INDEX 1851.
Alnerica—Report of Secretary of the Trea- Sum, 7. Correspondence between Mr. Web- ster and M. Heiserman, 34. Coloured Bri- tish subjects in Carolina, 199. Nicaragua treaty, 199. Presidential canvass, 535. Cen- sus, 533. Fires la MIsforria, 633. .ffiltS 3eManus in California, 72f. Sseessluil fever,. 754. Nicaragua rouse, 8;1. ;TIM C'eStrg gasion, 872" 921. Railway MN OO in 1300. •
ton, 941. Lynch law in California, 1017. The President's message to Congress, 1207. Reception of Kossuth, 1209, 1231, 1233. Firins of the Express on an American Steamer at Greytown, 1208.
Austria—The press, 682. Emperor's suppres- sion of the constitution, 845, 849, 871. Em- perors tours, 897, 920, 943, 967, 993, 1040. Kossuth hanged in effigy,912. Critical state, 1087. War on the stock exchange, 1136. The Earl of Westmoreland's reception, 1207. Cabinet relations between Vienna and Lon- don, 1231. Belgium—Ministerial crisis, 77 ; resignation, 487. Commemoration of Rerolution, 919. Borneo—Destruction of the Sultan of Salmis forts by the Spaniards, 407.
Canary Islands—Cholera, 682.
China—Insurrection, 799, 821. Loss of the Reynard, 799. Survivors of Larpent, 799. Commoss—Australia—News, 53. Opposition to convirtistn,487, 921.
Canada—Clergy reserves, 176. Quebec and Halifax Railway, 330. Meeting of Parlia- ment, 53.5. Riot at Toronto, 754. Currency act, 821. Cabinet crisis, 1911.
Cape of Good Hope—Meeting between the Governor and Caffre chiefs, 7. Deposition ofSandilli, 30. Coffee war, 223,226, 246, 343, $67,441, 537, 636, 774, 871, 1016, 1064, 1163 ; British successes, 1184. Proposal to remove the seat of government, 774. Lord Grey's Council of Six, 871. Critical state, 897.
Ceylon—State of affairs, 176. Court-martial on Captain Watson, 609.
India—Military affairs, 7. Sir C. Rapier's farewell addrem, 129 ; speech, 224. Exploit . of Seinde Horse, 224. Government of the Nizam, 224. Lord Dalhousie, 633. Hurri- canes, 633. Nizam's debt, 799, 820, 891 ; payment, 1207. The army, 820. Death of Moolraj — Mr. Bethune, 944. Proposed fourth presidency, 1110. Riot at Bombay, 1162.
New South Wales—Discovery of gold at Ellihurst, 816, 872, 875, 695, 967, 1110.
Rep Zealand—News, 390; from Canterbury, 418,489. Provincial Councils bill, 921. Sir 0. Grey's imputations on Canterbury, 921. West Indies — Hurricanes, 921. Guiana— Alteration in ths constitution, 921. Tobago —Death of Governor Ross, 775.
Cubs—American " sympathizing " invasion, 774, 821 • failure, 846, 849, 872, 894 ; execu- tion of Lopez, 920. Denmark—Submission of Schleswig-Hotstein, 63. Ministerial crisis, 1019.
Egypt—Projected railway, 943.
France—Trial of Allais, 6. Assembly—Mau- gain's arrest, 6; Cbancarnier's instructions to the army, 30; new Ministry, 52; want of etadidence vote, 77; dotation, 119, 152, 175 ; exile of Bourbons, 223 ; National Guard elections, 246, 272, 515; the Dijon speech, 634; revision 539, 556, 609, 635, 682, 703; scandal—M. 585 ; free trade, 632; prorogation, 728,773 ; Italy, 755; President's message, 1062' 1065 • rejection of repeal of electoral law, 1086, 1089' right of Assembly to call out troops, 1108, 1112 ; municipal bill, 110, 1112, 1134 ; responsibility of the Presi- dent, 1135. Conversation between the Presi- dent and M. Dupin, 7. Resignation of the Ministry, 30; new Ministry, 33.52. Minis- terial changes,141, 101, 2O7, 322, 343, 343, 366. Anniversary of the Republic, 198. Coming Presidential election, 389. Fourth of Stay idarm, 415,439. Charge against Changarnier, 439. Revision of the Constitution, 462,486, 512- Electoral manifesto by the Minister of the Interior, 463. Abolition of the permit system at Boulogne, 487. President's speech at Dijon, 533 ; at Poictiers, 632. Paris fetes to London corporation, rte., 729, 752' 755, 773. Trial of Cabot, 728. Disaster at Mar- shal Sebastiani's funeral, 773. Lyons con- spiracy, 773, 820, 845. The Presidents., 777, 820,815. Conspiracy in Paris, 845, 870. Resi- dence of foreigners, 870, 873. Councils- General on Revision, CO. The press, 894, 919,948. Paris Central Market, 894. Maz- e:MI Loan, 940. Palmerston's speech, 940. Colonel de Gardarens, 967. Resignation of the Ministry, 993, 1015, 1019 ; new Ministry, 1039. President's speech on the distribution Of medals, 1135. Louis Napoleon's coup d'etst—revolution, 1159, 1192; insurrection In Paris, 1162, 1192; narrative of a Member of the National Assembly, 1183 ; risings in the provinces, 1185, 1205 ; private corre- spondence from Paris, 1153; progress of the 'Usurpation, 1205, 1230 ; promotions and rewards, 1206, 1230; Montalembert's letter, 1206; Larochejaquelin's protest, 1207; Al- geria, 1208; vote of the army and navy, 1209; "Louis Napoleon and his policy,"
' 1209; vote for Louis Napoleon, 1230; state of the press, 1230. Death of Sault, 1161.
• The retirement of Lord Palmerston' 1233.
Germany—Conferences at Dresden, 6, 77,101, 198, 246, 272, 297, 322, 390, 487. Sch worsen- berg's despatch to Austrian ministers, 6,20. Entry of Austrians into Hamburg, 129. Pro- posal of Austria to enter into the Germanic Confederation with all her states, 176, 272, 274, 706, 774. Meetings of the Great Mo- narchs, 512. Collision at Hamburg, 515. Proposed remodelling of the constitution of the German states, 751. Conference at Ischl, e96, 871. Hanover and the Zollverein, 394. Diet and Gladstone's letter, 993.
Ranover--Death of the Fiat, 1108, 1113,1131. lgew Ministry appointed, 1136. King's per- sonal command of the army, 1161. Address of the Chambers la the King, 1231. Morocco—Piracy, 1064; bombardment of Salee by the French, 1162.
Portugal—Insurrection, 366, 389, 415,417, 439,
4l6; plt aV i ster 512i E cclions.,t;10f4itIzcre,,l1n...3rtsso-s-itmc, 6. PuMalom —P,tCmpted stentues 41 'ministers. 53. I 50111,`Mnisil - sary of crowning Frederick I., 77. Inaugu- ration of the statue of Frederick the Great, /134. The King's toms 1120. The press, 816. The Ming and Si- " srteraim," 894. Death of IS in, Pres:cries, 44C. Osder of Holten- rodent. itaq. :01444 .of :the Chambers, 1136, 1161; commercial treaty with Hanover, Russia—Defeat in Circassio, 1113. (1231. Spain—Retiremeat of Nat-race, 56,77. Pub- lic debt,682. Cuba, 967. Customs, 967, 1036. Papal concordat, 1040. Clemency to Eng- lishmeu taken at Cuba, 1113. Opposition tactics, 1136. Return of Names, 1136. Birth of a princess, 1230.
Switserland—Distmhances, 101. Harbouring of refugees, 176, 198. English church at Geneva, 967.
Tunis—Arrival of a British fleet, 803- Turkey—Death of Bens, 78. Hungarian re- fugees, 223,943 ENGLAND.
Opening of Parliament, 127. Exhibition,411. State Stalls, 437, 464, 679; Concerts, 461. Charles II ball, 560. Visit of the King of the Belgians, 582. Prorogation, 749. 'Visit to Scotland, 818. Queen's Progress, 962, 986. Chapter of the Garter, 1038.
