Anozann blow is dealt at Christmas-boxes. They are abolished in the public offices, discontinued by certain City magnates, and will of course be dropped by the thrifty. The practice may be regarded as the remnant of a custom which redressed in some trifling degree the inequalities of means at a season of festivity, and sig- nified on the natal day of Christianity good-will amongst men. The custom, however, had been vitiated by abuse ; it had degenerated from a free-will gift to a stated demand, and had thus lost the ori- ginal qualities which had recommended it. As to genuine gratuities, it is neither to be expected nor desired that they should cease. They are the spontaneous tribute of the richer who are served to the poorer who have rendered service either not stipulated or enhanced beyond the stipulation by some grace of good-will and heartiness ; and if they are rendered at a season when windfalls Ere peculiarly pleasant and the expression is peculiarly fitting, they acquire a value beyond that of the shilling which purchases some special service from " boots " or porter. The trade in Christmas-boxes merits no defence ; it is to be hoped that the free-will offering needs none.