4 JULY 1958, Page 3



A AA and RAC, the, 550 (A), 584, 615 756 (L)

Abbey Theatre, The: Cradle of Genius, Gerard Fay, 622 (R)

Aberfoyle Plantations, 594 (CN)

Acton, Harold, The Last Medici, 721 (R)

Adam, Michael, 748 (A) Adams, John Bodkin, 655 (R)

Address to an Undergraduate Society, 706 (P)

Adrian, Leslie, sex of, 894 (L)


saleamanship, 12 (A); subliminal advertising, 79 (S), 918 (A);

Bottom Dropping Oat, 403 (A); bogus advertising and patent

medicines, 517 (A); high-pressure advertising in the US, 642 (CA); brand names in press reports, 743 (S); standards for advertisers, 743 (S); television advertising, 746 (A); advertising on ITV, 802 (S); the BBC's anomalous attitude towards advertising, 883 (S); misleading tourist advertising, 910 (S); book review, 722 Aeronautical Engineers' Association boycotted, 49 (A), 535, 843 (LA) Aetherius Society, the, 246 (A)

Affluent Society, The, John Kenneth Galbraith, 381 (R), 403 (A) Afnan, Soheil M., Avicenna, His Life and Work, 171 (R) After Hammarskjald, 360 (LA)

Africa: the colonial nations' attitude to coloured people, 80 (A); book review, 259

Africa: Central African Federation, see under RHODESIA AND

NYASALAND Africa, North: book review, 284


death of Mr. Strydom, 270 (S), 346(L); causes of the Eloer War,

281, 314 (L); Dr. Verwoerd becomes Premier, 295 (PW); Dr.

Vorwoerd's apartheid, 298 (S); the 'Treason Trial' indictments withdrawn, 507 (S); Dr. Verwoerd and the true Volkswil,

634(5); book reviews, 526, 712

After Long Silence, Robert Gutwillig, 231 (R) After September 28, 328 (LA) Afternoon of an Author, F. Scott Fitzgerald, 591 (R)

Age of Fiction. An: The French Novel From Gide to ('amas,

Germaine Bree and Margaret Guiton, 30 (R)

Age of Louts XIV, The, Voltaire, 115 (R) Agee, James, A Death in the Family, 175 (R) Ageing and Human Skill, A. T. Welford, 251 (R) Agle, Janet, Family Secret, 416 (R) Agley, 345 (A)

Agon (Covent Garden), 278 (CA)


New Deal for the Small Farmer, 6 (A); the value of farming to

the economy, 17 (L); the Royal Shows, 18 (L); Labour Party's

policy In Prosper the Plough, 45 (LA); the Government's plans to

help the small farmer, 600 (LA)

Ala Queue Folk (Winter Garden), 12 (CA) Ahrenfeldt, Robert H., Psychiatry in the British Army in the Second World War, 636 (10 Aida (Covent Garden), 55, 749 (CA) Ainsworth, Harriet, Shadow on the Water, 320 (R) Albatross, The, Charlotte Armstrong, 232 (R)

Alcohol and road accidents, 138 (A), 197 (L)

Aldiss, Brian, Non-Stop, 379 (R) Alexander the Great, The Generalship of, Major-General J. F. C.

Fuller, 525 (R)

Alexander's Path: From Caria to Cilicia, Freya Stark, 526 (R) Alexis de Tocqueville: Journeys to England and Ireland (trans.

George Lawrence and K. P. Mayer, ed. J. P. Mayer), 145 (R)

Alfred Lord Milner: The Man of No Illusions, 1854-1925, John

Evelyn Wrench, 244 (It), 281 (L)

Algeria; SCO under FRANCE AND NORTH APRICA Algeria: 7'he Realities, Germaine Tillion, 380 (R) Algren, Nelson, Never Come Morning, 287 (R) Allen, Agnes and Jack, Your Book of Architecture, 545 (CA) Allen, Johannes, Young Love, 352 (R)

Allied Bakeries, 206, 625 (CN)

A Ilinghtun, Margery, Hide My Eyes, 728 (R)

Alliophagy, 409, 442, 492 (L)

Allsop, Kenneth, Rare Bird, 146 (R) Along the Road to Frame, Christopher Hollis, 836 (R)

Alphabet, a rhyming, 323 (C) Alresford, 574 (A), 652, 703, 755 (L)

Aluminium Kettle of Fish, 873 (F)

Amalgamated Anthracite Holdings, 322 (CN) Amalgamated Press, 901 (CN) Amalgamated Roadstone Corporation, 118 (CN)

Amyntas, Andre Gide, 284 (R) Anand, Mulk Raj, KCJIlla Kula, 730 (R) Anatomy of a Murder, Robert Traver, 462 (R)

Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Biblical Studies, The,

Frank Moore Cross, Jr., 260 (10

And be a Villain, Joanna Cannan, 730 (R) And There Was Light: The Discovery of the Universe, Rudolph

Thiel, 719 (R)

Anderson, Patrick, First Steps in Greece, 870 (R)

Andrews, Lancelot, 824 (R)

Anecdotes of Destiny, Isak Dinesen, 526 (R) Anger in a Small Town, 574 (A), 616, 652, 703, 755 (L)


animals in literature, 82 (A); mice and space rockets, 345 (A); cats,

395 (S); Congo the chimpanzee, 363(5), 369 (A); Slough's bye-laws

on dogs, 492 (L); racing pigeons, 886 (A); a journey with a tor- toise,1192 (A); the National Cat Club show, 912; book review, 201

Anon, 910 (A)

Anonymous letters, 919 (A)

Ansbacher, Heinz L., and Rowena R. Ansbacher, The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler, 348 (R)

Ansells Brewery, 839 (CN) Antarctica: book reviews, 285, 587 Anti-freeze, 751, 858, 918 (A) Archicology: book reviews, 172, 260, 317, 591

Archbishop Speaks, The. Selected Addresses and Speeches of the

Archbishop of Canterbury, 8 (S) Archery, 435 (A)


Angry Young Architects, 13 (A); taste in architecture and design,


193 (CA); London Architecture Bronze Medal award, 193 (CA); design at the Radio Show, 307 (CA); arcaded streets, 517 (A), 615 (L); the Nuffield grant for a department of architecture in Edinburgh, 538 (S); architectural styles in America and Britain, 543 (CA); Anger in a Small Town, 574 (A). 616, 652, 703, 755 (L); architects and planning committees, 642 (CA); A New West- minster, 684 (A), 920 (L); architects' plans for a 'living suburb', 854 (CA); Sunday Times competition for the National Gallery extension, 854 (CA); a review of the year in design, 914 (CA) Arendt, Hannah, The Human Condition, 411 (R) Arladne (Arts), 277 (CA)

Armaments: the firing of the 'Black Knight' missile, 327 (PW); British export of arms to Cuba, 879 (PW), 881 (PC)

Armstrong, Charlotte, The Albatross, 232 (R)


the quality of officers, 18, 62 (L); the Services' recruitment methods, 314, 490, 522 (L), 602, 847 (S), 851 (A); the Grigg Report, 599 (PW), 602, 847 (5); Sir Douglas Halg, 605 (A); aptitude tests and the armed forces, 636 (A), 704, 756 (L)

Aron, Raymond, On War, 524 (R) Aron, Robert, The Vichy Regime: 1940-44, 450 (R)


the Venice Biennale. 56 (CA); RCA Exhibition of Sculpture, 84 (A); Alan Davie (Whitechapel Art Gallery), 135 (CA); the Arts Council and the Carl Rosa quarrel, 165 (A); National

Exhibition of Children's Art, 339 (A); The Lost Image exhibition,

363 (S), 369 (A), 410 (L); a Festival Hall exhibition. 369 (A); Trevor Tennant's play-sculpture 'Gulliver', 607 (A); the Jackson Pollock exhibition, 688 (CA); book reviews, 112, 656, 714, 730,

866, 923, 925 Art and Architecture in Italy, 1600-1750, Rudolf Wittkower, 925 (R)

Arthur Guineas, Son & Co., 902 (CN)

Arts. Artists and Thinkers, The, (ed.) John M. Todd, 923 (R)

Asher, Dr. Richard, 520 (A) Asia, South-East, the English language in, 61, 110, 198, 255, 377, 409 (L) Asia: book review, 259

Ask Me Tomorrow, James Gould Cozzcns, 923 (R)

Associated British Pictures, 69, 290 (CN) Associated Television, 290, 791 (CN) Astronomy: book review, 719

At Mr. Gibbs, 8 (A) At Sundry Times An Essay in the Comparison of Religions, R. C.

Zaehner, 822 (R)

At the Orphanage, 884 (A) Atkinson. Alex, and Ronald Searle, The Big City: or The New Mayhew, 659 (R) Atlas al the Early Christian World, F. Van der Meer and Christine

Mohrmann, 828 (R) Attlee, Lord: on patronage, 476 (Si; as journalist, 603 (5); on the Strauss privilege decision, 635 (5)

Auchincloss, Louis, Venus in Sparta, 352 (R)

Ault & Wiborg, 36 (CN)

Auntie Marne (Aldwych), 369 (CA) Arint's Story, The, Patrick White, 835 (R)

Austen, Jane, 875 (C) Australia: the forthcoming general election, 670 (S); the influence of the 'new Australians', 670 (S); book reviews, 200, 524

Australian Accent, John Douglas Pringle, 524 (R) Autobiography of a Saint: Therese of Lisieux, (trans.) Ronald

Knox, 829 (R) Autumn, 563 (C)


a passenger's-eye view, 11 (A); AEA boycotted by trade unions, 49 (A), 535, 843 (LA); shortcomings of airline services, 251 (A). 282, 490 (L); VTOL at Farnborough, 272 (A), 346, 378 (L); BEA's London-Edinburgh flight, 305 (A); Noise in the Jet Age 479 (A), 554 (L); unsatisfactory air booking methods, 490, 521, 584 (L); labour trouble at London Airport, 503, 535 (PW), 535 (LA); the background of BOAC's London Airport strike, 535 (LA); the London Airport dispute inquiry's report, 843 (PW), 843 (LA); the Comet IV trans-Atlantic flight, 607 (A); a monorail service between Victoria and London Airport?, 639 (A); book review, 452 Avicenna: His L(je and Work, Soheil M. Afnan, 171 (R) Awake for Mourning, Bernard Kops, 67 (R) Back to Beirut, 45 (A) Back to Lift., (ed.) Robert Conquest, 899 (R) Back to 1949,185 (A) Background to Current Affairs, The, Desmond Crowley, 259 (R) Bad Manners, 800 (LA) Bagby, Philip, Culture and History, 288 (R) Bagehot's Way, 508 (A)

Bain, Professor, 18 (L)

Baker, Carlos, A Friend in Power, 416 (R)

Ballade, a, 903 (C)

Ballard, K. G., Five Roads to S'Agaro, 232 (R)


the need for higher standards of choreography, 370 (A); prospects for a career in ballet, 398 (A); ballet and TV, 690 (CA); outlook for British ballet, 690 (CA); the 'slump' in ballet, 913 (CA); ballet reviewed, 248, 278, 580, 913 (CA); book review, 721

Bamm, Peter, Early Sites of Christianity, 25 (R)

Bancroft, 69 (CN)

Bang to Rights, Frank Norman, 558 (R)

Bank Holidays, 197 (L) Bank of London and South America, 385 (CN) Bank shares, 118 (CN)

Bankers and Pashas, David S. Landes, 715 (R) Banks, A Future for the, 92 (A) Banks Awaken, The, 757 (A)


effects of easing the credit squeeze, 92 (A); holdings in hire- purchase finance companies, 205, 262 (CN); the joint-stock banks enter the hire-purchase finance business, 289 (F); the banks' new freedom, 757 (A); foreign banks in London, 758 (A)

Barbarian and the Geisha, The, 546 (CA) Barbary Night, Rupert Croft-Cooke, 260 (R.) Barber, Noel, The White Desert, 285 (R)

Barclays Bank, 262, 322 (CN) Barclays Banks DCO. 838 (CN)

Bareau, Paul, The Future of the Sterling System, 800 (R) Barker, George, Two Flays, 722 (R) Baron, Alexander, Seeing Life, $92 (R)

Barry. Dr. James. 723 (R)

Baruch, Bernard M.: My Own Story, 866 (R) Bassett, R., Nineteen Thirty-One: Political Crisis, 113 (R) Bastard, The, Brigitte von Tessin, 527 (R) Bates, H. E. Ti:,' Darling Buds of May, 116 (R)

Bath Festival, 62 (L) Bathroom ballads, 150 (C)

Battle for the Rhineland, The, It. W. Thomson, 415 (R) Battle of the Ardennes, The, Robert E. Merriam, 350 (R) Bauer, P. T., Economic Analysis and Policy in Underdeveloped (.'ountries, 144 (R) Bazin, Germain, Impressionist Paintings in the Louvre, 866 (R) Be a Bear, 496 (P) Beaky, Frank, and Henry Felling, Labour and Politics 1900-1906,

230 (R)

Bean, Amelia, The Vengeance Trail, 724 (R) Bedford, Sybille, The Best We Can Do, 655 (R)

Beecham, Sir Thomas, 545 (CA) Beechams, 354 (CN) Beer, chemicals in, 522, 554 (L)

Beerbohm, Max, Max's Nineties, 710 (R.) Behan, Brendan: 543 (A); Borstal Boy, 620 (R), 635 (5), 703 (L)

Behan, Dominic, 543 (A) Bekoh Consolidated, 733 (CN)

Belfrage, Sally, A Room in Moscow, 526 (R)

Belgium: attitude to awakening nationalism in Africa, 80 (A); the Brussels Fair, 191 (A), 193 (CA) Bell, Gertrude, 228 (R)

Bell, the, Iris Murdoch, 618 (R) Bell, Book anti Candle, 857 (CA) Bellairs, George, Murder Makes Mistakes, 462 (II)

Belloe, Hilaire, 833 (Ft)

Below The Tide, Penelope Tremayne, 258 (R) Bennett, Air Vice-Marshal D. C. T., Pathfinder: A War Auto- biography, 147 (R) Bennett, Margot, Someone From The Past, 33 (R) Berger, John, A Painter of Our Time, 656 (R) Bergler, Edmund, MD: The Revolt of the Middle-aged Man, 582(R); The Psychology of Gambling, 659 (R) Berlin: see under GERMANY Berlin Blockade, The: A Study in Cold War Politics, W. Phillips

Davison, 460 (R)

Bernard Al. Baruch: My Own Story, 866 (R) Bespectacled, 816 (A) Rest American Detective Stories of the Year, 232 (It) Best SF, (ed.) Edmund Crispin, 379 (R)

Best We Can Do, The: An Account of the Trial of John Bodkin

Adams, Sybille Bedford, 655 (R) Besterman, Theodore, (ed. and trans.) The Love Letters of Voltaire to his Niece, 620 (R) Betjeman, John: Collected Poems, 896 (R); (ed. and intro.) Collins Guide to English Parish Churches, 832 (R)

Betts and Co., 625 (CN)

Bid for Power, George Bull and Anthony Vice, 231 (R) Big City, The: or The New Mayhew, Alex Atkinson and Ronald

Searle, 659 (R)

Big Still, The, Roderick Wilkinson, 320 (R) • Binney, J. E, D., British Public Finance and Administration, 1774- 1792, 202 (It)

Biography and autobiography: book reviews, 65, 66, 115, 143, 147, 318, 319, 382, 414, 453, 462, 528, 708, 718, 720, 724, 786, 836, 869 Birds, navigational skill of, 613 (A) Birkenhead, The Earl of, (comp. and intro.) John Betjernan's

Collected Poems, 896 (R) Birkenhead, Sheila, Peace in Piccadilly, 65 (R) Birmingham, Stephen, Young Mr. Keefe. 175 (R) Birth of a Dilemma, Philip Mason, 588 (R) Bishop, Elizabeth, (trans.) The Diary of `Helena Morley,' 414 (R) Bishop and Presbytery, The Church of Scotland 1661-1688, Walter

Roland Foster, 112 (R)

Bisset, Sir James, Sail Hof, 453 (R) Black Friday, 471 (LA), 521 (L) Black Star Rising, Russell Warren Howe, 66 (R)

