4 JANUARY 1908, Page 32


THIS little book gives an account of a most interesting and valuable experiment which has been started in St. Pancras. The founders of the "School for Mothers," finding that the establishment of milk depots for infants was taken in too many instances as a direct endorsement by physicians of hand-rearing for infants, determined to try the experiment of starting a school in which mothers could be trained. in the proper principles for the upbringing of infants. The feeding of mothers at a very low fee per meal is also undertaken, but the founders of the school hedge this round with pre. cautions to avoid the pauperisation of the neighbourhood. Those who are afraid that any harmful system of State-feeding is being established will be reassured by hearing that this part of the work is largely supervised by members of the local Committee of the Charity Organisation Society. The pamphlet is illustrated by charming pictures of mothers and their babies, and contains much valuable information which might be of use to mothers in a much higher class than that for which the school is intended. It is difficult to conceive of any work which would be of greater utility to the coming generation than the establishment of "Schools for Mothers," if it were possible to found them in every poor neighbourhood. Could this be coupled with the policy once advocated in the correspondence columns of this journal—the holding up of the highest ideal of motherhood in the teaching of every girls' school in the kingdom —unborn generations would have cause to bless the age in which women awoke to a sense of their great responsibility. It is sad to read that the "School for Mothers" is hampered for want of funds, and it is to be hoped even at this season of the year, when there are so many calls upon the charitable, that some lovers of children may be found to subscribe to it. The address of the sckool is 6 and 7 Chalton Street, Euston Road, N.W., and the treasurers are H. B. Irving, Esq., and F. R. Viveash, Esq., London and South-Western Bank, Limited, King's Cross Branch, 23 Easton Road, N.W.