4 JANUARY 1908, Page 24

2170 A YEAR.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "HpEOTLTOR."] have only to-day seen the Spectator for December 14th

and 21st, 1907. If not too late, may I endeavour to answer very briefly the rather numerous questions which my previous letter

has called forth? It is quite impossible to give, in the short space of a letter to a journal like the Spectator, all the explanatory information one would like to give ; and for the same reason I cannot even now venture to trespass upon your space with full answers; but if any of your correspondents care to write to me personally I shall be very pleased to give them all the infor-

mation, I can for their own personal 'satisfaction. There are one or two things which, by your kind permission, I will say

at once. People with incomes ten or twelve times as large as mine wonder how I can live. So do I wonder how the field- labourer can live and bring up a family respectably on an income one-tenth or one-twelfth of mine. Solvitur ambidanclo.

Perhaps those wise and witty words may be not in-


" All sorts of things and weather

Must be taken in together To make up a year,

And a sphere :— If I cannot carry forests on my back, Neither can you crack ,a nut."

"H. C.'s questions (which leave one rather breathless) would

Occupy too much space in the answering. I may say that my " heavy " expense's of removal would be considered almost incredibly light by many people. I believe my last removal, within this year, cost me about 210, for four to five tons of goods, .distance sixty miles. My own life is a perpetual holiday ; my sons are able to take theirs ; my daughters get fairly frequent changes. I may point out that the travelling expenses of a holiday are sometimes more than covered by saving in home expenses,—i.e., in the case of invitations. We have seldom kept a servant, other than a "day-girl," and sometimes not even this. The "question of help" is solved by the large family, who help themselves, and each other. Education I have, fortunately, myself been able to give, till my children could educate themselves, which is far better. I have one son in a lawyer's office, managing clerk; two in the London County Council; one in a London firm's office ; one in the Church ; and one daughter has charge of a small school; the others live with me. It is impossible to state precisely the item of food, which varies with age and number at home; but I find 5s. to 6s. per head per week is quite sufficient to provide ample and wholesome food for adults. For the rest, the items named by "F. H. A." I should apportion some- what as follows :—Rent and taxes (average), £30; fuel and lights, £9; wages, £9; education (average for out- side help), £10; travelling (average), 25; literature, corre- spondence, ate., £7; total, £70; leaving £90 to 2100 for food, clothing (a very moderate item), and sundries. We are not so abstemious as "H. C." We expect "four square meals," or four of some shape, daily; but we use no alcohol. It is very kind of you, Sir, to speak as you do of me, and so it is of your correspondents; but I must deprecate any praise in the matter. I have one thing only to be proud of,—that I am a living example of the simple truth that "a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of those things which he possessetb." I earnestly wish this pregnant utterance of the Master were better understood. Thousands of people in comfortable circumstances have never known what "life" is. They cannot shake themselves free from the idea that it is in one way or another represented by money. Walking, gardening, wood-chopping,—what is better than these ? They cost nothing, and contribute to the well-being of others, which

is the zest of any occupation. I do not think I could accept

an offer of 'a free holiday in Switzerland. The voice of the clear brook outside my door is too sweet:— " When all thy mercies, 0 my God, My rising soul surveys, Transported with the sight, I'm filled, With wonder, love, and praise."

I think I ought to add that my sons went out into the world at sixteen, and have won their present positions, under God's blessing, by their own energy and perseverance, the founda- tions of which were no doubt laid, largely at least, in the strenuous circumstances of their childhood.—I am, Sir, &c., CONTENTITS SORTS MEI.

[Letters addressed to " Contentus sorte me" at the

Spectator office will be forwarded to our correspondent.—En. Spectator.]