Right Of Property In Inventions.
As the evils of the present system of patent and registration law are On all hands admitted, and the subject is now pretty generally understood in its broader features, nothing......
Itttrrs To Tit Itrittr.
UNIVERSITY CAPA BILITIES. Cambridge, 2d January 1851. Srn—I may perhaps best explain a slight - misconstruction of my meaning which appears in your article of the 28th December......
The Royal Supremacy.
'teas, 25th December 1850. Sin—If it be not too late, I would, as-an old reader of your able paper, -submit through its columns the view which I apprehend must soon be taken of......
Farnborough, Warwickshire, 30th December 1860. Sea—will...
say a word or two in reply to your remarks upon my letter on "University B.eform," which you published in.your last week's paper.? Though I am quite aware that the " ideal state......