4 DECEMBER 1915, Page 27


PRESIDENT : LORD DESBOROUGH. Hort. SECRETARY : PERCY A. HARRIS, Esq. HEAD ONFIcE8 : Judges' Quadrangle, Royal Courts of Justice (Carey Street entrance).

The aims and objects of this force are :

(1) To assist recruiting for the Regular and Territorial Army.

(2) To encourage men not of ago for service in the Regular Forces, or, if of ago for Service, who have a genuine reason for

net joining the Regular Army (in the latter case they must sign Cho form of undertaking mentioned in the War Office letter to Lord Deehorough; dated November leth, 1014), to form them- aelves into Volunteer Corps in order to learn, in their spare time, the elemeets of military drill, and rifle shooting.

(3) To organize the various Volunteer Corps throughout the mountry into Battalions and Regiments, taking as the geographical basis of such Organization the County area ; to provide Rules and Regulations for such Volunteer Corps ; to secure their military efficiency ; to act as a connecting link between them and tho War Office, and to enforce such Regulations as the War Office may issue.

All inquiries for information should be addressed direct to the Hon. Secretary at the above address.