4 JULY 1914, Page 2




A DVERTISING, the Economim of ... 8

Aneon, Sir Denis, Drowned in the Archduke PranMe Ferdinmd, the Political

Effects of the Murder of the ... ... 4421 Army, Lord Roberto on the Irish Question and

Austria-Hung.ry and Serbia ...

BACKS and Back Gardens ... Builders' Profit., the Taxation of... ...

,CIABINET MIsietere. the Payment of V Cana., Mine., the Trial of.. ...

Ceoteeer Clumberlain, Mr., the Death of ... Church Times, the, and the Speciatoe Communion, the Opeu

Comporison, the Consolations of ... Consolation Key to Character Cottsges, Cheap, in the Year 1777 ... Cricket, Different Kinds of... ...

JJ Dialogue of the Dead, e Robespterro-


Discuraiveness, anExeursion ... 919 Domestic Service, Dignity and .. C63

Drowning Accidents, Flew they Ilappen ... 50

• 'Dynasts," the, at the Kingeway Theatre _ 839

EMEllas er.glawnd, Xis Riddle Of—Pcst bd.- 69' • Einpreas of Ireland' ommiission, the 'Rem., FtATUEBS cod School Hotideyc ......162 nom of the Railway, the ... ... 48983 -ere Cid:ming 1.4' TIONK Rule Bill Lord Lansdowne and the Mom. Rule Bill: Still a Question of Area _ 80 — — the Conformee at Buckingham Palace ...120

— — the Truce betwman the Parties ... 157 — — the Government and the 383 GNOBANCE, the Poetry of ... 418

India) the Connell of India 11(11 5 Irish Situation, the ...............157 1(41,;(ilthw uoleoti2Intlfeet 120

ANSDOWNE, Lord ... ... 4

_1-1 "La Mot Propre " _s 82 Lgtodo 'ctoLwimoil;12,„annodritlgeem82ecno 111 koliSlon, 0. Motto for . L sden Case, the (Increment Vnine bay) ... 123 lk/rANAGING limner, the ... ... 854 .1P.L Marconi Emindal, the Shadow of the _ 82 Mexico: the Departure of General Iluerta _ 81 Minding and Not Minding 6C2

WTECESSARIES. the New ... 49 .1_11 Verso. . Old, Moro Stories from her

pIGEONS, Homing ...10 -U0 AFTS for Shipwreck ... _ 86

.112k, Railway, the Flora of the 429

Woberts, Lord, on the Irish Question and the48 Army QCENERY, Thoologlml 124 4.7 School Ifolidays. Fathers and. ... 162

Schoolmaster. and Schoolmistreimea 195 Serbia and Austria-Hungary ... 4421

Shake.pearean Blank Verse ...82 Slater, Omar, the Case of ... sr: Vi°LOGICAL Scenery 224 rado Unions and Tainted Goode 47 UTOPIAN Systems, Mr. J. IV. Marriott'. -VENICE, Dir. Lums's New Book on 919 WILSON, President, his Good Fortune ... 81 Wit, the Deceitfuhiose of _ 171 ARTICLES RELATING TO THE WAR I-

tir 413

Africa, South, thethe ReomileeM 519-583

Alien, the Enemy . 5.48 Alien., the Peril from ... ... 659 — President Wilson's 1Steerage 834 American °pinion on the War ... 287

— Sympathy _ Army, Lord Kitchener's Second. the Needier... 252 Arnold, Mr. 37.5.., the Prediction. of ... 417

Artillery, the New German_ 837 Attack rind Defence ... _ _ 453

Austria-Hungary Declare. War on Serbia 154.157 BANK of England, the Government Agree.629 meet Beet Suer, an Oppoidunliy for 457 HOLIOUT to !... ..„ ... 517

— German Proclamations and Orders iv 8.W

Bernbardi, General you, the Opinion. of ... M6 Bethiumn Haire& Herr von, arid a" Semp of

111m Book, the Keveldlion. of the .. ... 193 Boner Law, Mr., hils Letter to Mr. Asquith ... 870 Brym, Lord, h. Committee on *dermal Oid-

Biussou, Sir Mole, the Despot. of 381

to Berlm... 739

C416T:seltrZitrher, 371a; • Caution, the Cent of ... 387 Censonhip,the ("ThePolley of 74 etification.) 788

Choate, Mr., on the Cause of tho War 582 — the Pimmelal Machinery ... 318 Commercial Possibilities of the War ... 256

Compulaion Recruiting ... ... 736

Compuleory and Voluntary Service 454 Constantinople, Bezel. and_ 658 Country Sport, War and _ 259

Crawford, Lord, 00 the Alien Peril ...618835

Cruisers, Our, mod the 'Submarines 413

TAISTRACTIO1P _ 168323 J-1 Dreams of Warless World ... 877 " Dwell cod about to Depart" 455 "OAST Coast, the German Raids on the 628876

.1,`J Econonfic Contrast, an _ 305 Economic Situation, the, in England and

PEgypt andher •ture 913 FA lilL.YucW. re For e (Sept. 11th) 282 Financial Fire, undo; ... 258 — Machine7 of Commerce, the .........318

Football and the War... .. 292.742 France, North-Eastere, the •Poeition in (Sept.

French Yellow Book, tins ... 791

GAMES the Contribution of ... M2 Germauy, the Economia Situation in 3D-3.55 Germin Military Mind, the... 226

— Atrocities, the Alleged ... 382 — /elude mid Other Minds —

- Proclamation. and Orders in Belgium ... 833517

— Outrages, an Inque. upon ... (114

Gifts in Kind _ .419

Giolitti, Signor, the Revelation of 825

G uyot, DC Yves, on the Cost of the War- ...

trATE 000 National Gospel ... „. a159

▪ Heligoland Bight, the Fight in the ... 584 Hell, the Gospel of881 Rolland, the l'osition of ... 250.484

Rome Guard. 424627-737 Household, the Head of the ... liow C. / Help 7 "

Hungary. the Situation in ............015 Net lloapita/s—A Red ere.. Suggestion

Invasion and Scale" Invailion, Attempts at ...

Italy and the Small Stat. 284484

JOHNSON, Dr., on the Soldier. Calling

Keep Yom Temper 194 King, the, at the Front ... 78S

-r A1301/11 Party, the, and the War 289

_LI Left Behind _ 291

Letters from the Front ... 3.9.520 Lincoln, Proildent, and Compuleory Service ... 416 Lloyd George, Mr., on Volunteering (Ind Coot.

- — Introduce. the War lludget ......707 London ( a City at War ... ... 322 Lonvaiu the Givin.; up of, to .11ilitary

Al.cronfirL0192, ML Mammy, on the Con- m32 MacDonald-Ponsonby idandesto,-the 412 Idarching Song.: New Style ... 4118 Idaritime Capture _138.536 Sterile, Colonel, the Rebellion of ... 519.583

Militant Resources, our 518 Mystification, the Policy of ... 788

NATIONAL Reserve, What the Nation Owes333 Naval Despatches, the the

— Situation, the (Nov. 7th) ... ... 626

PACIFISTS and the War (" Keep Your %eT:7171'2itv.iii.n. Peace, the Vantage Point of .........9(2

Pen, the Couipamomhip of the _ 520 Poland, the Russian Appeal to ... 245 Ponsonby, Mr. Arthur, on What we are Field.

leg Postage-8.meg, Var and Peace on ... 710 Probationer'. Dimy, a 5.51.596

Public Dietraction and Concentration ... 100

13 AID off Yarmouth, the... ... ...626I IV Raid 012 Hartlepool, Scarborough, and Recruiting. Devolution sind iffieieney ESS

-8 the Right Way and the Wrong Way ... 317

— Some Miscellaneous Suggestion. on... ... 318 — the High Sheriff of Surrey and ... 519

— Recruit! Remelt I Recruit ! 516 — — the Moralists. of tr25 — — the Government's Plan 656 — — the Need for Action ... .- 657

— — " When the People Willingly Offered Red Cross So 4100, a—But Hoepitals _. 416

Rile Club. and Village Guard. ... M1.627.737 Roberta, Lord, the Death of ... ... 709 Roosevelt, Mr., his Drearn of Peace _ 551 Roumania. the Position of ... 254.48k Runaway Ring, the ... _ 870 Russia, Our Association with 350 -- and Constantinople .- 658

Russian Appeal to Poland. the ... • .. ... 255 — Army in England, the Stories about to

. C.:SAYLOR. the Spirit of the _ 581, Seandinavi. 1,eague, a 679

ter's. foovefePr,othe'Poet.....nd AlOn oflettin;* 917 . Second Army. Lord Kitchemirki, the Need for.. 252

. " Seek the First Neutr. Port" _ _ 158 Selborne, Lord, on Alleged German Atrocities 362

Sheriff'. Week,

Shipping, the Effect of War on 188.356 flolthm, How it Strikes the ... ... 414 Letterefrom the Front _ 399 - - the Companio.hip of the Pen 520 .Soldiers, the Need. of Our- ... 419 Sophistry .d Self.Righteousness -.. 412 Spectator Experimental Company, the Training

Sport in if...a Conntry,-iVariind 253

- the Honourable State Provision for State Servants - 660 States, Small, l(aly and the... ... 255-481 Strabegy and Hiatory_ ... 290 Submarinee, the, and O. Cruiser. ... 413 Sudan, the. and the Empire ... ... 838 Surrey Commons, War and... _ _ 631 - the High Sherlff of, and Recruiting_ ... 319 - - and the Unsuccessful Recruits ... 417 - - his Badge to: Rejected Becruite 453

11'0518D the Germ. Letter to the (" War

and the Press ") ... 222 Tisza, Count, the Alleged Attitude of ... ... 915 Tnider., Private, 61overnmeni Help tO 628 Trade Unita. and the War ... ... 289 Training Cainpe, to the Men of the ... 552

Turkey, the Pegition of ... ... 224 "ry.NIONISTS. a Proud Moment for ... _ 878 3./ United States, tee, and the War 267-349.582.834 "y104,1,,,ANeSGsed Aeqcounpu,"1.11e ictions Clehc 2814.27.727

'Village Wives, War and the ... 228 Voluntary .d Compulsory Servi. _ 45+736 Volunteer Training Corp., the Central Aumeia WAR, the Origin of the- 89 1 War, the, and its Camsequenees... ... 190 - - the Interaction

- Corre.sponden.'he Conditions of ... ... 257 - a Renew of the (Sept. 1955)

the German Version of the Origin of ... 328 - the Finial Cause of the ... 485

- on Sui ray Commons ... 6110

'Warless World, Dream. of a 877

Wells, Mn. H. G., on Civilians and Invasion ... 627 W.t, the 3E111..5. Situation in the (.Get. 31st) 580 What We are Fightiog for _ 286-412 " When the Purple Willingly Offered Them- Wild Life, Wer.and ... 521

Wilsou, President, his Meszage 234

VP-ARMOISTH, the Germ. Raid off ... 626

Yellow Book, the French ... ... 701 ART.

National Loan Exhibition, the 818

Neve English Art Club, the .., ... 500


Baekw.ds (Rolert Vansittest) 328 Call, the (F. W. Boardillon) ... 527 Call to Arres. a (Lord. Tennyson) ... ... 462 ChantaT of the Cherubim, the (I'. W. Bo.

Debt Unpayable, the (F. W. Bourdillon) ... 8(0 Eugland'e Duty (0.21, Trevor) „, 235 Epitaph, an (William Toynbee) -. 497 • Flower of Youth (Eotherine Tynan) .. ... 927 Gallopin• Joe (Bernard Moore) ... ... 193 Louvain (Laurence Binyon) 394 Matri Dolorosa. (W. Id. L. Hutchinson) ... 716 :Men of Ulster, the (F. S. Boas) ... _ 426 Nelson's Strait (Christina Tearle) 846 Neutrality (E. D. Stone) ... 748 Party Polities (William .1. McComb.) ... 168 Song of Hate, the a Reply (A. M. Malley) ... 888 Submarines, Our (S. R. Lyiaght) 671 To the Young Bien of Great Britain in Engliah Cemps and to Young Englishwomen 561 Wmerley, s 18141914 (Joyce Ramer) ... 16

What Be Could Do (E. Baer) 222

What My Isaiah Salta (E. T. fitandford) 94 BOOKS-Authore.

