Tuesday, Nov. 30.
Dance and Lewis. Abergaveuity, maltsters-M. and S. Gerrard, Manchester, lodg- ing.housekeeperti-T. and S. Harwood, Shrewsbury. accountants- Gs. illim and Man- sell. Devonshire Square, wine-merchants-M•Leod and Thompson. Camberwell, com- mon-brewers-Roskell and Co. Liverpool, lead-smelters; as far as regards Tipton-- Sbingler and James. Liverpool, linendrapers-Brunton and Williams, High Street, Vihitechapel, brushmakers- Coleman and Parkes, Atherstone. chemists-Hooper and Gibbons, licensed-victuallers-A. C. and S. B. Lutley, Exeter, hop-merchants- Steward and Thomas, Little Stanhope Street, Mal. fair, carpenters-Barkers and Fos- wick, Tynemouth, attomies-Potters and Norris, Mancliestet, general Manchester warehousemen; as far as regards R. Potter-Foster and Ellis. Liverpool, general brass-founders-W. and J. B. Grierson. Bridgnorth. linendrapers -Scott and Co. Charterhouse Square, eholesale-booksellers; as far as regards Webster-M•Call and ROW, Glasgow, manufacturers.
Beans, Roam, and WAvmAN. Rosette, Barbican, wire-workers, Nov. 30.
DOD, CHARLES, Riches Court, Lime Street. ship-broker, Nov. 29.
HUNT, HENRY CAREW, Old Broad Street, merchant, Nov. 30.
ADAMS, EDMUND, Blenheim Street, New florid Street, livery-stable-keeper, to sur- render Dec. 6, Jan. 11; solicitors, Messrs. Yates and Turner, Duke Street, Westmin- ster ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. ALGAR. STANDARD, Reading. brewer, Dec. 8, Jan. 11: solicitors, Mr. Hill, Throg- rnorton Street and Messrs. Warden and Slocombe, Reading. Bezemo, BARTHoLomEw, Liverpool, merchant, Dec. 11. Jan. 11: solicitors, Messrs. Holme and Co. New Inn ; and Mr. Yates junior, Liverpool. BLATCH, WILLIAM, and LAstemr. WILLIAM. Grose Place, Bromptou, printers. Dec. 6, Jan. 11 : solicitor, Mr. Smitten, Northampton Square; official assignee. Mr. Peunell, Basingliall Street.
Bucat.z, Joie, Kensington,, Dec. 6, Jan. 11 : solicitors, Messrs. Hill and Matthews, New Loudon Street; official assignee. Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard,
BURTON, WILLIAM. Nuneaton. Warwickshire, tanner, Dee. 11, Jan. 11 solicitors, Messrs. Bettye and Co. Ohancery Lane; and Mr. Craddock, Nuneaton. CARET, HENRY and GEORGE DANIEL. Nottingham. hat-manufacturers, Dec. 4, Jan. solicitors. Mr. Yallop. Farnival's Inn; and Messrs. Parsons, Nottingham. a Coos, ALLEN, Manchester. commission ageut, Dec. 15. Jan. 11: solicitors, Messrs. Adliegtoo and Co. Bedford Row ; and Messrs. Clay and Co. Manchester. GILES, THOMAS, St. John's Lane, wire worker, Dec. 6, Jan. Ii: solicitors, Messrs. Crosby and Co. Old Jewry; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basingliall Street. Goomixe. RICHARD, Welchpool. carrier, Dec. 17, Jan. 11: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; and Mr. Yearsley, Welchpool. GODDARD, REYNOLD Hoop. Wood Street. fringe-maker, Dec. 14, Jan. 11: solicitors, Messrs. Rickarda and Walker, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Coleman Street Buildings. LOuNDES, JAMES Huon, Manchester, wine-merchant, Dec. 16, Jan. Ii: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple ; and Mr. Hewitt. Manchester. MAIWHALL, lone. Birchin Laue, merchant, Dec. 14, Jan. 11: solicitors, Messrs. Willis and Co. Tokeuhouse Yard ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Copthall Buildings. MILES, WILLIAM, and DAWKINs. JoiE111, Southampton, boot-makers, Dec. 17, Jau. II: SOliCitorS, Mr. Walker, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury; and Messrs. Deacon and Long, Southampton. MoRGAN. EDWARD MoRRIS. Welchpool, barytes-manufacturer, Dec. 17, Jan. 11; so- licitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; and Mr. Yearsley, Welchpool. OLIVER. BENJAMIN, and G000wne, WILLTAM, High Wycombe, drapers, Dec. 7. Jan. 11: solicitor. Mr. Ashurit, Cheapside; official assignee. Mr. Green, Aldermaubury. Pitman, Tecoras, Parker Street, Drury Lane, smith, Dec. 11, Jan. 11: solicitors,
Messrs. Mayhew and Co. Carey Street; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place. Old Jewry.
PRITCHARD, Router. Bangor, druggist, Dec. 17, Jan. 11: solicitors, Messrs. Abbott and Co. New Inn ; and Messrs. Poole and Powell, Caruarvon.
