THE WESTMINSTER • REVIEW, No. XXI. was Published on the 30th of June, containing the following Articles :
1. Corn Laws-2. Life and Writings of P. L. Courier-3. Living Poets of Hungary4. Last of the Plantagenets-5. Cobbett's Corn-6. Discoveries in the Interior'of Africa -7. The Village Patriarch-8. Physiology of Trees and Ornamental Planting-9. Modern Italy-10. Civil Government of Canada-11. Vidocq's Memoirs-12. I. Taylor's Translation of Herodotus-13. Southey's Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society -14. Anne of Geierstein-15. Historical Records of the Peruvian Indians-16. Greatest Happiness Principle, and the Edlubitrgh Review.
No. XXII. will be Published on the 3011; of September, and will contain Articles on the East India Free Trade, the West India Question, Legislation for Gaming Houses, Newspapers, &c.
The CATECHISM of the CORN LAWS, (Sixth Edition), quoted with high praise in both Houses of Parliament, may be had at the Office, anti from all the Agents of the Westminster Review. Price tid.
Office of Tits WEsTmiNsTEn REVIEW, No. 2, Wellington-street, Strand.