The French Journals of Wednesday bring the statement of the
Minister of Marine (Hyde de Neuville) on the Navy Estimates. The expense of the French navy amounts to above 2,500,000/.; the number of vessels afloat is 128, of which 1 only is of the line and 14 are frigates. In 1814, according to the Minister,
France had, employed and in dock, 73 ships of the line ; in 1816, 79; in 1817, 68; in 1819, 65; in 1824, Cl; in 1825, 59 ; in 1828, 56; and the number afloat, and constructing in 1830, will be 52. In 1814, France had in frigates, 42; in 1823, 45 ; in 1824, 47 ; in 1828, 52; and in 1829, 55. On the 1st of January next, the number will amount to 63. Thus, between 1814 and 1830, there will be a difference of 21 ships of the line and 21 frigates in favour of the latter period.
Letters from the wine provinces of France speak highly of the state of the vines: Everything promises a rich harvest ; but it is feared it will be late. Inferior wines are still a drug.