Khaki armlets have this week been issued under Lord Derby's
scheme to those persons who have been attested and :enlisted, and then placed in a group that will not be called up for some months. The armlets will show us the married men of mature age who aro ready and willing to serve. For the present the question whether a badge shall be awarded to men medically unfit—men who earnestly desire to servo their country and have offered their services, but have been rejected on medical exami- nation—remains in abeyance. We sincerely hope that it will ultimately be solved by the grant of a badge or armlet, though we thoroughly agree that. such badge or armlet for.. the unfortu- nate men who may be said to have been wounded before the was began ought not to be similar in character to that granted to the men who are actually pronounced fit to go into the firing line. On the other hand, the men who have met with a double disappoint- ment—first of being unable to serve their country in arms, and second of learning that they have' some serious physical dis- ability or complaint—ought to receive help and encouragement from the State and a recognition of their patriotism, none the loss real because it has not been effectual.