'Private accounts by express from Paris state that a conspiracy had been discovered at a ball given by the King, which had occasioned a timber of arrests and other serious results.
It appears that there has been some fighting between the Holy Father and his rebellious children ; and, what is still more strange in Italian battles, there have been some killed. An engagement took place on the plain of Ccsena on the 20th January, in Which 4,700 men on the side of authority were engaged and 1,800 on the side of the insurgents : 200 of the latter fell, and the rest, with Montalegri their leader, scam- pered- off to Forli.
Letters from Rio Janeiro, dated the 29th November, were received on Monday, which state that the Brazilian Government, to its im- mortal honour, has passed a severe law against the slave trade, from which it drew a large revenue. Coffee and sugar are rapidly advancing in the Brazil market, and the demand for hides is also great.