BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) 3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities l3ank Stock, 8 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent Exchequer Bills, i4d. per diem India Bonds, 34 per Cent &darer. Monday. Tue.aday. Wedaea.
661 97i
567 ex d.
73 shut 961 97 98 71
shut 61 pm. 77 pm.
961 97 981 213 58
96 971 981 21371
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian Op. Ct. — Massachusetts (Steeling). ..5 p. Ct.
Belgian 41 - 904 Mexican 5 Chilian a — Ohio a -
Ditto 21 - — Michigan 6 - Brazilian 5 - 861 Mississippi (Sterling) 6 -
Buenos Ayres 6 - 50 New York (1858) 5 -
Danish 3 - — Pennsylvania 5 - Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) -21 - 381 ex d. Peruvian 41 -
Ditto 4 - 911 Portuguese a - 3 - Mt 93c. Ditto. a -
French 5 93L 30c. Russian 5 Ditto 5 - 734 Spanish 5 -
Indiana (Sterling) 6 - — Ditto a - Illinois - — Ditto (Passive) Kentucky 5 - 90 ex d. Ditto (Deferred)
Louisiana (Sterling) 3 - 891 Venezuela Active Maryland (Sterling) SHARES.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Ilsitw Lys-
Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern Great North of England Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hull and Selby Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle London Brighton and South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-western Midland North British South-eastern and Dover South-western York, Newcastle, and Berwick York and North Midland
East and West India London St. Katherine BANK OF ENGLAND.
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending oa Saturday, the 28th day of December 1850.
£28,351,720 Government Debt £11,015,100 Notes Issued Other Securities 2,984,91,0 Gold Coin and Bullion 14,300,051 Silver Bullion 31,667 £28,331,720
Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Rest 3,107,784
Public Deposits. 11,022,517
Other Deposits 9,147,039 Seven Day and other Bills 1,232,131 £39,032,791 £39,082,791 • Including Exchequer, Savings Banks, Commissionersof National Debt, & Dividend Amts.
BULLION. Per oz.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard £3 17 9 Foreign Gold in Coin, Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 4 llf Silver in Bars, Standard 0 5 If GRAIN, Mark Lane, Jan. 3.
Wheat,ILNew 33 to 37 Rye 25 to 26 rise 37-40 Barley 18-19 Old 36-38 Halting... 24-26 White 38-40 Malt, Ord. .. 48-30 Fine 40-42 Fine 50-22 Super. New. 42-46 :ells, Hog 25-37 WEEKLY AVERAGE. For the Week ending Dec. 20.
Wheat .... 38s. 103. I Rye 22s. 85.
Barley 23 5 Beans 57 5
Oats 16 6 Peas 28
PROVISIONS Butter-Best Fresh, 14, Od. per doz. Carlow, 3/. ISs. to G. 2s. per cwt. Bacon, Irish per cwt. 420. to 4
Cheese, Cheshire 42 - so
Derby Plain 44 - 34 Hams, York 60 - 7G Eggs, French, per 120, 45. Od. to 35.6,1.
NEWDATE AND LEADEN HALI-• SMITHFIELD.' HEAD or CATTLE sr 8. d. a. d. a. d. a. d. a. d. a. d. SMITHFIELD.
Beef .. 2 4 to 2 10 to 3 4 2 4 to 3 8 to 4 0 , Friday. Mond t, Mutton 2 8 - 3 0 - 3 6 3 4 - 4 0 - 4 4 I Beasts. 769 3,169 Veal .. 2 8 - 3 4 - 3 10 3 0 - 4 0 - 4 61 Sheep . 3,480 15,559 Pork.. 2 8 - 3 2 - 3 10 3 4 - 3 8 4 2 ' Calves. 169 127
Lamb., 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0
• To sink the offal, per 8 lb. ' Figs... 320 3611 WOOL.
Down and half-bred llogs per lb. 1215. to 131.1.
Wether and Ewe 11 - 121
Leicester liogget and Wether 12 - u
Fine Combing 101- 111
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
Hay, Good Inferior 50 -68 48 -15 75s. to iffis. 735. to 75s. 30 - 58 655. to 70 .
- 0 - 0 0-0 New 68 - 76 75 -80 80 -82
Clover 17 - 52
24 -28 21 -27 Wheat Straw GROCERIES.
Tea, Bohea, fine.. per lb.' 03. 13. 60 Os 35.
Comma, fine 1 4 - Souchong, fine 1 2 - 2 4 • In Bond-Duty 2s. Id. per lb. Coffee, fine (in bond) per cwt. 79,10 1C S'.
Good Ordinary 33 - 53, Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt $3s. eV. West India Molasses 130. 00. to 15, 84
There 'Friday. --
— 1 —
961 97 971 97f 981 , 99j 71 - 2134 1 2131 2671 e.d. — 60 1 61 lea 331 93 106 91.4 791
Ill alf 384 ex d.
ICI Australasian 302 28 British North American 61 Colonial Commercial of London Loudon and Westminster 281 39 London Joint Stock 1704 79 National of Ireland National Provincial 584 Provincial of Ireland 431 691 Union of Australia.
Union of London Mixes-
123 Bolanos 481 Brazilian Imperial 81 Ditto (St. John del Rey) 141
231 Cobre Copper 351 791 MISCELLAN toes-
191 Australian Agricultural 151 221 Canada 44 General Steam 274 1441 Peninsular and Oriental Steam 60 ex all. 1.171 ex d. Royal Mail Steam it 711 South Australian 24 £20,331.720 Government Securities (in- cluding Dead Weight Annuity) £14,233,252 Other Securities 14,419,608
Notes 9.777,97(5
Gold and Silver Coin 611,961 METALS. Per ton.
Copper, British Cakes £84 0 0 .. 0 0 0
Iron, British Bars 5 10 0 .. 0 0
Lead, British Pig 5710 0 .. 0 0 a Steel, Swedish Keg 14 15 0 .. 0 Li 0 Maple 38 to 31 White 24-25 Boilers 27-28 Beans, Ticks 24-26 Old 27 - 28 Indian Corn 30-32 Oats, Feed .. It: to 17 Fine .. i 7-IS Poland 15 -1')
Fine .. 19 - 30 Potato .... 21 -22 Fine 22-23
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. Wheat ... 390. 93. I Rye 24s. 103.
Barley .... 24 I I Beans 28 2 Oats 17 I I Peas 20 10 FLOUR.
Town-made per sack 40s. to 430.
Seconds 37 - 40 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 33 - 34 Norfolk and Stockton 30 32 American per barrel 22 23 Canadian 21 - 23 Bread, W. to 73. the 41b. loaf.
Kent Pockets 70s. to 845.
Choice ditto 80 150 Sussex ditto 63 73 Farnham ditto 0 - 0 OILS, COALS, CANDLES.
Rape Oil per cwt. fl 16 0 Relined 1 18 6 Linseed Oil 114 Linseed Oil-Cale per 1000 9 10 Candles, per dozen, 4s. 64. to 5s. ffil. Moulds (6d. per doz. discount) 78.0d.
Coals, Hetton 0 0
Tees 17 0