Health of the City, 2. Sanitary Association, 2. Paper-duty, 3, 270, The Great Exhibi- tion, 5,32, M, 78, 102, 153, 217, 297, 964, 386, 291; opening, 380,112; the shilling days— numbers, 503, 555, 560, 584, 606, 631, 651,679, 704, 726,754,770, 794, 818, 842, 866, 07, 915, 930; the last week, 964; closing, 987; awards of prizes, 889; votes of money, 1019; report to the Queen, 1029; supplemental charter, 1136. Cruelty by the Sloanes, 4, 27, 99, 126 Collision at Stratford, 4. The drivers on the North-western Railway, 8, 32. Papal ag- gression, 8, 9, 33, 153, 245, 270, 320, Islr, ]sennett, 8,50. St. Stephen's Walbrook,26. Window-tax ,26, 174, 196. Collision at Box- moor, 28, Revenue, 31, 348, 660,970. Meet- ing to revive Convocation, 50, Father Ga- vazzi,31. "Captain" Routledge—bill- swin- dling, 51. Accidents on Eastern Counties Railway, 51. Sewer accidents, 56, 75. In- solvency of Government clerks, 74. A lu- natic's evidence, 75, 438. Alderman Gibbs, 90, 127. Chancery Reform Association, 98. Queen Dowager's annuity, 98, 127. The Birds, 98, 152, 274. Fires, 99, 175. Sewers Commission, 103. Case of Cared, 103, 221, 594, 726. Law Amendment Society—loans on land, 127; report of equity committee, 1179; the bar, the attorney, and the client, 1179; amalgamation of law and equity, 1527, Extraordinary insolvency case, 128. Meet- ing of Convocation, 129. Doke of Welling- ton and the Catholics, 129. Board of Cus- toms c. London Dock Company, 132, 151, 174. Common Council—Mr. Beaufoy, 151 ; franchise, 914, 991, 1058, 1154, 1174; Kos- suth, 93$; Royal entertainment, 904; thanks
to Lord Mayor, 11M. e Law- son, 174. Perjure against the Earl of Stam- ford, 174. Slinisierial interregnum, 177, 199, 220. Income-tax, 196. Appointment of of- ficers by local IS or law Boards, 196. Rating of rail ways, 196. Libel—Weaver r. Daily News, 196. Alleged wife of Lord Hunting- tower, 197. Bea ufoy's ragged schools, 220. Dinner to Mr. Maeready, 221. Society meetings, 270, 461. Sir Benjamin Hall's cor- respondence with the Bishop of Loodon,294. Chancery—Miss Talbot's case, 292, 320, 367, 300; her marriage, 706. Illegal seat in om- nibuses, 296.386, 310, 607. Banquet to Lord Stanley, 319. Manifesto of the Bishops against Tmetarian usages, 322. Lord May- or's dinner to Ministers, 341. Letter from Sir G. Grey to the Archbishop of Canter- bury, 344. Female emigration, 364. Mr. Baron Martin on the bar, 364. Waters-rip- ply, 368. Ward of Bridge-without, 413,438. Protection meeting in Drury Lane Theatre, 413. 3fr. Whistona case, 414. Death of Mr. Tomline, 414. Lord Mayor's dinner to the Judges, 438, Canterbury Association breakfast, 438. Murders, 438, 939, 964, 992, 1035, 1083, 1133. British and Foreign School Society—Lord John Russell, 461. Libel on a convent at Clapham, 462, Captain Somer- set imprisoned for striking a Policeman, 462; William Trebble, 510. Dinner to Exhi- bition Foreign Commissioners, 484. Thocke- ray's Lectures,483, 555. Copyright—Boosey r. Jeffreys, 40. Fall of a building in Grace. churchStreet, 498. Fatal fire, 400, 533. Ep- som races, 493. Arches Court—Madan r. Karr, 489. Exhibition entertainment—Fish- mongers Company, 509, National Reform Association, 510. Church reform, 510. Fo- reign pastors, 510, 514, 533. Removing rail- way-lamps, 510. Scientific conversasione at the Mansionhouse, 532. National School Society, 532. Barber's case,533. Suicide at Kingston, 533, Sir R. Peel and Mr G. F. Young, 535. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 562. Law Amendment Society's annual meeting, 593; dinner, 634. Water- loo banquet, 5-4. Marquis of Londonderry and the Dublin Corporation, MI. Fire in Southwark, 606,087, 632, 651. Testimonial to the Duke of Richmond, 606. St. Story '9 Hospital, 606. Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, 607. St, Luke's, 607. Libel—Flo- rence r. the Times, 607. Greenwich election, 610, 631,770. Copyright of foreigners, 631. Bellamy e. Majoribauk—crossed cheeks, 631. Robbery at the London and 'Westminster Bank, 631, 654. Water bill, 635. Exhibi- tion entertainment to the Queen at Guild- hall, 653. Scottish fete,:654., 658. Trial of Mr. Huggins—plea of inginity, 679. Case of Mrs. Slicks and others, 00, 750. Baron de Rothschild's meeting, 703. Peace Congress, 703. Blackfriars Bridge, 704. Inhumanity of a Catholic schoolmaster, 704, 915. Postal League, 706. Association of the Friends of Italy, 706. Catholic opposition to Reseed Schools, 707, 842. Society of Arts, 726. Thuggee, 726, 750, 795. Victoria Street, 749. Lord Ranelagh and the Greenwich Railway officers, 750, 771. Robberies on South-west-
ern Railway, MO, 890, St. Alban's witnes- ses, 770. Roman Catholic bells, 770, 1227. Mr. Glyn on railway competition, 777. State of the New Road, 794. Access lathe Pub- lic Records, 794. Meeting of Swedenbor- giants, 791. Will of the Earl of Bridgewater, 795. Suicide and attempted murders at Tottenham, 795, 819, 806. Evangelical Al- liapee, 802. Site tars cattle-market at Bow, ; Canterbury colonists meeting, 818. s•lonversion of the Duke of Norfolk, 817. ;Artlthishop of Canterbury and Mr. Gaw- thorn, 847, 922. Bramah's lock, 818. Per- sian Ambassador, 873. London sewers, 890. Mail-steamers for Africa and Australia, 895,
Kossuth, 897, 944, 968, 994,1088 ; to the City, 1034; addresses, 1039,1083; address to United States, 1061, Family Colonization Society, 914. Bishops' incomes, 922. May- oralty, 938, 1082. Court of Aldermen— visit to Paris, 938; franchise, 1010 ; thanks to Musgrove, 1106. Dr. 31SHale, 964, The Egyptian railway, 991, 1619, 1065. Metropolitan cemeteries, 1010. Meeting of attornies—advocates in county courts, 1010. Omnibuses, 1011, 1132. Railway coals, 1011. Central tlas Company, 1035. Trial of Coyle for forgery, 1035, 1060, Lord Palmerston and Prince Castelcicala 1040. Coal-duties and public works, 1035. Libel on AehiUi, 1060, 1107, Mr. Pearson's City railway scheme, 1083. Board of Cus- toms and the Dock Companies, 1947, RIM, 1136. Peace Society and Kossuth, 1087, Mr. Williams at Lambeth, 1100. Dulwich College, 1107. Addresses to Lord Palm,- ston on Kossuth, 1110,12193, Society of Arts Lectures, 1111. War at the Capc—nteetings, 1112. Metropolitan Sanitary Association, 1130. Freehold Land Societies, 1131. Irish Church Missions, 1132. Borneo mission, 1132. Committals for perjury, 1132; trials, 1203. Protestaut Alliance, 1137. Eastern mails, 1137. Reform of the Customs, 1151. Manchester educational scheme, 1135. De- cision respecting Household Narrative, 1155. Conspiracy to defraud Mr. Kennedy, 1153, 1202, London Necropolis Company, 1163. Reduction in Sewers establishment, 1178. 31r. Simon's report, 1178. Smithfield Club, 1178. Deputation to Lord John Russell on Customs Reform, 1178. Voluntary Educa- tion conference, 1179. Miller r. Salome., 1179. Falling of new houses, 1179. Pro- tectionist demonstration, 1185. Inner Tem- ple prises, 1202. Wardmote election, 1226. City Dinner of the Law Amendment Society, 1226. Rothschilds r. Royal Mall Steam- oaeket Company, 1128. Dr. Granville, 1228. Lord Palmerston succeeded by Burl Gran- ville, 1231, 1233. "Touters" at the Middle- sex Sessions, 1233.
Papal aggression, 4,9, 28, 31,51, 53,75,03.110, 215. 31r. Cobden at the Manchester School of Design and Athenomm,4. Burglaries, 5, 28, 76, 245, 226, 321, 365, 307, 595, 1020,1038, 108.5, 1107; burglary at Fernley, 321, 365. Railway accidents, 5, 271.414,414, 438, 462, 486, 311, 538, 553, 591, 771, 80, 1015, 1134, 1138, 1159, 1163. Teaching of the Oxford clergy, S. Manchester educational move- ments, 25, 75, 321, 511, 824, 892, 1157, 1203. Paper-duty, 28. Manchester Free Library, 51. Rugby school, 56. Lord J. Manners's lecture on the Colonial Church, 75. Strike of seamen, 76, 100, 152, 197, 342. Oxford sanitary mea stares, 76. Cobden at Slanchester, 81 ; at Bradford, 1)0, Permed at Pockling- ton, 100 Sir It. Peel's speech at Tamworth, 103. Elections, 152, 175, 197, 222, 243, 211. 274, 296, 321, 312,345, 387, 462, 486, 511, 533, 08, 655, 681, 701, 843, 065, Murders, 132, 175, 215, 271, 296, 34(1, 393, 414, 727, 751, 939, 966, 992 1011 1180. Protection meetings, 175, 197. Aversion of Portsmouth to convict-hulks, 175. Trial of" Captain Acherly," 222. Con- viction of Sarah Chesham, 222. Hun- garian refugees at Liverpool, 226. Owens college, 245. Boiler-explosions, 271, 574, 296, 556, Lord Londesborough and the Rev. A. Wagner, 322. Leeds perversions, 342. Gals- ford r. Karr, 312. Birkenhead riot, 342. Manchester Financial and Parliamentary Reform Association, 365. Bishop of Exeter's diocesan synod, 367, 511, 533, 608, Leeds Church innovations, 387. Fanner shot by a clergyman, 387, 751. Retirement of 51r. Simeon, 414. University COMIlliSMOrt, 439, 486. Gold dust robbery on the South-west- ern Railway, 462, 464, 705. Protectionist meeting and riot at Tamworth, 511, Mr. Pusev's letter to the farmers of Beets, 535 ; to the electors, 557. Ascot races, 537. Bir- mingham entertainment to British and Fo- reign Commissioners, 514; to Mr. Fux, 609 ; at Liverpool, toll; to Ste. Paxton, 731. Pit accidents at Bedminster, 608, 682, 771, 796. British Association for the Advancement of
Science, 632, 635, 655. 'Wounding of an Ox- Business, conduct of, 724.
at Southampton, 1013, 1038; Birminghant and Manchester, 1081; departure, 1107. Mr 11111 on the detenUon of criminals, 1013. Bishop of Norwich and Dr. Newman, 1018. Oxford diocesan training school, 1037. St. Alban's inquiry, 1038, 1061,1063, 1085, 1158. Duke of Newcastle at Nottingham, 1060. Mr. J. Williams at Macclesfield, 1107. Earl of Shaftesbury in the manufac- turing districts, 1112, 1133. Liverpool banquet to Mr. Walker, 1133. Murder at Tollesbury, 1134. Conference of Re- formers at Manchester, 1156. The Roman Catholic Bishop of Nottingham, 1138. Din- ner to NM Sharman Crawford, 1180. Enter- taiument to Mr. Walker at Manchester, 1180. Conference at Birmingham on juvenile de- linquency, 1180. Mr- Bright at Stockport Reform Association, 1203. Halifax Mecha- nics Institute—the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer and Mr. Cobden, 1203, Northamp- ton Mechanics Institute soiree, 1204. The Duke of Newcastle :and his tenants, 1204. Water-supply and drainage of Croydon, 1204. London tax on Hertford and St. Al- ban's coals, 1204, 1328. Poaching affrays, 1204, 1229. Boiler explosion at Kingswood, 1205. Lord John Russell and the Blanches- ter Reform conference, 1210, 1228. Liver- pool meeting on reform in the Customs, 1252- Midland observatory, 1228. Coal-pit explosion at Rawmarsh, 1238; at Ince, 1229. Disagreement between engineers and their workmen, 1232.
