The Death Of The Princess Of Bulgaria, Which Occurred On
Tuesday from a sharp attack of pneumonia, may prove to have some political importance. The deceased lady, though she failed to prevent the baptism of her son, Prince Boris, into......
The Paris Correspondent Of The Times Published On Thurs- Day
a very curious screed refusing to be silent on the Dreyfus case. The letter seems at first sight to be a mere deluge of words, but if you read it carefully you will see that in......
Developments," Has Received A Number Of French Artisans,...
made a speech worthy of M. Drumont himself. " I know," he says, "the tenacity and valour of your patriotic efforts against the parricidal acts of an occult and cosmo- politan......
Rumours Are Growing More Frequent That The Belgian...
the Upper Congo have suffered a series of defeats, that their native troops have mutinied, and that Baron Dhanis, the Commander-in-Chief, and Major Lothaire are prisoners.......
News Of The Week.
WHE French Government have surrendered to the Army. -IL M. de Beaurepaire, the ex-Judge who acts for the moment as military spokesman, from the first demanded that the trial of......
• A N. The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,
in any case.......