FEB/CHART 1.-Yesterday, Mr. R. 11. Stephens was admitted Actual Fellow
of New College. being of kin to the founder. This day the following degrees were conferred. Masters of Arts-Rev. 0. Ormerod, Brasenuose; Rev. C. Wells, Fellow of New College. Bachelors ref Arts-A. Isham, Christchurch ; E. Hussey, G. H. Franks, J. R. Nicholl, B. L. Cubttt, Exeter ; IL 'I'. Wheler, 'Merton; J. R. Whyte, D. Parsons, Oriel.
Nockrators-Francis Martin, M.A. Trim ; James Bowstead, MA. Corpus. Examiners -James Challis, 'MA. Trin.; William Henry Hanson, M.A. Coins,
Wranglers-1, Heath, Trin. ; 2, Laing, Joh.; 3, Cotterill, Joh. ; 4, West, Trin. ; 5, Hamilton, Trin. ; 6, Russell, Coins ; 7. Cookson, Pet.; 3, Shorting, Pet. ; 9, Bromby, Joh. ; 10, Rowlands, Qu. ; 11, Howtrey, Trin. ; 12, Simpson. Sid. • 13, Eyres, Coins; 14, Webster, Trin. - 15, Chapman, Jes.; 16, Ottley, Coins ; 17. :Mull, Pet. ; 18, David- son, Chr. ; 19,* Milne, Joh. ; 20, !loam Trim ; 21, Evans, Coins ; 22, Pinckney, Trin.; 23, Hodgson, Sid.; 24, Browne, Emm. ; 25, Ray, Pct. ; 26, Potts, Trin. ; 27, Power, Clare ; 28,* West, Pet.; 29, Cotesworth, Pet. ; 30, Francis, Joh. ; 31, Lloyd, Emm.; 32, Considine, Joh. ; 33. Mandell, Catty.; 34, Alford. Trim; 35,14 George, Joh. Senior Optimes-1. Grove, l'emb. ; 2," Daniel, Joh.; 3, Maddison, Jos.; 4, Lush.. ington, Trin.; 5, Fysh, Qu.; 6, Shurt, Chr. ; 7, Crawford., Coins; 8, Williams, Trin.; 9, Burton, Caius ; 10, Thompson, Trin.; 11, Holmes, Emil.; 12, Bridgeman, Pet.; 13, Venables, Jos.; 14, Brade, Joh.; 15, Golding, Qu.; 16, Bland, Trin.; 17,t Grant, Qu. ; 18, Allen. Trin. ; 19, Forster, Cath.; 20, Martin, Qu.; 21, Ebden, Tr. H. ; 22, Tottenham, Trin.; 23, Hurnard, Corpus ; 24, Martin, Joh. ; 25, Ludlam, Pet. ; 26, Scott, Trin. ; 27, Wright, Joh. ' • 28, Hailstone, Trin. ; 29, Hirst, Pemb. ; 30, Skally, Chr.; 31, Porter, Cams ; 32, Bowstead, Joh. ; 33, Bell, Corpus; 34, Radcliffe, Joh.- 35, Shadwell, Joh.; 36,° Wentworth Fitzwilliam, Trin.; 37, Wilkinson, Chr.; 38; Adams, Calms ; 39, Spencer, Chr. Junior Optimes-1,* Broadhurst, Maga.; 2, Fitzherbert, Qu.; 3, Haworth, Qu.; 4, Morrison, Trin.; 5, Dickinson, Trin.; 6, Gallichan, Joh.; 7, Cottom,Cath.•' 8,• Chap- man, Corpus; 9, Dobson, Trin.; 10, Gibbs, Qu.; 11, Wills, Qu.; 12.• Thompson, Chr.; 13, Christie, Trin.; 14, Brown, Magd. ; 15, Skirrow, Trin.; 16, TJpeher, Trim.; 17, Beation, Joh.; 18, Clarke, Job.; 19, Richardson, Trin. ; 20, Panting, Joh.; 21, Read, Mag. et 22, Wray, Joh.; 23, Chapman, Trin.; et 24, Shilleto, Trim
• Bateman, Trio.; Cartman, Trin.; Edwards, Pet.; Fenn, Qu.; Purvis, Pet; Riley, Joh.; Taylor,. Coins ; Taylor, Cath.; Watson, Joh.
..Egrotat-Longmire, Pet.