Blackpool illuminations, 339 (A) Blackwood Hodge, 150 (CN)

Blake, Nicholas, A Penknife in My Heart, 232 (R) Blakeston, °swell, Sun at Midnight, 66 (R) Blitzkrieg, 609 (CA) Blonde for Danger, 888 (CA) Blue and Brown Books, The, Ludwig Wittgenstein, 654 (R) Blush and other stories, The, Elizabeth Taylor, 708 (R) Board of Trade Journal, 634 (S)

Boardman, Harry, death of, 46 (PC)

Bodiey Head Scott Fizgerald, The, Vol I, (intro.) J. 13. Priestley,

591 (R)

Boles, Paul Darcy, Parton's Island, 458 (R) Bone/ire, The (Lyceum, Edinburgh), 339 (CA) Book of Burgundy, A, 408 (R)


trends in book-buying. 195 (A); subscription libraries, 195 (A); moral and literary standards, 409 (L); obscenity in literature, 635 (S); Roy Jenkins's Obscene Publications Bill, 670 (S), 799 (PW), 882, 909 (S); a publisher's party, 886 (A)

Borstal Boy, Brendan Behan, 620 (R), 635 (S), 703 (L) Boss, 7 he: The Life and Times of the British Business Man, Roy Lewis

and Rosemary Stewart, 834 (R)

Bolting, Douglas, Island of die Dragon's Blood, 526 (R) Bottom Dropping Oat, 403 (A) Bottrall, Margaret, Every Man a Phoenix, 318 (R) Bowles, Chester, Ideas, People and Peace, 259 (R) Boyd, Alastair, Sabbatical Year, 175 (R) Boyd, Martin, Much Else in Italy, 66 (R)

Boyle, Air Chief Marshal Sir Dermot, 331(S) Brackett, Leigh, An Eye for an Eye, 924 (R)

Bradbury, John M., The Fugitives; A Critical Account, 284 (Ft)

Brady, G., & Co., 354 (CN)

Bravados, The, 277 (CA) Braybrooke, Neville, (ed.) T. S. Eliot: A Symposium for his Seven- tieth Birthday, 457 (R)

Bread, 582 (A), 794 (C), 857 (A)

Breakfast at Tiffany's, Truman Capote, 787 (R) Breaking Point, Jacob Presser, 458 (R) Brebner, Winston, Two Lakes, 146 (R) Bole, Germaine, and Margaret Guiton, An Age of Fiction, 30(R) Brer Rabbit and White Rabbit, 82 (A) Brides of Solomon, The, Geoffrey Household, 260 (R) Bridge, Ann, The Portuguese Escape, 67 (R) Brief to Counsel, Henry Cecil, 349 (R) Bring Back the Days, A. S. M. Hutchinson, 115 (R) Bringing Up Father, 741 (R)

British Aluminium, 873 (A) British and Commonwealth Shipping Co., 36 (CN)

British Communist Party, The, Henry Pelting, 710 (R)

British customs and sports, 626 (C) British Egg Marketing Board, 222 (A), 254, 282, 347 (L), 374 (A), 377 (L), 568 (LA), 652 (L) British Industrial Plastics, 465 (CN)

British Lion Story, The, 1-147 (F), 11-177 (F)

British Motor Corporation, 290, 498, 594, 661, 902 (CN) British Petroleum, 118, 385 (CN) British Plaster Board, 35 (CN)

British Public Finance and Administration, 1774-92, J. E. D.

Binney, 202 (R) British Shareholders Trust, 838 (CN) British Tabulating Machines, 794 (CN) British United Provident Association, 858 (A)

Britten, Benjamin, and Imogen Hoist, The Story of Music, 730 (R)

Brixton Estate Limited, 36 (CN)


broadcasting fees of Sid Caesar and Lord Montgomery, 7 (5);

BBC's 'impartiality', 159 (S): Let the People Hum, 189 (A); the BBC production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, 635 (S); In Town Tonight, 812 (CA), 862 (L) Brook, G. L., A History of the English Language, 320 (R)

Brooke, Henry, MP, 808 (A) Brooke Bond, 625 (CN)

Brooks, John, The Man Who Broke Things, 231 (R) Brothers Kararnazov, The, 14 (CA) Brouhaha (Aldwych), 305 (CA) Bruce, Ann, Why Should I be Dismayed?, 414 (R)

Brussels Fair, 191 (A), 193 (CA)

Bryan, John, The Man Who Came Back, 730 (R) Buchanan, George, The Tyrannous Reign of Mary Stewart, 832 (R), Buckle, Richard, (ed.) The Prettiest Girl in England, 65 (R)

Budla Beta Tea Co., 207 (CN) Building industry: the South Bank dispute, 667 (N)

Building Society Hopes, 100 (A)

Bukit Rajah Rubber, 530 (CN)

Bull, George, and Anthony Vice, Bid for Power, 231 (11) Bullett, Gerald, The Peacock Brides, 319 (R) Burchett, George, Memoirs of a Tattooist, (comp. and ed. Peter

Leighton), 28 (ft)

Burden of the Seed, Kathleen Sully, 287 (R) Burgoyne, Elizabeth, Gertrude Bell. From her Personal Papers, 1889-1914, 228 (R)

Burke, Edmund, 895 (R) Burley on the Hill, 401 (A) Burmah Oil, 385, 562 (CN) Burrow, Trigant, 781 (R)

Burrows, Miller, More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls, 260 (R) Burton, Mary E., (se. and ed.) The Letters of Mary Wordsworth, 1800-1855, 897 (R) Busch, F. 0., The Five Herods, 260 (R)

Business and Politics under James I: Lionel Cranfield as Merchant

and Minister, R. H, Tawney, 493 (R) Busman's View, C. R. Watson, 558 (R) Butler, D. E. The Study of Political Behaviour, 414 (R)

Butlin's holiday camp at Clacton, 687 (A)

Butor, Michel, Second Thoughts, 622 (R) Buttinger, Joseph, The Smaller Dragon, 259 (R) C.F.S., Birthplace of Air Power, John W. R. Taylor, 452 (R)

Cagney, James, 577 (A)

Call the Doctor, E. S. Turner, 648 (R) Callow, Philip, Common People, 231(R)

Cambridge University: the English tripos, 586 (II)

Cameron, Nigel, The Chinese Smile, 924 (R) Camp, William, Idle on Parade, 496 (R)

Campbell, Mrs. Patrick, 522 (L) Canada: the Montreal conference, 392 (LA) Canals: boatmen's working conditions, 12 (A), 62, II 1 (L)

Cannan, Joanna, And Be a Villain, 730 (R) Capote, Truman, Breakfast at Tiffany's, 787 (R)

Capseals, 562 (CN)

Carman, Philip S. J., (ed.) Saints and Ourselves: Third Series,

829 (10

Care of Devils, The, Sylvia Press, 592 (R) Carew, Jan, The Wild Coast, 787 (R)

Carnegie, Dale, 748 (A), 863 (L)

Carr, E. H., History of Soviet Russia: Socialism in One Country. Vol. I, 724 (R) Carr-Saunders, A. M., D. Caradog Jones and C. A. Moser, A Survey of Social Conditions in England and Wales, 924 (It)

Carrier Engineering, 594, 837 (CN)

Carrington, Richard, Elephants, 258 (R)

Carroll imitated, 119 (C)

Carson, Anthony, On to Timbuctoo, 526 (R) Cary, Joyce: A Preface to his Novels, Andrew Wright, 528 (11)

Casals, l'ablo, 579 (CA)

Casanova, The Memoirs of. Vol. 1, Venetian Years, 899 (R) Case for 3f per cent., The, 788 (F)

Casement diaries, the, 49 (S)

Cassandra's Cats, 395 (R) Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, 516 (CA)

Catholic Church in the Modern World. The: A Survey from the

French Revolution to the Present, E. E. Y. Hales, 827 (R) Cautious Heart, The, William Sansoin, 560 (R) Cave of Rouffignac, The, Louis-Rene Nougier and Romain Robert,

172 (11)

Cecil, David, and Allen Tate, (ed.) Modern Verse In English 1900-1950, 785 (R) Cecil, Henry, Brief to Counsel, 349 (10 Cecil, Rachel, Theresa's Choice, 287 (R)

Cementation, 464 (CN)

Central African Elections, 666 (LA) Certain Smile, A, 403 (CA) Ceylon: Communal Crisis, 304 (A); Emergency '58, 740 (LA) Chadwick, John, The Decipherment of Linear B, 318 (R) Chandler, Raymond, Playback, 67 (R) Change of Heart, 844 (LA)

Changing Social Structure of England and Wales, The, 1871-1951,

David C. Marsh, 924 (R)

Chaos in Cyprus, 77 (N) Chapman, Hester W., The Last Tudor King: A Study of Edward VI,

900 (R) Charles Roberts, 594 (CN)

Charm of Politics, The, R. H. S. Crossman, 716 (11.)

'Chartered', 69 (CN)

Charteris, Hugh, Picnic at Porokorro, 560 (It) Cheouer'd Shade, The, John Press, 655 (R)

Chesterton, G. K., 833 (R)

Chicken Soup with Barley (Belgrade Theatre, Coventry), 85 (CA) Children Around the House, 393 (A)

Children's books reviewed, 768-780 China: the Opium War, 747 (It), 821, 863 (L); book reviews, 141, 747, 924


Malcolm Muggeridge reports on, 8 (S); talks between Khrush- chev and Mao Tse-tung, 183 (PW); purging of intellectuals, 240 (A), 282, 346, 377, 410, 442 (L); bombardment of the offshore islands, 295, 327 (LA) Warsaw talks over Formosa Straits crisis, 359 (PW); the revolt in Tibet, 392 (LA), 399 (A); Mr. Dulles's changed attitude over the offshore islands, 423 (PW); tension over offshore islands relaxing, 471 (PW); shelling of offshore Islands renewed, 535 (PW); book review, 449


bombardment of the offshore islands, 295, 327 (LA); the Formosa dispute a question of ethics, 442 (L); shelling of offshore islands renewed, 535 (PW)

Chinese Smile, The, Nigel Cameron, 924 (R)

Chislehurst caves, 53 (A), 140 (L)

Choice Before Europe, 740 (LA), 920 (L) Christian Science Monitor, anniversary number, 634 (5) Christie, Agatha, Ordeal by Innocence, 730 (R)

Christmas: Christmas cards and presents, 695 (A); Christmas in Italy, 885 (A), Christmas and the Christian, 907 (LA); Christmas celebrations, 927 (C)

Christmas Questions, 906; answers, 921 Christopher Columbus: The Mariner and The Man, Jean Merrien,

285 (Ft)

Chrysallds, The, John Wyndham, 379 (It) Chrysanthemum (Prince of Wales), 748 (CA)


the Daily Express on the Archbishop of Canterbury, 8 (S); the Archbishop of Canterbury's speeches and addresses, 8 (S); does Christianity matter to the electorate?' 10 (A); the Church on re-marriage after divorce, 10 (A), 139, 169, 197, 225 (L), 428 (A), 521, 553, 585, 615, 653, 703, 821, 894 (L); laymen and Church re- form, 17, 61 (L); Sunday observance and the Sabbath, 18, 62 (L); Dr. Fisher's apology for remarks on Archbishop Makarios, 48 (S); Dr. Fisher's successor, 48 (S), 226(1); episcopacy for the Free Churches?, 48 (5); the Church's part in promoting peace, 61(1); religion on TV, 86 (A); the Lambeth Conference report, 267 (PW), 268 (LA), 314 (L); Pope Pius XII, 472 (LA); death of Bishop of Chichester, 475 (S); The Papacy and Politics, 539 (A), 584(L); election of Pope John XXIII, 567 (PW); the coronation of the Pope, 599 (PW), 602 (S), 652 (L); Rev. Mervyn Stockwood nominated Bishop of Southwark, 802 (5); bishops with Labour sympathies, 802 (S), 920 (L); value of personality in the Christian religion, 907 (LA); book reviews, 112, 318, 352, 559, 822-832 Church of England, The: Its Members and Its Business, Guy Mayfield, 826 (R) Churches: St. John's, Smith Square, 7 (5); A New Westminster, 684(A), 920(L); English parish churches, 832 (R); York Minster, 920 (L)

Churchill, Randolph: on Suez, 843 (PW), 846 (PC)

Churchill, Winston S.: My Early Life: A Roving Commission, 26 (R); 740 (A)

Churchill family, the, 26 (R)

Cicero, 806 (A)

Cigarettes, French, 581 (A)

City of London, 757-766 (A)

City of London Brewery Investment, 837 (CN)

Clark, Laurence, Kingdom Come, 835 (II) Clark, Leonard, Selected Poems, 316 (Ft) Classical Theatre of China (Adelphi), 85 (CA) Claus rn Stauffenberg, 1944, 447 11') Claybook for James Joyce, Louis Gillet (trans. Georges Markow- Totevy), 173 (R) Clem°, Jack, The Invading Gospel, 830 (R) Clerks in Lowly Orders, Stuart Mitchell, 32 (R) Clifton, Bud, The Power Gods, 924 (10 Clothes: dry-cleaning, 15 (A); the decline of tools, 131 (A); M. St. Laurent and Paris fashions, 187 (S); The Pursuit of Elegance, 552 (A), 585 (L) Clotilde, Cecil Saint Laurent, 458 (R) Club Subscription, The, 910 (A)

Coal industry: the NCB's rents a concealed subsidy to miners, 186 (S)

Cockburn, Claud, Crossing The Line, 382 (R), 410 (L) Cockle-fishing, 219 (A) Coggan, Donald, Bishop of Bradford, Stewards of Grace, 830(R), Cohen Committee's second report, 268 (LA), 321 (F) Cohen Report, The, 268 (LA) Cole, G. D. H., COMMWIISM and Social Democracy, 1914-1931, 710 (R) Colette, The Stories of, 787 (Ft) Collected Plays, Arthur Miller, 191 (R) Collected Poems of Jonathan Swift, The, (intro. Joseph Harrell), 283 (R.) Collins Guide to English Parish Churches, (ed. and intro.) John Betjeman, 832 (it)

Colonialism: book review, 259

Colons and Colonels, 213 (A)


in Southern Rhodesia, 18, 62, 110 (L); international conference on race relations in Africa, 80 (A); Paul Robeson, 227 (R), 254, 281, 314, 346 (L); racial tension in Arkansas, 267 (PW), 269, 335 (A); colour prejudice in Britain, 267 (PW), 270 (5), 295 (PW), 296 (LA); progress of integration in the US, 270 (S); race riots in Nottingham and Notting Hill, 295 (PW), 296 (LA), 346, 409(L); the Wolfenden Report proposals and racial intolerance, 296 (LA), 346 (L); Dr. Verwoerd and the different levels of apartheid, 298 (S); racial tension in the Paddington area, 299 (A); racial disturbances in Britain die down, 327 (PW); massacre of Jewish intellectuals in Russia, 329(A); colour prejudice viewed medically, 344 (A); the Notting Hill sentences, 363, 395 (S), 409 (L), 427 (S), 441 (L); mass illiteracy or mixed classes in the US?, 393 (A); the housing shortage as is factor in racial tension, 410(1); Colour- Bar Politics, 536 (A); Partnership v. Apartheid, 601 (A); colour discrimination on public transport, 8601 (A) Colour-Bar Politics, 536 (A)

Columbus, Christopher, 285 (11)

Comic Tradition in America, The, (ed.) Kenneth S. Lynn, 448 (R) Coming Caesars, The, Amaury de Riencourt, 351 (R) Common People, Philip Callow, 231(R)

Commonwealth, the: the Commonwealth economic conference at Montreal, 385 (F), 392 (LA); and convertibility of sterling, 463 (F); discussions on Malta's constitutional future, 665 (PW), 683 (A)

Communal Crisis, 302 (A)


Marxist Contradictions, 5 (LA); purges of Chinese intellectuals, 240 (A), 282, 346, 377, 410, 442 (L); in America, 447 (It); the London airport dispute, 535, 843 (LA); The Rank-and-Filers, 668 (N); indoctrination among American PoWs, 694 (A), 756(L); and the TUC, 739 (LA); book reviews, 227, 382, 528, 710 Communism and Social Democracy, 1914-1931, a D. H. Cole, 710 (R) Compleat Imbiber Number Two, The: An Entertainment, (ed.) Cyril Ray, 872 (R) Confession, The, Mario Soldati, 287 (ft) Conquest, Robert, (ed.) Back to Life, 899 (R)


