Chambers Of Commerce Atlas. Specially Prepared For The...
and Engineering Supplement. George Philip and Son, Ltd. £2 12s. 611.) Tins Atlas is wholly admirable. The improvements in surveyin g , statistical information and statistical......
The Toy Maker. By Sophie Cole. (mills And Boon. 7s.
6d. net.)—Miss Sophie Cole has the art of making lower middle-class life in London interestin g , and there is an un- accountable fascination in her story of two women who keep......
This Is One Of The Series Of Studies In Church
History, and will be welcome because so little has yet been printed about the Black Friars, while their rivals, the Grey Friars, have long been a favoured subject for historical......
Current Literature
SIR - EDWIN CHADWICK. By M. Marston. (L. Parsons. 4s. 6d. net.) No one who has studied the history of Poor Law Reform or read Sir B. W. Richardson's The Health of Nations can......
THE BEST SHORT STORIES OF 1924 WHATZVER else can be said of the American short-story writers represented in this annual collection, it must be conceded that they are very......
The Eternal Two. By Marie Conway Oemler. (heine- Mann. 7s.
6d.)—Although the theme of The Taming of the Shrew is developed to a really ridiculous extent in the open i g ;chapters of this novel there arc many delightful passages to be......
Other Novels
Cling - of the Clay. — By Milton Hayes: (Hodder and Stou g hton. 7s. 6d. net.)—It is not till this novel has engaged the reader's attention for - more than half its length as an......
A Saturday Ll!e. By Radclyffe Hall. (arrowsmith. 7s. 6d....
vary in their calls on the credulity of their readers. Some make a small demand in every chapter, others present a startlin g hypothesis the results of which follow logically.......