OFFICE or ORDNANCE, Nov. 27. —Royal Regt. of Artillery—To be Colonels-Brevet Col, P.M. Wallace, vice Pym, removed as a General Officer; Brevet-Col. It. Jones.
vice Brattish, removed as a General Officer; Brevet-Col, J. E. Jones, vice Breslin, re-
moved as a General Officer; Lieut-Col. T. A. Brandreth. vice Power, removed as a General Officer; Lieut.-Col. T. Hutchesson, vice Younghusbaud, removed as a Ge- neral Officer; Lieut.-Col. E. C. Whiuyates, vice Crawford, removed as a General Officer ; Lieut.-Col. J. Michell, vice Webber Smith, removed as a General Officer; Lieut.-Col. H. Trelawuey, vice Sir Hew D. Ross, removed as a General Officer; Lieut.- Col A. Hunt, vice Sir It. Gardiner, removed as a General Officer. To be Lieutenant-Colonels-Brevet-Major J. Gray, vice Wallace; Brevet-Major J. Fog°, vice R. Jones; Brevet-Major Hon. W. Arbuthnot, vice J. E. Jones; Brevet- Major II. Blachley, vice Brandreth ; Brevet-Major .1. A. Chalmer, vice Hutehesson ; Brevet-Lieut.- Cel. Forbes Madman, vice Whiuyates; Brevet-Major W. U. Stopford, vice Michell; Brevet-Major Lloyd Dowse, vice Trelawney; Brevet-Major G. J. Belson. vice Hunt.
To be Captains-Sec. Capt. Evan Morgan, vice Gray; See. Capt. R. G. B. Wilson. vice Fogo; Sec. Capt. B. Cuppage, vice Arbuthnot; Sec. Capt. It. Burn, vice
Blachley; Sec. Capt. R. Beaumont Wanaby ; Sec. Capt. J. H. Griffin. vice Chalmer; See. Capt. T. A. Lethbridge, vice Macbeau; Sec. Capt. J. Somerville. vice Stopfurd; Sec. Capt. It. L. Cornelius, vice Dowse; Sec. Capt. L. E. Walsh. vice Belsou.
Tube Second Captains-First Lieut. W. B. Young, vice Morgan; First Lieut. W. 11. Askwith. vice Wilsou; First Lieut. F. Dunlop, vice Cuppage; First Lieut. F.
Dick. vice Burn ; First Lieut. A. Tylee. vice Griffin; First Lieut. C. J. Dalton. vice Lerldnidse; First Lieut. W. H. Forbes, vice Somerville; First Lieut. D. E. Wood. vice Cornelius; First Lieut. H. H. Tuite. vice Walsh. To be First Lieutenants-Sec. Lieut. S. H. S. Inglefield, vice Young; Sec. Lieut. E. M. Boxer, vice Askwith; SOC. Lieut, C. S. Lougile.n, vice Dunlop ; Sec. Lieut. W. A. Middleton, vice Dick; Sec. Lieut. Roquier J. Cannon, vice Tylee; Sec. Lieut. W. Cookson. vice Dalton; Sec. Lieut. J. R. Gibbon, vice Forbes; Sec. Lieut. J. It. Anderson, vice Wood; Sec. Limit. P. F. Gather Scott. vice Tuite. Corps of Royal Engineers-To be Colonels-Brevet-Cul. G. .1. Harding, vice Pasley, removed as a General Officer ; Brevet.Col. Sir G. C. Haste, vice Smith, removed as a General Officer; Brevet-Col. J. Roes, vice Ellicombe. removed sin Geueral Officer; Brevet-Col. Griffith G. Lewis, vice Goldfinch, removed as a General Officer ; Brevet- Cal. W. W. Cuthbert Elphinstoue Holloway, vice Arnold, removed as a General Officer.
Tube Lieutenant Colunels-Brevet-Major G. Forties Thompsou, vice Harding. Bre- vet-Major R. Sloper Piper, vice Haste; Brevet-Major Sir G. Gipps. vice Wright; Brevet-Major P. Barry, vice Lewis ; Brevet-Lieut.-Cul. W. Reid, vice Holloway.
To be Captains-Second Capt. W . Faris. vice Thompson; Second Capt. E. Bullock Patten, vice Piper; Second Capt. F. H. Badeley. vice Gipps; Second Capt. C. Burt. vice Barry; Second Capt. G. C. Degeu Lewis, vice Reid.
To be Second Captains-First Lieut. J. Chaytor, vice Faris; First Lieut. J. Cod- dringtou, vice Patten: First Lieut. C. Bailey, vice Baddeley ; First Lieut. W. T.
Denison ; First Lieut. J. Williams, vice Burt; First Lieut. E. W. Durnford, vice Lewis. To he First Lieuteuauts -Second Lieut. W. F. Drummond Jervois, vice Chaytor; Second Lieut. T. Lionel J. Gallwey. vice Coffiltington; Second Lieut. C. Stewartt Miller, vice Bailey; Second Lieut. A. D. Craig. vice Williams. OFFICE OP ORDNANCE, Nov. 27.-Corps of Rval Engineers-Second Lieut. C. Con- life Owen to be First Lieut. vice Le Mesurier, dec.
Memarandem-The date of Lieut. J. BayIfs commission has been altered to 16th September 1841.
