The death of the Princess of Bulgaria, which occurred on
Tuesday from a sharp attack of pneumonia, may prove to have some political importance. The deceased lady, though she failed to prevent the baptism of her son, Prince Boris, into a Church which she as well as his father consider heretical, had some influence with her husband, and in particular restrained the ambition which be hopes, with the secret aid of Russia, to gratify. It is possible, therefore, that the Macedonian leaders may feel encouraged, more especially if, as is reported, they have received assurances that the Albanians, who are sick of this Sultan, will rise at the same time. The Albanians are formidable fighters, they have much influence with the Turkish Army, and they would if they rose be the first Mahommedans in Europe who have thrown off the Turkish yoke. The Sultan would be more frightened by their rebellion than by any possible event not involving a falling of shells in Yildiz Kiosk. We must say we doubt whether religious feeling will not in the end be too strong for the feelings which would prompt such a move- ment.