4 JANUARY 1908, page 37

Napoleon's Young Neighbour. By Helen Leah Reed. (little,...

Co., Boston, U.S. 6s.)—In 1841 a Mrs. Abell pub- lished a book entitled "Recollections of Napoleon at St. Helena." Mrs. Abell was one of the daughters of a Mr. Balcombe, who was......

The Poets : Geoffrey Chaucer To Alfred Tennyson. By William

Stebbing. 2 vols. (H. Frowde. 8s. net.)—In his first volume Mr. Stebbing deals with forty-two poets (Chaucer to Burns), whose literary activity covered nearly five centuries, if......

How To Collect Continental China. By C. H. Wylde. (g.

Bell and Sons. 68. net.)—The intending collector will be delighted or dismayed, according to the temperament he may have, when he sees how wide is the field of his operations.......

The Royal Navy. Painted By Norman Wilkinson. Described By H.

L. Swinburne. (A. and C. Black. 203. net.)—Mr. Swin- burne has written a very careful and temperate account of the rise of the British Navy. It is perhaps a little cold in tone;......

The Rowley Letters From Prance And Italy. (t. N. Foulis.

3e. 6d. net.)—The story of a six months' holiday is told in thirty-two letters. The first is dated "The Firth of Clyde," and so is the last. II.-XV. are written from Paris,......

Bygone King's. By R. A. Austen Leigh, M.a. (spottiswoode And

Co., Eton College. 10s. (3d. net.)—Here we may see some- thing of what is, of what has been, and of what might have been. Perhaps the last of these three items is the most......

Some Books Of Trh Week.

[Under this hauling we notice such Books of the wed: as have not been reserved for review is other formal The Literature of Roguery. By Frank Wadleigh Chandler. 2 vols. (A.......