The news from Portugal is of the same character that
has been received from that unhappy country ever since it was subjected to its present ruler. The last outrage committed by Don Miguel was the seizing and imprisoning of a young Englishman named Stoddart,described, improperly we believe, as a relation of Sir John Stoddart,who was proceeding from Rio to Lisbon for the benefit of his health. Mr. Stoddart is only nineteen years old; and had not the slightest connexion of any kind with the politics of Don Miguel or those of Don Pedro. The vessel on board of which he was seized was a Dane. Whether our Government will interfere to protect a subject, or Denmark to vindicate its flag, we cannot pretend to determine : something is required to put an end to such a state of things. Considerable fears are entertained for the island of Terceira, which is still closely blockaded by Miguel's vessels, and where he is said to have a strong party. The new Governor, Count Villa Nor, has published (June 23d) a spirited proclamation, calling on the inhabitants to defend the rights of their Queen.