A letter from Lord Curzon addressed to the Irish Peers
appeared in Monday's papers in which he states that, owing to the attitude of the Prime Minister, he is a candidate for the vacancy created among the Irish representative Peers by the recent death of Lord Kilmaine. We have dealt elsewhere with the whole incident, and have pointed out the failure of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman to realise that his prime duty in the matter was to think of the public interest. At the same time, we feel bound to express Our regret that Lord Curzon in a moment of irritation, not perhaps unnatural, but not, therefore, the less to be deplored, should have alluded publicly to the fact that the Prime Minister refused his application to be called to the House of Lords. It may be old-fashioned, but we confess that we prefer the tradition of strict reticence in all such matters. That, however, is a small point, and does not in the least alter the merits of the case.