ADAMS, Brooks -The Theory of Social

Arnold, W. T.-Eoman Spite= of Provincial Administration to the Aee.sion of Con-

Aston, Er George-Sea, Land, and tar Strategy 3518 BABASAIIER, II.N.-Impresetom of Britiala

Baden-Powell, Lient-Gen, Sir Robert-Quick

Baldwin, J. P.-The King's Committal Engl.d

during the Kiddie Age. 465

Baring, Iron. ,Ilurice-The Mainsprings of Itemie Barrett-L.:m.4, Mrs. ChMles E., trans. by -Bimuorek'e Fe, Batemn, William-Inaugunll Auress at the Auet.lian Meeting or the BGtish 4.8000(0

0100 Hendry, tient. A.-The Naval Betel, _ ... 17 Beats:on, Brigndier-Gen, F. E-With Welling.

Bell, Clive-Art ... ... 97 Beresford, Lord Charles-Memoirs of Admiral Lord CMG. Beresford _ WAi Beyerlein, Frans Adam, from the:Gorman of-

Jena or Sedan . ... 462 Bickley, Nom, selected, dia.:by-Letters from

and to Joseph Joachim ... _ 751 Braude., George-Friedrich Nietzsche ... 171 Bridgem., C.-Gilbert, Sullivan, and D'Oyly

Curie Brighonee, WOtts of

Brown, Bev. Dayspring After

Thirty Team._ _ _ 134 Browne, F. F.-The Everyde.y Life of Abraham Buchan, 1..W.-the DZke WellingtOO ... 850 800820, 0, E.-The Life of Benjamin Disraeli, CEIL;t3T%CerrTaV'ill-Gillsert, Sullivan, and

Chamberlain, H. S.-1.susaAhel Ennt ... 369 Chey.ey, E. P.-A History of Eugland from the Defeat of the Armada to the Death of Queen Elizabeth 531 Clark, Albert C.-The Primitive Text of the . Coffey, Diermid-O'Neill nod Ormond ... 532 Cox, B. 11.-The Green Road. of England ... 96 Cmmb, J. A.-Germany cud England ... 267 Crispi, T. Palameughi - The Memoirs of Francesco Crimi, Vol. 111. 674 Cromer, Earl of - Political and Literary Eeeo ec 204 _ ... 427 Earle, llichmd-Joseph Conrad ... 306 Curtin, Philip-Noted Murder Mysteries ... 612 AWSON, W. H. - Municipal Life and • Government in Germ.y 695 Dickinson, G. Lowes-An Eamy on the Civil+ satMna of India, China, and Japan ... 750 ' Dimmt, rnest-France Herself Again _. 801 D.ham, M. Edith-The Struggle for Scutari 55

FArerrE,r.To. Henri-The Mason Bees ... 929 e Gughelmo-Ancient Ronie and Foord, Edward-England Inmded. _ 57 Forrest, Sir George-The 1,1(0 01 Lord Roberts 594 Finial., Leo, ed. by-The Diary of Adam Tn., 1701.17(5 Fowler, W. Werae-goman Idea; of Deity in the Last Century before the Christian Era ... 237 Fraser, Major.Gen. Sir Thomas-Recollections cud Ree000ioee Frobenius, Col. H. - The Herm. Empire's Hoer of Deotioy il"00CH, G. P., revised, Sr., by-The late 5...11- of Charles, Third Earl Stanhope... _ 135 Graham, Stephen-With Poor Immigrants to America - - -403 Gray, W. Forbes -The Poets Laureate of

England ... - - .

Gregory, Padric-Modena Anglo-Irish Verse... 364 HAigtvi D.0-jcp2,..1!).1Problem..o „ha 613

Home, Gordon-England Invaded ... 57

Hoper, Bt. W., tram by-B.1111.W. Pen 200

Hurd, Archibald-The Fleets at War 362 TAMES, H.ry - Not. of a Son rind a Cl Br ther ... 446 Tem, Fred T., ed. by-t•ighting Ships ... 255 Johnson, B. Brimley-Famons Reviews ... 498

KEIINEn...W.-„Englia.h Taxa.. 117.: 4.9... 752 C.alt..#1.0-k The Nfrualellttt 24.0; 17 from the Restoration to the Tract...a

Movement Leyland, John--The Havy

Lusk, H. H.-Seclal Welfare In New Zealand ... 838 ASZCLURE, S. S.-My Autobiography ... 717

▪ Elacnotrhten, Sir Melville L.-Days of Marnachu, G. E., ed. by-Letters of Jahn B. S.

Merritt of Bobby - ... 133 Murk., T. E.-The Land and the e0111[11011-

Masellead.iohn-Phiiip the King, _, 593 Mottos, Alexander Teixeiro de, trum. by-The 50e-000 Bee Meynell, Seemed - The Life of iranci.

ARKER, Erie-Eton in the 'Eighties ... 848 _L Fmk., Capt. C. W.-The Military Policy of the British Empire - Ni3 Pollard, A. F., aelected, &a, by-The Beige of Powell, E. Alexender-.Fighting in ... 847 Putnam, 0. H.-Idwnories of My Tooth ... 366 QU1GGI2O, E. C., ed. by-William Ridgeway 19 aiurd PT, 927 aud Duchess of 3.-Joke rloorough 635

Raw, R. IL-An Agricultural Faggot ... 613 Roosevelt, Theodore-Through the Brmilian


Russell, Bertrana-Soientilic Method in Philo. SKELLEY, H. C.-The Life and Letters of

Sidmvick. A. 11.-T e Promenade Ticket ... 803 Siegfried, .Andre, from the French of-Demo. Smith, A. Demean, ed. by - The Trial of

Madeleille Smith ... . 612 Speueer, Prof. B. - Native Tribes -of the

Northern Territory of Au.tralia 413 Stanford, Sir Cherie. V. - Pages from an Unwritten Diary _ „..535 Stigaud, Capt. C. 11. - .Admiiiistration in

Tropical Africa _ 8.4 Streeter, B. H.-Restatement and Rinnion... 20+ ITIATHAM, G. 11.-The Puritans in Power ... 495 J_ Tilton!, Senator Sam.. - Itally's

Foreign and ColoniLl Polley _. 716 Topham, Anne -Memories of the Kaiser's

Coorl Tout, Prof. T. F.-The PlaC. of the Se.ign 1st1.08 Edward II. in Engli.h History .. 414 Tremmrne, • Major A. J. N.-The. Ban of the Trevelyan, Sir iieorge. 0..eorge the' Third and Charles Fox, Vol. I.L.., ... 557 VENOSTA, GiC1111.0311 Visc.ti-Mensoira of WADDINGTON, Mary Ring -illy First na a Frenehwom., 18749 ._ 203 Wallace, 11. P.- Big Game of Cmtral .c1

Western China 136 Wallas, Graham-The Great Society ... .03 Ward, Sir A. W.. ed. by-The C.thridge lthitory of English Literature.. ... 530 Watson, E. W.-The Church of England 170 Weigall, A. E. P. 13.-The Life and Times of

White. Maude Valerie-Friends .1i Memories Ell Wilkinsou, Spenser-First Lessons In War ... 800 Wilson, E. H.-A Naturalist ia Weide. Clam ES Wu Ting.f..-Ameri. and the Americans _ 1614 Wylie, I. A. 11.-Eight Years in Gerumny ... 159 you.., Pileon-The Trial of the Seddon, 612


A BEEEN, Heinrich, the Lifeof Bismarck's 21. Pen-Ed. by his Wile _ 173, Acres, Custorn.y, and their Historical Im-

portance-F. Seebohm 173 Advertieing: a Study of a Modern Busimm

Power-G. W. Goodall ... 9 Africa, Tropiml, AdministratiM in-Capt.

C. if. Stige-ud Agriculture, Mode., Makers Mac.

Agrioeltonob Fegeot, an-Li. if. &X 6110

- WK.., English-R. Lenn.d _ ... 613 America and the Amerimne (from a Chimers

Point of View)-Wu '1 ing.fang... _ _ 263 Apocalypses. Jewish mod Chrtdian-F.

msrances-1. Lowes Did An inson 750 Argumentation and Debate. the Theory and Practice of-V. A. Ketcham' ... 367 Armada, a History of England from the Defeat of the, to the D.th of Qmen Elimbeth- E. P. Cheyney 531

Art, Books dealing toil!,-

- Animal Sculpture-Walter Win.. 775 - Architecture, Mouumenta) Clasaic-A. E.-775 - Classical Ideal. MC Bemissance 'of thOLEIrs.

Honer Watts ._ 775 - Greek Art .d National Life-S. C. liaises

Smith - Greek Art, the Pri.ciples of - Perm Gardner - - - 7-75. - Greek Sculpture and Ilodern Art - Sir

Clocks Watitstein... 775 - 110.ses and Gardens-E:Lutywas... 775 - Van Gogh, Vincent, Personal Recollectiom of-Elizabeth du Queen° von Clogli ... 775 Amaral., Native Trabes of the Northam Tecritory of-B. 'Autobiugraphy, My-S. S. McClure 717

BE 4C12I1SIF.-1EVI:'D. F. Eon of, TT.

Buckle ... 743 Beresford.

of-Methuen (pub.) 636 Berkeley and Pereival-Benjamin Rand... ... 927

Berl, the Ban of the-Major A. .1. N. Tre.

Brazil, Forty Years in-Frank Bennett ... 564

Brazilian Wilder..., Through the-Theodore Britieh Aseociation, Australian Meath:: of the, Inaugural Address at the-William Ba tenon 365 British Empire, the Military Policy of the- cant. C. W. Pasley 209 - - tho Orford Survey of Ohm-Ed. by A. J.

CABIBRIDGE History of English Literature. Vol. 11.-Ed. by Sir A. W. Ward ... 530 Catholicism, Parade.. of-Robert Hugh

Semen Chariug ancl Mettibal Sohool-

WIlliom Hunter _ ...205 China's Dayspring After Thirty Yours-rItev, P. Church Life (E;g1.1.1) from the ikentoration to

the Tractarian Movement-3. Wickham Legg 95 Church of England, the-E. W. Watson ... 170 Civilisations of India, China and Japan, an

Essay on the-G. Loaves Dickinson 720 Classical Boots - Attic Comedy, the Origin of-P.M. Cornford 444 - Bmcacsicia Olympia-I. Gallauoz414

la - Cmierd Studies, the Year'. Work in, 1513-:

- Euripides .d his Ago-Gilbert Murray444 - Iliad, theComposition of the-Austen Smyth 444 - Martial, Selection. from the Epigrams 01- W. 3. Oooethope Roman Stadi., the JoOinal Of, Vol. 444

Part II-Mairrsay (pot.) ... 414 - Vulgate Theater, the-Nev. A, B. Macaulay Cleopatra the Life and Times of—A. E. P. B.