Mayoralty of Mr. Guinnem, 5, 76. New fran- chise act, 5. Rate in aid, 5. Papal aggres- sion, 9, 29, 100, 103, 129, 175, 178, 198, 202, 246, 388, 415, 919. Correspondence between Irish and English prelates, 29. Mr. John O'Connell, 29. Romstn Catholic bishopric of Ross, 52, Thurles Synod, 52, 512. 'Vice- royalty, 52, 100. Thowles v. Kelly—will case, 52. Address of the Irish prelates to the Queen, 76, Elections, 152, 274,296, 343, 366, 388, 463, 533, 572. Dublin University Cosnmission, 175. Libel—Wynne v. Mar- quis of Westmeath, 198. Ernigratiou, 366, 994, 1015, 1096. Dublin cattle-show, 388. Lord Clarrendost's (2) letter, 415. Improve- ment, 512, 585, 728, 820. Steam conenuni. cation with America, 556, 1086. Murders, 556, 705, 772. Limerick election, 728, 730, 752. Archbishop of Dublin's charge, 752. The potato, 772. Aggregate meeting of Ro- man Catholics at Dublin, 797. Dinner to Mr. Reynolds, 798. Murder of Mr. White, 844. Reports of the Presidents of the Queen's Colleges, 869. National Education, 970 Re- sistance to the repayment of Government advances, 893, 918, 939, 966, 992, 1013, 1039, Archbishop Cullen and National education, 893. Lord Palmerston's reply to the Gene- ral Assembly, 895. Mr. Lawrence on the Western coast, 918. Eucumbered estates, 939. Catholic Defence Associati on,940,10 i5 ; contest for secretaryship, 1205, 1210, 1229. Queen's Colleges, 1015, 1039, 1062. Birch v. Somerville—the World and the Govern- ment, 1086, 1181. Thuries statutm, • 1134, 1159, 1205, 1229. Dr: Foran and National education, 1134. Murder of Mr- Bateson, 1181, 1205, 1229. Chancellorship of Dublin University, 1205. Matthew v. liarty—ain- gular case, 1203.
Beneficence of royalty, 6. Dinner to Dr. Gem, 29, Dr. Guthrie's Ragged Schools, 34/- Elections, 77, 152, 175, 343, 550. Glasgow Atlienteum, 101. Papal aggression, 198,223, 272. Discontent of mariners, 198. Lord Muncreiff, 321. Edinburgh Protectionist banquet, 388. Queen at Balmoral, 824,814, 870, 893, 919, 940. Hume at Montrose, 893; at Edinburgh, 993. Railway accident, 894. Aberdeen freedom given to Sir J. Graham, 943, Crime, 967. Subscription for new churches, 1015. Death of Lord President Hope, 1062. Iron paving, 1108. Edinburgh demonstration on Maynuoth grant, 1181.
Opening of the session, 123. Abd-el Kader's treatment, 631. Agricultural distress, 146, 175, 315. America, railways in British, 151. Answers to addresses, 652. Appellate jurisdiction in Scotch cases, 724. Apprentices and servants, 244. Archbishop of York's income, 703. Army estimates, 298,316. Arsenic, sale of, 244, 294. Ashley, Lord, 582. Attorilles certificate-duty, 652. Aylesbury election, 582.
Ballot, vote by,650. Barham workhouse, 151. Brooke (Rajah) an independent sovereign, 291. Budget, 170, 323. Burial service over Separatists, 316. Burials in London, 747.
ford Student by Mr. Caudwell, 632, 681. Cape colony, 127, 532, 559, 703 ; insurrection in Resignation of the Earl of Arundel, 057. Royal Agricultural Society at Windsor, 680. Irregularities at North woods asylum, 681. Orange mot at Liverpool, 682, 405, 728.
Breaches of promise, 705, 727, 772. Mine 248. Ceylon, 151 ; evidence, 244 ; Mr. Bail- accidents, 705, 796, 819, 844, 869, 875, 939, lie's motion, 245, 248, 266, 506 ; Lord Tar- 1003.1086. 1180. Suffolk farmers and Piano- rington's defence, 317. Chancery, arrears riot Reformers, 726. York Catholic Associa- in new Vice-Chancellor, 272; reform, 293, (ion, 726. South Church Union, 726. "Con. 314, 461, 532, 553, 580, 610, 629, 678. Con- spiracy" of tinmen,727. Restraint oflunatics ritable Trusts reform, 609. Church disci- by relatives, 727. Baron Platt and the High plinc, 316. Church, the, 224; building acts Sheriff of Durham, 751. Tynemouth enter- amendment, 723 ; extension, 028; rates, tainment to Mr. Young, 771. Hiram Smith, 341. Civil service votes, 581. Cleopatra's 772. British Archosological Asseciation, 795. needle, 532, 631. Coffee and chicory, 532, Mr. Sidney Herbert's contribution to Fisher 630. Colonial expenditure, 339. Commons ton church, 795. Bishop of St. David's and business, Order of, 126; rules of behaviour, Archdeacon Williams, 800. Dinner at Ilan- 748. Compound householders bill, 171. gor to Mr. Stephenson, 819, Sailing-match Coroner's inquests, 509. County courts, of All Nations, 821, Hartlepool Catholic 226, 274, 340, 629, GB; franchise, 315 ; rates church, 824. Sale of the Knowsley me- and expenditure, 244. Criminal procedure, 843, 873. Sheffield Cutler's feast, 849. Duke D :nigh claims, 605. Don Pacifico, 658, Dm- of Newcastle High Steward of East Belford, garvan wet, 127. Dyak slaughter of Bor- tholics, 866. Dean of Bristol's letter to Ply- East India Company's charter, 151. Weed- Mouth Church Reform Association. 867. astical titles bill, 130, 148, 154, 225, 248, 267, Railway accident at Bicester, 867, 892, Mr. 273, 290, 440, 458, 463, 482,488, 506, 513, 630, Disraeli'a speech at Aylesbury, 891. Lord 537, 386, 602,610, 627, 631, 650, 699, 707,722. Palmerston at Tiverton, 915. Sir J. Graham Education, 538, 658. Election committees, at Carlisle, 916 Agricultural meetings, 917, 319. Elective franchise, 150. Episcopal 939, 946, 1011, 1133, Mr. Foskett on Ms- estates bill, 482,730, 746. Eridenee,law of, Parliamentary Reform meeting at Manches- Farm-buildings bill, 411. Finishing of the ter, 917. Electric cable, 924, 1018, 1085. work, 747. Finsbury park, 725. Foreign Great Exhibition, 151, 411, 858, 679, 724. Guiana, government of British, 363. Cafferland, 220, 226, 249 ; relations with Caffres, 299, 362, 481; Coffee war vote, 604; government of, 674. Capital punishment, 463. Cathedrals, admission to, 363. Census, I Harwich election, 679. Hic_lus's (Kra.) aas0 729. Horne-made spirits,435, 538, 632. Hops, 270, 724. Barfield Manor estate, 677. House. tax, 362, 632, 683. Hungarian refugee', 441. Income-tax, 338, 410, 416, 434, 437, 441, 461, 482, 930, 538, 560; returns, 244. India, enr government of, 318; Jotee Persaud,605, 653; marriage law, 132. International diaarnia- ment, 578. Intramural burials, 411. Ire- land-church-endowment law, 629; civil bills, 411,678;eneumberedestatesleases, 603; Kilrush Union mortality, 162; manufactures by in-door paupers, 954 ; medical relief, 604, 724; milling interest, 679; state of, 340; tenants and government, 678; tithe rent. charge in, 270; valuation, 411. Irish ince- sures, 707. Jewish disabilities, 316, 410, 629, 677. Jones, Ernest, 793.
Late sittings, 126. Law-officers, 151 ; proce- dure, reform of, 6.52 ; reformers," rash," 629. • Ley (air.) and his successor, 126. Lodging- houses for the poor, 341, 652. London cor- poration reform, 341. Lords chairman, 126. Machinery and railway accidents, 581. 31' Ma. nue, O'Dokerty, and CeDoneghue, 554. Mails, conveyance of, 724. Malt-tax, 436, 580. Marriages of prohibited affinity, 195. Mercantile marine bill, 244. Merchant sea- men's fund. 537. Metropolitan commission- ers of sewers, 464, 652, 703, 729. Ministerial difficulties, 435. Ministry, resignation of, 177 ; ministerial crisis statements,194, 200, 218. Micro (Lord) and the Pope, 128. Mo- ney votes, 126.
Navigation laws, 411, 579, 702. Navy esti- mates. 242,224. New Houses of Parliament, decorations of the, 363; Commons, 652, 703, 725. Nicholls (Mr.), pension to, 127. "Na House," 460, 532.
