Government And Local Authorities.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SrECTATOR..] SIR, — As one long interested in local government in London, I wish to draw the attention of your readers to two points in connexion with the......
Site Value.
L'ro THE EDITOR Or THE ”SpEcTATon. " 1 SIR, — I think it may be useful to give an example of the way the Government valuators are acting. No doubt my case is only a sample of......
Inland Revenue.
[To THR EDITOR OF THE "SrECTATOR." . 1 SIR, — I am sure that in recommending a tax on amusements "Au Englishman Abroad" (Spectator, Jane 27th) has hit the nail on the head. Such......
The Protestants Of The South And West.
[To THE EDITOR OF TRR "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — If Ulster, misguided by bigotry or by desire of Pro- testant ascendancy, excludes herself from the blessings of Home Rule, the......
The Portuguese Amnesty.
[To THR EDITOR OF TEX -spxcv.Tos."] Sin,—When the Portuguese prisons were crowded with political suspects the pamphlets of the British Protest Com- mittee could hardly be too......