Sir Reginald Manningham-Buller on parliamentary privilege,

48 (PC); British Middle East policy killed by Iraqi revolt, 75 (LA); Selwyn Lloyd defends British Middle East policy, 77 (PC); necessity for clear statement of policy in the Middle East, 79 (A); debate on the intervention in the Middle East, 126 (PC); Britain's sound economic position, 156 (LA); Mr. Sandys in the defence debate, 158 (PC); the Prime Minister's visit to Greece and Turkey, 212 (LA); prospects for the next election, 214 (PC); the Cohen Committee's second report, 268 (LA), 321 (F); attitude to the Wolfenden Report, 331 (5); Anglo-American relations, 331 (5); outdated loyalties in foreign policy, 359 (LA), 409, 441 (L); Onwards in Freedom pamphlet, 360 (LA); Mr. Macmillan and Gladstone, 362 (PC); Mr. Macmillan's failure to come to terms with Archbishop Makarios, 391 (LA); the Macmillan 'plan' for Cyprus, 392 (A); annual party conference, 395 (S), 471 (P 472 (LA), 475 (PC), 503 (PW), 506 (PC), 507 (S), 509 (A), 538 (5 553 (L); Mr. Heathcoat Amory, 477 (A); the Government s pensions plan, 503 (PW), 632 (LA); prospects for the next election, 503 (LA); home and foreign policy reviewed, 503 (LA); Violence at Blackpool, 506 (PC), 538 (S), 553 (L); Lord liailsham's con- ference speech, 507 (S); Mr. Macmillan and Mr. Lennox-Boyd on Cyprus, 507 (5): An Ulster Unionist at Blackpool, 509 (A); success of the Government's economic policy, 599 (LA); Mr. Macmillan on TV, 743 (S); ministerial changes, 799 (PW); the Government's long-term plans for education, 799 (LA); Henry Brooke, 808 (A); the Prime Minister refuses demand for a Suez inquiry, 843 (PW), 846 (PC), 907 (PW); Duncan Sandys, 846 (PC); Suez in retrospect, 846 (S); Mr. Macmillan and a general election, 882 (5); Sir Anthony Eden and Suez, 909 (S); the Government's financial policy in 1958, 925 (F) Conservative Commercial, 360 (LA)

Consett Iron, 874 (CN) Consumer, safeguards for the, 88 (A)


15, 58, 87, 136, 167, 195, 222, 251, 344, 308, 372, 406, 438, 486, 517, 547, 581, 611, 645, 751, 812, 857, 890, 918

Convertibility Hare, 463 (F) Convertibility Notes, 900 (F) Conviction, Norman Mackenzie, 555 (It) Cook, Thomas, 681 (A) Cool Comfort, 700 (A), 863, 893 (L) Cop Hater, Ed McBain, 924 (R) Copeland, Thomas W., (ed.) The Correspondence of Edmund Burke. Vol. I, April, 1744-June, 1768, 895 (R)

Corr espondenre of Edmund Burke, The. Vol. 1, April, 1744-June,

1768, (ed.) Thomas W. Copeland, 895 (R)

Costain, Richard, 464 (CN)

Cotgrove, Stephen, Technical Education and Social Change, 201 (11).

282 (L) Cotton industry: Commons debate, 6 (PC)

Court and the Castle, The: A Study of the Interactions of Political

and Religious Ideas in Imaginative Literature, Rebecca West.

146 (R) Courtaulds, 148, 901 (CN)

Cox, H. H., and Tons Gurr, Obsession, 730 (It) Coxe, George Harmon, Murder on Their Minds, 730 (R)

Cozens and Sutcliffe (Holdings) Ltd., 262 (CN)

Cozzens, James Gould: A Cure of Flesh. 923 (R); Men and Brethren, 923 (R); Ask Me Tomorrow, 923 (R.); The Just and the (Nast 923 (R); Guard of Honour, 923 (It) Crackling of Thorns, A, John Hollander, 200 (It) Crag Jack's Apostasy, 19(P) Cranes are Flying, The, 372 (CA) Cricket: Top People at Lord's, 53 (A)


the 'open door' system in the treatment of criminal insanity, 49 (S); the Lord Chief Justice on the function of criminal law. 79 (5); demand at Conservative Conference for return of capital and corporal punishment, 472 (LA), 509 (A); juvenile crime. 521, 553 (L); 662 (C)

Crime novels reviewed, 33, 147, 232, 320, 462, 620, 728, 924 Crbnson Curtain, The, 342 (CA) Crisis Notes, 125 (A) Crispin, Edmund, (ed.) Best SF, 379 (R) Croft, Michael, Red Carpet to China, 924 (R) Croft-Cooke, Rupert, Barbary Night, 260 (R) Cronin, A. J., The Northern Light, 835 (R) Cropper, Margaret, Evelyn Underhill, 201 (R) Cross, Frank Moore, Jnr., The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Biblical Studies, 260 (R) Cross, James, Root of Evil, 462 (It) Cross of Baron Sanredi, The, Richard Dohrmann, 384 (R) Crossing of Antarctica, The, Sir Vivian Fuchs and Sir Edmund Hillary, 587 (R) Crossing the Line, Claud Cockburn, 382 (R), 410 (L) Crossman, R. H. S., The Charm of Politics, 716 (It) Crowley, Desmond, Background to Current Affairs, 259 (11) Cry from the Streets, A, 221 (CA)

Crystalate, 235 (CN) Cuba: supplied with British arms, 879 (PW), 881 (PC) Cudlipn Hugh: on Russia, 846 (S)

Cullingford. Guy, The Whipping Boys, 33 (R.) Culture Ahoy( 218 (A) Culture and History. Prolegomena to the Comparative Study of Civilizations, Philip Bugby, 288 (R) Culture and Society, 1780-1950, Raymond Williams, 495 (11) Cummings, E. E., Lind, 924 (R)

Cunard, 562 (CN)

Cure of Flesh, A, James Gould Cozzens, 923 (R) Curious Naturalists, Niko Tinbergen, 201 (R.) Curran, John Philpot: His Life and rinses, Leslie Hale, 450 (Ft) Curtiss, Ursula, The Stairway, 730 (R)


Makarios the Key, 4 (LA); increasing violence, 43 (PW); Chaos in Cyprus, 77 (N); emergency measures, 123 (PW); prospects of a settlement remote, 183 (LA); F-M Lord Hording and enosis, 187 (S); Mr. Macmillan visits Greece and Turkey, 211 (PW); Greece rejects the Government's plan for Cyprus, 239 (PW): necessity for the return of Archbishop Makarios, 240, 391 (LA); the failure of British policy, 296 (LA); Mrs. Barbara Castle's interview with Archbishop Makarios, 391 (PW); her allegations against British troops in Cyprus, 391 (PW), 391 (LA), 427 (S); the Macmillan 'plan' for Cyprus, 392 (A); wife of British army sergeant murdered, 471 (PW), 471 (LA); failure of 'partnership plan and necessity for British withdrawal, 471 (LA); Archbishop Makarios's offer, 503 (PW); twenty-five EOKA terrorists cap- tured, 503 (PW); Mr. Macmillan and Mr. Lennox-Boyd on Cyprus, 507 (S); proposed NATO conference, 535 (PW); Settle- ment in Cyprus?, 536 (LA); Greek refusal to attend NATO con- ference, 567 (PW); arms issued to British civilians, 631 (PW): 633 (LA); United Nations discussions on Cyprus, 739 (PW). 644 (LA); two Greek Cypriots reprieved, 907 (PW); book

review, 258 Czechoslovakia, (ed.) Oscar Haiecki, 64 (R) Czechoslovakia: A Footnote to Munich, 740 (A) Daddy's Gone A-Hunting, Penelope Mortimer, 458 (R) Daily Express: criticism of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 8 (S);

F-M Lord Harding's views on Greek ambitions, 187 (S); apology to the Daily Express and to Mr. Dermot Morrah, 395 (S); Randolph Churchill's account of the Suez war, 843 (PW), 883 (S)

Daily Mall: interview with President Chamoun, 45 (A); the trans- Atlantic balloon flight, 883 (5) Daily Mail, 901 (CN) Daily Mirror: and intrusion into private lives, 50 (A), 110 (L) Daily Mirror, 530, 901 (CN) Daily Sketch: and the Anzio crash, 570 (S), 615, 652 (L), 802 (S); the Peanuts strip cartoon, 883 (S) Dale Carnegie Course, the, 748 (A), 863 (L) Dalgety & Co., 465 (CN) Daniel, Glyn, The Megalith Builders of Western Europe, 591 (R) Danielou, Jean: The Lord of History, 830 (R); The Presence of

God, 830 (R)

D'Arcy, Martin C., The Meeting of Love and Knowledge, 822 (R) D'Arcy Wentworth Thomson: The Scholar-Naturalist, 1860-1948, Ruth D'Arcy Thomson, 66 (R.) Darling Buds of May, The, H. E. Bates, 116(R) Darling of her Heart, The, and Other Stories, Rhys Davies, 116 (R.) d'Astior, Emmanuel, Seven Times Seven Days, 114 (R) Davey, Jocelyn, The Naked VMany, 147 (R) David Garrick, Carole Oman, 708 (R) David-Neel, Alexandra, Initiations and Initiates in Tibet, 288 (R) Davidson, Basit, Lindy, 527 (R) Davidson, J. P., P. Sargent Florence, Barbara Grey and N. S. Ross, Productivity and Economic Incentives, 144 (R) Davie, Donald, The Late Aug ustans, 350 (R) Davies, Christopher, Lost Summer, 319 (R) Davies, Rhys, The Darling of her Heart and Other Storks, 116 (R) Davies, Robertson, A Mixture of Frailties, 787 (R) Davis, Dorothy Salisbury, A Gentleman Called, 924 (R) Davis Frank, A Picture History of Furniture, 545 (CA) Davis, Norman, (sel. and ed.) Paston Letters, 64 (R) Davison, W. Phillips, The Berlin Blockade, 460 (R) Day of Triumph, The, 546 (CA) do Beauvoir, Simone, The Long March, 141 (R)

la_e Beers, 354 (CN) "a Gaulle Goes Into Action, 505 (A)

do la Mare, Walter, 226 (L) de Mare, Eric, London's Riverside, 351 (R) de Riencourt, Amaury, The Coming Caesars, 351 (R) de Ropp, Robert, Drugs and the Mind, 196 (R) do Tocqueville, Alexis, Journeys to England and Ireland (trans. George Lawrence and K. P. Mayer; ed, J. P. Mayer), 145 (R)

de Vera White, Terence, (ed.) A Leaf from the Yellow Book, 660 (R)

de vile% peter, The Mackerel Plaza, 116 (R) Dead and Gone, 583 (A) Dead Sea Scrolls, 260 (R), 522 (L), 803, 847 (S) Dean, Spencer, Murder on Delivery, 33 (R) Death Be Not Proud, Elizabeth Nicholas, 533 (R) Death Designs a Dress, E. M. Robinson, 232 (R) Death In Russian Habit, 'Sea-lion', 730 (R)

Death in the Family, A, James Agee, 175 Decipherment of Linear B, The, John Chadwick, wi 317 (R) Decision to Mtervene, The, George F. Kennon, 22 (R)

Decisions Awaiting the General, 361 (A) Decks Ran Red, The, 342 (CA) Defence exercise 'Sunbeam', 538 (S) Defence Intelligence, 77 Defiant Ones, The, 403 (CA) Del Medico, H. E., The Riddle of the Scrolls, 260 (R)

Dennis, Nigel, Two Plays and a Preface, 192 (R) Dent, H. C., Secondary Modern Schools: An Interim Report, 382 (R)

Design Centre, The, Haymarket, 914 (CA) Deuxiemes hors de l'Anneau!, 252 (A) Devil Peter, The (Arts), 808 (CA) Devil's Repertoire, The, or Nuclear Bombing and the Life of Man, Victor Gollancz, 717 (R) Devon, 347, 378 (L) Diaries of Theodor Herz!, The, 228 (R) Diary of 'Helena Morley', The, (trans.) Elizabeth Bishop, 414 (R) Dice A Letter to, 312 (A)

Dick, Kay, Solitaire, 835 (R)

Dictatorships, military, 911 (A)

Mike, Sir Charles, Roy Jenkins, 540 (R)

Dinesen, lsak, Anecdotes of Destiny, 526 (R)

niPl°111acY: Don'ts for iplomats, 161 (A); the Official Secrets Act

and ex-diplomats, 215 (S)

Disappointment, 569 (A)

Disarmament: unilateral disarmament ?, 140 (L); book review, 114 Disciplines of War, The (Cranston Street Hail, Edinburgh), 305 (CA)

Discourse With Shadows, J. E. Malcolm, 287 (R)

Disraeli, Benjamin, 616 (L) Distillers, 148, 290, 791 (CN)

Distinguished for Talent, Woodrow Wyatt, 714 (R)

Divide and Rule, 122 (LA) Divorce: the Church of England's attitude to re-marriage, 10 (A), 94 139, (L)169, 197, 225 (L), 428 (A), 521, 535, 585, 615, 653, 703, 821 8

Di4a2oarc(eard Re-marriage in Anglicanism, Arthur Robert Winnett,

Dixon, Pierson, The Glittering Horn, 724 (R) Djilas, Milovan, Land Without Justice, 528 (R)

Do195ee8, br, 722Bonamy, Louis MacNeice and Philip Larkin, New Poems,

(R) Doctor Goes West, George Mak, 440 (R)

Doctor in Parliament, A, Dr. Donald Mel. Johnson, MP, 570 (S)

Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak, 315 (R)


16, 60, 88, 138, 168, 196, 222 251, 280, 310, 344, 374, 403, 439, _ 487, 518, 550, 588, 612, 648, 692, 752, 815, 858, 890, 918 og That Did Not Bark, The, 79 (A)

toLlartY, Len, The Good Lion, 458 (R)

artn. Richard, The Cross of Baron Samedi, 384 (R) +domestic servants from abroad, 812 (A)

Domicile, 754 (CA) Don Quixote, 136 (CA)

onati, Sergio, The Paper Tomb, 147 (R)

BLon'ts for Diplomats, 161 (A) Dap:sisters, The, John Ross Macdonald, 730 (R)

_ ouble Cross (Duchess), 85 (CA) poughiss, Truman B., Preaching and the New Reformation, 830 (R) DoYle. Jack, 674 (A)

prreadrui Summit, Stanley Ellin, 730 (R)

tilreamsnifier and precognition, 159 (A), 197, 255 (L)

1*. and theCondenser Mind, Robert do Ropp, 196 (R)

...u, 206 (CN)

Rucloux, Louis, From Blackmail to Treason, 142 00 X.uElleY. Ernest, The Gilded Lily, 869 (R) '11 RM. Aired, He Died Old, 590 (R)

Dumaine, Jacques, Qual d'Orsay (1945-1951), 172 (R) Dunne, J. W., An Experiment With Time, 159 (R) Duologue in Poor Visibility, 892 (A) Durrell, Lawrence. Mountolive, 496 (R) Dye, Sidney, MP, 843 (PW), 845 (PC) Earlsdon Way, The, Frederic Raphael, 203 (R) Early Christian Doctrines, J. N. D. Kelly, 822 (R) Early Sites of Christianity, Peter Bamm, 25 (R) East African Sisal Plantations, 794 (CN) East and West, 805 (A) East to West. A Journey Round the World, Arnold J. Toynbee, 494 (R)


'summit' conference proposals, 123 (PW), 123 (LA), 155, 183 (PW); the dangers of a summit conference, 187 (A); Britain and the US propose the suspension of nuclear tests, 267 (PW), 267 (LA); Warsaw talks on the Formosa Straits crisis, 359 (PW); the Berlin problem, 739 (PW), 740, 844 (LA), 920 (L); the Geneva conference on the prevention of surprise attack, 879 (LA); the Geneva conference on nuclear tests, 879 (LA) Eastwoods, 661 (CN)


