SCOTLAND.: A correspondent of the Arbroath Gaitley residing. near lialmorah
de. seribes,thezood effects of the solioitude,of Queen. Victoria and her family for the welfare of the poor-in the vicinitrof Baluaoral- "The Qneen; the Queen-mother; the Princeeand their interesting-family, have, likesummer birds, taken wings and fled to a more genial clime. Their residence amongst us, however, has done muck good: A school has been founded mid a school-house built at Struthgirnoeh, on the Abergeldie- estate, and male and-female teachers are to be placed there and provided for. The poorer description of children in the distriet; and those at a distance from the parochial school; are to be the pupils ; and the whole at our gracious Queen's eepense. A number of neat cottages are also in course of erection near Bel- moral, and Knocks, on the Birkhall estate. The mansion of the last-men- tioned property is to be enlarged for Prince Albert."
It is said that the Reverend Dr. John Smith, first minister of the parish of Montrose, will be proposed as Moderator of the next General Assembly. of the Church of Scotland.
We understand that the Right Reverend David Low; LL.D., Bishop of Moray and Ross, has intimated his resignation of that office ; his advan- ced years and increased infirmities having rendered him unable for the due discharge of his duties.—Elgin Courant.
We understand that the question as to what- the law of Scotland says upon the subject of marriage with a deceased wife's -sister will shortly be settled, as. a man is now in gaol who is to be indicted for incest on ac- count of having formed. siieh a connexion, and the Law-officers of the Crown:have refused to release him on bail.—E.dinbergA Witness.
The Elgin Courier states that a number of influential farmers in that district contemplate the formation of a Tenant League, to secure a .re- adjustment of rents, Sec.