Clergy, Lay Views by gix—fongmana (piub.) ... 777 Conrad, Jorieph—Richard Curie ... ... 300 Co-operation stud Co-partnership—L. 1",. Price 612 Criept. Fraucerio. the Memoirs of, Vol. IIL-

T. Palamengbi-Crispi 674 Cult of the Passing Momeet, the—Arthnr

Cutlery Trades, L Lloyd ... 753

DAYS of My Years—Sir Melville L. Mae.


ghten- . . • • -

Deity, Roman Ideae of, 10 the Lest Century before the Christian Em—W. Wavle Fowler 237 Diary, Pages from an Unwritten—Sir Char:es V. Slooford Dickeys, Charles, in itancrii—E. 'T. Jaques ... 338 Disraeli, Beuramie, the Life of, Vol. LIZ—

W. F. Monvpriny aud G. E. Buckle ... ... 743 Dostorisky, Fyodor Miebelloviteh, Letters of, to his Parody and his Friends—Tram by Ethel C. Mayne* 596 Dowden, Edward, Lriters of, and hi. Come- epondeuts—Dent (pub.) 233 Dublin, Industrial, since 1698. and Use Silk Indmtry in Dublin—J. J. Webb ... 753 Tit DUCATION In Defence of What Might

• Pe—Edmond Holmes._ 330 Edward IL, the Pince of the Reign. of, in Engli,h History—V. F. Tout 444 Elizabeth= Hietory after the Armada—E. P. Cheyuoy England and the British Empire , a History of, Imam Political: and Literary g.Oriee-

Eton in the 'Eighties—Erie Parker ... ... 848 EUROPEAN WAR, THE GREAT (see under War )6roke).

WARM Labourer, the—O..3. Dunlop ... 613 _12 Feridaliem in Scotland—Hugh Ir. King ... 1)15 Foods and. Household Muragemea—Heien Fox, Charles. and George III., Tot IL—Sir George 0. Trevelyan 527 France Herself Agnin—Ernest Dimnet... 9/1 _French Remintion, the Period of the—Ed. by Frenchwoman. lify First Yeare as a, 1876-9— "ranch, Woks in

Anthologie des Lyriques allemande contem- pomins depuin Nietzsche—Trans. by H. Goiibooeo — Aveux duo Terrorist°, lee—Ernest Daudet 11 — Band. des Hablta Noire. la—F. Daquemel 11

— Brenheureuses Dominica/nes. lee—C. de — Carrefour, le—X. Le Goma. ... 12 — Cour dhirr. Cem d'aujourdhui—Mure. X.

— Chevalier de Folard,le—Charles de Coynart 611 — Chose. d'Ame—Lucie Felix-Faure Goyan ... 611 — Chose. Velar!, Estannie II — Costume Civil en France, le—Camille Piton 597 — Croquie d'Outre.blanche—Jacques Bardom 11 — Den.eme, la—Maxime Formoot ... 11 — Dantoo—Louis Madelin 611 — Demarques. lee—Jean Tole .. 611 — Demon de 51151. 10—H. Bourget ... ... 611 — Duchess° d'Orleans—Baron Andre de — Dumouriez, le Ge,neral—P. de Saint-Andre 11 — L'Eau de Jouvence—L. Gauthey _. 12 — Gait en France, le—M. Rocha/ave.- ... 611 — L'Heritage—Benri Mrchelin ... 611 — Jose?hine de Savoie, Comtease de Provence — Madame Pasteur—Rend Vallery-Radot ... 611 — Marie de Afireu1-1. Itonzinae.Cambou ... 611 — Mirentchu—Pierre Lhande ... 611 — Mgr. Dupanloup—Emile Fagnet ... 10 — Nigelle—Gabriel Frmay... 612 — Fait Tombe . . .10-30. Ardel 11 — L'Oisriu de France—L. de Kerguy 61) — Ombres imageries et Visions anglaise.— Comte d'Illimonville... ... 71

— Paroles devant la Vie—H. Mercereau 11 — Pierre. qui Vivant, les—Claude Pierrelle ... 611 — Poelie framaise du Moyen.Age—Ed. by C. Ooloront — Quelques Portraits d'Hommes — Henry611

— Romm de la Foret, Eerily 11 — Roman Merveilleua le—Pierre de Cmlemin 11 — Sang HMOs Scenes de It Vie Ilongroim

— Source. Thee, lee—P. Margueritte 11

— Trisor des Pricy, le—Louie Noel 611 — Ultima Verba—M. Meier°. 11 Friends and Memories—Maude Valerie White 891 Cr ALTON. Francis, the Life. Letters, and • Labours of—Ken Pearson ... 614 -George the Third and Charles Fox, Vol. IL— GERMANY AND THE WAR (eee under {For Books).

Germany, Eight Years A. R. Wylie ... 169 — Municipal Life and Goverement in—W. U. Gilbert, Sullivan, and D'OyIy Carte—Framois Gospel end Acts, the Primitive Text of the- T_TENRY VII., the Brien of, from Contem.

naurr.dSources:Selected, de., by A.. F. Heredity (Australian Meeting Of the British

Association)—Williain Batman_ 3C3 Hobby Book., the—Nebson (pub.) 1 ,.. 893

Houghton, htanley, the Works of—Ed., &c.,6311 by 11. Boifbooue llousekeeper's Book. Leaves from a—Noah

Hu.site War., the—Count Litre° 525

IMMIGRANTS, with Poor, to America—

India, Ancient—E. J. Ramon 270 — China, and Japan, an Theory on the Civilise. tions of—G. Lowes Dickinson 750 Industries (English) of the Middle Ages—L. F.

Industrial History of Modem EuglartilLG. H. Perrit Italy's Foreign and .6:olonierl POlicy—.Senattlr TESSOPP, Augnens—England's Peasantry 29 10 Joachun, Joseph, Letters from and to—

Selected. Sc.. by Nora Mobley _ 751 Job, the Poem of—Tram. by Dr. E.G. Kim ... 501

KA. Court, Memories of the—Anne 328

Kent. Immanuel—H.1i Chalberirin 269 K)ng's Council in England during the Middle

Agee, the—J. F. Baldwin._ 465 I AND and the Politicians—H. Grisewood

and E. Robins „. 613 Land, the, and the Commonwealth—T.E.Marke 613 — the, and the People—Murray (pub.) ... 613 — the Occupying Ownership of—B. Tollenerche 613 LawMaking,theMechanicsof —Courtenayllbert 21 Law, William, the Mysticism of—S.Harvey Gem 138 Lay Views bySix Clergy—Longman. (pub.) .- 777 Life and Character, British, Impressious of-

Li20B—orcE. beBAy.o.bS.troioreb the Everydayl:,ife ell—F. F.

Literature, English, tie Criribridie History of


Lombard Towns of Italy—Egerton B. Willinms 239 Lourdes—Johann. Jorgemen 238

vrAcaey, John Macdonald, a Miscellany

-lel Presented to—Constable (pub.) ... 501 MAGAZINES, the 12206.332.369-466-638.804 Malta, the Odd Men in—John Wignacourt .- 21 blarlborongh, John and Sarah. Duke and Delimits of—Stuart J. Reid ... 635 Medicine., Patent, Report from the Select Committee on—Wyman (pub.) .. 331 Mello, D. Franrisco Manuel de—Edgar Memoir. of My Youth, 1847.1g0—dlomeni Visconti Venosta ................929

Mexico, fdodern—R. 3. NfacHugh 501 MILITARY BOOKS (me under War Beak4, Modernism, Stedies in—Rev. Alfred Fawkes ... 99 Mourn, John B. S., of Rokeb, the Letters of —Ed. by G. E. Marindin -------------113

Murder Mysteries, Noted—hilip Curtin 612 ATATIVE Trites of the Northern Territory ..1_31 of Australia—Baldwin Spencer 443 Natural /Deter!), Travel, do., Books dealing stilly:— — Animal Life by the Seashore—G. A.

— Bees, the Mason—Y. Henri Palm° — Birds. Field Studies of Some Rarer British —John /Walpole-Bond 692 — Bird Studies in Twenty-four Lessons-

- Cambridge British ilora,:the—a E. Moss._ 204

— Chmkendom, a Year in—J. W. Horst ... E93

— Ll,its. Central and Western, the Big Garae

of-11. F. Wallace .- _. 136 — ChM., Western, a Naturalist in—E, H.

Wdteo — Deer Heads, Rritlsti—Ed. by F. *aline. 692 — Griden under Glam, the—W. F. Bowles _. 893 — Parasites, Some Minute Animal— IL B.

Fouthom — Penguins, Ani arctic—Dr. G. Leviri 692 — Plant Anatomy, Physiological—Dr. G.

— Plants, British Flowering—Pia. Bouiger ... 204 — Plods, Flowering, of the Riviera—H. S.

— Pond Problems—E. E. iinwin ... 692 — Spade-Craft—H. A. Day_. _ 893 — Trout in Lakes and Reservoirs —E. Phillip. 592 — Wild Flowers, Adventures among—John NAVAL BOOKS (see under War Books), New Zealand, Democracy in—Trans. by E. V. Beret — — Social Weiiare in-11. if. Lusk ... 528 Nietasche, Friedrich—George Brandea ... 171 Novels, Stories, Tales, ie. :— — Aladore-11enry Newbolt' ... 932 — Alberta and Others—Madge S. Smith 302 — Angel Ieland—Inez Haynes Gillmore ... 335 — Arcadian Adventures with the Elle Rich- - Beasts and Super-Beasts—II. N. Munro ... 60 — Bellamy—Elinor Mordaunt _ 720 — BreadendbutterfLies—Dion Clayton Calthrop 174 — Bridget Considlne—Idary Crosbie 173 Coddle-Worm. the—C. A. Dawson Scott ... 431 — Child Went Forth, 0—Vol Pawlowska ... 100 — Clean Heart, the—A. S. M. Ilutchinson ... 808 — Come Out and Play—X. E. F. Irwin ... 754 — Coucerning a Vow—Rhoda Broughton ... 239 — Crooked Mile, a—Oliver Oniom 61 — Croweing Glory, the—E. R. Mershon. ... 174

— Demi.Gods, the—James Stephen. ... 719 — Dr. Ashford and his Neig.hbours—F. Werra Cornieh — Echoee from the Pleat—h. Cope Corn.ford... 895 — Encounter, the—Anne Doug]. Sedgirick _ 854

— Eternal Priestess, the—Putnam Werie 754 — Girl on the Green, the—Musk Allerton 240 — Girl'. Marriage, a—Agnes Gordon Lennox_ 240 — Great Release, the—K. Keith _ 641 Heppy Reerait, the—W. Pelt Ridge... ... 431 — Hie Official Fiancee—Bertha Rook ... 140 — Hole of the Pit, the—Adrian Ross -. 532 — 380000 10 Demetrim Road, the—S.)). Brim.

— Home to the Downs, de—II. .B. Marriott100 Wdtuoo — Incredible iventures — Algernon illacii.

Novels, Stories, Trigs, fa (cent:sued) r- - behold, the—Eleanor Mordaunt 100 — Jam Girl, the—Prances B. Sterrett ... ... 174 — Jane's Career—Herbert 0. De Lisser ... 99 — Juatioe of the Peace—Frederick Nivea ... 20 — Lad of Kent, a—Herbert Harrierin 363 — Land of the Lotus—S. M. Graham ... 63 — Landmarks—E. V. Lucas 641 — Lonely Plough, the—Constance Holme — 100 — Lure of Romence, the — 13. F. Prevost Battersby . .7C7 — Moo. Martin'. MaaLSt...fan Errine 933 — Night Watchee—W, W. Jacobs ... 567 — Oddethili—Robert Hugh Benson ... 641 — Pastor's Wile, the—Smith A Elder (pub.)... CM — Patience Tabernacle—Sophie Cole 469 — Perch of the Devil—Gertrade Atherton ... 099 — Price of Love, the—Arnold Bennett .., ... 502

— Pride of Eve, the—Warwick lierilog ... 533

— Purp/e Frog., the—H. W. Westbrook and Lawreme Grossmith 131 — Red Virgin, the —G. F. Turner 25 — Residency, the—Henry Brum ... 100 — Bine and Glory of the Weatell./kowne, the — Royal Runaway, the—Laurence Holism._ MB

— Seeds of Pine—Janey 1. muck ... 503

— Shop Girls—Arthur Applin 272 — Seek° rid Sword—Percival Christopher — Story of Fifine, the—Bernard &nee ... 399 — Sylvia Saxon—Ellen M. Cobden _ 303 — Three Sisters, the—May Sinclair ... 854 — Toll, the—Willem Westrup ... 272 — Tour' Bellew—Margaret Peteraon ... 598 — Two Kisses, the—Oliver Onions _ 61

— 1.11p eritioned Heavens, the — Charles 829

— Valley of a Thoumnd E. Mills Young. . — 807 — Wall of Partition, de—florence L. Barclay 333 — Wisdom of Father Brown, the—G. K.

