4 FEBRUARY 1899, Page 1


WHE French Government have surrendered to the Army. -IL M. de Beaurepaire, the ex-Judge who acts for the moment as military spokesman, from the first demanded that the trial of Dreyfus should be transferred from the Criminal Division of fifteen Judges to the entire Court, which contains forty-five, and is supposed, not halving heard the evidence, to be very hostile to revision. The Government, after the receipt of evidence which they refuse to publish, but which, says the Minister of Justice, is " consistent with- the honour of the Judges," have agreed to this plan, and on Monday brought in a Bill which directs that revision cases shall be tried before the whole Court, which can only decree revision through a Court similar in kind to the one appealed from. Dreyfus, therefore, must in any case be sent before a Court-Martial ! Tie Bill has been referred to a Committee, a member of whiob, M. Crnppi, attacks this clause with energy ; but it is believed that it will be maintained, and that urgency will on Monday be voted for the measure by an immense majority. The decision of the Government has greatly daunted the friends Of Dreyfus. They say that with the Army, the populace, and the Cabinet against them, they are powerless. France has, in fact, passed an informal Act of Attainder,