On the 26th ult. in Eaton Place, the Countess of DEXSTGA, of a son. On the 23rd tilt, at the Hon. and Rev. Dr. Marsham's, Kirkby Overblow, the Lady
of Major 3PLEarr, Sist Regiment, of a daughter.
On the 29th ult. at Rookwood, Surry, the Right lIon. Lady CHARLES CHURCHILLu
of a daughter. *No
On the 29th ult. at Lair Marney, Essex, the Lady of the Rev. ALFRED UrrEnsoze, of a son.
On the 27th ult. at the Parsonage, Daresbury, Cheshire, the Lady of the Rev. CHARLES DODOSoN, of a son.
On the 25th ult. the Lady of the Rev. E. II, ORME, M.A. of a daughter. On the 30th alt. at Nocton, Lincolnshire, the Lady of the Honourable the Dean of WINDson, of a daughter, still-born. On the 27th ult. at Wonham, near Godstone, Sorry, the Lady of P. II. TURNER. jun. Esq. of a son and heir. On the 30th ult. at White Hill, Great Berkhampsted, IIerts, the Lady of Avner PASTON COOpER, Esq. of a son.
On the 27th ult, at the Cathedral Church, Bangor. CHARLES ITENnv EvaNs, Esq. of Ilenblas. Anglesey, to HENRIETTA, youngest daughter of the Very Rev. John War- ren, Dean of Bangor. On the 11th ult. IIvNrit Josxrir DUNN, Esq. to Miss ELIZA BRODIE, of Milton, only daughter of the lab, William Brodie, Esq. of Milton, N. B. On the 17th till, at Cholleallani, GEORGE YouNG, Esq. of Cidtlati House, in tho enmity of Donegal. Ireland, to Hairy ANNE, eldest daughter or the late John Ffolliott, Esq. of Hollybrook, in the count y of Sligo, Ireland. On this 1St inst. at St. Pancras 1 burelt, K ENNE:r:r DIXON, Esq. of Tavistock Stmare, eldest son of the late Kennett Dixon. Esq. ca* Finsbury Square, to JULIET, second daughter of Sir Edward limit Its: Sagami, Knight, M.P. or Guildtbrd Street, and Tilgate Forest Lodge, in emintv ■,f sossex. On the 1st inst. at St. the Rev. FRANCIS EvANs, M.A.
son of the late John EvaIN, of the By tells, Ileretbrd, to ANNA. MAzi:A, eldest daughter of the Rev. John Bowie, of Salisbury.
On the 25th nit. at Edinburgh, WILLIAM GIBSO:Y THOnsON, Esq. of No. 1, Old. Pa- lace Yard, Westminster. On the 28th ult. at I.indsay Cottage:Cheltenham, the Rev. Dr. BELL, 1 rebend of Westminster, in his 50th year. On the 27th ult. at Bath, the Hon. Sir FRANCIS N. BURTON, twin brother to the Marquis of Conyngham. On the 27th tilt. at Everton, near Ilawtry, Yorkshire, in his 73rd year, A. CYRUS GoaDoN, Est. Captain half-pay late 914 Regiment of Foot. On the 6th tilt. at Campagne Vida St. 'Marguerite, near Marseilles, Giamariva. AGNES, eldest daughter of the late .1 oho A ytoun, Esq. of' Inclulairnie, in her 711, year. On the 16th ult. the Rev. Dr. FRANCIS HALL, in his 85th year, Rector of the Parish of Arhoe, county of Ty-rone. In Philadelphia, in the last week of December 1831, STEPTTEN GERARD, Esq. in his 84th year. He was the wealthiest man in America; having bequeathed no less a stun than 8,000,000 dollars ! He was by birth a Frenchman, and began life as a cabin-boy in a merchant-vessel.
On the 18th ult. at 39, Castle Street, CATHERINE, second daughter of Macver PIER, Esq. Professor of Conveyancing in the University of Edinburgh. On the 28th ult. at Twickenham, ALEXANDER HATFIELD, Esq. in his 76th year. On the 27th ult. suddenly, at Woodleigh Rectory, near Kingsbridge, the Rev, RICHARD Entwines, a Magistrate for the county of Devon. On the 25th ult. at Kinsale, Cork, Lord KiNsALE. On the 31st ult, in his 80th year, at his residence, Lee Lane, Lewisham, Kent, NA- THANIEL SCARLET, Esq. formerly of Edmond Hall, Oxford. On the 26th ult, in his 39th year, suddenly, the Rev. JAMES THOMAS PRICE, Vicar of Weedon Loys, in the county of Northampton, and late Fellow of King's College, Cam- bridge. On the 29th ult. in his 76th year, at Woolvrich Common, Caavex ORD, Esq. of Green- OW Hall, Essex, and of the Ring's emembrancer's Office in the Exchequer. On the 30th-ult. in his 87th year, at Guernsey, the Very Rev. DANIEL FasNcrs Du* RAND, MA. Dean of that island. On the 31st ult, in her 62d year, at Roydon, in the county of Norfolk, the Right Hon. Lady MARGARET CAMERON, widow of the late Governor Cameron, and daughter of James, 14th Earl of ErroL On the 2d inst. in her 90th year, at Camberwell, Mrs. Maar THOMPSON, widow og the late Mr. John Thompson,