Chesterton _ _ ... 597 — Youngest World, the—Robert Dunn ... 139 Emmen. Norma — 2562.100-140-174240.272.203- 335-368469-533-598-631.676-720-755-808-855895.933

O'NEILL and Onnond—Diarmid Coffey ... 532 Ownership, Public Where and Why it has Falled—Yvea Guyot 466 pEASANTRY of England, the—Augustus Penal Methods, a Hiriory a—George Ives ... 98 Philosophy, Scientific Method in, Our Know- ledge of the Exterior/ World as a Field for—

Perim Works of :— — Aida to the Immortality of Certahr Persona in /relrid Charitably Administered- - Atil in Gortland—lienry Ransom. _ 58

— Beeville, Ilseedore de, the Ballads of—

Trans. by A. T. Strong ..' 58 — Collected Poems—Ford Medea Hearer ... 58 — England Over Sem—Lloyd Roberta 58 — Farming Lays—Bernard Gilbert _ .58 — German Ocean, from Across the—Margaret

Arcdt — Golden Heresy, the—Max Plowman 58

— Living Chalice, the—Suzan I.. Mitchell 53 — Nadir the Persian—Herbert Shooting ... 58 — Philip the King, 50.—John lffasefield ... 593 — Poems and Legends—C. S. Catty ... 58

— Poem., Later—Emily Hickey ... ... 58 — Poem. of Problems—Ella Wheeler Wilcox 303 — Portuguese' Poems from the—Tranthe—Toot,,by A. F. G.Bell „ 58 — Rhodesian Rhymes, More—C. Gouldsbm-y 58

— Sea to Kind, the—T. Sturge Moore _ 58 — Two Blind Countriee the—Rose Macaulay 50 Poets Laureate of England, the—W. Forbes tOny roamer& Raymond—Duckworth (pub.). 430 Pound a Week, Round About a—Mrs. Pembilr Rotor Poverty and Waste—artiri Witere271 Promenade Ticket, the—A. H. Sidgwicli Proyorty I its nutria and Rights—Macmillan (pub.)._ .. ... 693 Psychological Anriyals, a—Graham Wallas ... 203 Public Ownership Where and Why It has Failed—Yves Griot ... ... 486 Puritans in Power, the—G. B. Tatham 499

-DP ECOLLECTIONS and Reflections—Major.

Get- Sir Thomas Fraser 529 Remedies, Secret, Select Committee Report on—Wymen (pub.) ... _ 331 Restatement and Reunion—B. II. Streeter ... 204 Reunion All Round—Gurney (pub.) 60 Reviews, Famoue—R. Brimley Johnson.- ... 498 Ridgeway, William—Ed. by E. C. Quiggin ... 19 Roade of England, the Green—R. H. Cox _ 96 Roberts, Lord, KG., V.C., the Life of—Sir George Forrest _ 594 Rome, Ancient, and Modern Araeried- Goglielmo Ferrem — _ Roman People, the Making of Ihe—Thomas

Lloyd — System cf Provincial Ariminist*Mtion to the Accemion of Constantine the ,Great—

Rural Problem, Ike—H. D.iiiarban _ C13

Bucei34. the MrduePria.8. of—Hon. Maurice

BcnioZ AILORMAN, Sonia Traits of., and Naval /..j Occasions—Blackwood (pub.) .., ... 429 Sehool.Boaks Algebra, Elementary, Test Papers in—C. V.

1)00011 — American College, the—C. F. Thwing ... 597

— line.hhola, die Famine—Ed. by 0.13. Clarke 464

— Chaircera Perlement of Fordes—Ed. by429

— Child, Your, Today and Tomorrow- Sidonie X. Gruenlerg... ... 397 School-Book. (continued) :- 4- Children, What they Study and Why-C. B.

Gilbert . - Education, the Corneratone of-2/5r. E. Lyttelton_ . 404 - Germany and the United Slates. Public Education in-L. B. Klemm 397 - Girl, the Training of the-W. A. MeK.ver 197 hiterat.e, First Books of-Prof. G. Saints- - Litemture(BnglisIl) in Prose and Verse from 'Dryden to Burke--Complied by E. J. Elias 464 - Literature, High Roads of (Book VI.)- cioleoo - Macaulay'. Essay on Clive-Ed: by A. J. P. Colliot

- Mathematics Practical I.-T. S.

Usherw.cf _ 401 Munpassant. Guy de, Six Cont. p.-Ed.

' - Montessori, Dr. : her own Handbook- Heinemann (pub.) - ._ 464 - Montes.ri, from Locke to-William Boyd 464 - Mout.sori Method, the, and the American Sebool-Florence Elizabeth Ward._ ... 464 - Prose, English, a Library of-Ed, by Dr.

- Spenser's Faiiry Qrmen-EIL by

etouley Scutari, the Struggle for-N. Edith Durham .. 55 Seddons, the Trial of the-Filson Young ... 612 Serbians, Hero-Tai. rind Legends of the- W. M. Petrovitch .. _• 393 Smith, Madeleine, the Trial of-Ed. by A. Duncan Smith _ _ 612 Social Revolution, the Theory of-Brooks Adams Society, the Great-Cintham Son and a Brother, Notcc of a-Henry James 416 Spain and Portugal, the Touriet's-Ruth EodeioWood - under the Roman Empire-E.B. Ito.hier... 21 Stanhope, Ch.les, Third Earl, the Life of- Revised, ho., by O. P. Gooch ,. 135 Storm, the Gathering-Lane (pub.) ._ 172 Bummer : the English Year-W. Beach Sundial Booke, Geoffrey W. Henslow .. 804 Surrey Musters-Surrey Record Society (pub.) 363 - the Victoria History of the County of,

Vol. 117.-Ed. by RE. Malden ... 172 FmPESTRIES, Catologoe of-A. P. KendriL.k 597

by A. C. Paterson _. .. 562

Taxation, English, a.. 1640.4799-W. Xenneti 752 Things Mother Used. to Make-Lydia .22

Thompson, Francis, the 'Life of-teeraa Fripoli, the New-Ethel Braun ... ... 615

UNIVERSITY, a New-J. M. Mackay ... 501 4•Vigilans sed oteqmo's,.. the Letters of-Smith

& Elder (pub.) .. ... 417

N17111age, a Voice from the-Dent (pub.)... ... 613 TTAB Office the Pest and Present- V Captain ow.. Wheel WAR, BOORS RELATING TO TNE t-

- American, One: hieOpinion of the European War--F. W. Whitridge ... 931 - Army, the Or....tion of the-Treitrchke 672 - Back from the Front-T. A. Beggs 718 - Belgium, the Case of, in the Preeent War- Macmillan (pub.)931 - Bimn.ek's Pen-Trana by Mre. Charles E. Barrett•Lennard. and M. W. Hover_ .. 299 - Britain . Germany'. Vaaaal-General von Beruhardi 892 - Cavalry, a History of-Col. G. T. Denison._ 98 - Commereial Engagements, the Effect of the War on-F. Gore-Browne 931 - Cromwell'. Soldier'. Bible-Stock (pub.) ... 718 Crown Prince's First Leeson.11.1r, the- - Eastern Question, the-F. F. Urquhart ... 672 - Engi.d Invaded-Ed..1 Foord, .., 57 - Flanders, Fighting in-E. Ale.nder Powell 847

- Fleets at War, the-Archibald Hurd ... 482 - Emuco and the Next War-Commandant J.

- Germany'. War Mania-Shaw (polo) _ 673 - Germany and England-J. A. Crarnb ... 267 - Germany and England-Lrtro. by Mr. Choate 582 - Germany and the Next War-G.eral von - Germany, the Truth about Facts about the - German Army from Within-Hodder (pub.) 561 - German Empire's Hour of Destiny-Col. H.

- German Elpire, the Refounding of the- - Gra. Britain and Germany - Spen.r

- Huns, the Lest of the-George Saunders ... 718 - Imperialism and Patriotism and The Euro- pean Crisis-Ed. by S. Humphri. ... 891 • -• Jena or Sedan 7-From the German of Franz - Koiser's War, the-A.tin Harrison... ... 822 - Law mad Umge of War-Sir Thomas Barclay 931 - Manual of Emergency Legislation - A. Pulling - Hight is Right-Sir Walter Ralergh... ... 672 - Military Polley of the British Empire, the- - Nation in Arms, the-Field-Harshal Enron War, Books relating to the (continued):- - Navy and tbe War. tlre-J. B. Thursfield ... 672 - Navy, the Royal-John Leyknd 395 - Naval Battle, the-Lient. A. Hendry and - Nava Courts Martial-D. Hammy ... 531 - Naval Ocamions: and Some Traite of a Sailorman-Blackwood (pub.) 425 - Oxford Col:m.0y Members and the Woe-

Hoot pub.)

- Porte, the Fighting Retreat to-Roger - Pruerna's Devilish Creed - Alex. M.

- Suasion Ally, Our-Sir Donald. Mackenzie - Buseian Army from Within, the-W. B.

- Ships, Fighting, 1911-Ed. by Fred T. Jane 535 - Strategy, Sea, Land, end Aar-Sir George - Strategy, the Foundation. of - Captain - SurreI Alusters-Surrey Record Society - Treitmhke. Lectures on Politics,Selectione from-Trans. by Adam Is. Gowans... ... 672 - War, First Lessons in--Speneer Wilkineon BOD - War, Our Duty and Our Interest in the-- - War, Quick Training for-Lieut.-Gen. Sir Robert Baden.Powell 426 - War Studi.-John Kirkpatrick ... 472 - War, the: How it Began-J. M. Kennedy 331 - War. the Third Oreat-Laurie Magnus ... 892 - War, Thoughte on the-A. CluttonsBrock ... 893 Wellington, the Duke of-J. W. Buchan - 850 - in the Pyrenees, with-Brigadier•General

F. C. Beatson ." 6.50 What Might Be, in Defence -of-Edmond

Holmes •-• -. • - 930 Windsor Castle-W. li. Hope...... 603

-(7-EAR, the English: Summer-W. Beach

3_ Thomas, he. _

YostmEyd.ward,. the Life and Letters o/-11.6. 43, Youth, iremoli.

- Homeric. of My-G. H. rk... 93(248


AEGEAN Archaeology-H. R. Hall 076

Mop in Polities-Ls D. Colvin ... ... 100 AIRCRAFT, Books on ... 175.209-642 AL/aria, the Real-N. D. Stott 101 Alien thread., War and-Arthur Page_ ... 336 America and the Americana from a Chinese Point of View-Wu Tingf.g 26 - Life in, One Hundred Years Ago-G. Hunt 909 Annual Register, the, 1913-Longm.s (pub.)... 26 ANTHOLOGIES 101.460851 Army and Navy, Wanted ! a Citizen-F. H. SbIioe Asia at the Door-K. K. Kawakami - 504 Asquith, Mr., his War Speeches 470.533 ASTRONOMY, Books on ... 26.208

ATLASES and MAPS 241.304336-339-569-753.809 BA.11.1'svLON, the Excavations at-R. Kol- Balk. Zre, of -lhe 'interhqtiona 934

Commission Cu the .. _ 303 Bannockburn -John E. Morrie 26 Beauty, Theory of-E. P. Cerritt... 534 Belgium. her Kin.. Kingdom, and People-. J. de C. M.Donnell •_ ... 141 Bell Towere and Bell Hanging-Sir A. P. Hey.

BERGSON, HENRI, Books dealing with 676.933 BIOGRAPHY, Books of 175499.642.676 698.808.

