4 JULY 1914, Page 10

The aseassinations were followed by anti-Serb riots at Serajevo. The

houses of Orthodox Serbs were sacked and looted by Mussulman Serbs and Roman Catholic Croats, The Serb-Orthodox Archbishop was wounded. As the police were unable to suppress the disorder, the troops were called out, and a state of siege was proclaimed. The general belief in Aushia.Hungary is that the assassinations were the outcome of a Pan-Serb plot. Cabrinovitch is reported to have stated that he brought his bomb from Servia. On Monday M. Jestanovitch, who is a well-known Serb politician, a member of the Bosnian Diet, was arrested. The President of the Diet has issued warnings to the Serbs against revolutionary movements. On Tuesday in both the Lords and Commons the phrases of Lord Crewe and Mr. Asquith were models of how international sympathy and respect should be expressed. The German Emperor sent a touching message to the children of the late Archduke. At the suggestion of the Emperor Francis Joseph, who perhaps feared undesirable demonstrations, the funeral will be conducted as quietly as possible. The German Emperor and other Sovereigns have abandoned their intention of being present. We have written elsewhere of the political effects of the murder of the Archduke.