Unkindest cut
Sir: In the review of Reunion (Arts, 21 July), your film critic writes: 'This intelli- gent film written by Harold Pinter with sensitivity and a sharp wit . .
Well, well. No mention of Fred Uhlman who wrote the book from which Harold Pinter took the screenplay. It was Fred Uhlman who experienced many of the traumas recorded in Reunion. By omitting the name of the writer of this largely autobiographical book, people are left in ignorance of the unique character who also wrote The Making of an Englishman, painted primitive pictures which were 'A misunderstanding. I said "a big fat cheque".' offered to the Tate, and who improbably married the sister of an English peer.
Fred Uhlman was the source of hun- dreds of outrageous stories, the best of them told against himself. To ignore him seems the final injustice dealt to him, after a life in which he suffered more than a hundred cuts.
Frances Rhodes
Stoney Bridge House, Castle Hill, Axminster, Devon