyes while he was speaking, but they were not shut all the time and he was not foaming at the mouth. This is a complete fabrication.
At the civic reception by Glasgow Dis- trict Council to the members of the County Grand Lodge of Glasgow the number involved was 500 Orange men and Orange women. There was no 'loyal toast to the Glorious Revolution', but the Deputy Lord Provost did refer to the Glorious Revolution and the freedoms that sprang from it. There were no shouts of f . . . the Pope': the address of welcome was listened to with respectful silence and he was applauded when it was concluded.
David Bryce
Grand Secretary, Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland, Southpark Avenue, Glasgow