Holding Firm, 5 (LA); need for statement of Treasury investment policy, 33 (F); the Chancellor's cautious policy, 33 (F); buoyant condition of the economy, 45 (LA); My Best Chancellor, 68 (F); the financing of world trade, 92 (A); success of government economic policy, 156, 212, 599 (LA); the effects of the American recession, 156 (LA); Labour Party proposals to counteract inflation, 216 (A); the Cohen Committee's second report, 267 (PW), 268 (LA), 321 (F); 'Kafka-like' economics, 321 (F), 347 (1) a suggested time-table for re-expanding the economy, 353 (F) the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, 353 (F) financing Commonwealth economic development, 385 (F); the Montreal economic conference, 385 (F), 392 (LA), 463(F); econom- ic problems facing the Government, 471 (PW); exports exceed imports for first half of year, 504 (LA); the FBI pamphlet Nationalisation, 631 (LA); record surplus on Britain's inter- national account, 561 (F); the American economic recovery, 593 (F); the Spectator steel inquiry, 666 (LA); 'shots in the arm' for the economy, 740 (LA), 863 (L); the case for a 31 per cent. Bank rate, 788 (F), 863 (L); failure of the °EEC talks, 879 (PW), 879 (LA); the Government's financial policy in 1958, 925 (F); book reviews, 144, 349, 381, 556, 868

Economic Analysis and Policy in Underdeveloped Countries, P. T. Bauer, 144(R)

Economics of German Reunification, The, 849 (A) Edinburgh Festival: opera, 340 (CA); experiments in ballet, 370 (A); the financial aspect, 406 (CA)


solving the schools problem by raising the starting ago, 170 (L); the Labour Party's education policy, 426 (PC). 427 (S), 490 (L); sneaking, 430 (A), 490, 521, 584 (L); Burnham Committee's salary review, 599 (PW); Spanning the Great Divide, 745 (A), 820, 863, 893 (L), 908 (LA); the Government's White Paper on education, 799 (LA); Grammar and Secondary Modern, 848 (Ai; Kurt Hahn, 860 (A); nationalised public schools, 736 (C ; John Bull's Schooldays, 8, 130, 188, 243, 301, 366, 430, 541, 67 , 803, 884 (A), 490, 521, 584 (L); book reviews, 201, 382, 528, 865 Education in Great Britain, W. 0. Lester, 382 (R) Edward II (Lyric, Hammersmith), 277 (CA) Edward VI, 900 (R) Edwardian Daughter, Sonia Keppel, 143 (R) Edwards, 13. L., Not Angels but Anglicans, 826 (R) Edwards, Harry: faith healing, 133 (A) Egerton, George, 660 (R) Egg Basket, 568 (LA), 652 (L) Egg Marketing Board, 222 (A), 254, 282, 347 (L), 374 (A), 377 (I.), 568 (LA), 652 (L)


need for the West to come to terms with President Nasser, 43 (LA); President Nasser and Hitler contrasted, 78 (S); how far is Egypt dependent on Russia?, 215 (S); necessity for British recoimition of the UAR, 424 (LA); President Nasser and the Iraqi revolution, 538 (A); Russian offer of loan for Aswan Dam, 567 (PW) 567 (LA); plight of British refugees after Suez, 670 (S); book review, 715 Ehrenburg, Ilya, 704 (L) Eight Days, Gabriel Fielding, 658 (R) 8.35 and the 8.35, The, 488 (A) 1848 in Reverse, 665 (LA) Eimi, E. E. Cummings, 924 (R) Eiseley, Loren, The Immense Journey, 22 (R) Elder Statesman, The (Lyceum, Edinburgh), 305 (CA) Electrical & Musical Industries, 530 (CN) Electrical Components (Holdings), 235 (CN) Electrical Trades Union, the, 535 (LA), 879 (PW) Elephants, Richard Carrington, 258 (R) Eliot, T. S.: A Symposium for his Seventieth Birthday, (ed. and intro.) Neville Braybrooke, 457 (R)

Ellin, Stanley, Dreadful Summit, 730 (R)

Ellington, Duke, 700 (A), 863 (L) Ellis, A. E., The Rack, 592 (R.)

Elton, G. R.: Star Chamber Stories, 460 (R); (ed.) The Reformation,

1520-59, 618 (R) Elwin, Malcolm, Landor: a Replevin, 65 (R) Emergency '58, 740 (LA) Empire Loyalists, League of, 506 (PC), 538 (S), 553, 616 (L) Empire News, 538 (S) Encore quoted, 8 (S) End Game (Royal Court), 609 (CA) End of a Dream, The, 744 (A) End of a War, Edward Loomis, 527 (R) End to Self-Deception, An, 666 (LA) Engel, Claire-Ehane, (ed.) Mdmoires du Chevalier de Gramont, 922 (R) English in South-East Asia, the importance of, 61, 110, 198, 255, 377, 409 (L) English language, longest word in, 827 (R), 921 (L) Ervine, St. John, 883 (S) Espionage, 650 (A) Essays in Elizabethan History, J. E. Neale, 836 (R) Essays on 'The Welfare State', Richard M. Titmuss, 349 (R) 'Establishment' alphabet, an, 323 (C) Etty, William, 113 (R) European Common Market and Free Trade Area: conflict of British and European points of view, 666 (LA); the threat to European unity, 879 (LA); 900 (F) European Powers and the German Question, The: 1848-1871. With Special Reference to England and Russia, W. E. Mosso, 174 (R) Euryanthe (Edinburgh Festival), 340 (CA)

Evelyn Waugh: Portrait of an Artist, Frederick J. Stopp, 588 (R)

Every Man a Phoenix: Studies in 17th-century Autobiography, Margaret Bottrall, 318 (R) Evil Eden, 516 (CA) Excavations at Qumran, The, J. Van Der Ploeg, 260 (R) Exhibitions; the Boys' and Girls' Exhibition, 246 (A); National Exhibition of Children's Art, 339 (A); exhibitions in the Festival Hall, 363 (S), 410, 490, 522 (L); Electronic Computer Exhibition, 853 (A) Experiment with Time, An, J. W. Dunne, 159 (R) Experiments With Time, 159 (A), 197, 255 (L) Eye for an Eye, An, Leigh Brackett, 924 (R) Faber Book of English Verse, The, (ed.) John Hayward, 784 (R) Face of the Cat, The, 342 (CA) Fairey Aviation, 562 (CN) Falling Dominoes, 327 (LA) Family Secret, Janet Agle, 416 (R) Far East: Mao Tse-tung's demands, 327 (LA); the Formosa dispute

a question of ethics, 442 (L); see also under COMMUNIST CHINA and NATIONALIST CHINA Farr, Dennis, William Etty, 113 (R)

Ferrer, Austin, The Freedom of the Will, 822 (R) Fashion for Saving, 764 (A)

Fast, Howard, The Naked God, 227 (R)

Faure, Edgar, The Serpent and the Tortoise, 449 (R)

Fawcett Fare!, 440 (A)

Fay, Gerard, The Abbey Theatre: Cradle of Genius, 622 (R) Fearful Choice, The: A Debate on Nuclear Policy, Philip Toynbee, 114(R), 140(L) Feffer, Itzik, 329 (A) Fenner's Kingdom, Paul Norwood, 416 (R) Ferber, Edna, Ice Palace, 32 (R) Ferguson, Charles, Naked to Mine Enemies, 824 (R) Ferguson, Peter, and Dennis Keene, (ed.) Oxford Poetry, 1957 200 (R)

Ferguson, Thomas, Scottish Social Welfare, 1864-1914, 286 (R)

Fermor, Patrick Leigh, Mani: Travels in the Southern Peloponnese, 870(k) Festival Hall, the: and exhibitions, 363 (S), 410, 490, 522 (L); architecture of, 545 (CA)


the Venice Biennale, 56 (CA); Berlin Film Festival, 58 (CA); the Festival of Wales, 84 (A), 139 (L); British festivals, 134 (A); the Edinburgh Festival, 340 (CA), 370 (A), 406 (CA); Cork Film Festival, 437 (CA); Czech and Yugoslav film festivals, 486 (CA); the Prudes Music Festival, 579 (CA); Wexford Music Festival, 610 (CA) Fielding, Cecil, Justice Triumphant, 288 (R) Fielding, Gabriel, Eight Days, 658 (R) Fiend Who Walked The West, The, 372 (CA) 56th Financial Survey, 91-108 (A) Fulls

Berlin Festival, 58 (CA); British Lion Films, 147, 177 (F); the Rank Organisation starlet contract system, 395 (5); Anthony Hinds and horror films, 401 (A); the Rank Organisation, 417 (F); Cork Film Festival, 437 (CA); Brigitte Bardot, 481 (A); shooting films in Dublin and Tiger Bay, Cardiff, 577 (A); a review of the film year, 914 (CA)


June gold and dollar reserve figures, 5 (LA); need for statement of Treasury investment policy, 33 (F); the credit squeeze virtually ended, 45 (LA); 56th Financial Survey, 91-108 (A); the City's contribution to the national economy, 91 (A), 385 (F); shortage of investment capital, 91, 92 (A); the financing of world trade, 92 (A); increasing freedom of action for the banks, 92, 757 (A;', Forecast for Finance Houses, 104 (A); unit trusts, 106, 764 (A); the success of the Budget, 156 (LA); further reduction in Bank rate expected, 212 (LA); the Committee of Public Accounts, 242 (S); steady rise in prices continues on the Stock Exchange, 261 (F); the Midland Bank unsecured loan system, 267 (PW), 268 (LA); the joint-stock banks enter the hire-purchase finance business, 289 (F); post-war credits as tax payment ?, 314 (L); convertibility and the various types of sterling, 463 (F); Stock Exchange options, 464 (CN); prospects for convertibility of sterling, 472 (LA), 900 (F); Sir Ivone Kirkpatrick criticises Treasury control of expenditure, 475 (S); the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation, 497 (F); the International Monetary Fund meeting in New Delhi, 497, 529 (F); corporation mortages, 498 (CN); substantial surplus in Britain's international accounts in first half of year, 504 (LA); the dangers of harsh monetary methods in controlling inflation, 561 (F); record surplus on Britain's international account, 561 (F); the 7 per cent. Bank rate, 584 (L); the vogue for equity shares, 624 (F); a selective boom on the Stock Exchange, 660 (F); Aims of Industry's plan to encourage investment by wage-earners and salaried staff, 732 (F); effects of Government's financial relaxations, 740 (LA); City of London, 757-766 (A); the case for a 31 per cent. Bank rate, 788 (F); continued growth of sterling area gold reserves, 800 (LA); strong position of sterling, 900 (F); book reviews, 202, 800

Fires of Smithfield, 739 (LA) Fireworks Before Bedtime, 266 (LA)

First Law of Movement, 53 (P)

First Steps in Greece, Patrick Anderson, 870 (R) Firth, Thomas, and John Brown, 926 (CN) Fish Flying Through Air, Roswell G. Ham, 384 (R) Fisherman's End, K. D. Guinness, 320 (R) Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 591 (R) Five Finger Exercise (Comedy), 133 (CA)

Five Herods, The, F. 0. Busch, 260 (R)

Five Roads to S'Agaro, K. G. Ballard, 232 (R) Flat Earth Society, 595 (C) Fleet Street Fracas, 50 (A) Flight of Fancy, 843 (LA) Floods of Fear, 690 (CA) Fiook, Trog, 659 (R) ,

Florence, P. Sargent, J. P. Davison, Barbara Grey, and N. S. Ross,

Productivity and Economic Incentives, 144 (R) Fly, The, 193 (CA) Foakes, R. A., The Romantic Assertion, 20 (R) Fog, 892 (A) Fog Lifts, The, 188 (A) Follow The Whak, Ivan T. Sanderson, 258 (R)


a recipe for raspbet ries, 16 (A); chicken-roasting service, 58 (A); salt-mills and gros sel, 222 (A); the British Egg Marketing Board criticised, 222 (A), 254, 282, 347 (L), 374 (A), 377 (L), 568 (LA), 652 (L); the Eldorado ice-cream factory, 275 (A); the Food Fair, 305 (A); quality and kinds of bread, 344, 582, 857 (A); garlic and onion eating, 409, 442, 492 (L); categorising London restaurants, 438, 918 (A); limes, 438 (A); wine in cooking, 487 (A); chemicals in beer and foodstuffs, 522, 554 (L); British preferences in food, 582 (A); packet soups, 752 (A); an ode to the cottage loaf, 794 (C); cooked ham, 890 (A); Atholl Brose, 18 (L); wines for summer, 167 (A); Madeira, 310 (A); Burgundy, 408 (A); the Lebegue wine-tastings, 518 (A); Wine for the Price of Beer 699 (A); book reviews, 408, 438, 872

Food of France, The, Waverley Root, 438 (R) Football Match, My First, 275 (A) Footnote to Munich, A, 740 (A) For Adults Only (Strand), 12 (CA) Ford, 498 (CN)

Ford, Boris, (Oct.) The Pelican Guide to English Literature, Vol. 6, 726 (R)

Forecast for Finance House, 91 (A) Formative Years, 803 (A)

Formula for Death, Fernand Gigon, 228 (R) Formula for Making Poems, 199 (P) Foster, Walter Roland, Bishop and Presbytery, 112 (R) Foyles: and the Dead Sea Scrolls, 260 (R), 522, 803 (L)


appointment of M. Soustelle as Minister of Information, 44 (LA); attitude to awakening of nationalism in Africa, 80 (A); prospects for General de Gaulle, 124 (A); General de Gaulle's problems, 157 (A); the draft constitution, 213 (A); the coming referendum on the new constitution, 297 (A); drawbacks of the proposed constitution, 328 (LA); the decisions facing General de Gaulle, 361 (A); his decisive victory in the constitutional referendum, 423 (PW), 423 (LA); the state of politics after the referendum, 425, 474(A); the Paris election scene, 427 (5); General de Gaulle's pre-election action in Algeria, 503 (PW); his concessions to Algeria, 569 (A); imported French cigarettes, 581 (A); France and the Free Trade Area, 666 (LA); first ballot of the general election,

739 (PW); the outlook for the Fifth Republic, 741 (A); victory for the UNR and the Conservatives in the general election, 799 (PW); Hope in the President, 800 (A); first meeting of the General Assembly, 843 (PW); France's Intransigent attitude at the OEEC conference, 879 (PW), 879 (LA), 880 (LA); the con- stitutional machinery of the Fifth Republic, 881 (A); M. St. Laurent and the Paris fashion world, 187 (S); an article in 'French', 252 (A); book reviews, 30, 114, 115, 142, 145, 172, 450, 656, 658, 706, 898 France Against Europe, 880 (LA)


General de Gaulle and conciliation of Moslem opinion, 44 (LA); problems for General de Gaulle, 124, 157, 297 (A); Algeria the new Government's key problem, 361 (A), 423 (LA); Algerian nationalists' intensified violence in France, 391 (PW); General de Gaulle in Algeria, 473 (A); the problem of the Army in

Algeria, 473 (A); General de Gaulle insists on a free election in

Algeria, 505 (A); his concessions to Algeria, 569 (A); book review, 380

France's Three Referendums, 297 (A) Francois, Andre, The Half-Naked Knight, 730 (R)

Free State Geduld, 874 (CN)

Freedom of the City, The, 91(A) Freedom of the Will, The, Austin Ferrer, 822 (R) Freedom-Fighting Banks, The, 289 (F) Fremlin, Celia, The Hours Before Dawn, 320 (R) Fresh Start in Pakistan, 504 (A) Freud and the Twentieth Century, (ed. and sal.) Benjamin Nelson,

348 (R)

Priang, Brigitte, Parachutes and Petticoats, 66 (R)

Friend, Major James, and the Middle East, 169, 197, 225, 255 (L)

Friend in Power, A, Carlos Baker, 416 (R)

From Blackmail to Treason. Political Crime and Corruption in

France, 1920-40, Louis Ducloux, 142 (R) From Montreal to New Delhi, 91(A) Fuchs, Sir Vivian, and Sir Edmund Hillary, The Crossing of Ant- arctica, 587 (R) Fugitives, The: A Critical Account, John M. Bradbury, 284 (R) Fuller, Major-General J. F. C., The Generalship of Alexander the Great, 525 (R) Futility of Force, The, 271 (A), 313, 346 (L) Future for the Banks, A, 92 (A) Future of the Sterling System, The, Paul Bareau, 800 (R) Gage, Mrs., 337 (A), 378 (L) Gainsborough, Ellis Waterhouse, 113 (R) Galbraith, John Kenneth, The Affluent Society, 381 (R)

Game Fair, a, 162 (A)

Garden District (Arts), 401 (CA) Garden of Loneliness (Arts), 609 (CA), 755 (L) Garnett, David, A Shot in the Dark, 592 (R) Garraty, John A., The Nature of Biography, 142 (R)

Garrick, David, 708 (R)

Gatherer, W. A., (ed.) The Tyrannous Reign of Mary Stewart: George Buchanan's Account, 832 (R)

Gaumont British, 418 (CN) Gautier, Thtophile, 231 (R)

Gay Landscape (Glasgow Citizens Theatre), 85 (CA) Gear, Norman, The House of Ruby Wogan, 622 (R) Gebler, Ernest, A Week in the Country, 319 (R)

General Electric, 148, 385 (CN) General Mining, 874 (CN)

Generals and Hunger, 911(A) Generalship of Alexander the Great, The, Major-General J. F. C.