809-955-897.033.934 Bolivia-Paul Walla 101 " Break I "-A Naval Officer303 British and Foreign Bible Society,1_

.10th Report

CALIFORNIA, rind. the Sky in-C. F.

Sauudoro Cambridge Manuals oi Science 0.1 Lite.rature 101

Camera, Saturday with My-S.C. Johnson 62 Canada, the Full of-George M. Wrong... .- 642 Canoes and Camaraderie-P. Merriman and H. B. IL Coney .. _• •.. _. 175 Chamberlain, Mn., with, in the United States and Canada-Sir W. Haycock _• 141 Charing. Old, Historical Sketch. 01-3. iSullowny Chet, a Quiet-By" " 141 Child Welfare, Problems of-G. B. Mangold ._ 433 Chile: its Land .d People-F. 3.0. Maitland 447 Civilization. a Theory of-Sholto 0. G. Douglas 400 Clear Thinking; or, An Eaglishman'a Creed- L. Cecil Smith _ 616 Come Over and Holy 111S-R.T.S. (pub.)... _• 336 Commons, My Adventures in the-E. A.

VieeleSy Conduct of Life, the-Vlscount Haldane ... 101 COOKERY BOOKS 400-514407 Cradle of ManlrInd, the-W. A. land E. T. A.

CuWinViTnd Dale, in ;1..1-PerCy Withers- TAANTE., a Walk in Other Woride with-

klerron S. Bait:brig... ... 470 DICTIONARIES, Lc. 132.094-197 Lowden. P.fcrutor, Fragments from Letters of -Ed. by Miss Weet 655 Drama, English, of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century-G. H. Nettleton ... 101 - Univeraity. in the Tudor Age-F. S. Bons ... 141 Drood, Edwin, the Mystery of-1V. E. C. .. 447 VCONOMIC BOOKF. ...433.503-590676.808407 Economic Geography-John McFerlane 101 ESSAYS, Book. of 26-174•241-447.534499-697-808- 810931 1,3EEBLE-MINDEDNESS-10. H, (loddard 809

-12 FINANCE. Book._on " 175240804 Fortifications, the Town-WalL of Ireland- Froteb, Works in

- Les Pays d'Albanie at lour Histoire-F.

Gibert . . 140

— oa eat 5100 7—fradta

LIABDENING BOOKS 617 • Geolorl Escort:ions Round London- GIFT.BOUKS ... 615-16 ; 696-97; 778-79430.81-01 892.53; 806 Girls, a Garden of-Mre. T. Concannon... _•2191 Glasgow, Idunicipal-With Preface by Sir I). M. Stevenson _ 140 Golfer, the Happy-Henry Leach... _ 101 Grand Assi.. the-Hugh C.ton .“ 1155 Graveeend. Hiatory of, Vol. I.-A.J. Philip ... 140 Greece of the Elellen.-Lucy 35.3, Garnett 447 GUIDE-BOOKS, HANDBOOKS, ha 02-174-209-

279.50440l4-599.617.755-897 ITAB..11,1NaTsOLliand his Oceana-11. F.

Harrison, the House of-Harrison pub.) ... 618 HISTORICAL WORKS 174-340-304-502504.547.598- 617.697.75549094(54-81/7.931 HISTORY, LOCAL, he., Books on 140211-208- 209-470-599-617 History, Modern, the Study of, 112 Great

Bffitain-C. H. Firth _. 7.6 Home Univeraity Library, the ... 101-755 House-Ply, the-C. Gordon Hewitt ... 934 Household Cori.. Chats on-F. W. Burgess ... 140 Houses, Small Country: their Repair and Enlargement-la Weaver 617

HYMN BOOKS 330-432-815 TNDIA , the Hletorical Record of the Imerial Vreit to, 1911-3. Murray (pub.) -------509 Indian Finance end Currency-M. de P. Webb 447 Ins.ts, Fruit, Manual of-N.Y. Slingerl.d end C. R. Crosby

International Low: Topics .d 'Discussions- U.S. Nand War College (pub.) ... ... 335 JAPAN, Book, dealing with 209404-897 KRUM% the-Lt.-Col. P. B. T. Grades ... 210

T ATIN, Rooks 174-173 -1-f Latter Days, the-I. E. Taylor ... 33d

LIBRARIES, Book. On ... 2084155 Life and Human Nat.e-Sir Eampfylde Fuller 101 LITERATURE, Book° on... 504-599-855 Literary Friendship, a-Thomas Westw.d .. 608 London, Prehintoric-E, 0. Gordon ... ITANUALS, War ... 400-170.534.568-6i2-809-854 -MI- MARRIED LIFE, the Duties and Be-

sponsibilitiee of ... . ... 203 Mental Development, Natu. on:I-Nurture in- Mercers' Comp.y, iffistory of the-thr John Meredith, Oeorge, Ch.noiegical Lief of his

Publieations-G. Esdaile 501 Mexico, Dictatorn of-John de Kay ... 101 - the United Staten and-O. L. Rives 568 Minden and the Seven Yews' War-Sir Lees012 Knculeu Minerals and Hocks, Useful, the Deposits of the, Vol. I.-Trans. by FL J. Tr.cott... ... 470 Monoolies, the Prevention and Control of-

sMorocco-Pierre Loti ... 101 - the Piquant-G. EL' •_ 102 Mothera of the Empire-Mr.. Bramwell Booth 14/

MYTHS, FOLK-LOBE, he., Books on... ... 209 ATAPOLEON, Books on 272-720 .1.1 National Insurance Acts: Medico), Benefit Regulations-Ed. by J. M.Lloyd 617 NATURAL HISTORY, Book. of... 534697.897 NAVY, Books dealing with the .., 533.931 Neighbors-Jacob A. Riis 934 NEW EDITIONS, he. fl-175.240.24l.272-336.f65- 500-800.397 Newm., Cardinal, Two Boobs on. .. 111. Neweraper Writing and Editing-W. 0. Meyer 193 Nicene, Anthropological Beport on Ibo-Spook. bre Peoples of, Parts IV..V1.-N. W. Thomas 301 Nightingale, Florence, to her Naraes-Mac. mill. (Petri114

Norelieta, Notes on-floury James 097 er-IIL Conquest of the World, the-F. A. Talbot 933

• On Life and Letters-Anatole France ... Si Orient Express, the-Arthur M.re 447 'DAN-ANGLES, the-Sinclalr Kennedy _ 57.4

X Partnership-U. C. Emery ... ... Old Paeteur and after Pa.teur-Stephen Paget •_ 503 Patent Lew and Practice-F. E. Bradley .d P. II. flowmeu Pater. Walter-Edwara Thom.101 Persia, Modern, the Preea .d Peary of-E.G.

Personal Service-Wells Gardner (pub.) ... Philology, the Journal of-Macmillan (pub.) ... 414 Plant Life in the British Isl., the Story of, Vo1 IL-A. R. Borwood 017 POETRY. SONGS, Books of 175.203-400-432.470-5.34- 567-563-012-670805-554

Poetry, the Theory of, in England-R. P. Cowl 62 POLITICAL and ECONOMIC SCIENCE,

Ilooke of 438503-599-576-809 Potsdam Diary, 1915, the-L. J. Masse- ... 806 PRAYERS. War 400470-568

Primrose Leagno Election Guide, the-Ed. by

G. A. Arbuthnot _. _ 82 Princess Mary's Gift •BookLHodder &

Stoughton (pub.) _ 3.808 Princeton-Varnum Lameing Collins - 460

Prisoners of W. in Britain-Fanneis Abell ... 033 - France-Sir E. Hain 730 Probation System, the-Cecil Leeson ... 141

Pulitser, Joseph-Alleyne Ireland ... 62 ClUARTERLIES, the ... 1.84-3-399-561-851.933 '•-sZ Qurfine, Leaves (eon. Three Ancient-Ed. by Rev. A. Ming.a and Agnes Smith RELATIVITY, the Theory of-L. Silber- RELIGIOUS BOOKS ... 175-2(8.618 RifleAssociation, National. HiEfOry of the-

A. P. Ilumphry and Lt.-CoL T. F. Pro-

Rome, Republican-M. L. Mired_ 599 Rubber Ind.try, the, in Bruall and the Orient62 ANITATION, Practical Tropival-W. A. s

SCIENTIFIC and PHILOSOPHICAL BOOKS 240.642-676.7554396-897-934

Scientific Papers, Catelogne of, Vol. XIII.-

Comb. Univ. Press (pub.)... ..

Scottiah War of Independence, M.641 Borroe Scouting, Fix. *Slaps in-M. h. Young ... 368 Sea Insurance-William Gone tO3 Serbi.s, Hero-Tales and Legen.ds oi the- W. IL Petrovitch 291 Shakspere and Sir Walter Ralegh-11.

Penth.lon . ... 933

Shipping, British-A.-W. Kirkoldy ... 140 SOLDIERS, Books Useful for 335432-4785385620 7285084354 South Polar Times, the, Vol. III-Smith & Elder (Sob,) SPORTS. GAMES, Books on 175-209.598897-933 Spring, in Pursuit of-Edward Thomas_ .., 101 Stellar Movements .d the Struct.e of the Universe-A. S. Eddie ton 534 Stewarts, the Royal-T. k. Henderson Strategy, Sea, L.d,.d George Anton 273 - the Foundation. of-Capt. IL M. Johnstone 273 Suc.se in Life, the Secrete of-W. Wynn ... 141 Surrey, a Pilgrimage in-J. S. Ogilvy ... 617 Sweden, Holidays in-J. B. Philip ... ... 102 rrtecrics and the Landscape-Capt. T. _1_ Bedford Franklin ... ... 272 Tahiti, the Quest and Occupation of, .1772-76, Teeth, Our, and Our Health-H. Olver ... 304 Tennyson, a Concordance to the Works Of- B. A.Bokre Scout, the Training of the-Limnt. a. Work in H

Thirty Years-Sir Thorn's B.clay ... 63 To do Ships, Notes on-J. RAVEL, SPORT, &, Book. of

T a 175273-336417- 51;86174i78.97-855.887 Treitsehlre his Life and Works-A. Hausruth 720 Trials, Notable English, Series-W. Bodge

"'VANGUARD, the-E. B. Bronson _ 26

V Vivisection-Lord J.tice Fletcher Vol.teer Training CPrila d.ette, the... ... 854 WAR BOOKS 400432.469.503-533.567.568-642- 697-720 WAR PAMPHLETS.. 335-368.369-400431-432-469- 170.508533.567.538-598-542-854 WAR SERMONS 400432469-569 War, the Principles of, Historically Illue- trated, Vol. I.-Major-General E. A. Althorn 303 Wellington in the Pyrenees, with-Brigadier.

Welh & StOughtOn (pulo..) ... 175 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY, Book. on 204599 WOMEN, Scale dealing 44th... 101475447.855 World, the Age of the-J. Log. Lobby 423

NEAR BOOKS, de. 755.80B


nelson's Spectator and a Lancashire Lady's

19 Commonplace Book, 168. " After," the Irish, 93-132468.

Altanie versa. Greece. 89.

Archduke'. Murder, the Political Effects of the, 89-165.

A.traliim Navy, Building for the, 164. RZES, the Problem of the, 167. -I, Behave, How to,13.

Bird Stories, Two, 93. Birds, theCommitteefor the Economic Pre..., Ron of, 54. Brackentery, GeneralSir Henry, Memorial to, 51. Building Trade, The Ruin of the, 131.

Bolg.ian People, the, in the Late War, 88. Caullter and Caucus, Rule by, 138. ca. 83

eron, Mr. C. A., the Case of, , Cav.dish Association, the, 747. Chanties, 166.

Church., Ancient, the Preservation of, 844, Civil Service S.urity of Tenure, 53.

Cloistered Virtue, a, 15.

