4 JULY 1914, Page 9

After a somewhat fiery contribution to the debate from Lord

Wimborne, and after Lord Dmiraven had urged yet one more plea for his favourite Federalism, Lord Midleton made a very important and welcome speech. Lord Midleton Las been regarded as the leader and representative of the Loyalists of the South and West, and he might have been expected to oppose the solution of Exclusion at all costs. Nevertheless, though he favoured an immediate General Election, he did not oppose the Amending BilL After some useful and practical suggestions as to general safeguards, he concluded by declaring that the Lords would pats what they believed to be a bad Bill from patriotic motives and in order to help the Government out of the difficulties into which they ought never to have plunged. Lord Islington, a Liberal Peer, who it may be remembered was Governor of New Zealand, declared that, though self-government could not be withheld from Ireland, the province of Ulster could not be incorporated in the scheme of the Home Rule Bill.