Erratum hi the Gazette of the 28th of Sept.-For Second Capt. T. C. Luxmore to be Capt. vice Baron, retired on •. half-pay, read. Second Capt T. C.Luxmore to be Capt. vice Baron, retired on full pay."
WAR-OFFICE. Dec. 3.-4th Regt. Drag. Guards-Capt. E. C. Hodge, to be Major. by par -vice Makepeace, who retires; Lieut. F. Meyuell to be Capt. by pure. vice Hodge; Cornet M. K. Tynte to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Meynell ; H. A. Allen. Gent, to be Comet, by purchase, vice Tynte. 7th Drag. Guards-Lieut. J. C. Kennedy to be Capt. by purchase, vice Hunter, who retires; Cornet J. Crofts to be Lieut. by pur- chase. vice Keunedy ; A. D. Wigsell. Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase. vice Crofts. 3d Light Drags- Breeet•Col. C. Middleton. from half-pay unattached, to be Lieut.- Col. without purchase. 16th Light Drags.-W. B. L. Sleigh to be Comet, by pur- chase, vice Routh. who retires. 3d Foot-Capt. A. A. T. Curls nghame, from the 60th Foot. to be Capt. vice Austin. who exchanges. 8th Foot-Assist-Surg. J. Mait- land. M.D. from the 83d Foot. to be Sum. vice P. Fraser, who retires upon haltpay. 9th Foot-F. Sivewright, Geut. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice NI' Caskill. pro- moted. 11th Foot-Gent. Cadet W. D. Lord Kimbolton, from the Royal Mil. Coll. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Welling,s, dec. 13th Foot -Ensign J. F. P. C. Scott to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Hughes. promoted in the 80th Foot. 14th Foot-Ensign T. Hamilton to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Holmes, whose promotion has been cancelled. 18th Foot -Lieut. W. T. Colman. from the 55th Foot, to be Capt. without purchase, vice Dillon, promoted. 23d Foot-Second Lieut. and Adjt. T. Ellis to have the rank of First Lieut. 26th Foot-Brevet Lieut.-Col. T.S. Pratt to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase. vice James, dec.; Brevet-Major G. Hogarth to be Major, rice Pratt; Lieut. R. Thompson to be Capt. vice Hogarth ; Ensign C. II. Rive to be Lieut. vice Thompson; Ensign C. J. S. Wallace. from the 41st Foot. to be Ensign, vice Rhys. 41st Foot-Lieut. George Sheaffe Moutizambert to be Adjutant, vice Vaughan, promoted. 92d Foot-Lieutenant Lord Charles Lennox Kerr to be Captain, by purchase, vice Kiulock. whose promotion has been cancelled. 47th Foot-Gent. Ladet G. Phillips, from the Royal Mil. Coll, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Clarke. promoted. 55th Foot-Ensign J. R. Wilton to be Lieut.with- out purchase, vice Coleman. promoted in the 18th Foot ; Gent. Cadet J. Lloyd. from the Royal Mil. Coll, to be Ensign vice Wi.ton. 66111-Foot-Capt. G. I. Austin. from the 31 Foot, to be Capt. Vice Cunyughame, who exchanges. 6dth Foot-Lieut. F. Smythe,. (rum the 95th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Godby, who exchanges. 74th Foot-En- sign G. C. Fitzgerald. from the 46th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Edwards, appointed to the 98th Foot. 80th Fuot-Lieut R. G. Hughes. from the 13th Foot, to be Capt. by purchase. vice Rsitt promoted. 83d Foot-J. Macbeth, M.D. to be Assist..Surg. vice Idaitland. promoted in the 8th Foot. 95th Foot-Lieut. C. H. Godby, from the 66th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Smythe, who exchanges; Colour-Sergt. J.Hult. front 29th Foot. to be Quarter-master, vice Rogers, appointed to the 98th Foot. 95th Foot-Lieut. T. H. Lovett to be Capt vice Wallace, who retires; Ensign J. H. Albouy to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Lovett; Ensign S. II. H. Edwards, from the 74th Foot, to be Ensign, trice Albouy.
3d West India Regt-Assist. Surg. Tennere, from the Staff, to be Assist..Surg. vice Foulis. promoted to be Staff.Surg. of the Second Class. Royal Military College-The Rev. H. L. Chepmell to be Chaplain, vice Wheeler, deceased.
Hospital Staff-Assist-Sum. A. Foulis. from the 3d West India Regt. to be Staff. Sure. of the Second Class; J. R. Ffennell, Gent. J. Trench, Gent. D. Stewart, Gent. to be Assist..Surgs. to the Forces. Brent-Major R. C. Pollock, on haltpayunattached. lobe Lieut.-Col. in the Army ; Capt. L. C. A. Meyer. Riding-Master at the Cavalry Depat at Maidstone. to be Major in the Army, with local and temporary rank while so employed. Memarandess-The Christian names of Ensign Harford, appointed to the 65 h Regt. in the Gazette of the 19th Nov-ember 1841. are James Thomas.
The Commissions of the under-mentioued Officers in the 50th Regt. to be antedated from the 18th June 1841 to 1st April 1841, viz. Lieut.-Col. J. Anderson, Major W. Turner, Capt. W. L. Tudor.
Erratum to the Gazette of the nth September 1841.-For Brevet-Major J. H. Ser- jeantson, to be Major, vice Turner, whose promotion has been cancelled, read Brevet- Major J. H. Serjeantson. to he Major, 'ice Turner; deceased.