Cohen, the Right Hon. A., LC. (18304914), 609. Con..., the, 560. Confirmation and Communion, 14-51, Corr.tious, 93.133-13-7-799.815-880. Cricket, 17.etnen Diet. at, after 170 Years, 133. n STre Servi., Dignity and, 798845-888926. Drowning Accident., How they Happen, 92- 33. Dnden, John, 561.

Win., 234.

"English." the Boycott of the Word. 9•M. Esau:non nod Proportional Repreaentation, 129. FRENCH Books, Some Modern, 10.

aCHHAIIT'S Opportnnity, 730.

• -•• Government's Record, the, 12.

HAL,7311%, k.:2:12.: Speech at the National

Holy Baptizer, 234. Nonce on Threatened Civil War, 166, Howlers, More, 133201238328361.

Humidry, 05149, Miniatures by, 533-

Tar...Revenue, 13. Insanity, the Prevention of, 201. Irel.d the Pronetants of the South:mad West, 13-53; What Civil W. Means for, 128. Trish Tourist Truffle, the Development of the, 235. Italy, United, and Separatist Ireland, 91.

In/ion Soldieru and their Food, 90. Ion and. Sorrow, the Antinomy of, 15.

" Justice, a Plea for: the Cure of Mn'. C. A. Cameron, 138.

KING in Council, the, 128.

T LIMS with the Past. 132. .."‘ Lloyd George, Hr., his Gospel of Bad Luck, 12. Local Authorities, Government and, 13. London, a Motto for, 1E7-201.

London Survey, the, 293.

ATLI- ASTERISK, 93. Mexico. the United States end, 130. "Militant.," an Ancient Parallel to the, 93. Blunicipnl Government in En.gland and in Germany, 814926. NAUTICAL Colloquialisms, 436-517.

"P"147ftg..1° =Ysiy',0417.13. Posters, a Tax on, SI Post Ofilee, the, asPhiliatine, se, Poverty, the Chief Cause of, 138164. Professo., Two, the Strange Case of, 164. QllaxxanK in the United States, 92.

Rn'illo,g11'"17e Z'arjilte,561. Referendum Association, the, 139. Religious Education, 925. Reviews, Famous, 527. QATE AIM SELS, Lord, 53,

Shakeep.re, Metrical Experiment in, 132. Site Value, L3111. Slater, °Bear, the Case of, 127-165. Slavery, an Official Definition of, 130.

Social Politics, Detailed Knowledge for Speaker.

00, 12. Somerset Superstition., Two, 93.133-167. Stanford, Sir Charles, the Reminiscences of, 635. 9' Superanunation, 234.

x'3.tade Union Tuba, the, 53. Trinity s. Magdalene, 635. ITingn: the Exclusion of, 521 the Spectator and,

Ulster Problem, the, 123. Ulster. Prote. culation Fund, 91,


Wrsei..s and the Distribution of Wealth, 91.

• • Waverley," 53. Welsh Church, the, and Convocation, 130. Welsh Church Bill, the, 163-339. Welsh Home Rule, 729. Wesley. Non-Oilicial Conference, n, 15.53.

APPEALS.-Graceful Giving, 16.-Gnineas for Pounds: an Investment for Women, 54.-The Women's Holiday Fund, 54.-Borrow Bones. 54.- Children'. Country Bolidnye Fund, 94.-The Boys' Brigade Seaside Camps, 91---Memorial to lie Francis Campbe-ll, led-Employment for Girl and Women Workers, 323.-Tlie New G.eration, 161. -Alpine Plants and Help -for Soldiers and Sailors, 394.-The Domestic Servants' Association, 426.- lime. Van der Velde's Re For British Hones on the Battlefield, 670.-Wool. with Girls' Club, 716.-Medlcal Edncation of Women in London, 845.-The British Field Hospital for Belgium, 845.-Wanted, a Typewriter, 846.-East Afric. Field Force Committee, Mt WAR, LETTERS RELATING TO THE:- A"IftrIlf;octNoo.n in° w' 633, "Alien .nemies," Iunocent, the. Assisting of, 296. Ambulance Committee, the British, 746. America, and England, 261-556; and the War, 293-460.493.524; a Word to, 400 ; Cross-Currents in, 55G; Japan, and Britain. 556 ; the Voice of, 590-633- 664-747-7984343.924; the Railing of Men doling the Civil War in; 745.

Araerican Opinion of Germany, 665, American Red Cross Ship, the, 453.

American Regular Army, the, 8E8. Analogy, a Striking. 263. Antwerp, an Englishmen at the Siege of, 1533, 634. Armageddon, 743. Army, Second, the Need fore, 295-326.

Artemus Ward on Patriot/ant. 324. As in 1870, 263.

At Loggerheads, 516.

Atrooities the Alleged German, 423; Prussi., 494. Austria, War with, 232-304. Antree Natio., Autr. Mann, 558.

PAGEHOT, Walter, on the Future of Bismarck'.

Policy, 493.

B.dages, "Many-Tailed," 264. Belgium a Parallel from Spenscr's " Feed*

Queene," 431,

Belgian Refugee. ns T.ohers of French, 593.. Bernhard', General von, Again, 524.

Bible, a Q notation from the, 496.

Blake, William, the War Song of, 887. Blessings in Disguise, 797. Blucher and the Bridge of Jena, 560,

Bluejacket'. Letter, a, 590. Boers nod the War, 359. 13.ka for the Ithepitals, 108.

Boys' Country- Week Sooiety, 461.

Brother., a Band of, 193. Burke and the War, 747. Burn., the Poet, and the Germans, 717-798.

Business end the W., 665. " Rustiness as Uthal," 265, n.r. to Arms, the, 360-294-325.

`--• Call to Prayer, a, 455. Can a Nation Go Mad 923. Cmaada, the Lack of Reeraiting F.ilitie. in. MI.

Can.rship Cicero on the, BM; Criticism Of

Car, 610.

Chant of Hate againat EiagLuid, s,507.

Charitable Societi..d. Institutions, the Fend. Of, 749. Cheltoni.., Old, 426-635. Civil Service, the War and the, 334. Civilian Force, the, 201.

Clifton College Register, 381.

Clothe. for Wounded and Dieabled Soldiers, 59L th Cobden Club, e, and the War, 560.

Compulsion and Recruiting, 795. Compulsory Service versus Volunteering, 422.

Confession nod Atonement, 424.

Conquest and Culture, 589. Con.ription: Matthew Arnold and, 842; Must

it Come? 886. Contracts, Army, .d Corruption, 813. Cotton Industry, the, 526. County Jnatice, the Duties of a, 336. County Practice, a, in the -First Weeks of War, al&

Cromer, Lord : and the W.,199 ; on ...erica:.


Cromwell's Soldier's Bible, 327. DlEITE OP the Kfliaer, 963.

m Dekker, Thoas, a Parallel from, 887. Democracy and Foreign Policy, 421-453490. De Wet, General, on Loyalty, 592.

Distinctive Dress, the Danger of, for Officers all

the Front, 795.

"Drunkenness," the Meaning of, 592.

EAGTiout„„thome I/7 of the, 424, Employment, Keeping it Steady, 160. "Engineer,'' the,-799.

rm. Gl.se., Lord Roberts's App.1 for, 356-558-

.: Fin.. of War, Our, 357; Ftensied

398423. Fire, Pr.:notions against, 533. " Five-Footers " Regiment, a, 422.

Fleet, Fruit and Vegetables for the, 715,

Fleets, the Brill. nod Gana., 519. Food Fund,-National, 423. Frioil Supply, the, 2337-the War and Our, 393.

Football : and the War, 260-713; and Recruiting, 743: Professional, in War Time, 836,

France, Our Debt to. 534-797. French. Allies, Our, 200. . French Levi. in 1670, the, and Volnntary Service,

"French'. Contemptible Little Army," 528592. Fruit, Wild, the Harvest of, 250.

(.1xacrirs And. In. tedrndatig77.1 Law, 391,

German-Americans and the W., 887.

German Culture, 669-843, German Hatred ofiEngland, 841-923. German Philo.play.and German W.fare, 337.

German SOldiers in 1870 and 1914, 665.

Germans, the, in Belgium, 392.

Girls Abroad, the-Won and Oer, 670.

Guid.: the Corps 06, 222-252; -County Corp. of, -Fr=1TeftoTtheeheivInTio7. o7,121.1' th"59, Hate Chant of, against England,,a, 587; no a

National Gospel, 665.

Hatred between Germany nod Engl.d, Alleged

International, 714,

Helping France and England, 233.

11istormal Parallel, an, 261. Hohenzollern., Heredity and the, 887.

Holland, the Belgi. Invasion of, 558. ,, of Trataing, the, 525. Home Guards, B34-921 ; the Arming of the, 885. "Bow Can I Help ? " 233.

Hut Hospita/e, 461.

Iand the W., 336; the Naval Defence et, 424. Indians : and German Rule, B57; and the War. 392.

Insurance Scheme, the Government's, litt Interceasion. 297.

Invasion Attempts at, 589-667; -Civilians and, 841. Iodine Treatment Of w4.2,33, the, 669.715; a Coincidence ? 843.921.

Ireland, Sedition in, 799.

Italy : and the War, 250.402;-the Position of, 431, Italian Proverb,.., 263.

Italian View of the War, an, 493, nws at-Constantinople, 887.

Johnson, Dr.: on the British Soldier. 495 ; andFroderick the Great, 558. -frames: Dante and the. 263, Milton and 00. 317; Napoleon and the, 359-843. King. the, and Recruiting, 251.

Kipling, Mx., the Soldier, and Sport, 559.

rrra Grandfather. Like Grandson, 498.

• ?-1 Loggerh.de, at, 526.

•• Lord of the Isle.," the, Mi. Louvain. Vivee on the City of 360.

•• Love Your Enemies," 50.

Lururi.: end Charity, 263 ; the War .d, 7.

Meer...Lela. F.% eerie: the Great, 5,k3. Made Work, 66.7.

Melton Company National Reservists, 231. Marine I.uranee in War, 257.

Maritime Capture, 882. Married and Single, 922. Maurice, F. D., on the Breaking Down of National Boundaries, 20.

Men, Men, Men, 631-666-7.264811.

• Military Caste, the, 295. Milton and the Kaiser, 527.

Mitcham Town Guard, the, 066. Mourning, No, for Those ivho Die in the Field, .2E5.

Music, the Psyehology of, 924.

ljarotrow: .d Wilhelm II., 355 ; on the Science 4-8 of War, 494 ; and the Kaiser, 843.

National Relief Fluid, 296. National Reiter., the: at Risley. 255; in Canada and the Spectator, 191; the Value of the, 4152, National Volunteers, the, 461.

Navy, What We Owe to the, 843. Naval Dieioi Se, Royal (Public School Battalion), • Sffi.

Never or Now, 496.

New England, a Word from, 577. Newspepers: War and the, 556; German and Austrian, 715.

Nietzsche, 923.

North, the Awakening of the 358.

North Sea, a Lotter from the, MA natecrions to Joining. 195-327.

.5-• Officer.' Dress, the Danger of, 790. Officers' Life Insurances, 326.

Olympic, Game. of 1915, the Berlin, Ma.

VIACITINT Protests, 234.265.

Pans, an App.I for, 460-496.

Patriotism, True, Sib Philadelphia, How She is Helping, 793.

Phillippe-Wolley. Mr. Clive. 924. Physical Standard. for Recruits, 744.796. Pig and Poultry League, Why Not of 425.

Poems of Peace, 558.

Poland end the Smaller Slav States, 261, Poland's Gratitude to Russia, 290.

Polish Sympathy with England, 799. Press Bureau, a flint to the, 747.

Pres., the, the Public, and the War, 541.

Prophecy which in Coming True, a, 923. Prussia or Germ.y ? 714.747.

Prussian Militarism, 493.

Prank= Office. at Skagen: an Episode of 1361, SM.

Prussian Peril, the, 295.

Public-School Battelle., 359.

TV:t.‘f ds.ITIgeliTiy°11YelfEl) Veterans Corp., 45.

Quotation., 392.

