Last week the American Army team beat the British Army
team at polo. Their ponies were said to be better than those we could produce, though probably British blood can be traced in their pedigrees. The victors were in their turn beaten by the Jodhpur team mounted on Waler ponies. At Prestwick, an American golfer won the open championship, and our only consolation is that he was bred. in Cornwall. At Wimbledon, where the lawn tennis tournament has caused more excitement than ever, the women of England neither created the furore nor attained the success which went to the incom- parably agile Mlle. Lenglen. This makes a gloomy tale, although the Ascot Gold Cup remains at home this year.. To judge by a study of the journals that educate our public opinion, these events seem far more deplorable than the dwindling of our export trade. * * *