At An Adjourned Meeting Of The Catholic Association...
held on Monday last, at the Corn Exchange, Dublin, Mr../Eneas Macdonnell, late London agent to the Association, reiterated his claim to some of the rent still remaining in the......
The Lord Chancellor's Prosecutions For Libel.-tiic...
the editor and other proprietors of the Morning Jou rnal, wits on Monday made absolute. Mr. Gutch, a proprietor, who resided many miles from London, and Mr. Fisher, the......
Death By Loam'no.—on Friday Last, During The...
aged nine years, was killed by lightning, at Ottringham. It appears to have struck him on the temple, then to have excoriated the Jaw, and dreadfully lacerated his breast. What......
Lotto Teynham's Iavener.—lord Teynhain Attended At...
a charge against one of his servants, for refusing to deliver up his livery. From the statement it appeared, that his Lordship being dissatisfied with the defendant, gave him......