Official salaries, reduction of, 433. Ordnance estimates, 316. Oyster fisheries, 244.
Papal aggression, 126. Parliamentary fran- chise in counties, 172. Parks, the, 364, 417. Partnership, 173. Passenger acts, 244. Pass- ports, 270, 417. Patent expenses, 316; law, 630, 707, 746. Pentonville prison, 489. Phar- macy bill, 830. Poor-lan s, assimilation of, 173. Poor-rates, equalisation of, 436. Post- office malcontents, 151. Privileges of the Lords' House, 602. Property qualification of members, 631. Protectionist finance, 579, 606, 626. Public business, 298; prosecutor, 173. Punjaub booty, 509.
Rail,"- 7 audit, 315, 438, 508. Registration of 'aces, 2-0, 589, 603. Religious houses ; tests in universities, 580. Boman c relief, 150. Rome, continued or of, by the French, 053.
Salomons, Alderman, 683, 698, 722. San Sal- vador, 151. Savings-banks, 004. School- ' , books Government trade in, 381, 630. Scot- ' land, national education in, 531 ; repre- sentative peerage, 582. Scotch judges, 581 ; publle-houses, 581 ; universities 602. Se- cret service money, 651. Secular national education, 483. Select committees, 437. Shatiesbury's (Lord) services, 151. Slave- trade, actual extinction of, 878. Smithfield, 173, 341, 581, 804, 830, 721. Spanish tariff, 291. St. Alban's election, 341, 364, 411, 437, 582. St. Andrew's Wells Street, 177. St. Paul's, 341. Steam communication with the East, 291. Sunday trading,270, 411, 581. Supply, 298, 316, 605, 683, 702 ; colonial items, 676. Synodical action of church, 658. Timber and coffee duties,362. Transportation of convicts, 651.
University COMMISSi071, 581.
Van Diemen's Land, transportation to, 219, 441, 483.
Water-supply to the metropolis, 410, 437, 531, 604, 679. Woods and Forests, management of the, 213. Wyburd, Lieutenant, 514. Close of the session, 748.
Divisions, 155, 173, 3H, 329, 392.-Ecelesias- tical Titles Assumption Bill, 173, 487, 749; protests against, 725 Gleanings from the Blue Books-State of Cer- tain Parts of the Metropolis, 788; Prelimi- nary Proceedings under Metropolitan Inter- ment Act, 769; Report on the Mining Dis- tricts, 811; Law of Settlement, 908.
Agitation by Dinner, 493. Agricultural Labourers, 133; The Standard of Agricultural Machines, 590. A Lesson from Nottingham, 1070.
American Prisoner (the) in Hungary, 782.
America Yacht, the, 830.
Arch Fiend, the, 256.
Ashley's (Lord) New Bill, 349.
A Specific against Colds, 973, Australian Gold-bed, the, 021; Mail Project, 926.
Austria Resurgens, 181; The Austrian Ordi- nances, 851; Absolutism Writing its Book, 876.
Away! 781.
Ballot Division, the Last, 660. Baroness Von Beck and her Connexions, 852.
Bishops, a Hint to, 278; Declaration of the, 327; in the Gazette, 926; The Guardian on Bishops, 972. Blackfriars Bridge, State of, 563; The Pons Asiuorum, 829.
Board of Health (the) and the Official Mac- beth, 1140; Ministerial Defence of Sanitary Procrastination, 1165.
Boiler Explosions, 303. Bovilla Patent-A "Friend Indeed" to the Far mer and Miller, 687.
British Exodus, the, 997.
British Lion on Modern Heraldry, 158.
Brougham's (Lord) Bill for the further Cheapening of Justice, 251. Broughton (Baron) " of Broughton de Gyfford, In the county of Wilts," 229. Brown, Reverend Joseph-A Working Cler- gyman, 686.
Budget, the, 180; The Budget Market, 222.
Buller's (Charles) Monument, 687.
Cambridge 'University, Progress of Reform in, 1214.
Cape of Good Hope-Caffre Wars, their Causes and Prevention, 301; A Tale of Colonial Go- vernment, 039; Critical Attitude of the Cape Colony, 189; "Thank God, there is a House of Lords !" 612; Lord Grey's Last Device, 685; Uses of the Coffee War-I., 803; IL, 836; 111,898; The Caffre Dilemma, 1000.
Canterbury Colonists of 1851, the, 444.
Census of the People, 301.
Chancery-The Great Seal BM, 326. Change of Season, the, 394.
e Characteristics of the Day, 646.
Charles IL and Victoria I ,988.
Chartist Movement, the New 394. , Christmas-boxes, Abolition of, 14. 1 Church, Fortification of the, 917; and her .s..,„ Rivals, 804, Clubs, Midsnmmer Madness for, 395.
Colonial ReVorm, the March of, 370, 191; Go-
vernment, a Note for Next Year's Debates 00, 853.
Commercial Morals, 253.
Committee of Council on Education: the " Management Clauses," 492. Condition of Author Question, the, 638. Connelly Case, the, 637.
Conspiracy for 1851, a, 231.
Convicts and Soldiers, 899.
Crooked Law, 639.
Cuba, 75; The Cuban Question, 877. Customs, Oppresaive. Injustice in the, 99; and its Habits, 157; Impeachment of the Board of Customs, 252; The London Dock Capitulation, 1092; Constituted Orthodox Anarchy, 1189; Customs Reform, the City Resolutions, 1216.
" Damages " as Compensation, 205.
Death's Franchise, 539.
Disaster (the) in Graceehurch Street, 493. Disraeli's (Mr.) Motion, 157; Beauties of Sul cide, 636.
Earth's Rotation, New Proof of the, 373. Easter 1851 in the Anglican Church, 369. Economy for Show, 443. Education, Rise of the Secular Principle of, 564.
Educational and Religious Movements, 107. Egyptian Railway, the, 999.
Eleemosynary Revels, 711.
End of a Turf Gambler, 519.
England's Foiblesse--" Taste," 781.
English Want of Comfort, 711.
Equity Swallowing up Law, 396.
Evil Speaking, 205.
Exits and Entrances, 61.
Fashionable, the, 927.
Foreign Copyright, 991.
Forensic Costume, 109.
Forgotten Subject, the, 898. France, Public Affairs in, 133; The New French 31imistry , 372 ; Be Tocqueville's Re- port on Revision, 660 ; A.Prospect of Paris, 732; Criminal Statistim in, 805; Louis Na- poleon's Last Crime, 1164; The Lower Em- pire, 1187; The Candidate for a Ten-years Lease of France.-" Stand and Deliver!" 1213; Frenchmen rens. French Funds, 1214. Futility of Political 'roils, 303.
Gladstone's (Mr.) Pamphlet on Naples, 710; The Anarchists of Italy, 731; Naples audits Prisoned People, 757.
Gold 3Iines-The Coming Mania, 1115. Governing Wisdom, 828.
Governmenthy Evasion, 492.
Government School-Book Monopoly, 350. Great Exhibition-Amusements for our Fo- reign Visitors, 13; Adiniasion to the Crystal Palace, 108; Pleasures and Panics of the Crystal Palace, 371; The First of May, 373 ; Good Behaviour before Strangers, 394; The Exhibition, 419; How to Read the Exposi- tion, 143; Visits to the Great Exhibition of Industry, 445, 469, 491, 542, 183; Compara- tive view of the Fine Art, 662; What to Do with the Exposition Surplus, 563; Com- merce of the Exposition, 612; The Exposition Surplus, 014; Winter Garden or "Ever- lasting StieHh " ? 687; Finishing of the Crys- tal Palate, 730; The Exposition Going Home, 999 ; Protests of the Exhibition Prizeholders, 1020 ; The Crystal Palace and Its Neighbours, 1091.
Guild of Literature and Art, the, 396. Guisot's (M.) Enterprise ; its Objects and Prospects, 397.
Halifax on the Income-tax, 395.
Hardwicke, Earl of-The Agricultural Cur- tius, 1165. Hawes and Peel (Messrs.), What is Said about, 1015.
Health of London, 134.
Hill (Mr. M. D.) on Detentive Police, 1021. Hinds and Newman-The Model Theological Controversy, 1022.
Hireliug Press, the, 1114.
Hope on, 951.
Horfield Controversy, the, 661.
Horse- fiesh-Every Munehausen his own Wolf, 14.
Hospital for Sick Children, 278; for Diseases of the Chest, New, 413.
Houses and Gardens, 'faxes on, 372.
House-tax (the) on the Poorest, 682. Home's Little Charter-The Break-down of Tuesday Night, 404.
Impending Ruin of the British Constitution, 971.
Important Decision, 927. Inconte-tax, Renewal of the, 251; Continua- tion of the, 149; Workiug of the, 856; In- come-tax Evasions, 829; The American Pro- perty-tax, 900.
Increase of Rents, Profits, and Gains, 351. Increase of Revolting Crimes,829. India-Indian Armies, Moral State of the, 135; The Indian Armies, 229; English Jus- tice Sprouting on Indian Soil, 541 ; Seizure of the Deccan for Debt, 805.
Industrial Principle, Struggles and Triumph of the, 468.
Industrial School at Cambridge, 1116. Inventions, Jurisdiction and Valuation of, 327.
Ionian Islands, the, 950. Leeland-The Turn of the Tide for, 518; The Great Conspirator in, 781 ; The Bloody Hand in, 921; How to Retrieve the False Position in, 949; The Lord-Lieutenant and the Press, 11,58; Ireland Again ! 1189.
Irish Millers, Official Comfort for the, 696. Italy-No Peace, 302.
James North, 613.
Jotee Per-What is It? 614.
Judicial Appointments, 1020.
Knowsley, the Sale at, 759 Misleading Light, the, 1189.
Morning, Port-The British Corwin, 37. Movement without Motive, 1140.
