[to Tim Editor Of Tie " Spectator. "]
. Sin,—It takes some time for a Spectator to reach all parts of the United States, but your editorial of November I3th has finally reached my eye. You speak of the " American......
[to Tue Editor Of Tnr ' Tribune•']
Snt,The American people aro not neutral Wo are, as a whole, pro-Ally. Some of our young mon aro serving in the British and French armies ; many are working in French hospitals......
The Wait. Solitary.
W E had discussed the situation, and I broke the ensuing long and painful pause by saying : " Well, it seems to me that the best way out of it all is for me to find a......
Letters To The Editor,
AMERICA AND THE WAR. [To Tug EDITOR OF Tam " SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—I have road with interest and great sympathy quotations from the Spectator in the American newspapers with......
[to Tim Editor Op Sea S Spectator. "'] Sin,—in Your Articles
and correspondence on this subject I think the cardinal error at the root of President Wilson's attitude has not been touched upon. It was that most subtle and dangerous......