4 JANUARY 1908, Page 37

The Rowley Letters from Prance and Italy. (T. N. Foulis.

3e. 6d. net.)—The story of a six months' holiday is told in thirty-two letters. The first is dated "The Firth of Clyde," and so is the last. II.-XV. are written from Paris, which we may conjecture to have been the best loved of all the places visited ; the rest belong to various Italian towns, beginning with Turin and ending with Milan. Rome has six of these. Are we to conclude that the attractions of Rome as compared with those of Paris are as 3 to 7 (reckoning by pages the proportion is 4 to 9, which is slightly more favourable to the Eternal City) ? But wherever " Rowley " may be, he seems to enjoy himself vastly, and makes his readers share his enjoyment. A more humorous, shrewd, and kindly observer we have not often come across. Slight as his book is, it is an uncommonly pleasant one to read.