Municipal Offices, 109.
Musgrove (Sir John), Execution of, 1115. " Name, Name !" 1070.
Naples Soap and Palmerston Caustic Ley, 1045. National and " Denominational" Education, 58.
National Gallery (the) at Knightsbridge,1070. Nationality of Taste, 13.
New Order of Architecture-the Tumbledown, 1190.
New Popular Movement, the-Important Dis- closures, 876.
Newspaper Stamp Act-Extra Legislative Law, 1217.
"Next Session," 757.
Norwich Murder, the, 638.
Nuisance, What is a? 1235.
Orders and Order, 131 Ordnance Survey of Scotland, 541.
"Our Own Correspondent," 1218.
Oxford University, 224; The Ladies of, 277. Paltnetston (laird) in America, 131; Succeed- ing, 444; at Hume, 558; at Frankfurt, 998 ; Courting the Oracle, 1114.
Papal Aggression-A Titular Reformation, 55; Lord John's Last, 113; Present Position of the Anti-Papal Legislation, 156; The Anti- Papal Measure, 229; How to make the Anti- Papal Bill Useful, 542.
Paris, the Fetes in, 757.
Parliament, Business Reform 10, 1011. Parliamentary Committees, How to Cook, 444. Paroxysm (a) of Doubts, 73a.
Parties, Perturbations of, 276.
Parties Witnesses-" Out of his Own Mouth" Convict hint, 421.
Paupers, How to Make, 1093.
Pearson's (Mr. Charles) Plan, 1090. Peel-Young Correspondence, the, 510. Philology in the House, 158.
Pointless Illustration, a, 205.
Political Bubbles, 971.
Political Table-Talk of Christmas day, 1234. Press (the) and iG Adversaries, 949. Prince Albert's Cottages, 564.
Prince (the) of Little Boys, 639.
Production, Ex-post-facto Theory of, 84. Progresses, Royal and Practical, 827. Progress of Diverse Civilization, 63. Progress of the Property Interests, 14. Protection, Approaching Triumph of, 4t9; " No Go," 972.
Protestant Alliance, the Pope and the, 1139 ; " Hamlet with the Prince of Denmark Omitted," 1164.
Public Meeting, the, 732.
Queen's (the) Prorogation Speech, 731. Railways-Rail way Accidents. Laws of, 12; Railway, the Crimes of the, 37; Authorized Bloodshed on Rail ways,59 ;The Coining Sea- son for Railway Collisions, 278; The Blood- red Rail, 44S ; The Sutton Tunnel Verdict, 406; Railway Anarchy, 518; The Cheap De- fence of Itaihvays, 501; The Confusion of the Railway, 702; Railway Apologies, 004; Railway Anarchy, 028 ; Rationale of Rail- way Fares, 853; The Railway Anarchy, 870; Laws of Railway Punctuality, 890; Railway- Dynamics. An 'Unscientific Dia- logue, 971; Exoneration by "Notice," 1046; State of Railway Property, 1113; The Wee- don Collision, 1141.
Reform Bill, the Next, 709.
Reform Borouglimongery, 1069.
Religious Beggar, a, 711.
Remission of Public Taxes, 107.
Restoration of 1851, the, 35.
Raw Notions on Raw 3laterial of Taxation, 972.
Romish Aggression-Lord John's Anti-Papal Measure, Ito ; Working of the Anti-Papal Policy, 828.
Russell-Lord John's Last Stand, 180; The Pohtical Break-up, 2114; Lord John Russell, 201; Russell TestinioniaLs, 320; Facility De- structive, 270; The Renewed Lease, 540; How John gets through the Session, 442. Saving Claws, tile, 729.
Scavenging, Philosophy of, 1046.
Slave-trade, Final Extinction of the, for the Session, SM.
Sliding Seale (the) of Justice, 158.
Smithfield Market, Translation of, 253 ; Smithfield's Last Chance, 250; The Smith- field Question and its Pendants, 612. Sayer-The Symposiaich, 38 The Exposition's Rival 422.
Spanish Concordat, the, 661.
St. Alban's Election Committee, the, 3-13; Im-
provement in Political Excursions, 562. Stage Conspiracies and State Alarms, 302. Stanley Ministry, How to Smooth the Way for a, 350 ; Majority, the, 2151; Stanley at 31erchant Tailors' Hall, 326.
Statistical and Economical Fallacies, 328. Stopping the Supplies, 83.
Street Cab Regulation, 167.
Suicide, 182.
Talbot, Augusta, 276 ; Conclusion of the Tal- bot Case, 327.
Thaekeray's (Mr.) Lectures, 493.
The Roaring of the Lion, 205.
The Year 851 and the Year 1851,81. Thiess 01.) 'routing for Custom, 637. Tiverton Tri lllll phans, 925.
" Transportation not Necessary," 83; Home Punishment, not Transportation, 100; Con- vict Transportation, 468; Nell' Norfolk. Is- lands in the Pacific, 1236.
" 1.!nien is Strength "-Sometimes, not Al- ways, 466. United States-Philosophy Teaching by Ex- ample, 12.
Victoria Street, 758.
Water and Sewage Question, Solution of the, 36; The Water Supply of London, 131 ; The Better Supply of Water for the Mstro- polls, 371 ; The Government Bill for, 410; Ratepaying Aspect of the Water Question, 250; Metropolitan Water Supply and Sew- ers, 685.
" Wellington, F. M. the Duke of," 134. What 's-Ill you Call Yourselves ? 562. Whig Ministry-The Imperial Obstacle, 709; An Apology for the Newest Whig Policy, 783.
Winter, 1164.
*gement of Shipping for Emigration, 79; - Methusalem, 80; Arctic expeditions, 104:-.
873, 946, 1058; Results of the Two-Seam I* quiry into the Government of Ceylon, 105,; Registrar-General's returns, 130, 1040; Lori John Russell, 226; Report of the Coyloia Commissioners, 217; Musical Goody, 248's Sir John Franklin, 248; Melville's railway' inflexible link, 249; The Swindler's late, 528; Refugees in England, 344; Lord Lon-
donderry and Abd ,el-Kader, 344, 949, 968; Parties in England, 346; Country Town In- terments, 308; " Outrageous " behaviour at Longford election, 291; Retirement of Na- val Officer., 130; Captain Somerset's impri-
sonment, 487; Glorification of Free Trade, 519; Mr. Whitney's Atlantic and Pacinn, Railway, 557; Census, 586; Report of the
Government Commissioners on the Chess!- cal quality of the supply of Water to Mei
Metropolis, 611; Decrease of cottages, 614t
" New church of St. Peter's in Londoris", 611; lord Isrey and the Cape Colonists, 64; Eclipse of the Sun, 729; Railway eugges- lion, 777; Champions for Naples, 777 ; As-. cents of Mont Blanc, 800, 822, 923; BovilFl Patent, 802, 618; London to Calcutta Tiaseven days, 821; Dick's casing for telegra wires, 874; The pharniacomelas, 896;
new Reform Bill, 924, 951; Lord Campbell and the Pope, 104I ; History of the Hung*. rian war, 1042 ' • Copyright eonvention
France, 1114; Sir Charles Napier end lorst John Russell, 1208; Transportation to Aus- tralia, 1210; Ode on the late Coup d'Etat, by J. E. B., 1213.
A.chilli's Dealings with the Inquisition, 110. Across the Atlantic, 18.
Andersen's (Hans) Pictures of Sweden, 473. Anderson's Reminiscences of Chalmers, 1167. Babbage's Exposition of 1851, 568.
Baines, Edward, I.ife of, 470.
Beddoes T. L.), l'oems and Siemoir of, 082. Begbie's Supernatural Illusions, Supplement to April 5.
Beldam's ltecolleetions of Italy, 689. Bodenstein's Morning-Land, 787. Borrow's La vengro, 206.
Bridal (the) and the Bridle, 87.0 Browne's Classical Literature, 1001. Browning's (Mrs.) Poems, 83. Burbidge's Hours and Days, 1121. Burton's (Lieutenant) Scinde, 1000. Caleb Field, 401.
Carton's (Emilie) Birthright, 568. Carlyle's Life of Sterling, 1023. Casa Guidi Windows, 616. Castle-Deloraine, or the Ruined Peer, 691. Coley's Dante, 075.
Chalmers, Hantia's Life of, 855. Chantrey, Holland's Memorials of, 977. Clara Harrington, 1160, Cochrane's Discourses on Difficult Texts Scripture, 184, Coleridge, Hartley, 447, Collins's Rambles beyond Railways, 162, Colton's Deck and Port, 1047. Companions of my Solitude, 521. Convent and the Harem, 1146. Copleston, Memoir of Bishop, 593. Creasy's Dec isive Battles of the World, 664; Cunyughame's (Colonel) Glimpse of the Gann Western Republic, 472.
Cup and the Lip, the, 715.
Dandolit's (Emilio) Italian Volunteers, 591.7 Daniels's c3Irs.) Fernley Manor, 738. Daughter Deborah, Ian ,• Death-Flag, the, 1146.
Debary's Notes on the Canary Islands, &e.
De Castro's History of the Jews in Spain, Dennistoun's Dukes of Urbino, 16.
Dixon's (H.) Life of William Penn, 303.
Dixon's (Colonel) Sketch of Mairwara, 279 Dormer (Lady) 'tales, 883.
Edwarcles's Year on Punjab Frontier, 101, 1 Erne, the, 546.
Fair Carew the 1097.
Farinia Roman State, 610.
Finlay's History of Medimval Greece Trebizond, 712.
First Cousins, MO.
Footsteps of Our Lord and his Apostles, lie&
Forbes's Dahomey and the Dahoinans, 231..4T. -
Forest Life and Forest Trees, Springers, 11534s Forrester's Everard Tuustall, 353.