Fuller, 525 (R)

Gentleman Called, A, Dorothy Salisbury Davis, 924 (R)

George VI, 508 (R)

George, William, My Brother and I, 720 (R)

George Cohen Group, 150 (CN)

German Resistance, The, Gerhard Ritter, 898 (R)


an incident in 1914, 274 (A); increase in number of refugees from the East, 295 (PW); State visit to Britain of President Heuss, 535 (PW); the German press on London reception of President Heuss, 538, 634 (S); Russia to hand over Soviet powers in East Berlin to East Germans, 632 (LA), 755 (L); German comments on the Duschinsky version of Elnsame Menschen, 634 (S), 755 (L); pressure on Berlin slackened, 739 (PW); the future of Berlin, 740 (LA); East and West, 805 (A); Mr. Khrushchev's proposals for the future of Berlin, 844 (LA); The Economics of German Reunification, 849 (A); book reviews, 174, 460, 898 Gertrude Bell, From Her Personal Papers, 1889-1914, Elizabeth

Burgoyne, 228 (R)

Ghosts (Old Vic), 688 (CA) Gibson, Richard, A Mirror for Magistrates, 287 (R) Gide, Andre, Amyntas, 284 (R) Gigantic Shadow, The, Julian Symons, 462 (R) Gigon, Fernand, Formula for Death, 228 (R) Gilbert, Jay, The Skinner, 319 (R)

Gilbcys, 901 (CN)

Gilded Lily, The: The Lives and Loves of the fabulous Lillie Langtry,

Ernest Dudley, 869 (R)

Gillet, Louis, Claybook for James Joyce (trans. and ed. Georges

Markow-Totevy), 173 (R)

G'impel the Fool and Other Tales, Isaac Bashevis Singer, 526 (R) Gissing, George, New Grub Street, 19 (R)

Gladstone, W. E., 362 (PC) Glaxo, 498 (CN) Glen Muar Estates, 838 (CN) Gliksten, .1., and Son, 874 (CN)

Glittering Horn, The, Pierson Dixon, 724 (R) Go West Young Man, Bryan Magee, 527 (R)

Goddard, Lord, 331 (S)

Godden, Rumer, The Greengage Summer, 67 (R) Goddess, The, 247 (CA) God's Little Acre, 342 (CA) Gods of the Greeks, The, Carl Kerenyi, 830 (R)

Goldfish, 465 (C)

Golding, William, Lord of the Flies, 257 (R), 347 (L) Goldsmith, Oliver, Ralph M. Wardle, 24 (R) Gollancz, Victor, The Devil's Repertoire, 717 (R)

Good Life, The, 19 (P)

Good Lion, The, Len Doherty, 458 (R) Goodbye to the Bombay Bowler, 130 (A) Goodman, George, A Time for Paris, 260 (R)

Gordon (Malay) Rubber Estates, 234 (CN) Gordon Riots, the, 462 (R)

Gorgeous, Indestructible Gael, The, 674 (A)

Graham, Colonel; death in Baghdad, 78 (S)

Grammar and Secondary Modern, 848 (A)

Gramophone records: LP records and record sleeves, 751 (A); records reviewed, 220, 702; request programmes, 291 (C) Granz, Norman, 513 (A)

Grass is Greener, The (St. Martin's), 853 (CA)

Grattan Warehouses, 594 (CN)

Graves, Robert, Steps, 728 (R)

Gray, Barbara, J. P. Davison, P. Sargent Florence and N. S. Ross,

Productivity and Economic Incentives, 144 (R) Gravy Train, The, Edmund Ward, 352 (R) Great Betrayal, The, Michael Horbach, 415 (R)

Great Universal Stores, 322, 385, 594 (CN) Greece: book review, 870

Greene, Graham, Our Man in Havana, 496 (R), 650 (A) Greengage Summer, The, Rumer Godden, 67 (R) Grey, Beryl, Red Curtain Up, 721 (R) Grigg Report, the: see under THE ARMY AND ARMED FORCES Grist to the Mill, 301 (A) Grundy, Milton, (ed.) Money at Work: A Survey of Investment,

231 (R)

Guard of Honour, James Gould Cozzens, 923 (R)

Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, 35, 233 (CN) Guided Missiles: see under Rockets and Satellites

Guinness, K. D., Fisherman's End, 320 (R) Guinness Book of Poetry, The, 722 (R) Guiton, Margaret, and Germaine Brie, An Age of Fiction, 30 (R) Gunther, John, Meet North Africa, 284 (R) Gurr, Tom, and H. H. Cox, Obsession, 730 (R) Gusto VIIS Adolphus: Vol. II, 1626-1632, Michael Roberts, 199 (R) Gutwillig, Robert, After Long Silence, 231 (R)

11 Hahnemann Society, the, 314 (L)

Halg's Year, 605 (A)

Hairdressing, 435 (A); the need for a Hairdressers' Registration Act, 648 (A), 704, 756 (L)

Hale, Leslie, John Philpot Curran: His Life and Times, 450 (R) Halecki, Oscar, (ed.) Poland; Hungary, Czechoslovakia; Roumania; Yugoslavia, 64 (R) Hales, E. E. Y., The Catholic Church in the Modern World, 827 (R) Half-Naked Knight, The, Andre Francois, 730 (R) Ham, Roswell G., Fish Flying Through Air, 384 (R) Hamilton, Anthony, Memoires du Chevalier de Gramont, 922 (R) Hamlet of Stepney Green, The (Lyric, Hammersmith), 164 (CA) Hanson, Lawrence and Elisabeth, Verlaine: Prince of Poets, 656 (R)

Harpenden (Selangor) Rubber Estates, 594 (CN) Harris, Chandler: and Brer Rabbit, 82 (A) Harris, L. (Harella), 70 (CN) Harrisons and Crosfield, 625, 662, 874 (CN)

Harrod, Roy, Policy Against Inflation, 556 (R)

Harvey, John, and Sons, 733 (CN)

Haifa! of Rain, A (Prince's), 249 (CA)

Hats: topis, 131 (A) Hauptmann, Gerhart, 609 (CA), 755 (L)

Hawkins, J. and W., Violent City, 147 (R) Hayward, John, (ed.) The Faber Book of English Verse, 784 (R) Hazard, Harry W., and Robert Strausz-Hupe, (ed.) The Idea of Colonialism, 259 (R) He Died Old: Mithradates Eupator, King of Pontus, Alfred Duggan,


Heads, Figuies and Ideas, Henry Moore, 730 (R) Heart of Midlothian, The, Sir Walter Scott, 112 (R) Heart's a Wonder, The (Westminster), 435 (CA) Heath-Stubbs, John: The Triumph of the Muse and Other Poems, 200 (R); Helen in Egypt and Other Plays, 722 (R)

Hecht, Levis & Kahn & Co., 322 (CN)

Helen in Egypt and Other Plays, John Heath-Stubbs, 722 (R) Hendrick Terbrugghen, Benedict Nicolson, 113 (R) Henley. Dorothy, Rosalind Howard, Countess of Carlisle, 869 (R)

Henrietta Rubber Estates, 418 (CN) Herbert, Sir Alan, 879 (PW), 882 (S)

Here I Stand, Paul Robeson, 227 (R)

Herrburger Brooks, 874 (CN)

Herz!, Theodor, The Diaries of, 228 (R) Hibbert, Christopher, King Mob, 462 (R)

Hicking Pentecost & Co., 290 (CN)

Hide My Eyes, Margery Allingham, 728 (R) High Tide, 295 (LA)

Highams Limited, 36 (CN) Highbrow alphabet, a, 323 (C)

Hill, Christopher, Puritanism and Revolution, 897 (R) Hillary, Sir Edmund, and Sir Vivian Fuchs, The Crossing of Ant- arctica, 587 (R)

Hillhead Hughes, 873 (CN) Himmelweit, Hilde T., A. N. Oppenheim and Pamela Vince,

Television and the Child, 923 (R) His Own Oppressor, B. G. Paver, 588 (R)

History: historical truth a myth?, 52 (A); links with the past,

672 (A), 756 (L); book reviews, 21, 64, 115, 412, 462, 493, 558,

590, 721, 747, 836, 870, 897, 900

History of Orgies, A, Burgo Partridge, 872 (R) History of Sexual Customs, A, Richard Lewinsohn, 872 (R)

History of Soviet Russia, A: Socialism in One Country. Vol. I,

E. H. Carr, 724 (R)

History of the English Language, A, G. L. Brook, 320 (R) Holding Firm, 4 (LA)

Holiday camps, 687 (A)

Holiday Questions: 190; answers, 196; 226, 255 (L) Hollander, John, A Crackling of Thorns, 200 (R) Hollis, Christopher, Along the Road to Frome, 836 (R) Holman, Dennis, Noone of the Ulu, 286 (R) Hoist, Imogen, and Benjamin Britten, The Story of Music, 730 (It)

Holy Fire, The: The Story of the Fathers of the Eastern Church,

Robert Payne, 829 (R)

Home to Poland, Christine Hotchkiss, 64 (R)


liquid detergents, 15, 487 (A); dry-cleaning firms, 15 (A); need to redesign food containers, 58 (A); the repairs racket, 87 (A); safeguards for the consumer, 88 (A); water-closets, 136 (A), 197 (L); launderettes, 138 (A); Porosan's extending curtain rods, 167 (A); transistor radios, 167 (A), 226 (L); the National Inspec- tion Council for Electrical Installation Contracting, 195 (A), 344 (A); Which? magazine, 222 (A); the Radio Show, 307 (CA); net weights to be marked on soap packets, 310 (A); oil-fired heating in the home, 372, 486 (A); the new plastics in the home, 406, 611(A); consumer reports, 611(A), 653, 821 (L); confusion between commodities and brand names, 648 (A), 821 (L); vacuum flasks, 648 (A), 821 (L); 'antifreeze', 751, 858, 918 (A); LP records and record sleeves, 751 (A); foreign domestic servants, 812 (A); the British United Provident Association, 858 (A) Home Before Dark, 888 (CA)

Homosexuality: Professor Kilpatrick's Oxford sermon, 507 (S);

The Wolfenden Debate, 571 (A), 615, 820, 862, 920(1); 652, 703.

755, 820, 893 (L)

Honest Monger, The, 157 (A)

Hongkong (Selangor) Rubber Co., 69 (CN)

Hook, Line and Sinker (Piccadilly), 748 (CA) Hooked, 851 (A)

Hoover, 207 (CN)

Hoover, Herbert, The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson, 782 (R) Hoover, J. Edgar, Masters of Deceit, 447 (R) Hope in Hopelessness, 240 (LA) Hope in the President, 800 (A) Horbach, Michael, The Great Betrayal, 415 (R)

Hospitals, 668 (A)

Hostage, The (Theatre Royal, Stratford, E.), 513 (CA) Hot Summer Night (New), 808 (CA) Hotchkiss, Christine, Home to Poland, 64 (R) flours Before Dawn, The, Celia Fremlin, 320 (R)

House of Fraser, 322 (CN)

House of Lovers, The, 888 (CA) House of Ruby Wagon, The, Norman Gear, 622 (R)

Household, Geoffrey, The Brides of Solomon, 260 (R)

Houses, historic and notable: Burley on the Hill, 401 (A) Houses and housing: Labour councils and the Rent Act, 186 (S).

wealthy council hou..e tenants, 226 (L); housing coloured people,

410 (1): the overspill problem, 574 (A), 616, 652, 703, 755 (L): Domicile, 754 (A)

Hovis-MeDougan, 206 (CN)

How Different from Us: A Biography of Miss Buss and Miss Beale.

Josephine Kamm, 528 (R)

How Not to Do It, 631 (LA) How to Win an Election, 396 (A), 441 (L)

Howard, Rosalind, Countess of Carlisle, 869 (R)

Howarth, R. G., Kenneth Slessor and John Thomson, The Penguii, Book of Australian Verse, 200 (R)

Howden, James, & Co., 464 (CN)

Howe, Russell Warren, Black Star Rising, 66 (R) Hughes, David, J. B. Priestley: An Informal Study of his Work.

786 (R)

Human Condition, The, Hannah Arendt, 411 (R) Humphreys, Emyr, A Toy Epic, 724 (R)

Hungary: reported trial of Mrs. Rajk, 8 (S)

Hungary, (ed.) Oscar Halecki, 64 (R) Hunters, The, 516 (CA) Hutchinson, A. S. M., Bring Back The Days, 115 (R) Hutton, Robert, Of Those Alone, 865 (K) Huxley, Sir Julian, The Story of Evolution, 730 (R) Hyams, Edward, Taking It Easy, 116 (R) I Only Arsked, 645 (CA) I Was Monty's Double, 546 (CA) Ice Cold in Alex, 87 (CA) Ice Palace, Edna Ferber, 32 (R)

Iceland: the twelve-mile fishing limit dispute, 239, 295, 327 (PW)

Idea of Colonialism, The, (ed.) Robert Strausz-Hupe and Harry W

Hazard, 259 (R)

Ideas, People and Peace, Chester Bowles, 259 (R) Idle on Parade, William Camp, 496 (R) ff . . ., 328 (A)

Ileana, ex-Princess, of Rumania, 543 (A)

Illustrated, 363 (5) Image of the City, The, Charles Williams (se. and intro. Anne Rid.

let), 835 (It)

Immense Journey, The, Loren Eiseley, 22 (R)

Imperialism: book reviews, 244, 589

Impressionist Paintings in the Louvre, Germain Bazin, 866 (R) In a Strange Land, John O'Donoghue, 558 (R) In Defence of Wall Street, 233 (F) In Harm's Way, 187 (A) Independent African, George Shepperson and Thomas Price, 259 (R) Independents in the English Civil War, The, George Yule, 21(R)

India: drain on sterling reserves, 5 (LA); the 'canal waters' dispute with Pakistan, 367 (A); book review, 415

India Changes!, Taya Zinkin, 415 (R) Indirect Aggression, 184 (LA) Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler, The, (ed.) Heinz L. Ans-

bather and Rowena R. Ansbacher, 348 (R)

Industry: the Ffil pamphlet Nationalisation, 631 (A); difficulties

in settlement of industrial disputes, 739 (LA); committee of inquiry's report on the London Airport dispute, 843 (PW), 843 (LA); the Industrial Disputes Tribunal to be abolished.