ANNE, a Quotation from, 287.

It Recruiting, 294-324-712-744-798.841; Political As.ciations and, 325; the High Sheriff of Surrey and. 358; the Problem of, 35840 ; Doctors an 958; at Birmingham, 358; Aide to, 422; in Beet. Iand, 667-712.7444511 Compulsion and, 795; in Ireland, 796 ; Voluntary, NM Recruiting Speechea, 495.

Recruits, a Word to, 157.

Red Cross Organization, the Triumph of, 396. Red Crow Suggeations, 394496, Redmond, Mr., Ids Opportunity, 324.

Rsemployment, 425.

Refumes. War, 360.

Reims Cathedrel, 420.

Relief Work for Ladiee, 298.

Repetitions of History, the. 357. Renter'e Agency .d Wolff'. Bureau, 393452. Rhyme, an Apt, 461. Rifle Clubs and Village Guards, 261-395-713.

Robert., Lord: the Appeals of, 356-556-635; the Pereinerial to, 747. Rolls of Honour, 461.

R.M1.: and the Dardanell., 535; and Con- gthatinople. 743. Russian Priem., 591.

Qinotes, Lord.Robertes Appeal for, 5515.

z•••• St. Crispin's Day, 1415, 05.

Salisbury, Lord, on the Duty of Englishmen. 421. Sans Precedent, 450.

fthbothrehips and Volunteering for the Army, 886.

School boya, Drill for, 713-797.

Scott, Walter, on the Situation. 323.

Sea Queen Wakes. the, 557. •• S.timents Proper to the Present Crisis," 263. Seaaration Allowance. the Government. 560.591- .746.

Serbian Relief Fund, 425.

Sheridan, General, and the Franco-Prussian War, 8.38.

Sheriff's Badge, the, 464495-497.799.

Situation, Va.. for Men, 608.

0dottrWelfrre in War Time, 559.

Soldier's Cap, the Danger of the, 921.

Soldier. in Camp. Our, 50, Soldiers' Prayers, 360. Spectator Erperimental Company, the-n Happy Resat, 747.

Sportsmen, an Appeal t.1, 391. Sugar, Government Baring of, 843.223.

"Sweet Little W.V. the, 355. • ToTobItt'llittr11;!?bi.

•• They Also Serve .. ." 666.

Throwing off the Yoke, 560.

•• Tommy Alldne," 495.

Trade Unions and the War, 07.

Traitfing Camps, to the Men of the, 589.631.

Treitachke. 922.

Trenches, the Man for the, 884.

"True Words for Brave Men," BM.

Troth, the, 460.

Typhoid Fever, Protection agsinst, 559.

UNKNOWN Quantity, the, 5/3.

yIC701ff, the Spirit that Leads to, 634.569. Viennese Bury, Extract° from a, 653.

Village Guard.. 261-296.713. Village, the War and the, 516. Village Win. W. and the, 262. Vodka, the Abolition of the State Monopoly in, 501.

Voluntary Enlistment, the Biological Effect of, 414.

Vohutteer Trebling Corp., Central AzisOciation of, MO.

Volunteer., a Badge for, 716.

Way. the and its De., 254; Whet. Responsible

• • for the? 493.

Warship, Proposed Gift of a, from Britons Over.

, Ma. Wellington, the Duke of, on German Soldier., 4CO.

West Indian's Difficulties, 4.126.

White Paper, the, 297424469.

Wieriedeu, a Journey from, 199. Women and the War, 393461.

Women of the Empire, to the, 670. Women'. Patriotic Duty-a re.tical Scheme, 301.

Wookey Hole Drill Company, the, 425.



Cameron, Mr., the Case of, 79.

Conference, the,. Buckingham Palace, 117. Convocatious of the Church of England, the Constitution of the, 79.

Craig, Capthin, his Statement of the Preamble of the Co.titution for Ulster, 43.

Dublin. the Fatal Goa-Running Affair in, 155. 'Empress of Ireland,' the Report no Co Lose of the, 78.

King, the: and the Conference at Buckingham Palace, 117 ; the Attick en, 118; his Visit to the Fleet at Shithead, 110.

King and Queen, the Visit of the, to Scotland, 43.79.

Kitchener, Lord, on the Reclamation of Land in the Nile Delta, 3.

National Reserve: Captain Holmes on the, 79; Church Parade of the let Battalion (Croydon) S.my, 79.

Public Trustee, the Committee to Advise the, 155. Ulster: the Provisional Government for, 43; Sir E. Carson at Belfast, 7,1; the 13th of July Celebratio. 10, 74,


Amending Bill, the : in the Lords, 1-41; the Government and the, 70; the Postponement of the, 155.

Asquith, Mr.: on the Co.se of Public Bosineas, 78; hie Statem.t on the Buckingham Palace Con. fermi., 117-118; on Bills 10 10 Passed end Bill, to he Dropped, 119.

Chamberlain, Mr., Tributes to, 43. Council ot India bill, the, in the Loran, 42. Malin Gen-Running Affair, the, 155.

Finance Bill, the Third Edition of the. 2. Foreign Affairs, General Discussion ou, in the COMMONS, 2,

Government Majority of 23 on Finance 5111, 43. Marconi Queetion, the Opposition mad the, 3. liturray:Lerd, the Government and the Report on the Ca. 01, 1, Saye and Selo, Lord, his Perso.I Statement, 3.


Canada: Hind. at Vancouver, the Problem of the, 41.


Alberti., Gloomy Now. from. 77,

Austria-Hungary Archduke Franc). Ferdinand and his Wife, Assassioationof the, 2-41; ...Serbia, the Friction between, 119.

Cella., lfme., the Acquittal of , in Emu., 155. Cardinal della Chi.. Elected Pope, 347.

French Army, M. Humbert's S.aational State. meat on the, 77.

Greece and Turkw, the Strained Relation. between, 241.

aferican Dispute: the Niegare Conference on the, 2; GenerellItterta'a Rerignorion, 77. Poincare, M., his Visit to St. Peteraburg, 119. Pope Pius 31.. the Death of, 251. SacreCeeur,Churchof the,Paris, theConsecration of the, 41. WAR, PARAGRAPHS DEALING WITH THE t- HOME NEVIS.

Airship Raffia, the Tim.. on, 515. American Tour.. the Assisting of, 188.

Army, New, Why Men of P.itiou should Millet in the, 243.

Armies, New, the Growth and Spirit of the. 40. Asquith. Mr.: at the Guildhall, 346; at Edin-

burgh. 410,- in Dublin, ; his Visit to the Prisoners' Camp at Newbury, to=.

Auatria, Britain Declares War on, 218.

Austrian Diplomatiat's American Wife'. Letter to the Times, 483.

Balfour. Mr., on the AdminiathatIon of the Prince of Maths's Fund, 370.

lk.rie. Sir James, his New Play. Der Tag, 911, Batten..., Prin. Louie of, the Itheiguation of.

Belgian Refugees of Fighting Ago, 623. Boner Law, Mr., on German Miatekes, 910. British Casualt7 Lists, 010.

British Theologians, the Ammer of, to Germ. Theologi.s. 451.

" Benin.. as Us.1," 219, Cabinet, the Resignations from the, 188. Chasidim Contingent. Arrival of the, at Plymouth, 614.

Ch.chill, Mr. Winston: on Digging out the German Ships like HAW in a Hole, 411, hi. Speech at Co Ouildindi Banquet, 654-650.

Cromer, Lord on •• Germany and Oureolves," 570; on German Method, la the E.t, 875. Enemy Alien., the Problem of, 546.

England, Forces Available for the Defence of, 250. Expeditso.ry Force, the, 183.

Fisher, Lord, Appointed k'irst Sem Lord, 623. Football AeSoetation and Foutirill Loigue, the Decision of the, 347.

Grey, BM E., his Reply to the German Chan colter, 379.

Criuhlhall Bouquet, the Speeches at the, 655. Belden°, Lori], the Att.). upon, 189. Ilarcourt, Hr., on the Steps for Capturing Germany's Trade, 851.

Ilarnson, Mr. Frederic, Lis Outburst against the Kaiser, 315.

Dome Guards, lle.

Independent Lithour Party, tho, and Recruiting, 314.

Ireland, the Suppression of Sedition in, 831. King, the : his Mea.geo to the Expeditionary Force, 521; to the self Governing Dominions, 347; to the People of India. 1347; to the British nod Indian Troops at Idarseill.. 460; to Sir John French, 655.

King and Queen, the Splendid Behaviour of the, IBS.

Kitchener, Lord: Becomes Secretary for War. 180; his Plait for Raining Treaps, 20; his Jeanie- tie]. to the Expedirionary Force, 851theon re_ating of Itecruite, 070; the Reported Interview In as American Paper, 764.

Lansdowne, Lord, at Nottingham, on the Events that Led up to the W., 411.

Leslie, the Into Csiputin, the Fine Spirit of, 053. Lloyd Georg., Mr.: at the Queen's Hall, on "Setups of Papera.• 411; at Cardtlf, no the Duty of Wale., 451; on Germuny'. Responaibility fop the War, 1.55; on the Totul thitiah 1 orees, 910. National Patriotic Organization, the, 453. National Reserve, the War 011ice .d the, 219. National Service League Placed at Ithip.al of Lord Kitchener, 187.

Nand and fd.ine Brigade., the Formation of,


Nicoll, Sir Robertson, his Stirring Recruiting Call, 015, Patriotic League of Britons Oven... the, 911. Prince of Wane,. Feud, the, 010.

Profeesional Cles.s War Relief Council, the, 570. Putnam' Mr. 11. 1.1., his Reply to Germ.- Ameran icCritics, ell.

Recruit., the Insufficiency of, 752.

Recruiting for the New Army, the Progress of, 210.261•314-378.

Recruitieg, Scientiee, 05.

Recruiting Canvas., the Progrese of the, MO. Redmond. Mr. lua Recruiting Manileato, VS; at Wexford, on an Dish brigade, 450.

Raid, the Preepecte of a, 700.'

Reuter's Agency and Wolff 's Ilureau, Six Vrieutine Chirel 00, 147.

Revenge, the Pea Statesman on the Spirit 01,347, Roberts, Lord his Eightyrecoud Birthday, 4311, the D.th of, 701; the Inner:11 of, 701.

Rodin, M., his 6010 01 Statuary, 655, Sondes, Dr., his Appeal for the 13elgian Belief Fond, 411.

Shell Fire, How to Behave under, 911. Someraet Yrianunry, a Battle Seery of, 821. Speyer, Sir Edger. itetirm.from New York Firm of Speyer and Co., 402, Truth Union Congrese P.liamentary Committee, the Recruiting lthuideldo of the, 015.

Trainier Camps. tha Men in the, 6225 Troubridge, liearoatindrid, the Arimittal of, 654. Mater Volunteers to Kull. in New Army, 314. Vinogradeff, Profesaor, on the Soul of the lfilasiau People, 379,

Volunteer Training Corp., Central Amociatiou of, IND.

War, the Cause of the, 185.

War Loan, the ••li.h" to Subecribe the 703. Warship Building. • Record hi, 874.

Weather Forecasts, the Publication of, 515. Wedgwood, Mr. Josiah, the Propheci. of, 451. White Paper, the, 282.

Willeocke, (Seneca, his Order to the Iodize Troops, 655. Wright. Sir Almroth, on Typhoid Fee.. du., ynong the Troop., 451.


Asquith, Mr. on the Ultimatum to Gervenny. 184, on What We are Fighting for, 186 ; Move. Adjournment of House, 219; on the Heroism of the Belgian.. this on the Inch Question and the Welsh Bill, 313; Aake for Second Half-Itillion of Men, 345.

Belgi. Refuge., the Government ant the, 346.

Censorship, the, 733.

Churchill, Mr.: on the Destruction of the 'Bul- wark,' 734, on the Work aud es/rowels of the Navy,


Civilian...Id Invasion. 735.