Foss's Judges of England, 831.
lox's Six Colonies of New Zealand, 735.
Francis's Ilistory of English Railway, 1047 • C;cittleman in Debt, Daunt's, SOL Gillies's Meinoirs of a Literary Veteran, 23A.
Goa and the Blue Mountains, 305. tosses Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica, 1834.
Grant's Memoirs of Sir James Hepburn, 1849,
0,-eat Exhibition, Catalogue of the, 1074. ,
Greeti's (Mrs.) Lives of the Princesses of Paw;.
laud, 208.
Hakluyt Society Publications-De Boto's Ex, -- pedition to Florida, 737. Head of the Family, the, Supplement to De; mother 20." Head's (Sir f.) Faggot of French Sticks, 1190.
Reads (Sir George) Metamorphoses of Apu- !Mos, 160.
Herman Melville's Whale, 1026.
Holland's (Lord) Foreign Reminiscences, X.
lloskins's Spain as it Is, 952. Ilowitt's (Mary; Adaptation. of Goldschniint:s Jacob llendisen, 1240. Hurton's (Mr.) Pictures of Scandinavia, 587.
Italy, Military Events in, 86. Jewsbury's (Miss) Marian Withers, 833.
John Drayton, 858.
Johnston's England as it Is, 61.
Johuston's (J. F. W.) Notes on North Aligns rice, Supplement to April 5. Kaye's History of the War in Afghanisks, 1118.
Kelly's Excursion to California, 423, Lamartine's Restoration of Monarchy Pt France, 784. Lear's Journals in Albania, 374.
Lc Morten, 929.
Lennox's (Lord W.) Percy Hamilton, 613.
Lexington Papers, the, 159. Lights and Shades on a Traveller's Path, 88$.
Lily and the Bee, 951.
Livingstones, the, 1018. Maurice's, (Professor) Sermons on the Old Testa Shores and Islands of the, 615. int, 1072. Nerldith Poems, 643. derklanl, 137. Mexico, :S Barrister's Trip to, 280. Middle Might, the, 306.
Migne.'s Mary Queen of Seots,808; 880. Monk's Golden Horn, 112.
Napier's (sir Charles) Administration of Scinde, 1166.
Neale's Earthly Resting-places of the Just, 88. Neale's (F. Al Syria, Palestine, dec. 785. Newman's (Father) Lectures on the Present Position of Catholics in England, 714, 928. __Newman's (Francis) Lectures on Political Economy, 929.
newton and Cotes, Correspondence of, 17. Nichol's (Dri Planetary System, 87, Nile Notes, 3/6. Norton's (Mrs.) Stuart of Dunleath, 449. Ogilvy's (Mrs.) Traditions of Tuscany, 209. .085 Engagement, the, 1145. ...Gifford University Statutes, 1142.
Palgrave's History of Normandy, 544. Podia's History of the Church of England, 614 . Parkman's History of Pontiae's War, 901. Pawn's llanutukes, 497; Goth and flue, 833. Payn's Poems, Supplement to December 20. Peake's Austria during its Revolutionary Cri- sis, 400.
Philippines, Mac Micking's, 978.
Prentice's Historical. Sketches and Recollec- • Lions of Manchester, 40.
Lesion's 31akamat, 41. szky's Tales and Traditions of Hungary, Supplement to April 5.
Ramble (a) from Sydney to Southampton, 761. Recollections of :s Rifleman's Wife, 303. Reid's (Captain) Scalp-banters, 666. Richardson's (Sir John) Arctic Searching Ex- pedition, 1096.
Rose Dmglas, 425. Itimeuthill's German Dramas for the Young, 16.5.
Rov ings in the Pacific, 207.
Sass :the) in Ireland, 161, S corcsby-My Father, 256.
Scott's (Patrick) Poems, 353.
Shaw's Golden Dreams and Waking Realities, 856.
Shepherd's Church of Rome, 374.
Shortiand's New Zealand, 808.
Skinner (James), Fraser's Military Memoir of, 23'2.
. Smith's Tomo, 1169, Snow's Voyage of the Prince ...insert, 13.
Spain, Notes of an Attaché m, 545.
Spencer's Travels in European Turkey, 1071.
Spirit.. 1 Alchemy, 1192.
Stanley (Bishop), Memoir of, 136.
State of Man subsequent to the Promulgation of Christi salty, 763.
Stephen's (Sir James) Lectures on the History Of France, 1094.
Slaward's (Mrs.) Catherine Brief, 375.
litier's Hungarian Traditions and Tales, 64, S tothard, Mrs. Bray's Life of, 1239.
' Tales of the Mountains, 762.
' Tayler's Christian Aspects of Faith and Duty, 424.
Taylor's Wesley and Methodism, 1144, Thackwell's Second Sikh War, 63.
'Thompson's Irish Birds, 522; Passions of Ani- mats, 1002.
Time the Avenger, Ill, Townshend's Sonnets and other Poems, 903, Transport Voyage to the Mauritius, 137. Twins on the Pope's Letters Apostolic, 110, United States and Cuba, Taylor 00, 237. Daborne's Magician Priest, 184.
Vaughan's (Dr.) Sermons, 810.
-TElaing my Relations, 1120.
Walpole and Mason, Correspondence of, 495. Walpole; (F.) Ansayrii and Eastern Travels, ' 1191. Wardrop on Diseases of the Heart, 1049. 'Wilberforce on Church Authority, 665. Wilson's Life of Cavendish, 760.
Wildfs Pictures of Spanish Life, 713. Werdsworth's (Dr.) Memoirs of William Wordsworth, 399.
Wortley's 'Lady E. S.) Travels in America, 448. Wright's Nal ratives of Sorcery and Magic, 233. Yeast, 241. SHORT NOTICES. Alroplenstic Art, 739. Agricultural
• 859. Alice Learrnont, Supplement to December, 20. Allen, William, 547. Alma- eks, 19, 114, 618, ION, 1027, 1051, 1075, 1122, 1194. Americans, Illustrious, Ill. An- dent Brirons, 523. Andrew Claiborne, 3.58. Anecdotes of Animals, 1122. Angelology, M. Angels, Good and Evil, 138. Antiqui- • ties in British Museum, 761, Apocalypse, Spiritual Exposition of the, Supplement to December 20. Art Workmanship, 89. Aunt Jane's Verses, 523. Australia and Prison * • Discipline, 89.
1Mhylon and Jerusalem, 1097. -Bacon's Lee- tares, 931. Bandinel's Poems, 1075. Bas tome's Epidemic Pestilences, 905. Bee- keeper, 377. Bible Lessons, 239; Unveiled, 593. liffillotheca Classico, 979. Bole Pon- Os, 1851. Book of Almanacks, 474. Book of Ballads, 1146. Bowring's Schiller, 126. British Me trepolis in 1051, 569- British Of- ficer, the, 235. Buckley's Iliad, 283. Barns,
Cambridge Customs, 474. Campbell's Poems, 329. Cautions for the Times, 283. Chelten- ham, 136. Child's First Hour, 377. Chre- tken's Theology, 523. Clarke's (Mrs.) Shak- spere's Heroines, 43. Classical Gazetteer, 210. Coleman's Essays, 595, College Life in thaw of James I., 499. Contemporary French Literature, 738. County Courts, 402. Court Album, 1122. Commn Eustaee, 498. Cracker Bon-bon for Christmas Parties, 1241. Craik's Bngllstr Language, 1050. Cricket-Field, 426.
• Crystal Palace, 1099. Cummings Foresha- dows, 931, Curran, 967. De Jean's Poems, 138. Demosthenes, 761. Dialogues of the Early Church, 1004. Dove- cot and Aviary, 523. Doyle's Overland Jour- ney, 653. Drops of Water, .355. Du Bourg, 185.
Elementary Physics, 1097. Emigrant Ship, 65. Emilie, 377. England before the Norman Conquest, 979. English Synonymes, 643. Equivocation, 474. Ethel Lea, 426. Eu- phrauor, 89. Eustace, 788. Every Tatty 's Guide to her own Greenhouse, 667, Ewart's Poems, 1097. Exhibition, the Great-Ste- phenson's, 403; Official Catalog., es, 420,835; Austrian Section, 661;. Hunt's Companion to the Catalogue, 426. The Crystal Palace, . 474 ; How to See the Exhibition, 569 ; Great Exhibition of Doings in London, 295; Hunt's .-Jilandbooks to the Official Catalogue, 6 ,3 ; West of England and the, 007; Brine's Key, 739, The World in its Workshops, 835.
Pair Islusd, Peel's, 329. Fairy Godmothers, 402. Ferns, British, 1241. First Angel, 65. Pleteher's Poems, 450. Flowers and their Poetry, 307; and Heraldry, 931. Fly-fish lag, 739. Foreign Exchanges, 595. Forster's Pr erage, 138. Francis, 163. Franklin, 355. Gavelkind, 788, Geological Observer, 235. Germania of Tacitua, Latham's, 1169. Ger- num Language, 788. German Mineral Wa- ters, 618. God in Disease, 931. Goldsmith's Poems, 138. Gospel Harmony, 355. Green- well's Stories, 19. Gregory of Nazianzam, 307. Guide-books-Black's Wales, 643 Guide Illturtre du Voyageur a Londres, 667 ; Tourist of Scotland, 667; North Wales, 835. Hahn Hahn's Babylon to Jerusalem, 692. Hair, Diseases of, 329. Half-Hours of English History, 547. Hall of Chavenlay, Supple- ment to December 20. Hamilton's Cate- chism of the Organ, 329. Happy Evenings, 42. Hebrew Records, 42. Heraldry, 499. Heron's Notes, 1075. Hildebrand, 114. Hltching's Poems, 369. Hogertles Opera, 19. Holyoake's Trial, 258. Ifonier's Iliad, 355. Home Truths, 739. lione Egyptiacte, 474. Human Body, 595.