894 (L); book review, 834

Inevitable War, The, 633 (LA) Inglis, Brian, Revolution in Medicine, 590 (R) Initiations and Initiates in Tibet, Alexandra David-Neel, 288 (K) Inn of the Sixth Happiness, The, 750 (CA) Inner and Outer Circles, Katherine West, 869 (R) Innocent Ambassadors, Tire, Philip Wylie, 66 (R) Innocent Bystander, Craig Rice, 320 (R) Innocents, The, Richard Savage, 232 (R) Inquest on Bouvet, Simenon, 924 (R)

Ittside the Comprehensive School: A Symposium by Heads of Com-

prehensive Schools, 382 (R)

Insurance: London as the world capital of insurance business 760 (A)

Insurance, Motor, 96 (A) Insurance: Then and Now, 98 (A) International Literary Annual, No. I, (ed.) John Wain, 357 (R)

International Tea, 178 (CN) International Utilities, 234 (CN)

International Zone, 758 (A) Interrupted Journey, James Wilson, 496 (R) Intrigue in Iraq, 880 (A) Introduction to the Theology of the New Testament, An, Alan

Richardson, 828 (R)

II, Aa :ins Gospel, The, Jack Clemo, 830 (R) Investigating Steel, 666 (LA)

Iran: see under Persia

revolution under Abdul Kassim, 75 (PW), 75 (LA), 76 (A). Abdul Kassim and other new leaders, 129 (A); claim to higher percentage of oil companies' profits, 204 (F); Rashid Ali and Abdul Kassim, 476 (A); the new economic policy, 511 (A); political parties after the Revolution, 537 (A); death sentences on Jamali and others, 634 (S); Kassim and Pan-Arabism, 637 (A): the spread of' Communism, 880 (A) Iraq: Two Revolutionaries, 476 (A) Iraq's Political Maze, 537 (A)

Ireland, Republic of: anti-Protestant violence condoned, 427 (5); attitude on freedom of debate at the UN, 427 (S); the Wexford Music Festival, 610 (CA); book reviews, 380, 868

Iremonger, Lucille, Love and the Princess, 658 (R) Irma la Douce (Lyric), 133 (CA) Isis, The, 17,62, 110(L) Island of the Dragon's Blood, Douglas Bolting, 526 (R)

Israel: Mr. Ben-Gurion's dilemma over Middle East situation. 185 (A); counteracting inflation, 216 (A)

Israel, Charles E., The Mark, 32 (R) Italian Renaissance Sculpture, John Pope-Hennessy, 925 (R).

Italy: relations of Church and State, 539 (A); Christian Democracy, 540 (A); Christmas in Italy, 885 (A)

Jackson, Shirley, The Sundial, 260 (R) Jacobson, Dan, A Long Way from London and Other Stories, 526 (R) Jamaica: Norman Manley, 333 (A) James, Henry, Parisian Sketches 1875-76, 145 (R)

James 1, 199 (R) Jammes, Francis, 235 (C)

Jazz: see under MUSIC AND OPERA Jennings, Elizabeth, A Sense of the World, 316 (R) Jennings, Roy, Sir Charles Dilke, 540 (A) Jerusalem, Michael Join-Lambert, 25 (R)

Jews, 833 (R)

John Betjemares Collected Poems (comp. and intro. the Earl of

Birkenhead), 896 (R) John Brown, 290, 926 (CN)

John Bull's Schooldays, 8, 130, 188, 243, 301, 366, 430, 541, 678, 803,

884 (A); 490, 521, 584 (L)

John Philpot Curran: Ills Life and Times, Leslie Hale, 450 (R.) John Wesley and the Catholic Church, John M. Todd, 829 (R),

921 (L)

Johnson, Dr. Donald Md., MI', A Doctor in Parliament, 570 (S) Johnson and Boswell: The Story of Their Lives, Hesketh Pearson,

708 (R)

Join-Lambert, Michael, Jerusalem, 25(R) Jones, 922 (P) Jones, D. A. Nicholas, Parade in Pairs, 319 (R) Jones, D. Caradog, A. M. Carr-Saunders and C. A. MOW, A Survey of Social Conditions in England and Wales, 924 (R) Jones, Tony Armstrong: London, 730 (R); (and Sacheverell Sitwell) Malta, 730 (R) Jordan: British troops landed, 123 (LA); Jordan's Future, 604 (A) Joshua Tree, The (Duke of York's), 85 (CA)

Joyce, James, 173 (R)

Joyce Cary: A Preface to his Novels, Andrew Wright, 528 (R) Julius Caesar (Old Vic), 513 (CA) Jullian, Philippe, (ed and illus.) The Snob Spotters' Guide. 899 (R) Just and the Unjust, The, James Gould Cozzens, 923 (R) Justice Triumphant, Cecil Fielding, 288 (R.) Juvenile Passion, 609 (CA)

K. G. Holdings, 530 (CN)

Kama Kahl-Some Notes on the Philosophical Basis of Hindu Erotic

Sculpture, Mulk Raj Anand, 730 (R.) Kamm, Josephine, How Different From Us: A Biography of Miss Buss and Miss Beale, 528 (R) Kantorowicz, Ernst H., The King's Two Bodies, 171 (R)

Karajan, Herbert von, 643 (CA)

Karmel, Alex, Mary Ann, 203 (R) !Cassini and Pan-Arabism, 637 (A) Katorga, Bernard Roeder, 28 (R) Keats, John, The Letters of, 1814-1821, (ed.) Hyder Edward Rollins,


Keene, Dennis, and Peter Ferguson, (ed.) Oxford Poetry 1957,


Kelf-Cohen, R., Nationalisation In Britain: The End of a Dogma,

868 (R)

Kelly, J. N. D., Early Christian Doctrines, 822 (R)

Kelm!! & Kemp, 498 (CN)

Kennan, George F., The Decision to Intervene, 22 (R) Kennedy, John, Tommy Steele, 865 (R) Kenrick, Bruce, The New Humanity, 828 (R) Kensingron, Kentucky, 335 (A)

Kenya: the Colon ial Secretary rejects the African members' con- stitutional proposals, 800 (LA); book review, 32

Kenyon, J. F., The Stuarts: A Study in Kingship, 558 (R)

K„enong (Malay) Rubber Estates, 234 (CN)

1`.elVel, Sonia, Edwardian Daughter, 143 (R) Kertnyi, Carl, The Gods of the Greeks, 830 (R)

Kerouac, Jack, 641 (A) Rudyard Kipling, 203 (R) King, Geo. W. 70 (CN)

King Creole, 307 (CA) King George VI: His Life and Reign, John W. Wheeler-Bennett,

508 (R)

King Mob, Christopher Hibbert, 462 (R) King Must Die, The, Mary Renault, 352 00 Kingdom Come, Laurence Clark, 835 (R) Kings Go Forth 247 (CA) King's Two Bodies, The: A Study in Medieval Political Theology,

Ernst H. Kantorowicz, 171 (R)

King's War, The 1641-1647, C. V. Wedgwood, 807 (R)

Kinta Kellas Rubber Estates, 499 (CN)

Kipling, Rudyard, Kim, 203 (R) Kirk-Smith, H., William Thomson, Archbishop of York, 1819-1890,

828 (R) Kitchen and Wade, 179 (CN)

Kitchener: Portrait of an Imperialist, Philip Magnus, 589 (R),

653 (I..) Kitt, Eartha, 641(A)

Klots, Alexander B., The World of Butterflies and Moths, 201 (R) Knox, R. A.: Literary Distractions, 523 (R); (trans.) Autobiography of a Saint, 829 (R) K0133, Bernard, Awake for Mourning, 67 (R) KraPP's Last Tape (Royal Court), 609 (CA) Labour and Politics 1900-1906: A History of the Labour Representa- tion Committee, Frank Seeley and Henry Pelting, 230 (R) Labour on the Land, 45 (LA) Labour Pains, 156 (LA)


Mrs. Barbara Castle: 6 (PC), 427 (S), interview with Archbishop Makarios, 391 (PW), allegations against British troops in Cyprus, 391 (PW), 391 (LA): agricultural policy pamphlet, Prosper the Plough, 45 (LA); Mr. Gaitskell in the Middle East debate, 126 (PC); the Labour Party's dilemma, 156 (LA); Mr. Gaitskell US leader, 157 (LA); Plan for Progress: Labour's policy for Britain's economic expansion, 156 (LA); Aneurin Bevan: decline in prestige, 157 (LA); 846 (PC); Labour-controlled councils and the Rent Act, 186 (S); prospects for next election, 214 (PC), 503 (LA), 743 (S); proposal to counteract inflation, 216 (A); the Gallup Poll and a 'Labour' policy, 299 (S); Mr. Gaitskell justifies Labour's attitude to the Far East crisis, 363 (S); Mr. Attlee's American visit during the Korean war, 363 (S); Plan for Progress, and Learning to Live, 396 (A); the Labour Party under review, 396 (A), 441 (L); annual party conference, 423 (PW), 426 (PC), 481 (A); Mr. Cousins, 426 (PC); the party's education policy. 426 (PC), 427 (S), 490 (L); attitude to grammar schools, 848 (A); Lord Attlee: the Attlee-Grimond correspondence on patronage, 476 (S), as journalist, 603 (S), Lord Attlee on the Strauss privilege decision, 635 (S); Labour's missed opportunities in the economic debate, 599 (LA); abandonment of the old Socialist Left policies, 735 (A); popular edition of the policy statement, 739 (PW), 43 (S); Labour MPs urge Suez inquiry, 843 (PW), 846 (PC). 909 (5); book reviews, 112, 230, 555 Laforgue, Jules: Poems of Jules Laforgrie (trans. Patricia Terry), 63 (R); Selected Writings of Jules Lajorgue (ed. and trans. William

Jay Smith), 63 (R)

Lady on the Barometer, The (Royal Court), 369 (CA) Laird, Sultan of, 569 (A) Lambeth Lessons, 268 (LA) Lament for the Monetary Fund, 529 (F) Lamming, George, Of Age and hinocence, 658 (R) Lancaster, Eve, and James Poling, Strangers in my Body, 286 (R.) Lancelot Andrewes, 1555-1626, Paul A. Welsby, 824 (R)

Land Securities, 35, 418 (CN)

Land Without Justice: An Autobiography of His Youth, Milovan

Djilas, 528 (R)

Landes, David S., Bankers and Pashas,715 (R) Landor: a Replevin, Malcolm Elwin, 65 (R)

Langtry, Lillie, 869 (R)

Larkin, Philip, Bonamy Dobrce and Louis MacNeice, (ed.) New Poems 1958, 722 (R) Last Chance for Cyprus, 296 (LA) Last Medici, The, Harold Acton, 721 (R) Last Tudor King, The: A Study of Edward VI, Hester W. Chapman,

900(P.) Last words, 207 (C)

Late Augustan; The: Longer Poems of the Later Eighteenth Century,

(ed.) Donald Davie, 350 (R.)

Later Churrhills, The, A. L. Rowse, 26 (R) Later Hernds, The, S. Perowne, 260 (R.) Latter, Albert L., and Edward Teller, Our Nuclear Future: Facts, Dangers and Opportunities, 717 (R) Law, The, Roger Vailland (trans. Peter Wiles), 175 (R) Lawfid Pursuit, Michael Underwood, 147 (R)

Lawless Decade, The. A Pictorial History of a Great American Transition: From the World War 1 Armistice and Prohibition to

Repeal and the New Deal, Paul Sann, 174(R)

Leaf Front the Yellow Book, .4. The Correspondence of George

Egerton. (ed.) Terence de Vere White, 660 (R.)

League of Empire I.oyalists, The, 506 (PC), 538 (S), 553, 616 (L)


depressing domestic political situation, 45 (A); American troops landed, 75 (PW), 75 (LA): the results of American Intervention, 125 (A); withdrawal of troops begins, 211 (PW); Mr. Dooley on Indirect Aggression, 217 (A); General Fund Chehab becomes President, 365 (A); Lebanon crisis on the way to solution, 424 (A); book review, 726 Lebanon Awaits the 24th, 365 (A) Lebanon Turnout, 424 (A) Left-Handed Gun, The, 403 (CA)


the Lord Chief Justice on the function of criminal law, 79 (5); a judge on 'journalese', 79 (S); the case of Martin Searby, 79 (S); trial of two undergraduates under Official Secrets Act, 127 (5); Tucker Committee's report, 155 (PW), 159 (S); Lord Goddard's successor, 159 (S); a workman's republican views, 331 (S); Lord Justice Parker lobe Lord Chief Justice, 331 (S); the Notting Hill sentences, 363, 395 (S), 409 (L), 427 (S), 441 (L); penal policy, 395, 427 (S); the Restrictive Practices Court and the sale of patent medicines, 517 (A), 585 (L); the Glinsky case, 602 (5); suspects and the press, 802 (S); Mr. Christopher Shawcross on 'committal proceedings', 909 (S); book reviews, 288, 349, 655

Leopold, Nathan F., Life Plus 99 Years, 286 (R)

Lep Group Ltd., 263 (CN)

Lansing, Doris, A Ripple from the Storm, 527 (R.) Lester, W. 0., Education in Great Britain, 382 (R) Let the People Hum, 189 (A) Lethargy on the Left, 599 (LA) Letter to Dice, A, 312 (A)

Letter-writing: 'personal, private and confidential', 331 (5) Letters, anonymous, 919 (A)

Letters of John Cowper Powys to Louis Wilkhrson, 1935-1956, (ed.)

Louis Wilkinson, 23 (R)

Letters of Joluz Keats, The, 1814-1821, (ed.) Hyder Edward Rollins,


Letters of Mary Wordsworth, The, 1800-1855, (sal. and ed.) Mary E.

Burton, 897 (R)

Leuchtag, Erika, Witha King in the Clouds, 288 (R) Leuchtenberg, William E., The Perils of Prosperity 1914-1932

174 (R)

Lcwinsohn, Richard, A History of Sexual Customs, 872 (R) Lewis, C. S., Reflections on the Psalms, 834 (R) Lewis, Roy, and Rosemary Stewart, The Boss, 834(R)

Lewisham, Lady, 801 (PC) Lewis's Investment Trust. 562 (CN) Leyland and Birmingham Rubber Co., 386 (CN)


contrast between Liberal Unionist and Independent Liberal votes in the Privilege debate, 139,198(L); the Liberal Party and radical social reform, 241 (PC); a 'letter' from Mr. Gladstone, 362 (PC); the party conference at Torquay, 394 (PC), 442 (L); long-term Liberal policy, 442 (L); the Attlee-Grimond correspondence on patronage, 476 (S); prospects for the next election, 503 (LA); Sir Charles Dilke, 540 (A); the need for a new Liberal Party, 635 (A)

Liddell, Robert, The Morea, 25 (R) Lies as Usual, 747 (A), 821, 863 (L) Life at Happy Knoll, John P. Marquand, 176 (R) Life of Henrv Brulard, The, Stendhal, 718 (R) Life of St. Gerald of Aurillae, The, St. Odo, 829 (R) Life Plus 99 Years, Nathan F. Leopold, 286 (R) Lindy, Basil Davidson, 527 (R) Linklater, Eric, Position at Noon, 560 (R) Literary Distractions, R. A. Knox, 523 (R) Live Like Pigs (Royal Court), 481 (CA)

Lloyd George, David, 720 (R) Lloyds Bank, 262 (CN) Local government: Oxford City Council and its University mem- bers, 215 (A), 282, 312 (L)

Log from the Sea of Cortez, The, John Steinbeck, 412 (R)

Lombard Banking, 322 (CN)


bus pay negotiations between London Transport and TGWU, 3, 42 (PW); St. John's, Smith Square, 7 (S); Albany. 65 (R), 111 (L); the Soho Fair, 133 (A); the Gore Hotel's 'Elizabethan room', 245 (A); the LCC's outdoor entertainments, 436 (CA); Shoreditch Carnival Week, 481 (A); Kensington Public Library, 545 (CA), 584 (L); A New Westminster, 684 (A), 920 (L); pro- posed cuts in bus services, 739 (PW); Smithfield Market committee of inquiry's report, 739 (LA); City of London supplement, 757-766 (A); London County Council in session, 801 (PC), 862, 893 (L); book reviews, 351, 659 London Shakespeare, The, (ed.) John Munro, 451 (R)

London Shop Property Trust, 418 (CN)

London's Riverside: Past, Present and Future, Eric de Mare, 351 (R) Long Day's Journey Into Night (Globe), 369 (CA) Long March, The, Simone de Beauvoir, 141 (R) Long Way From London and Other Stories, A, Dan Jacobson, 526 (R) Longrigg, Stephen Henry, Syria and Lebanon under French Mandate, 726 (R) Look Homeward, Angel, Thomas Wolfe, 556 (R) Loomis, Edward, Ehel of a War, 527 (R) Loop and Lash, 472 (LA) Lord Milner, 244 (A) Lord of History, The, Jean Danielou, 830 (R) Lord of the Flies, William Golding, 257 (R), 347 (L)

Lords, House of: life peers, 123 (PW); debate on the plight of British refugees after Suez, 670 (S) Lorimer, Sir Robert, 136, 197 (A)

