4 JULY 1914, Page 10

The relations of Greece and Turkey have improved since last

week owing to the Greek acceptance of the proposed interchange of populations. It is to be remembered, however, that Greece will soon have her two new battleships, and her determination to retain the islands of Chios and Mytilene may yet lead to trouble. In the Greek reply to Turkey, which is distinctly conciliatory, it is denied that Moslems were driven out of Macedonia. The extent of the Moslem emigration, it is said, has been over-estimated, and those peasants who have gone went voluntarily. The emigration of Greeks from Asia. Minor, on the other hand, it is reasserted, was compulsory, and they were robbed of all they possessed. The grievances of the Greek inhabitants at Smyrna seem to have been removed to some extent by the intervention of Talaat Bey, the Turkish Minister of the Interior.