Ida de Galis, 859. Ignorance, Defence of, 643. Indian Missions in Guiana, 595. Infinite Republic, 570. Interest Tables, 835. In- vestments, 1122, Irish Land Question, 618. Italy, Literature of, 884.
Iermyn's Poetry for Childhood and Youth, 1194. Jesuits, the, 692. Jesus, 89. Jewish Perseverance, 474; School Bible, 835. Ju- venile books, 1122.
Kamensk Cs Age of Peter the Great, 258. Keepsake, 1122. Kenneth, 235. Kitto's Palestine, 1146. Klauer-Klattowski's Ger- man books, 185. Knight's Publications, 595. Kossuth, 1194. Kugler's Painting, 43.
Land of the Morning, 1097. Lardner's Hand- book of Natural Philosophy, 595; Steam- engine, 1051. Latham's English Language, 1051. Laughing Library, 570. Law-books- Practical Statutes, 113; Seire Facies, 113; Insolvency under the Protection Acts, 307; Office of Coroner, 420; New Criminal Law Statutes, 1027; Commercial Law, 1027 ; Practical Statutes of 1s51, 1098. Laws of Health, 618. Lays and Legends, 763. Le. bahn's books, 884. Lester's Orations, 163. Library for the Times, 859. Life Assurance Manual, Supplement to December 20. Life- boat Models, 884. Literature of Great Bri- taM, 1031. Literary Fables, Supplement to December 20. London at Table, 643. Lon- don Guides-London in 1851, 376; Adams's, 377; Gilbert's 'Visitor's Guide, 402; Limbird's Guide, 969; Modern London, 764; Loudon Made Easy, 764; Companion to the Sights of London, 1051. Lorgnette, 595. Lyra Christiana, 1194.
M'Culloch on Wages, 1170. Mae Farlane's British India, 1122. Maelagan's Sketches from Natme. 1146. Madeira, 835. Mahogany Tree, 163. Man Natural and Spiritual, 256. 'Manual of Geographical Science and Atlas of Physical and Historical Geography, Sup- plement to December 20. Maps-Ancient Rome, 111; Graham's Town and the Out- posts, 950; London Maps, 451; Wilme's Symbolic Map of London, 547; Ireland, 739 Marican, 522. Marie Madeleine, 499. Ma- rine Engines, 570. Mariotti's Italian Gram- mar, 1051. Stark Seam orth, 1122. Mary Powell, 19. Massey's Poems, 282. Masters and Workmen, 162. May's Parliament, 377. Maynard's (Mary) Poems, 1241. Mayo's Philos vphy of Living, 210. Medicines for Merchant-Vessels, 89. Mercantile Navy List, *SI. Milton, 667. Mirror of History, 499. Moir's Poetical Literature, 354. 31ollusca, 1097. Murray's Cookery .book , 185. Mus- grave, 282. Napier's History, 65. Napoleon, Aphorisms of, 1146. National Illustrated Library, 329, 471, 517. Nervous Affections, 163. Neu- ralgia, 1191. Nobody's Son, 307. Norica, 1241.
Old Tree, 19. One Primaeval Language, 450. Painters, Dictionary of, 1193. Palmoni, 1194. Pappenheimers, the, 1075. Fumbles of Our Lord, 1194. Parlby's Anglican Church in India, 739. Parliamentary Companion, Ill. Patents, 979. Peachey's (Mrs.) Wax-flower Modelling, 1512. Periodicals, 66, 329, 426, 595, 644, 669, 884, 931, 1170. Perseus and his Philosophies, 1170. Pharmacopceia , 595. Philosophy in the Fens, 532. Physical Geo- graphy, 1074. Physics of the Earth, 1097. Pictorial Family Bible, 210. Picture Gal- lery, 210. Pitcairn's Island, 950. Poems, 19,32, 499, 523,547, 692, 884, 905, 979,1122, 1241 ; by a Prisoner its Bethlehem, 185. Poetry, Select English, 185. Popes, the, 1004. Post-office Directory, 1004; of Six Home Counties, 1074. Prints-Burial of Harold, 258; Good Night, 258; Mediaval Costume in England, 259 ; Cambridge Cus- toms, 471 ; Bishop of Calcutta, 474 ; Duke of Norfolk, 1004 ; Adams, 1027. Professor's Wife, the, 19. Profit Tables, 955. Property, Rights and Duties of, Supplement to De- cember 20. Prostate Gland, 835. Pursui- rant of Arms, 1097,
Quakerism, 474.
Ragged Schools, Philosophy of, 89. Railroad Book of England, 859. Reading for the Rail, 955, 1074. Readings in Science, 1051, Realities, 499, Red Ridinghood, 19. Re- formatory Schools, 693. Religious Publi- cations, 547, 595. Remonstrance against Romish Corruptions, 307. Rhymer's Family, 979. Rides on Railways, 859. Rimbanit's Songs and Ballads, 547. Robinson's Lexicon, 1098. Roman Wall, 65. Roth's Chronic Diseases, 905. Running Streams, 329. Schmitz's Greece, 43. School-books, 43, 113, 163, 186, 210, 253, 426, 450, 643, 739, 788, 835, 955, 979, 1004, 1098, 1122, 1116. Scilly Isles, 235. Scott's Poetry, 1146. Scudamore's Letters, 1075. Sentiments of Shakspere, 1004. Serivenor's Railways, 547. Sermons -Rawnslers,114 ; Ramsey's, 210 ; Jackson's, 195; Pears's, 474; Bird's Lectures, 474; Edmunds's, 692. Serpent Symbol, 523. Seven Periods of English Architecture, 329. Skeleton Themes, 474. Soldiers of the Cross, 402. Southey's Commonplace Book, 114. Speculation, 235. St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians, 426. Stapf on Education, 817. Story of a Family, 258. Stud Farm, 859, Surenne's French Dictionary, Supplement to December 20.
Tales, 19, 43, 65, 403; from Catland, 15; of a London Parish, 1004. Technical Dictionary, 11174. Teeth, 523. Tehuantepec, 1097. Test of Experience, 955. Thomson's St. Luke, 1.1127. Thring's Grammar, 955. Tibet, 738. Traveller's Library, 618. Trench's Study of Words, 1050. Trinity, 570. Triumph, the, 931. Tupper's Hymn, 450, Philosophie Pro verbiale, 7118. WIckenden's Poems and Tales, 65, Hunch- back's Chest, 1170, Wide, Wide World, 1241. Willis's Apparatus, 954. Willmott's Pleasures of Literature, 402, Wiltshire, 1098. 'Window Tracery, 185. Wurtemberg Animals, 739.
Young Doctor, the, 569. Young Oflicer's Companion, 402. Young's Algebra, 618. Young Traveller's Journal, 1141.
Adelphl-Belphegor the Mountebank, 17; The Disowned, 300; Bonsoir M. Pantalon, 315; Miss Woolgar's benefit, 654; Queen's Secret, 876; Forest Rose, 914; Bloomerism, 947 ; return of Wright, 1163. Benefits, 970.
Christmas Pieces, 1234.
Drury Lane-Old Love and the New, V; Azael the Prodigal, 178 ; la Dance de Pique, 325; Ingomar, 961; Equestrian Circus, 730. Easter Pieces, 392.
Farewells, 1020.
Guild of Literature-Not so Bad as we Seem, 463; Mr. Nightingale's Diary. 515, Haymarket-Mr. Macready's farewell perfor- mances, 57, 82, 104, 132 ; Good for Nothing- Presented at Court, 132 ; Mr. J. W. Wallach, 249, 275, 300; Tartuffe, 299; Make the Best of it, 300; Retired from Business, 441; Grirasha sr, Bradshaw, and Ila,gshaw, 636 ; Son and Stranger, 659 ; Queen of a Day, 778; Grandmother Grizzle, 876; opening- Charles the Second, 1113; The Two Bonny- castles, 1130; Man of Law, 1186, Kinkel's Lectures, 490, Lyeeurn-King Charming, 90; Only a Clod, 490; A Game of Speculation, 917; opening, 1211.
3Iaeready•s farewell, 203.
New Strand-Puneles Playhouse, 410, 412; Kensington Gardens, 465; DoctorButts, 513; Mr. Rogers, 1845; Thetis's Marriage, 1042. Olympic-All that Glitters is not Gold, 37; Sixtus V.,178 ; Angelo, 778; The Prodigal- Caught in his Own Trap, 995; Miss Keene, 1042, 1065, 1096.
Passion Week Entertainments, 369. Princess's-Love in a Maze, 226, 249 ; Pauline, 275; Apartments, 465 ; The Duke's Wager, 538; the Keane benefit, 684; Town and Country, 925; reopening-Merry Wives of Windsor-Tender Precautions, 1138. Russell's Shaksperian Readings, 34.
Sadler's Wells-Timon of Athens, 913; Ingo- mar, 1042; Man of the World, 1187.
St. James's-French Plays - Una Botanic de Dames,418; Une Maine, 465; Embrassons moss Folleville-Si Jennesse savait, 490; Ra- chel, 538, 561, 587, r636, 730; Valeria, 625; Angelo, 708; Mr. Mitchell's benefit, 684 ; Bouffe, 750; Mr. Anderson, 418 ; The Bate- man children, 826.
Westnanster School-Eunuchus, 1211.
Amateur Magreal Society, 122.
Bolles Concert, 104.
Concerts, 275, 515, 538, 9981 St. Martin's Hall, 227; 3Ir, Blagrove's Quartett Concerts, 227 ; Musical Union-Beethoven Quartett, 516, 551, Royal Society of Female Musicians, 561 ; Mr. Cooper's, 958; English Glees, 588. Dolby's (Miss) Concerts, 1113.