Sits-ruuturr, James, Manchester, smallware.manufacturer, Dec. 17, Jan. 11 : solici- tors, Messrs Walmsley and Co. Chancery Lane; and Messrs. Humphrys and Co. Manchester.
UNswonrit. JoSEIGI, Liverpool. joiner, Dec. 11, Jan. 11; solicitors, Messrs. Holme and Co. New Inn; and Mr. -Booker, Liverpool. WAINmAN, THOMAS, Leeds, dyer. Dec. 9. Jan. 11: solicitors, Messrs. Few and Co. Henrietta Street, Covent Garden ; sod Mr. Upton, Leeds. WALKER, RICHARD CoLLIS. Newbold Moor, Derbyshire. earthenware-manufacturer. Dec. 24, Jan, I I : solicitors, Messrs. Spence and Bulllvant, Alfred Place, Bedford Square ; and Messrs. Lucas and Co. Chesterfield.
Dec. 23, J. and G. F. Squires, Poplar, plumbers-Dec. 23. Hopkins, Croydon,
Erocer- Dec. 23, Barlow and Mulley, Little Bartholomew Close, stone-masons-Dec. Daly. Red Lion Square, bookseller-Dec. 21, Tagg, Tooley Street, slop-seller- Dec. 23. Brett, Gedling, Nottinghamshire, corn-factor-Dec. 21. Kirby and Co. Shef- field, silver-platers-Dec. 28, Capom. Bedford, draper-Dec. 22, Cope, Birmingham, scrivener. CERTIFICATES To be granted, unless cause be shown tu the contrary, on or before Dee. 21.
Wood, Basinghall Street, Blackwell-hall-factor-M'Ardle. Liverpool, victualler, - Taylor, Norwich. apothecary-Morris. Birmingham. victualler-Staite, Wood Street, lace-warehousemau-Wardall. Carey Street, lodginghouse-keeper-Crowther, Liver- pool, wine-merchant-Lawton, Liverpool. shoemaker.
ScoTCH tworrEsTRATioNs. ANDERSON, DAVID, Montrose, merchant, Dec. 4, 25. FrNDLEy. Josses! and JAMES, Glasgow. merchants, Dec. 6, 27. Mlacinae, Jowl and Wrowsis, Coatbridge. merchants, Dec. 6, 27.
Friday, Dec. 3.
Wildes and Co. Maidstone, enemies-Clarkson and Clarke, Oxford Street, grocers -J.. T. and C. Alcock, Sunderland, ship-builders-Bedams and Chavase. Birming- ham. colour maunfacturers-W. and J. Howard, Thetford, blacksmiths -Niblett and Clift. Bristol, hackney-masters-F. and J. Sleddon. Preston, cotton-spinners-Beard and Eldridge, Kingston-upon-Thames, brewers-Weuman and Buzaglo. Wolverhamp- ton, mercers-Wise and Co. Birmingham. wine.metchants-T. and T. Brocksopp, old Bond Street, hosiers-J. and J. Haffenden, Coleman Street-Hall and Ramsden. Chorlton•upon.Medlock, stonemasons- Chalk and Taylor, builders - Fraser and Phibbs. Liverpool, stockbrokers-J. and E. Bull, High Street, Shoreditch, curriers- J. and J. Pedley, Hemel Hempstead. plumbers-Hobbs and Davis. Pimlico. jObniaateri -Wallace and Byers, Blackburn. cloth-manufacturera-Gallimore and Shubotham, Longtou, Staffordshire, china-manufacturers -Lightfoot aud Stutely, George Street, Portman Square, paper-snliners-Cockiugs awl Whiteway. Torquay, coal-merchants- Johnson arid Webb, High-am, Suffolk, cattlesdealern -Hargreaves and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire. whitesmiths-Howell and Read. Upper Brook Street, tailors-Gibson and Co. Derby, ironfounders-Parrish and Co. Wordesley, cut-glass-manufacturers.,
WILCOCKS, WILLIAM, Bracknell, Berkshire, saddler, Dec. I.
HANKRUerciEs sUIPEIMEDED. SAUNDERS. Joilir„Plyrnolith, porter-merchant.
Mists, &nem. Sun Tavern Fields, Si. George's in the East, victualler.
BICKERTON, THEoptilLirs. Newtown, Moutgomeryshire, linendraper, to surrender Dec. 20, Jan. 14: Solwitors, Messrs. Baxter, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Messrs. Sole and Worthington, Manchester. Brarwista, SAMUEL. Northwich, Cheshire, flour-dealer, Dec. 16, Jan. 14: solicitors. Messrs. Johnson and Ca. Temple; and Messrs. Higsou and Son, Manchester. BRIGHTON. TH0MAS WoODHOUSE, Cheltenham, general-agent. Dec. 12, Jan. 14; soli- citors, Messrs. Becke and Flower, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr.Whatley, Cheltenham.
