According to a telegram in Monday's Daily Neu;s, General Woodford,
the former American Minister at Madrid, made a remarkable speech at the New York Army and Navy Club on Saturday last.. The 'Maine,' he declared, carried with her to the bottom almost all the available stock of ammunition possessed by the United States Navy. After she sank, there were not two rounds per gun in existence. "I was told accordingly to exhaust the arts of peace until April 15th," the earliest date at which the United States could be ready
for war. I did the best I could, but let me tell you that had it not been for the unfaltering, unchanging, and loyal friendship of England, and the attitude of her Minister at Madrid, I might have failed to do the little I did do, because the representatives at Madrid of Continental Europe were ready at any time to interfere with the plans of the United States, if the British Minister would only join them." That is a striking confirmation of the view as to the part played by England which the Spectator has repeatedly put forth.