Horsley's David, 203, Mullah's Concerts, 57, 178, 275, 369,168, Italian Opera-Programme, 155; opening- Lucia di Lammermoor, 199; Gustave 'From, 323; Masanlello, 346; Alaymo, 418; Le Tre Nozze, 141; Fitton°, 465, 489 ; II Prodigo, 560, 610; Florinda, 635; La Corbeille d'O. ranges, 708; Luerezia Borgia, 756, 803; Les Quatre Fib Aymon, 779; Sontag, 903; close, 825.
Jullien's Concerts, 1090, 1138.
London Thursday Concerts, 1187.
Lucas's (Mr.) Musical Evenings, 178.
New Music,--Jaeltson's Isaiah, 474; Hayeraft's Sacred Harmony, 475; Ellerton's Anthems and Romance, 475; Beethoven's Fidelio, 595; Rossini's Tantum Ergo, 696; The Parish Choir, 590i Meyerbeer's Songs, 905; Runes Trio, 905; Aguilar's Pieces, 906. Novels, Miss Clara, 708.
Orchestral Society, 803, 1113, 1187.
Paris Italian Opera, 347. Philharmonic Concerts, 249, 300, 347, 418, 465, 515, 561, 611.
Purcell Club, 104.
ltoyal Italian Opera-Programme, 399; open- ing-Semiramide, 335; Masaniello, 348; Fidello, 914; Don Giovanni, 561; Prophete, 611; II Flauto Magico, 659; Ronconi, 756; Sofro, 770; Otello, 803; claw, 825.
Sacred Harmonic Society, 132, 250; The Sea- sons, 1163.
Sivori, 392.
Sloper's Concerts, 104.
Amateur Exhibition, American Exhibitio American Internation bition, th , j210.
Arctic Council, the. 740.
Army and Navy Club-house, 186.
Art Publications, 476.
Art Union, the, 931.
Arundel Society, 764. Beard's (Mr.) F.namelled Daguerreotypes, 378.
Bridgewater Pictures, 499.
British Institution, 183; Old Pictures, 570, 618; Copies from the Old Masters, 1098, Burford's Panorama Royal, 403.
Catlin's Exhibition, 758.
Cook's ReccIlections, 2B3, 614.
Copying Telegraph, the, 330.
Etirssert-services for Great Exhibition, 330. Diomma of the Acetic Regions, 67; Tour through Europe, 198; Holy Land, 236; Je- rusalem and the Holy Land, 452 ; Nineveh, ; Marshall's, 740.
Em ellished Books from America, 1098. Exhibition of British Art, 428. -'"-----,- Exhibition of Sketches and Drawings, 819. Flaxman Gallery, 428.
Gallery of Illustration, 788. Great Exhibition, Illustrations of the,11042, 1065.
Grosvenor Pictures, the, 739.
ieomec0urt59eumnnFl.Haman Fi- I gore, 235; Geometrical Principles of Beau- rs 548.
Hertz's (.5 r. o ec Ion of Antiquities, 68 liungerford Hall, 996, 1163.
Illustrations of Roman Art at Cirencester, 20, Leitch's Villa of Lucullus, 20, Louis Philippe and Coratesse de Wordily, 89. Modern Pictures of All Countries, 835, Nash's Industrial Exhibition, 571.
National Institution, Exhibition of the, 377. North London School of Drawing and Model- lung, 19. " Our Native Land," 89.
Panorama of the Arctic Regions, 548. Paxton (Mr.), Portrait of, 452. Peel and Wellington, 283, Pre-Raphaelitism, 955. " Prince of Wales Bazaar," 514. Printing in 011 Colours, 452. Royal Academy-Bleeds:ins, 186, 1098 ; Mr. C. Landseer elected Keeper, 365 ; Exhibition, 403, 427, 451, 475, 523, 570, 619. RuskIn's (Mr.) Works on Venice, Supplement to December 20.
Scott's (D.1 Pilgrim's Progress, 210.
Scott's ('W. B.) Prince Legion Designs, 644. ' Sheffer's (dry) Christ in the Garden, 906.
Shipley's Sketches in the Pacific, Ill.
Sketching Society, the, 43, 452.
Society of Arts, 931, 1113.
Society of British Artists, Exhibition of the, 307.
Stephenson, (Mr., M.P.,) Portrait of, 524.
Thornycroft's Statue of the Queen, 330. Turner (J. W. M.), Death of, 1242.
We ter. colour Galleries, the, 427.
Wellington, Bust of, 1042.
Wellington and Blucher, Meeting of, 283. " Werner " by Maellse, 57.
Winterhalters Four Princesses, 20, Wood Engravings, 500.
Wordsworth, Monument to, 740.
Wyld's (Mr.) Model of the Earth, 548.
Adverse Occupation, by Hold your Own, 422. Appeal (an) from the New to the Old Whigs, by Phi, 756.
Ear Etiquette, 1094 ; Barristers and Attornies, by an Attorney-at-law, 1117, Birch's Action, by Fair Play, 1211.
Bishops (the) and the Church, by C. W., 329. " Bovill's Patent," by" A Country Miller from Boyhood," 700.
Bridgewater Gallery, by Brooke Turner, 708. Cab Extortion, by Phi, 499; Map of Street Distances, by E. P. W., 516.
Cape, Another Shot at the, by a Cape Colonist, 299; Cape of Good Hope, by A. Stocken- strum and A. Fairbairn, 650; by S. H., 649; Cape Constitution Debate, by X., 688; In- creasing Perils of the Cape Colony, by ...... '` .778.
Ceylon, the Mysteries of, Unravelled, by a Ceylon Merchant, 227, Contributory Boroughs, by E. A. F., 996. Christian Socialism and the Quarterly Review, by George Brimley, 973; The "Christian Socialists," by T. C. D., 1003; Mr. Kingsley's Case, by OS. Drew, 1141; by C. B. M., 1163. Church in the Colonies, by Ernest Hawkins,
Citizen Soldiers, by H., 1211.
Coleridge, Hartley, by T. Blackburne, 490. Colonies and Colonial Office, by T., 491. Court of Chancery Bill, by Anneus Curire, 663. Eastern Counties and South-western Railway, by Charles Childs, 806.
Education Committee, Acts of the, by James P Kay Shuttleworth, 115; J. Fletcher, 516. Encores at the Opera, by H., 490.
"Fidel Defensor," by Comprensor, 442. Foucault's (11) Pendulum Dial, by A. W., 398. Franchise, the New, by Jelinger Symons, 947. France the ,Penelope's Web of, by D., 712 The Coup d'Etat in, by Joseph Cauvin-by Prudens, Timidus, 1211; An Alarmist's 'View of the Revolution in, by One, 1211; Defen- sive Precautions, by R. G., 1130; by a Spec- tator, 1237; French Funds and Railway Shares, by a Holder of French Railway Shares, 1297.
French Polities, 56.
Gold-finding in Australia, Effects of Chinese Immigration, by W., 947; The Australian Gold Question, by a South Australian, 1067. Great Exhibition, Surplus Funds of thee Pro- vincial Schools of Art, by S., 850.
Groans from Grub Street on the Book flues. Mon, by Pedagogns, 398, Grosvenor Gallery, by Liters Scripta Stuart, 708.
Hay's (Mr.) Geometrical Theory of Form, by D. R. Hay, 588.
House of Commons, Order of Business in, by a Parliamentary Sufferer, 347.
" Houses and Gardens, Taxes on," by Agricola,
Income-tax, Opposition to the, by W. S., 1023. Indian Army, the, by a Bengal Field-Officer, 104; The Military Service in India, 566. Inventions, Right of Property in, 11. Irish Forty.shillingers, the Old, by X., 202. Irish Improvement, by Q., 734.
Irish National School-books, by a Bookseller, 422.
Kossuth and the Corporations, by D., 3086; The Anti-Austrian Demonstrations, 1093. Land, the, by W. Bridges 750; Freehold Life Assurance; the Small Proprietors Society of Ireland, 779 ; Industrial Investment and Co- operative Colonization, 807.
Magic and Mesmerism, by a Candid Inquirer, 1023.
Medical Profession, Representation of the, by a Provincial Physician, 1022, Metrical Translation, by T. C., 996.
National Mausoleum, the, by Front Vigo, 733. New Forest Bill, the, by T. F., 543.
Newman (Father) and the Romish Mystiftea- tions, by A. B. R., 779, 826, 879, 974, 1117 ; by W. M., 923, 1141. New Zealand Mr. Hawes, by a Neer Zealand Colonist, 734. Official Geography, by Philo-Colonist, 516. Oppressive Combination of Workmen, by John Bowen, 347. Oxford Address to the Crown, by E. A. F., 516. Papal Aggression, by W. M., 319. Parliamentary Reform,by E. A. F., 1066,1212. Patent-laws, a Substitute for, by W. S., 734. Pictures and Picture-Gallery, by H. W. F., 1117.
Prayer-book, Revision of the, by a Member of the Church of England, 61, Railway Massacre at Bicester, the, by F. Oates, 878.
Registration of Deeds, by T. F., 275. Royal Progress, by T. E. Baker, 850. Royal Supremacy, the, by V., 11.
Russell's (Lord John) Bill, by E. A. F., 179 ; Political Debts, by M., 275.
Safety-Guards on Railways, by James Currie, 640.
St. David's Diocese Correspondence, by C. St. David's, 826. "Street Shoe-black Movement, the," by John Mac Gregor, 1163.
University Capabilities, by 25.,10 ; Reform, by J. Oates, 11; The Reform that the Universi- ties Need, by a Cambridge First-class man and Country Rector,82 ; The Universities,by D. - by Cantab, 196; lJniversIty Reform, by J. C. Wynte t, • 130 ; University Reform by a Cambridge Firat-Chas-man and Countrj Rector, 159.
Want of Great Men : Taxation, by W. 8.:1118.