Lost Summer, Christopher Davies, 319 (R) Lost World of the Kalahari, The, Laurens van der Post, 712 (R)

Louis XIV, 672 (A), 756 (L)

Love and Lady Lewishatn, 801 (PC) Love and the Loveless, Henry Williamson, 622 (R) Love and the Princess, Lucille I remonger, 658 (R) Love is My Profession, 482 (CA) Love Letters of Voltaire to his Niece, 77,e, (ed and trans.) Theodore

Besterman, 620 (R)

Loyalties Ltd., 358 (LA), 409, 441 (L) Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir, Norman Malcolm, 654 (R) Lynn, Kenneth S., (ed.) The Comic Tradition in America, 448 (R.) Lyttelton, Humphrey, Second Chorus, 560 (R) Macabre, 193 (CA)

Macaulay, Rose, 603 (A)

McBain, Ed, Cop Hater, 924 (10 McCracken, J. L., Representative Government in Ireland, 868 (R) MacDonagh, Donagh, and Lennox Robinson, (set.) The Oxford Book of Irish Verse, 784 (R) Macdonald, John Ross, The Doomsters, 730 (R.) MacDonogh, Patrick, One Landscape Still and other poems, 200 (R) McElwee, William, The Wisest Fool in Christendom, 199 (R) McGowan, Norman, My Years With Churchill, 26 (R) MacGregor, Geddes, The Thundering Scot, 832 (R) Machen, Arthur, The Memoirs of Casanova. Vol. I, The Venetian Years, 899 (R) MacInnes, Helen, North Front Rome, 320 (R) McKeithan, Daniel Morley, (ed.) Traveling with the Innocent Abroad, 145 (R) Mackenzie, Norman, Conviction, 555 (R) Mackerel Plaza, The, Peter de Vries, 116 (R) Maclean, Fitzroy, A Person front England and Other Travellers,

622 (R)

Maclean, Ruari, Motif, 730 (R) MacNeice, Louis, Bonamy Dobrec and Philip Larkin, (ed.) New Poems 1958, 722 (R) Madison Avenue U.S.A., Martin Mayer. 722 (R) Magee, Bryan, Go West Young Man, 527 (R) Magnus, Philip, Kitchener: Portrait of an imperialist. 589 (R) Maigret and the Old Lady. Simenon, 33 (R) Maigret's First Case, Simenon, 924 (R) Mair, George, Doctor Goes West, 440 (R) Mals Oar, 423 (LA) Major Barbara (Royal Court), 306 (CA) hlakarios the Key, 4 (LA) Making Up The Chancellor's Mind, 33 (F) Malcolm, J. E., Discourse With Shadows, 287 (R) Malcolm, Norman, Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir, 654 (R)

Malta: constitutional discussions in London, 665 (PW), 683 (A): the Maltese conference, 907 (PW); book review, 730

Malta, Sacheverell Sitwell and Tony Armstrong Jones, 730 (R) Maltese Conference, The, 683 (A) Man in Ambush, Maurice Proctor, 147 (R) Man in the Background, Wolfe Miller, 527 (R) Man Inside, The, 307 (CA) Matt Upstairs, The, 482 (CA) Man Who Broke Things, The, John Brooks, 231 (R) Man Who Came Back, The, John Bryan, 730 (R) Man Who Saw Napoleon, The, 52 (A) Manager, The: 611(A), 653,820 (L) Manchester Guardian: criticism of the Committee of Public

Accounts, 242 (S); Mr. Macmillan on TV, 743 (S)

Mani: Travels in the Southern Peloponnese, Patrick Leigh Fermor,


Manley, Norman, 333 (A) Marginal Comment, 672 (A), 756 (L) Marla Stuart (Sadler's Wells), 435 (CA) Mark, The, Charles E. Israel, 32 (R)

Marks and Spencer, 661 (CN)

Marquand, John P., Life at Happy Knoll, 176 (R)

Marriage: the Church's attitude to divorce and re-marriage, 10 (A), 139, 169, 197, 225 (L), 428 (A), 521, 553, 585, 615, 653, 703, 821, 894 (L) Marriage counselling, 374 (A)

Marsh, David C., The Changing Social Structure of England and Wales 1871-1951, 924 (R) Marshal Ney, J. B. Morton, 462 (R) Marxist Contradictions, 5 (LA) Mary Ann, Alex Karmel, 203 (R) Mary Roberts Rinehart's Crime Book, 232 (R) Mary Stuart (Old Vic), 369 (CA) Mascall, Dr. E. L., The Recovery of Unity, 318 (R) Mason, Philip, Birth of a Dilemma, 588 (R)

Masson Scott, 178 (CN)

Master of Lffe. A, 573 (A) Masterly Retreat, A, 274 (A) Masters of Deceit: The Story of Communism in America, 3. Edgar

Hoover, 447 (R)

Mastersingers, The (Covent Garden), 55 (CA) Matter of Confidence, A, 261 (F)

Maufe, Sir Edward, 545 (CA), 584 (L)

Maugham. W. Somerset, Points of View, 658 (R) Max's Nineties, Max Beerbohm, 710 (R) Mayer, Martin, Madison Avenue U.S.A., 722 (R) Mayfield, Guy, The Church of England: Its Members and Its Business

826 (R)

Me and the Cola el, 609 (CA)

Meanness, 694 (A)


Dr. Niemoller, 16 (A); 'vital force', 16 (A); smallpox, 16 (A); medical detective work, 16 (A); side-effects of drugs, 60 (A); The Illness Spiral, 60 (A); appendicitis. 62 (L); the NHS reviewed, 88 (A): faith healing, 133-(A); the doctor-patient relationship. 138 (A), 140, 170 (L), 280, 408 (A); alcohol and road accidents. 138 (A), 197 (1.); the Peckham Health Centre, 138 (A), 140 (L); precognitive dreams, 159 (R), 197, 255 (L); children in hospital, 168 (A), 242 (S), 255 (L); pregnancy diagnosis, 196 (A); self- narcosis, 196 (A); the student-patient relationship, 222 (A); the hormone factor in stress disorders, 224 (A); Carshalton hospital, 242 (5); virus control, 251 (A); ageing, 251 (A); hypothermia, 252, 692 (A); deodorants, 280 (A); suicides, 280 (A); smoking and lung cancer, 298 (S), 347 (L); X-rays and leukaemia, 310 (A); abdominal discomfort, 310 (A); homoeopathy, 314 (L); colour, prejudice, 344 (A); the Medical Recording Service, 345 (A); popular ideas on cancer, 374 (A); the comfort of a patient in bed, 374 (A); the 'normal' man, 374 (A); measurement and statistics in medicine, 376 (A); slipped discs and stress, 408 (A); the problems of communication with foreign patients, 408 (A); the 'learning machine' and the human mind, 408 (A); the learning process, 439 (A); road accidents and head injuries, 439 (A); obesity and slimming methods, 487, 648 (A); pipe-smoking and

dimness of vision, 488 (A); patent medicines, 517 (A), 585 (L); the health problems of senior executives, 518, 612 (A); the mother- and-child relationship, 518 (A); the concept of health, 520 (A): the human factor in industry, 550 (A); wax in the ears, 552 (A); the middle-aged man, 582 (A): tranquillisers, 582 (A); aptitude tests and the armed forces.636 (A); drug addiction, 648 (A); stress illnesses, 692 (A); lack of power of adaptation among American PoWs, 694 (A), 756 (L); overloading of medical school curricula, 744 (S): the brain and memory, 752 (A), 921 (L); dyspepsia, 815 (A); epilepsy, 815 (A); AID., 858 (A); aspirin, 890(A): predicting sex in the unborn, 890 (A); sub-threshold sensory stimulation, 918 (A); home or hospital confinement for a first baby?, 918 (A); book reviews, 196, 590, 648, 723 Meet North Africa, John Gunther, 284 (R) Meeting of Love and Knowledge, The: Perennial Wisdom, Martin C. D'Arcy, 822 (R) Megalith Builders of Western Europe, The, Glyn Daniel, 591 (R) Met:wires du Chevalier de Grantont, Anthony Hamilton (ed. Claire- ElIane Engel), 922 (R) Memoirs of a Tattooist: From the Notes, Diaries and Letters of the late King of Tattooists, George Burchett (comp. and ed. Peter Leighton), 28 (R) Memoirs of Casanova, The. Vol. I, Venetian Years, (trans.) Arthur Machen, 899 (R) Memoirs of Field-Marshal The Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, KG, The, 617 (R) Men and Brethren, James Gould Cozzens, 923 (R) Men Fighting: Battle Stories, (ed.) John North, 713 (R) MENTAL HEALTH increase in 'open door' treatment in institutions, 49 (S); necessity of treatment for psychopaths, 79 (S); urgent need for research in Britain, 215 (S), 254 (L); mental illness and crime, 363 (S); American and British expenditure on mental health compared, 475 (S); mental health research and training schemes in America, 475 (S), 487 (A); improvements in mental hospitals, 492 (L); is the money spent on mental health research justified?, 554 (L); the need for objective mental research, 616 (L); psychiatry and the Army, 636 (A), 704, 756 (L); book review, 196 Mercantile Credit Company, 902 (CN) Mercenaries, The, Jon Manchip White, 33 (R) 'Meritocracy', the, 712 (R) Merlimau Pegoh Ltd.. 926 (CN) Merriam, Robert E., The Battle of the Ardennes, 350 (R) Merrien, Jean, Christopher Columbus, 285 (R) Merrill, James, The Seraglio, 176 (R) Merry Andrew, 166 (CA) Messiah on the Wane, 212 (N) Metal Box, 118, 873, 901 (CN) Metal Industries, 69 (CN) Meynell, Laurence, One Step front Murder, 730 (R) Michael Collins, Rex Taylor, 380 (R) Middle Age of Mrs. Eliot, The, Angus Wilson, 705 (R)


change in British attitude desirable, 43 (LA); the coup d'etat in Iraq, 75 (LA), 76 (A); need for the West to recognise Arab nationalism, '75 (LA); 'Young Officers Movements' in revolutions, 76 (LA); present a isis is no Suez, 111, 139 (L); Middle East oil, 117, 204 (F); British intervention in Jordan, 123 (LA); quotations from the Press, 127 (S); Arab unity desirable, 139 (L); Britain's role in a Middle East settlement, 155 (LA); the BBC's Middle East TV programme, 159 (S), 226 (L); Don'ts for Diplomats, 161 (A); intervention in the Middle East a necessity, 169, 197, 225,255 (L); bankruptcy of British and American policy in the Middle East, 184 (LA); the concept of 'indirect aggression' examined, 184 (LA); Arab unrest in Israel, 185 (A); Michael lonides on nationalism in the Middle East, 186 (S); necessity for Western withdrawal before a 'summit' meeting, 187 (A); how far is Egypt dependent upon Russia?, 215 (S); Mr. Dooley on Indirect Aggression, 217 (A); accusations against Israel, 225, 255 (L); President Eisenhower's Middle East proposals, 239 (LA); the UN General Assembly and the 'Arab resolution', 269 (A); The Futility of Force, 271 (A), 313, 346 (L); a flexible British policy needed, 328 (LA); Jordan as the key problem in the Middle East, 360 (A); the aftermath of Mr. HammarskjOld's visit, 360 (A); questionable results of presence of US and British troops in the Lebanon and Jordan, 424 (LA); necessity for the recognition of the UAR, 424 (LA); withdrawal of allied forces completed, 567 (PW); the Sultan of Lahej on Arab unity, 569 (A); Jordan's Future, 604 (A); death sentences on former Iraqi leaders, 634 (S): Kassim and Pan-Arabism, 637 (A); the Sudanese coup, 665 (PW), 665 (LA), 744 (A); Labour Party demand for a Suez inquiry, 843 (PW), 846 (PC), 907 (PW), 909 (S); book reviews, 715, 726 Middle East Oil in Profit Perspective, 117 (F) Midland Bank, 290 (CN) Midland Tar Distillers, 874 (CN) Miegge, Giovanni, Visible and Invisible, 830 (R) Miller, Arthur, Collected Plays, 191 (R) Miller, H. Tatlock, and Loudon Sainthill, Undoubted Queen, 333 (R) Miller, Warren, The Was. We Live Now, 287 (R) Miller, Wolfe, Man in the Background, 527 (R) Milner, Lord, 244 (R), 281 (L) Mirror for Magistrates, A, Richard Gibson, 287 (R) Mister Venus (Prince of Wales), 577 (CA) Mitchell, Stuart, Clerks in Lowly Orders, 32 (R) Mithradates Eupator, 590 (R) Mittelholzer, Edgar, The Weather Family, 527 (R) Mixture of Frailties, A, Robertson Davies, 787 (R) Modern Verse in English 1900-1950, (ed.) David Cecil and Allen Tate, 785 (R) Mohrmann, Christine, and F. Van der Meer, Atlas of the Early Christian World, 828 (R) Moleskin Waistcoats, 162 (A) Monarchy, The; 333 (A), 377, 410 (L); the Queen's speech at the opening of Parliament, 567 (PW), 570 (S); book reviews, 494, 508 Monetary Retrospect, 925 (F) Money at Work: A Survey of Investment, (ed.) Milton Grundy, 231 (R) Monorails, 639 (A) Montgomery, Lord: on NATO, 567 (PW); his controversial speeches, 570(S); Memoirs, 617 (R); appearance on TV, 888 (CA) Montreal and the City, 385 (F) Moon, address to the, 419 (C) Moore, Henry, Heads, Figures and Ideas, 730 (R) Moorehead, Alan, The Russian Revolution, 557 (R) Moravia, Alberto, Two Women, 67 (R), 110, 140 (L) More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Millar Burrows, 260 (R) More Like Strangers (Royal Court), 808 (CA) More Trouble in Tartary, 240 (A), 282, 346, 377, 410, 442 (L) Morea, The, Robert Liddell, 25 (R) Morphy Richards, 530 (CN) Morrah, Dermot: The Work of the Queen, 494 (R); 395 (S), 554 (L) Morrall, John, Political Thought in Medieval Times, 171 (R) Morris, James, South African Winter, 66 (R) Mortimer, Penelope, Daddy's Gone A-Hunthig, 458 (R) Morton, J. B., Marshal Ney, 462 (R) Moscow State Variety Theatre, The (Golden; Green Hippodrome), 12 (CA) Moser, C. A., A. M. Carr-Saunders and D. Caradog Jones, A Survey of Social Conditions in England and Wales, 924 (R) Mosley, Sir Oswald, 84(A) Masse, W. E., The European Powers and the German Question 1848-71, 174 (R) Motif, (ed.) Ruari Maclean, 730 (R) Mother Courage (Unity), 808 (CA) Motor Insurance, 91(A) Mottram, R. H., Vanities and Verities, 788 (R) Mountain Road, The, Theodore H. White, 496 (R) Mountolive, Lawrence Durrell, 496 (R) Mr. Dooley on Indirect Aggression, 217 (A) Mr. Khrushchev's Bluff, 632 (LA), 755 (L) Mr. Lloyd's £400 Million, 799 (LA) Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour, R. S. Surtees, 573 (R) Mrs. Gage, 337 (A), 378 (L) Much Ado About Nothing (Stratford-on-Avon), 305 (CA) Much Else in Italy, Martin Boyd, 66(R) 'Munich': irrelevance to present Middle East and Far East situa- tions, 327, 424 (LA) Munich: The Fallacy of Slogans, 424 (LA) Municipal and General, 530 (CN) Munro, John, (ed.) The London Shakespeare, 451 (R) Murder, opportunity for, 614 (A) 'Murder' in Oakington Road, 299 (A) Murder Makes Mistakes, George Bellairs, 462 (R) Murder on Delivery, Spencer Dean, 33 (R) Murder on Their Minds, George Harmon Coxe, 730 (R) Murdoch, Iris, The Bell, 618 (R) Murray, A. Victor, The State and the Church in a Free Society 826 (R) Muse Unchained, The, E. M. W. Tillyard, 587 (R)


