4 DECEMBER 1841, page 1

At The Private Conference In Constantinople Between The...

and the representatives of France, Russia, aud England, on the 28th October, the Turkish Minister put into the hands of the diplomatists a note setting forth some of the......

News Of The Week.

IT might be supposed that the Whigs were by this time quite con- vinced that they are out of power. But they are not. Lord LEVE-• SON'S speech at Lichfield is but a faint......

Switzerland Has Taken Another Instalment Of Revolution. A...

in the Canton of Argau has given occa- sion for dissensions in other, Cantons ; the Aristocracy of the Pro- testant provinces siding with the turbulent and oppressed Catho- lics......

The Popular Feeling Is Not Always Most Forcibly Displayed In

set forms of agitation, but sometimes in irregular and conflicting efforts towards a common object of so wide a nature that all parties and classes bend towards it. Thus it is......