It will be seen, from the Table, that Cholera has
been mal::;:a. fear- ful strides, during the week, in Scotland. Not only are the deatlis iii a Ittliell 'higher proportion to the cases than in Eagland, latt the Cases are munch loore in proportion to the population. At 1 bidding- ton, where the disease has been extremely serene, its ravages are no longer confmed to the poor. On Saturday and Sunday, -Mr. Macnala a most respectable legal practitioner, Mr. Affieck, a farmer, and formerly magistrate of the borough, Mr. Smiles, a merchant, Mrs. Adair, a lady living on her property, Mr. Winton, and several other respectable individuals died, some in ten, sonic in twelve, some in fifteen hours' ill- ness.. At Musselburgh also, .Mr. Cabal, a surgeon, has been carried off with equal rapidity. The disease has broken out at Hawick, on the Border ; so that in the East, and West, and Centre of the country, it is now fairly established. In Edinburgh, some admirable regulations and suggestions have been published by the enlightened Board of Health ; very different from the " raw-head-and-bloody-bones" pro- clamation of the jobbing nincompoops of London, with their placards and their mummery. There are already in Edinburgh three hos- pitals capable of receiviag .160 patients, and a fourth is in prepara- tion; there are sixteen stations, where advice and -assistance may be got at all hours of the day or night, and one hundred surgeons have offered their gratuitous aid m forwarding the plans of the General Board. The cleansing of the city goes on, and its extent may be estimated from the price of the sweepings-1,750/. By the way, what has become of our great Metropolitan Board, the whitewashing, and-the flannel pet- ticoats, and the cleansing of sewers, and the under-currents to be pro- duced by runs of water, so generously proffered by the various Compa- nies? We heard a great deal about them for the first eight days.
The Report to-day gives for England, 18 new cases, 5 deaths, and 23 recoveries ; for Scotland, 40 new cases, 8 deaths, and 10 recoveries. There remain in England, 135 eases; in Scotland, 166. Upon the whole, the account is, comparatively speaking, gratifying.