4 FEBRUARY 1832, page 20

Pictures And Artists.

THE costume of the last century is a field whence GEORGE CRUM- SHANK gleans a rich harvest of the grotesque. His characters, how- ever, are not mere ordinary persons in......

The Fable Of "the Lame Leading The Blind" Is Pointedly

illustrated by H. B. in a sketch of that veteran diplomatist the imperturbable and . wily Talleyrand, leading Lord Palmerston, who, with head erect, gazes on vacancy with a......

The Ladies Museum, In Addition To Its Plates Of Fashions

and a highly fmished line engraving by H. ROBINSON, from a pretty design by STEPHANOFF, of a painter making love to a beautiful girl who is sitting for her picture, has a good......

Royal Society.

2d February 1832. Dr. ?AUTON, Y.P. in the Chair. The following Candidates were elected Fellows of the Royal Society. viz.-Charles Octavius Morgan, Esq. MA. F.S.A. of Tredegan......

, The Leading Magazines Are Not Pictorial This Month,...

Fraser, who has a pen and ink sketch of H000-the Lion of the town. The Shepherd is made a stalwart chiel, some six feet high in his Hoby- shaped Wellington boots ; and he wears......

We Cannot Bestow Any Praise On Mr. Kidd's Illustrations Of

Burns. The style of the artist is not congenial with the spirit of the poet, either as regards humour or pathos. The expression (if it can be so called) of. the characters is......

)rice T Current.

PUBLIC FUNDS, BRITISIL Satur. Tuesday. Trednes. Thurs. Friday. Monday. 3 per Cent. Reduced 821 3 2# 821 3 82# 1 82* I 82* f 3 per Cent. Consols 9 4 1 1 821# # I 82* 824 1 82 4......