Sir James Graham has excited a little commotion among the
Liberals in different towns, by adding some Tories to the Magistracy. Yesterday, the inhabitants of Worcester held a meeting to protest against "this most uncalled-for, unjustifiable, and impolitic act." The meeting was called by a requisition to the Mayor, signed by Mr. C. A. Helm, the late Mayor, Sheriff Lilly, and some other Corporation dignitaries. Alder- man Allies brought forward a resolution strongly protesting against the appointments. Mr. Hughes and Mr. Bedford, (Tory lawyers,) moved a direct negative ; the latter admitting that Sir James nominated the new Magistrates to strengthen his party. The original motion was carried, by 27 to 4; as well as a motion that a memorial embodying the foregoing resolution should be sent to Sir Thomas Wilde, for presenta- tion to Sir J. Graham.