Sir: We Regret That We Find It Necessary To Respond
to some of the references to the Orange Order in Vicki Woods's article. On more than one occasion reference is made to Flute Bands wearing para-military uniforms. This is an......
Safe sects Sir: Miss Woods is too sensational in what she infers about modern Scotland from the conversation of her husband's school- friends (`The joy of sects', 14 July). That......
On The Ulster Buses
Sir: Noel Malcolm undoubtedly knows his stuff about ministerial reshuffles in gener- al, but his references to Mr Peter Bottom- ley (Politics, 28 July) are hurtfully ill-......
Sir: May I, as an ex-teacher, make my contribution to the education debate with some points rarely mentioned by the teachers' unions? Many teachers, of var- ious ages, leave the......
Better Red Then Dead
Sir: Wittingly or not, Theodore Dalrymple (If symptoms persist . . ., 23 June) in his piece on the innocent intials NTBR (Not To Be Resuscitated) puts up a lethally persuasive......
Hot And Bothered
Sir: We mostly enjoyed Damian Thomp- son's article about Christian Aid's Coven- try festival ('Politics begins at home', 28 July), particularly the clean-shaven among us who......