DANKS, MICHAEL, Hatton Garden, carpet warehouseman. Dec. 17, Jan. 14: solicitors, Grimaldi and Co. Copthall Court ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basingball Street. EvANs, SAmUEL, Road, Somersetshire. clothier, Dec. 9, Jan. 14: solicitors, Mr. Frampton, Gray's Inn; and Mr. Miller, Frome Selwood. Jorres, Isaac. Worcester. victualler, Dec. 16. Jan. 14: solicitors, Messrs. Becks and Flower, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Hughes, Worcester. LAWRIER. AnoLeHz, and Lem, JOsEini, Wood Street, importers of foreign goods, Dec. 14, Jan. 14: solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, Cheapside; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Copt- hall Buildings. MAXINE,. ROBERT !TUE, Blandford Street. Manchester Square, grocer, Dec. 22, Jan. 14: solicitors, Messrs. Sutcliffe and Birch, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars; official assignee, Mr. Jelmson, Basingliall Street. Ousrost, RICHARD, Kingston-upon-Hull. sawyer. Dec. 14, Jan. 14: solicitors, Messrs.. Bloxam and Stocker. New Boswell Court ; and Mr. Levett, Hull. Price, BENJAMIN, New Windsor, victualler, Dec. 24 Jan. 14: solicitor, Mr. Gale, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Coleman Street Buildings. PALMER, JAMES, Upper Whitecrosa Street, carpenter, Dec. 10. Jan. 14: solicitor, Messrs. Rixou and Son, Jewry Street ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. Featma. BENJASHir BIRKEIT, Alfred Street, Stepney. victualler, Dec. 7, Jan. 14: solicitor. Mr. Ware, Blackman Street; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. PARKER, WILLIAM, Hockley, Nottinghamshire. grocer, Dec. 17, Jan. 14: solicitors. Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; and Mr. Bewley, Nottingham. SIMONS, JAMES and Co. Nuneaton, coal-masters, Dec' 13, Jan 14: solicitors. Mr. Beck, Feuchurch Street; Mr. Hill, Birmingh on ; and Troughton and Lea, Coventry. SCHOFIELD, CHARLES, Kingston-upon-Thames, timber-merchant, Dec. 11, Jan. 14: solicitor, Mr. Kightley. Pautou Square; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basiughall St. SimrsON, JOHN, Goswell Street, currier. Dec. 18, Jan. 14: solicitor, Mr. Nina, Copt- hall Court ; official assignee, Mr. Groom. Abchurch Lane. BEES, JOHN. Stourbridge, woollen-draper, Dec. 13, Jant 14: solicitor, Mr. Walker, Furnivars Rose, WILLIAM and Co. Chichester. bankers, Dec. 20, Jan. 14: solicitors, Messrs. Stauiland and Long. Bouverie Street ; and Mr. Sherwood. Chichester. RowLET. Jew; GEoR0E, Hatton Garden. bookbinder, Dec. 14, Jan. 14: solicitor, Mr. Appleby, Aldermanbury ; official assignee. Mr. Graham, Basitighall Street. Wows% GEolt0E, Hackney Road. jeweller, Dec. 14, Jan. 14: solicitor, Mr. Williams, Alfred Place, Bedford Square; • official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basiughall Street. WRIGHT, Josints, Birmingham. matchet-rnanufacturer, Dec. 11, Jan. 14: solicitors, Messrs. Holum and Co. New Inn; Mr. Fellowes, Dudley ; and Mr. Lowe, Birmingham. TAFF, JOHN EIRE, Weobley, Herefordshire, grocer, Dec. 11, Jan. 14: solicitors, Mr. Smith, Chancery Lane; and Mr. Hammond, Leominster.
Dec. 24, Calvert, Pall Mall, ivory-turner-Dec. 27, Wegg, Ipswich, draper-Dec. 27, Magnus. Ramsgate, lipendraper-Dec. 27. Farr. Manchester, silk-manufacturer- Jau. 5, Wild, senior, Sheffield, ivory-dealer-Dec. 22, Allison and Mitchell, South Shields, fruiterers-Dec. 27, Nicholson, Canterbury, coal-tnerchant -Dec. 27, Pettey, Tewkesbury, draper-Dec. 27, Williams. Bridge, Kent, brewer-Dee. 27, Lepage, London, dealer and chapmait -Dec. 24, Hayward,. Manchester, bookseller-Dec. £4, Forsell, Leicester, hosier-Dec. 24, Shaw, Saddleworth, woollen-manufacturer.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Dec. 24. Hempen, Liverpool. victualler-Drew, King Street, Holborn, furniture-dealer- Wainwright Bridgewater, butlder-Cannon, Darklinuse Lane. Lower Thames Street, fish-factor 21tiackennal, Truro, brewer-Stallebrass and Middleton, City Road, maho-
gany-merchants-Taylor, Norwich, apothecary. '
CRICHTON, louts, Failford, Ayrshire, tile-manufacturer, Dec. 8, 29-