Nzav Enrrsons.—Dr. Holland Rose's TV illiam Pitt and National Revival
has been reissued in a cheaper form (G. Bell and Sons, 7s. Gd. net), It is a history of the life of the younger Pitt down to the time of the beginning of the friction between this country and R volutionary France.—The latest volume in the new issue of " Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel " is North America, Volume I.: Canada and Newfoundland, edited by Henry M. And (Edward Stanford, 15s. net). This is in almost every respect a new book, the last edition having been produced by Dr. S. E. Dawson nearly twenty years ago.— Mr. Arthur Page has brought out a revised edition of his legal study upon War and Alien Enemies (Stevens and Sons, 6s. Gd. net).—A popular reissue is appearing of a series known as " Books about Books," under the general editorship of Professor A. W. Pollard (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co., 2s. Gd. net each). The two latest volumes aro A Short History of English Printing, 1476.1900, by Henry R. Plomer, and The Binding of Books, by Herbert P. Horne,—A new z lad enlarged edition has appeared of the lath Frank Pod more's Apparitions and Thought-Trans- ference, published in - the " Contemporary Science Series " (Walter Scott, 6s.). The book is described as " an examination of the evidence for telepathy " ; but it should be remarked that, though it is an admirably sane and critical consideration of the case, none of the more recent evidence (e.g., the problem of " cross-correspondences ") is discussed in it.—We have also received copies of reissues of Gissing's The Private Papers of Henry Ryccroft (Constable and Co., 4s. Gd. net), and of Land- marks, by E. V. Lucas (Methuen and Co., 5s.).