1, Blunt, Joh.; 2, Clarke, Corpus; 3, Poole, Joh.; 4, Shurlock, Qu.; 5, Moore, Trio.; 6, Antrobus, Joh.; 7, Goldney, Trio.; 8, Molsom Qu.; 9, Greville, Pet.; 10, Selby, Joh.; 11, Hall, Emm.; 12, Dolling, Pemb. ; 13, Morris, Chr.; 14, Wharton, Chr.; 15, Hallam, Trin.; 16, Buckley, Corpus; 17," Stock, Trin.; 18, Smith, Pemb.; 19, Jones, I., Trim; 20, Houlbrook, Tun.; 21, Lloyd, Magd.; 22, Wilson, Pemb.,_- 23, Mazzinghi, Trin.; 24, Brown, L. Trin.; 25, Jones, P. Joh.; 26, Evans, C. Joh.; 27, Divot, Trim; 28, Way, Pet. ; 29, Young' Cams; 30, Gamson, Cath.; 31, Dawson, Mir.-' 32, Barber. Qu. ; 33, Austin, Cath. ; 34,' Otley, Trin.; 35, Badger, Trim ; 36,0 Blenkinsopp, Trin.; 37, Stutson, Trin.; 38. Goodday, Pemb.; 39," Hill, Trio.; 40, Spark°, Cams; 41, What°. ley, Trio.; 45,0 Lord Duncan, Trin.; 43, Gurney, Jolt.; • 44, Brockhurst, Joh.; 45, Bligh, Trims.; 46, Leigh, Corpus; 47, Vane, Trin.; 48,4' Brooking, Trim ; 49, Lynn, Chr. ; 50, Prosser, Calls.; • 51, Hurst, Trin.; 52, Carrington, Trin.; 53, Allfree, fob.; 54, Groom, Caitm; 55, Milne, N., Joh.; 56, Wall, Jos.; 57," Daniel, Cams; 58, Wit- gross, Jes. ; 59, Massingherd, Trims.; 60, Tower, Joh.; 61,* Bovell, Trim • 62, Roy, Sid. • 63, Parkinson, Trim; 64, Whalley, Pemb. ; 65, Kinglaie, Trin.; 66,4'' Grey, lion. J, Trin.; 67,0 Harris, Hon.-Corpus • 6,9, Oliver, Qu.; -69, Harrison, CAL ; 70, Pearson, Trin.- 71,0 Harris, Trims.; 72.1 ickering, Trin. ; 73, Clarkson, Chr.; 74,0 Carey, Trin. • 75, Colebrook, Trim; 76, Ellis, Trio.; 77, James, Corpus ; 78,0 Jones, J. Joh.; 79, Bourne, Cai' us• SO,* O'Brien, Trim ; 81. Alonek, Trin.; 82, Rudd, Pemb.; 83,44 Dun- can, A. Trio. ; 84, Edwards, CO11)115 ; 85, Robinson, Cath.; 86, Bowes, Trim; 87, Jones, Cath.; 88,0 Darcall, Trin. • 89, Naylor, Joh.; 90.° Haliburton, Joh.; 91, Langley, Jolt.; 92, Clayton. Qu.; 93, hiouldilcti, Chr.; 94, White. Trin.; 95," Bellingham; 96, Thompson, Jolt.; 97,' Rush. Trim ; 98, Cherry, Clare; 99,* Earl of Kerry, Trin.; 100, Chester, Emm. ; 101, Davies, Trin.; 102, Graham, Jes. ; 103,° Snap% Qu. ; 104, Gam- bier, Mimi.; 105,0 Birrel, Sid.; 106, Dicken, Sid.; 107, Lockwood, Trims,; 108," Spence, Jolt.; 109, Absolom, Trin.; 110, Barlow, Sid.; 111, Breese, Qu.; 112, Barry, Qu.; 113, Falk.; 114.* Sawbridge, Pet.; 115, Meares, Trim ; 116, Deans, Joh.; 117, Taylor, Emm.; 118, Pearson, Qu.; 119, Everett, Joh.; 120,4' Knight, Qu. ; 121.° Peers, Cath.; 122, Alder, Pet.; 123, Burrows, Chr.; 124, Girardot, Emm. ; 125, Cathrow, Corpus; 126,0 Preston, Sir J. Trin.; 1•27, Greenfield, Corpus; 128, Bryan, Caius; 129, Johnson, Magd.; 130," Bogue, Chr.; 131. Couchman, Trin.; 132, Postle, Trin.; 133, Close, Qu.; 134,* Dii Boulay, Clare; 135, Ramsay, Cath.; 136, Gibbs, Emm.; 137, Griesbach, Trin.; 138, Coles, Emm.; 139,' Courtney, Trin.; 140, Parry, Joh.; 141, Vickers, Qu. ; 142. Morris, Sid.; 143, Crane, Corpus; 144, Messenger, Pemb.; 145, Smith, Sid.; 146,0 Watt, Caius ; 147," Locke, Joh.; 142, Payne, Trim; 149, Chnrton, Joh.; 150, Bedford, Emits.; 151, Kinlcside, Emm.; 152,0 Seale, Jos.; 153,4' Ellis, Caius• 154, Tatlock, Trin.; 155, Bird, Pet.; 156,* Lascelles, Cath.; 157, Edwards, Qtt.; 158, Clifford, Cath.
• Baker, Joh.; Hodgson, Chr.; Jekyll, Joh.; Nattle, Pet.; Potts, Magd.; Reeve, Trin.; Townend, Joh. JEgrotat-Bailey, Sill.; _Joliffe, Joh.
Previously Examined-Norgate, Camas; Siothert, Joh.; Wettenhall, Jesus.
• Those gentlemen whose names are preceded by an asterisk, have one or more terms to keep previous to being admitted to their degrees, although they passed their
examination n the above order of arrangement. -
.1. Admitted on Monday.