4 AUGUST 1990, Page 43


A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of E10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word 'Dictionary') for the first three correct solutions opened on 20 August. Entries to: Crossword 970, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.

1 2


4 -5 6 1....




10 Tri 17 . 11









32 33 34 –

3 9 in I ■ 11

The unclued lights individually or when correctly paired) are of a kind described by 2. Brewer confirms them all, five being of two or more words. Four apostrophes are to be ignored.

Name Address Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service. ACROSS 10 Impertinent stare at decapitated goblin (4) 12 Huntsman's cry and bid, once, to court outside society's HQ (10, hyphened) 14 Scots supplement one's seen during latter part of week (3) 15 Variety of apple suiting Thatch- er's ecological conversion? (8) 17 Scratch-card (5) 18 Formal speech about Ontario (7) 22 Mac's show-suit, as it was (6) 24 Stock of equipment, alongside


26 Methodist preacher; one natter- in' wildly (9) 27 Gigantic new talent seen in two articles (9) 29 Ravine revealing half of Abor- igine's club (5) 31 Old spear-rest made of true iron (6) 34 Clubs kept out one Scottish lad 36 two and a half dozen coming round Sunday, parched (7) 38 One old instrument sent back for money (5) 39 Rebuilding earliest studios (8) 40 Some amorous Irish gentleman


41 scottish gossip about Ashhills Cricket Club (10, hyphened) 42 Cut shaft (4) DOWN 3 Could be 39 without a salmon- spear in Aviemore (7) 4 Formidable competitor of note in row (5) 5 Ruptured, when inearthed, perhaps (9) 6 German in state-barge (6) 7 Cuts president out of share-outs 8 Company symbol from Oslo. Gorgeous! (4) 11 Everything below meadow fol- lowing fine autumn (8, hyphened) 16 Ulster's friendly goblin (3) 19 Scandinavian amateur caught young sea-trout (6) 20 Some French moderate Tories coming up, drunk (6) 21 Departmental head and non-U nobleman getting strap (10) 23 Distributing trade mail across the circle (9) 28 Sportsman having the same one in, exactly (7) 30 Familiar routine's quiet moment

33 o) rt of spare symbol in the 6

round (5) 35 Girl with a Nigerian fever (5) 37 Henry Garnett getting 50 per cent (4)