Crewe, Lord, on the Enth.iasm in India for the W., 315.

Defence of the Realm Consolidation Bill, the, 735.

Grey, Sir E.: on the Position of the Government In the Anal...Serbian Crisis. 135; his Statement the Crisis, 100.

Hodge, Mr., his Preis° of Army Officers, 703. Home Rule Que.tion, the, 315.

Indian Offers of Service and Money, 346.

Kitchener, Lord: his Statement in the Lords, 370; on the War and on the Supply of Men, 73i.

Lloyd George. Mr.: his War Budget, 7071 his Concessiono to the Brewers, 730; on the Financial Situation, 786.

Officers in the Army, the Pay of, 703.

Parlinment Extrnordinary Beene at the Pro- rogation of, 410 ; the King and the Opening of, 62t ; the King's Speech, 654; the Debates in the Lords and Commons, 654,

Redmond, Mr., hi. Men orable Statement, 186. Tennant, Mr., Rua the Recruiting Figur., 735.

Vote of Credit, the, for £225,000,041 and the Vote for 1,000,000 Men, 703.


Aeroplane Attacks on Paris. 51-L Aisne: the German Retreat to the, 377; the Battle of the, fitek Allies Take the Offenssve, 315.

Antwerp: the Siere of, 449-481; the Fall of, 814; the Naval Division at, 511; the Aerial Bomb.d. ment of, 515.

Belgian Army, the Heroism of the. 516-578. Belgian Field Army, the Recuperation of the, 513. Belgian Grey Book, the, 483.

Belgian Neutrality, the German Imputations against France and Britain am to, 426.

Berlin, the Attacks on Foreigners in, 219. British Forces Trensferred to Extreme Left, 513. BrugetsOcenmed by the Germans, 513. Bruesels Reached by the Gen.., 249; and Occupied by them, 283.

Chock-a-Block," the Condition of, 481. Coast, the Fight for the. 545.577. Correspondents Allowed at the Front, 737.

DilmIdorf and Cologne, Engthh Airmen's Raids 00, 418.401.

Expeditionary- Force Landed nt Boulogne, 251. Eyewitness. at General Ilendcpunters, the Accounts by an, 409.623-70.3-786-th0401-1375.

Flanders, the Operutionn in. 822-633.701.785.830. 874-909.

French, Sir John his Deopatches, 337447-786; .d the London Sandal, 023, "French's Contemptible Little Army," the Kaieer and, 451.

Gernun Advance, the, into Northern France, 281-313.

German Army in Belgium. the Quality of the, HI. Gennan Outrages to Belgium, Committee's Reports on, 21/1.379.

Indian Troops Land at M.seillos, 450.

King George, his Visit to the Front, 785; "Eye- witnesses" Review of, 830.

Liege, the Siege of, 187.217.

Lomaine and Alsace, the Operation. in, 2467.

Mons, the Retreat from. 202 Mulhouseo, French Withdrawal from, 218.

Poineare, M„ his Visit to the French and British Headcounters, 483.

Prince of Wales, the, Go. to the Front, 703.795, Reims, the German Proclamation at, 377. Roberta, Lord, the Dante of, 701.

Royal Flying Corps, a Eulogy of the, 579.

Santis, the German Outrages at, 377.

Ypres, the Defence of, by the 7th Infantry Divi- sion and 3.1 Cavalry Division, 875.

Zeppelin Drops Bombe on Ostend, 410.

THE ******* THEATRE.

August..., General von Hindenburg Defeated at Battle of, 483.

Austria. and Germans, the Alleged Quarrels between. 653.

East Prusvia Invadea by the Itmeinus, 231; Germans Defeat Russians in, 314; Russian l'rm gra. in, 7.11.

GRIMM. Great Russian Victory over Atutrians in, 314-345409.

NiC111011, the Battle of the, 449.

Poland: the German Advance in, 113; Failure of the Attempt to Reach Warsaw. 579; the German. Austnan Retreat in, 622.6531 German Plane in, 653; the Fresh German Attack, 7003; and Def.t, 733-785- 530; becond Attempt for W..w, 874909.

Frzemyxl, the Investment of, 659.

Russian Mobilication, the, 218; and Advan., 249.


Austria Declares War on Serbia, 153. Austria.. Doing Badly, 250.

Belgrade, the thrbinn Re-entry into, 910. Canca.us, Ruseia's Success in the, 621.

Serbia.' Victories over the Austrians, 233830' 875, T.key Abolishes the Capitulatione, 979; her Attack ma Russian Black Se. Forts, 577; Britain Declares War ou, 621.


Japan Sends Ultimatum to Germany, 331; nod Declares War, 253.

Jams.. Fleet Attacks Jaluit Island (Polynesia), 493.

Knochau, the Fall of, 654.


AFRICA (SOUTH).-German Force Defeated by South African Mounted Mee, 370.-General De La Key Shot by a Policeman, 3713.-Beye., General: the Resignation of, 411; the Death of. 831.- Mnritz, Colonel, the Rebellion of, 5I5.-Hertzog. General, his Mission to the Rebels, 578.-Prociama. tiou Offering Generous Treatment, the, 735.-1)e Wet, Genes. : the Capture of, 797; a Plea. for, 830. -Botha, General, his 24.ifesto on the Rebellion, &30.-Fourie, Captain, the Execution 01,911.

Africa, E.t, the British Reverse to, 793.

Aga Khan, his Metusage to 5loslems, 623.

Apia, Samoa. Surrenders to New Zealand Expeditionary- Force, 315.

Boom, the Occupation of, icy Troops from 735.

Camerae., the Operations It the, 578.

Dominions nod Coloni., the War Offerings of the, 210-831.

EGYPT.-Torkey'a Suzerain Rights in, the End of, (.2l.-Turki. Army Reportc I Nearing the Canal, 785.-British Protectorate Proclaimed, 873. -Sultan Hussein I., the State Entry of, into the Abdin Palace, 911 Ilerbertshfibe (New Pommern) Occupied by Australian Squadron, 378, Indian Government. the Proclamation of the, in regerd to the 11017 Places. 621.

Lome, in Germ. Togohind, Seized by the British, 219.

Laderitzbucht Occupied by South African Defence Force, 430.

Swakopneund Evacuated by the Germans, 219. NAVAL OPERATIONS.

• Aboukir.' 'Hogue,' and • Cressy,' Diameter to the, 411.

• Auephion,' the Loss of the, 197-281. Aintrimi Cruiser Smut at Trieste, 514.

• Berlin,' the, Interned at Trondhjem, 702. Bombardment of Belgian Coast by British War- ships. 545-578-732.783.874.

• Bulwark,' Battleship, Blows up in Sheerest. Harbour, 731-875.

• Cap Trsdalgar,' the, Sunk by the' Carmania,' 411, Chilean Coast, the Disaster off the. 6Z2-655.703.910.

• Cumberl.d Captures Ten Germ. Liners off the Cameroon River, 430.

'Emden ' her. Raid. in the Bay of Bengal and on Madras, 410; Sink. Britiah St.mers in the Indl. Ocean, 458.547; Loses Two Collier. to the • Yarmouth.' 514; Sinks the RUJIIi811 Crui.r • Zhemchnm. 622; Destroyed by the 'Sydney,' 655.

Falkland Li/ands, the Victoxy off the, 829. 'Friedrich Karl,' Germ. Cruiser, Sunk lathe Baltic. 030.

Friedr.chshafen, the British Air Raid on, 735, German Cruiser • Rel.' Sunk by Submarine E9,' 379. German Crui.er 'Magdeburg ' Hewn up in the Gulf of Finland. 282.

German Cruisers. the Depredation. of, 578. Germen Destroyers, Four, Sunk in the North Sea, 548. German Subm.ines: • 1.115' Sunk by the 'Birmingham,' 218; Four, Reported Accounted 100, 702; • U18 ' thmmed off North S.tland, 735.

German Torpedo-Boat Sunk by Subm.ine El.' 452.

• Goeben' and • Breslau ': in Straits of Messina, 187 ; the Escape of the, into the Dardanelles, 213; in the Black Sea, 514; the Russian Attnek no the, 702, Hartlepool, Sc.horough, and Whitby, the German Attack 00, 872.

• Ilawke." the Lows of the, 514.

Heligoland, the Naval Fight off, 314; Sir David Beatty's Despatch, 546.

Kaiser Wilhelm der Gros.' Sank by the • Highfiyer,' 232.

• thinight Luise,' the Sinking of the, 197.

• Konigsberg.' the, "Bottled up" by the Cruiser 'Chatham.' 653.

• th.audiyeh,' the, Sunk by a Britinh Subm.ino in the Durdanell., 875. Mine-Laying, the AdinimIty Cousiter-ht.sures of, 482.

Naval Situation, the, In Home Waters, 702. 'Niger,' Gunboat, Torpedoed in the Dow., 853, North Sea, Unopposed Sw.p of the, 345.

Ortega,' the Escape of the, from a German Cruiser in the Straits of Magellan, 702.

• Pathfinder.' the Loss of the. 3/7.

• Pegasus; the, Disabled in Zanzibar Beebeor by the • Konigsberg.' 411.

Eurniau Cruieer 'Pathan' Sung in the Baltic, 51.5.

• samet.'etl*3S/Isit b./011.1loir, 3.14.

Turkish Vessels Attack Rusean Porta, 577. Zeebrugge, the Bombardment of, 735-785.


AUSTRIA.11UNGARY.-0000t Tisza the Visit of, to Berlin, 734.-Hungary, the Morning Poet's Letters from, 734-975.

FRANCE.-Cambon, Id. Jules, his Experienceir in Leaving Gerson., 219.-011ivier, M. Emile, hie Prophetic Letter to the King of Prose., 251.- French President and Ministers' Proclamation, 315.-Joffre, General, an Appreciation of, 379.- Vivinni, M., on the Policy of France, 909.

GERMANY.-Bethmami Hollweg, Herr von: his Speech of Angus& 4th in the Reichstag, 219; on Britain as the Author of the War, 797.-Germ. Cassualties, Speculation as to the Total of, 430.

ITALY.-The Position of, 377.-Giuli.o. Marquis di San, the Death of the, 546.-Italinn Wan:Mips Sent to Valona, 078.-Prime Minister, the, Defines the Minietry'. Policy, 786.-Anti- Austri. Demonstrations on the Gberdauk Awn. ver.ry, 910.-Salandra, Signor, the Career and Character 01, 911.

RUSSIA.-Emperor, the: Receives the Member. of the Dunes, 220; the Popularity of the, 735.

UNITED STATES.-America and the War, 250- -Lincoln, Abraham, an Excellent Story of, German Ensthariee in the, 410.-The Unprepared State of the, 411.-Gerin.y's Reply to Ameri.0 Peace Suggestions, 411.-R.sevelt, Mr., on the Lessonn of the Wer forth..., 410-547; Germane Altered Eatimate of, 450.-Senstor Lodge on America'. Attitude towards the War, 453.-Eliot, Dr. Charles, on the Sources and Outcome of the War, 787.-51ahun, Admiral, on the Naval Opera- tions, 831.-N aw York Times, the Appeal of the, to the German People, 875.

Britain, Fr.., and Russia Agree not to Con. elude Peace Separately, 348.

Enemy Reservists in Neutral Ships, the Problem of, 579.

Grain, Restricting the Conveyance of, into Germany, 579.

Prisoner., which Power hoe the Largest Hum- bert 579.

Scandinavian Kings, the Meeting of the, ea Malmo, 910.

Story, a Good, 779, OBITUARY. Anson, Sir Denis, 50.

Chnmberlain, Mr. Joseph, 3. Dougl., General Sir Chart., 378. Giuliano, the Marco. di San, 548. Harelinge of Penshurst, Lady, 7P. King Carol of Ronmania, 515. Mahan, Rear.Admiral A. T., 737. Pope Pius X., 251.

Roberta. Lord, 701-709.

Wentyse, Lord, 3.