Carl Rosa and the 'Touring Opera, 1958', 165 (CA); Paul Robe- son in the Albert Hall, 215 (S); the Callas-Tebaldi rivalry, 220 (CA); death of Ralph Vaughan Williams, 270 (5); the Promenade Concerts, 276 (CA); the Stuttgart Opera Company in Edinburgh, 340 (CA); the LCC's outdoor entertainments, 436 (CA); Anna Russell, 484 (CA); Wagner's Ring at Covent Garden, 514 (CA), 585 (L); Sir Thomas Beecham, 545 (CA); Casals at the Prudes Music Festival, 579 (CA); the Wexford Music Festival, 610 (CA); Herbert von Karajan, 643 (CA); musique concrete, 687 (A); Berlioz's Requiem at the Festival Hall, 855 (CA); Stravinsky at the Festival Hall, 886 (CA); skiifie at Chislehurst, 53 (A); Eartha Kitt, 641 (A); jazz in Britain, 700 (A), 853 (A), 863, 893 (L); book reviews, 67, 560 My Best Chancellor, 68 (F) My Brother and I, William George, 720 (R) My Early Life: A Roving Commission, Winston S. Churchill, 26 (R) My Years With Churchill, Norman McGowan, 26 (R) Myself Not Least, Rudolf von Urban, 66(R) Mythologists, 212 (LA) Nalsh, George P. 11., (ed.) Nelson's Letters to his Wife and Other Documents 1785-1831, 620 (R) Naked and the Dead, The, 438 (CA) Naked God, The, Howard Fast, 227 (R) Naked to Mine Enemies: The Life of Cardinal Woisey, Charles Ferguson, 824 (R) Naked Villany, The, Jocelyn Davey, 147 (R) Napoleon and Mademoiselle George, Edith Saunders, 658 (R) National Marriage Guidance Council, 374 (A) National Savings Certificates, 837 (CN) National Wages Policy in War and Peace, P. C. Roberts, 144 (R) Nationalisation in Britain: The End of a Dogma, R. Kelf-Cohen, 868 (R) Nationalisation of industry, 631 (LA) Nationalism, 521, 554 (L) NATO Tug-of-War, 567 (LA) Nature of Biography, The, John A. Garraty, 142 (R) Navy, Royal: changes in naval nomenclature, 169 (L); recruitment methods, 847 (S), 851 (A)

N.Changa, 234 (CN)

Necessary Angel, The, Wallace Stevens, 454 (R) Nelson, Benjamin, (ed.) Freud and the Twentieth Century, 348 (R) Nelson's Letters to his Wife and Other Documents 1785-1831, (ed.) George P. B. Naish, 620 (R) Neon Halo, The, Jean-Louis Curtis, 658 (R) NEP in Iraq, 511(A) Neumann, Peter, Other Men's Graves, 415 (R) Never Conte Morning, Nelson Algren, 287 (R) Never Smell a College Spoon, 678 (A) New Deal for the Small Farnkr, A, 6 (A) New Deal With Nasser, 43 (LA) New Grub Street, George Gissing, 19 (R) New Humanity, The, Bruce Kenrick, 828 (R) New Land New Language: An Anthology of Australian Verse, (comp.) Judith Wright, 200 (R) New Poems 1958, (ed.) Bonamy Dobree, Louis MacNeice and Philip Larkin, 722 (It) New Rulers of Iraq, The, 129 (A) New Testament in Modern English, The, (trans.) J. B. Phillips, 828 (R) New Westminster, A, 684 (A), 920 (L) New Yorker Album of Sports and Games, The, 730 (R) Newnes, George, 118 (CN) Newsletter, 667 (N) Ney, Marshal, 462 (R) Nicholas, Elizabeth, Death Be Not Proud, 583 (R) Nicholas Crabbe, or The One and the Many, Fr. Rolfe, 560 (R) Nicknames, 70 (C) Nicolson, Benedict, Hendrick Terbrugghen, 113 (R) Nicolson, Nigel, People and Parliament, 456 (R) Niemoller, Dr., 16(A) Nigeria: the constitutional conference, 393 (A), 568 (LA) Nigerians in Power, 393 (A) Nigger Lover, 269 (A) Nineteen Thirty-One: Political Crisis, R. Bassett, 113 (R) No Concern of Mine (Westminster), 641 (CA) No More War, Linus Panting, 524 (R) No Time at All, 342 (CA) Noise in the Jet Age, 479 (A), 554 (L) Nonconformist Churches: influence today, 10(A) Non-Stop, Brian Aldiss, 379 (R) Noone of the Ulu, Dennis Holman, 286 (R) Norman, Frank, Bang to Rights, 558 (R) Norman Manley, 333 (A) North, John, (ed.) Men Fighting.. Battle Stories, 713 (R) North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO): conflict of members' interests, 567 (LA); FM Lord Montgomery on NATO, 567 (PW), 567 (LA); Paris meeting, 879 (PW) North From Rome, Helen MacInnes, 320 (R) North Staffordshire, University College of, 745 (A), 820, 863, 893 (L), 908 (LA) Northern Light, The, A. J. Cronin, 835 (R) Norton, Lucy, (se. and trans.) Saint-Simon at Versailles, 706 (R) Norvic Shoe Co., 661 (CN) Norwood, Paul, Fenner's Kingdom, 416 (R) Not Angels but Anglicans, D. L. Edwards, 826 (R) Notes and Half-Notes, 46 (A) Nougier, Louis-Rent, and Romain Robert, The Cave of Roalfignac, 172 (R) NRF, Justin O'Brien, 898 (R)


the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 140(L); United Nations report on nuclear radiation, 211 (PW), 211 (LA); a total ban on nuclear testing?, 267 (LA); proposals for the suspension of H- bomb tests, 267 (PW), 267 (LA), 567 (PW); ACM Sir Dermot Boyle on Russian nuclear power, 331 (S); the three-power Geneva conference on ending nuclear-weapon tests, 599, 843 (PW), 879 (LA); the Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear Warfare, 843 (PW), 845 (PC); anti-nuclear warfare demonstrators im- prisoned, 9 07 (PW); book reviews, 114, 228, 717 Nuffield Foundation, 538 (S) Nyasaland: Dr. Hastings Banda installed as President of the Nyasaland African National Congress, 212 (N) 0 O'Brien, Brian, She Had a Magic, 414(R) O'Brien, Justin, NRF, 898 (R) Obscene Publications Bill, 670 (S), 799 (PW), 882, 909 (S) Observer: accusations against popular press, 50 (A), 110 (L); and the Notting Hill sentences, 395, 427 (5), 441 (L) Obsession, Tom Gurr and H. H. Cox, 730 (R) Odo, St., The Life of St. Gerald of AurIllac, (trans. and ed. Dons Gerard Sitwell), 829 (R) O'Donoghue, John, In a Strange Land, 558 (10 Of Age and Innocence, George Lamming, 658 (R) Of Those Alone, Robert Hutton, 865 (R) Oil: profitability of Middle East oil, 117 (F); Middle East countries' demands for greater share in oil profits, 204 (F) Oil Fight in the Middle East, The, 204 (F) Old Man and the Sea. The, 811 (CA) Old Mortality, Sir Walter Scott, 112 (R) Oman, Carols, David Garrick, 708 (R) On Being Mean, 694 (A) On the Cruise, 449 (P) On to Timbuctoo, Anthony Carson, 526 (R) On War, Raymond Aron, 524 (R) Ondine (Covent Garden), 580 (CA) One Landscape Still and other poems, Patrick MacDonogh, 200(R) One Step from Murder, Laurence Meynell, 730 (R) Open Letter on Pasternak, An, 601 (A) Opera de Camara (Sadler's Wells), 86 (CA) Opium War Through: Chinese Eyes, The, Arthur Waley, 747 (R), 821, 863 (L) Oppenheim, A. N., Hilde T. Himmelweit and Pamela Vince, Television and the Child, 923 (R) Opus Posthumous, Wallace Stevens, 454 (R) Orange Free State Investment Trust, 69 (CN) Ordeal by Innocence, Agatha Christie, 730 (R) Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson, The, Herbert Hoover, 782(R) Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC): failure of Paris talks, 879 (PW), 879 (LA) Other Men's Graves, Peter Neumann, 415 (R) Our Dancing Daughters, 398 (A) Our Man in Havana, Graham Greene, 496 (R), 650 (A) Our Nuclear Future: Facts, Dangers and Opportunitks, Edward Teller and Albert L. Latter, 717 (R) Out of the Prisoning Tower, 243 (A) Out of the World and Back: Into Hades and A Traveller in Time, Andrew Young, 722 (R) Over to You, Mr. G., 860 (A)

Oxford Book of Irish Verse, The, xvmh century-XXth century,

(se.) Donagh MacDonagh and Lennox Robinson, 784 (R) Oxford Poetry 1957, (ed.) Peter Ferguson and Dennis Keene, 200 (10 Oxford Psephology, 215 (A), 282, 313 (L) Oxford University: The Isis, 17, 62, 110 (L); the 'Kilpatrick Vigi- lantes', 507, 538 (S) Oxygen Age, The, Hugh Thomas, 724 (R) Pacific Petroleum, 233 (CN) Pack, Robert, Wallace Stevens: An Approach to His Poetry and Thought, 455 (R) Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance, Edgar Wind, 230 (R) Painter of Our Time, A, John Berger, 656 (R) Pakistan: the 'canal waters' dispute with India, 367 (A); the con- stitution suspended. 504 (A) Papacy and Politics, The, 539 (A), 584 (L) Paper Tomb, The, Sergio Donati, 147 (R) Parachutes and Petticoats, Brigitte Friang, 66 (R) Parade in Pairs, D. A. Nicholas Jones, 319 (R) Paris, 730 (R) Parisian Sketches 1875-76, Henry James, 145 (R) Parker, Lord Justice, 331 (S)


the Privileges Committee's report on the London Electricity Board case, 7 (5), 47 (PC), 139 (L); Public Records Bill, 49 (S); question time, 79 (A); MI's' reactions to the privilege vote, 127 (S); an autumn general election?, 156 (LA); Parliament rises for the summer ream, 186 (PC); prospects of the two main political parties, 214 (PC); public dissatisfaction with the two main political parties, 241 (PC); the annual party conferences. 269 (PC); no immediate prospect of a general election, 359 (PW): the Queen's speech, 567 (PW), 570 (S); an independent-minded MP, 570 (S); the Strauss privilege case vote, 635 (S): a Liberal's view of Conservative and Labour policies, 635 (A); Parliament compared to a hospital, 668 (A); use of cars at elections, 670 (S): the 'I spy strangers' episode, 670 (S); the debate on the Wolfenden report, 742 (PC); report on Mr. Strauss's allegations against the London Electricity Board, 847 (5); Parliament rises for the Christmas recess, 881 (PC); Sir Alan Herbert as prospective candidate for Harrow, 879 (PW), 882 (S); the overload of work on MI's, 910(5); book review, 456

Partnership in Adventure, 392 (A) Partridge, Burgo, A History of Orgies, 872 (R) Partnership v. Apartheid, 601(A) Parton's Island, Paul Darcy Boles, 458 (R) Party Patterns, 503 (LA) Pasolds, 355 (CN) Passing of the Bosses, The, 845 (A) Passionate Summer, 438 (CA)

Pasternak, Boris: Doctor Zhivago, 315 (R); three early poems, 575 Cl'); treatment in Russia, 567 (PW), 601 (A), 704(L) Pasternak, An Open Letter on, 601 (A)

Pastor: Letters, (se. and ed.) Norman Davis, 64(R) Pathfinder: A War Autobiography, Air Vice-Marshal D. C. T. Bennett, 147 (R) Paul Sicky Invites You . . . , 679 (A) Pauling, Linus, No More War, 524 (R) Paver, B. G., His Own Oppressor, 588 (R) Payne, Robert, The Holy Fire, 829 (R) Peace in Piccadilly, Sheila Birkenhead, 65 (R) Peacock Brides, The, Gerald Bullett, 319 (R) Pearson, Hesketh, Johnson and Boswell, 708 (R) Pelican Guide to English Literature, The, Vol. 6, (ed.) Boris Ford, 726 (R) Pelting, Henry, The British Communist Party, 710 (R)

Pelting, Henry, and Frank Bealey, Labour and Politics 1900-1906.


Pendlebury's Pleasure, 376 (A) Penguin Book of Australian Verse, The, (ed.) John Thomson,

Kenneth Slessor, and R. G. Howarth, 200 (R)

Penknife in My Heart, A, Nicholas Blake, 232 (R) Pennines in April, 922 (P) Penrose, Roland, Picasso: His Life and Work, 714 (R)

Pensions: the Government's pensions scheme, 503 (PW), 632 (LA)

People and parliament, Nigel Nicolson, 456 (R) People, The: Duncan Webb's exposure articles, 127 (S) Per Ardua, 11(A) Pericles (Stratford-on-Avon), 85 (CA) Perils of Prosperity, The, 1914-1932, William E. Leuchtenberg,

174 (R)

Perowne, S., The Later Herods, 260 (R) Persia: The Shah Sleeps Restlessly, 432 (A) Person from England, A, and Other Travellers, Fitzroy Maclean,

622 (R)

Personality, 907 (LA)

Peter Brotherhood, 661 (CN) Philips Lamps, 322, 733 (CN)

Phillips, J. B., (trans.) The New Testament In Modern English,

828 (R)

Picasso: His Life and Work, Roland Penrose, 714 (R) Picnic at Porokorro, Hugo Charteris, 560 (R) Picture History of Furniture, A, Frank Davis, 545 (R)

Pigeons, racing, 886 (A) Pinch In Johnson & Associates, 322 (CN)

Playback, Raymond Chandler, 67 (A) Poem After Neruda, 716 (P) Poems of Jules Laforgue, (trans.) Patricia Tarry, 63 (R) Poetry for Supper, R. S. Thomas, 316 (R) Points of View, W, Somerset Maugham, 658 (R)

Poland : Gomulka backs down over Nagy, 5 (LA); book review, 64

Poland, (ed.) Oscar Halecki, 64 (R) Polley Against Inflation, Roy Harrod, 556 (R) Poling, James, and Eve Lancaster, Strangers in my Body, 286 (R) Political Thought in Medieval Times, John B. Morrall, 171 (R)

Pollock, Benjamin, Ltd., 369 (A) Pontin Camps. 386 (CN)

Pope and Human Nature, Geoffrey Tillotson, 452 (R) Pope Pius XI!, 472 (A) Pone-Hennessy, John, Italian Renaissance Sculpture, 925 (R)

Population problem, the, 441 (L)

Porter, H. C., Reformation and Reaction in Tudor Cambridge, 412(R)


3, 43, 75, 123, 155, 183, 211, 238, 267, 294, 327, 358, 391, 423, 471, 503, 535, 567, 599, 631, 665, 739, 799, 843, 879, 907 Portugal: attitude to coloured people, 80 (A)

Portuguese Escape, The, Ann Bridge, 67 (R) Position at Noon, Eric Linklater, 560 (R)

Post-war credits, 314 (L)

Power Gods, The, Bud Clifton, 924 (R) Powys, John Cowper, Letters of, to Louis Wilkinson, 1935-1956, (ed.)

Louis Wilkinson, 23 (R)

Praise for the World Bank, 497 (F) Preaching and the New Reformation, Truman B. Douglass. 830 (R) Preaching.. The Art of Communication, Leslie J. Tizard, 830 (R) Presence of God, The, Jean Danielou, 830 (R)


the Observer's charges against the 'gutter press', 50 (A), 110 (L); quotations from, on Middle East situation, 127 (S); Duncan Webb's exposure articles in the People, 127 (S); reporting of

preliminary criminal proceedings, 159 (S); journalists v. critics, 225, 281, 313(L) decline of picture papers in Britain, 363(S); rivalry

between the Daily Mail and the Daily Express, 365, 395 (S); gossip columns, 538 (S); the Daily Sketch and the Anzio air

crash, 570 (5), 615, 652, 802 (L); silence over the Glinsky case,

602(S); the Christian Science Monitor's anniversary issue, 634(5);

advertisers and the press, 743 (S); the Press Council's fifth annual report, 799 (PW), 802 (S); trial by newspaper, 802 (S); press invasion of privacy, 883 (S): avoiding the risk of libel actions,

„,883 (S); the Press Council defended by Sir Linton Andrews, 683 (S); rivalry for coups between popular papers, 883 (S); book

review, 115

Press, John, The Chequeed Shade, 655 (R) Press, Sylvia, The Care of Devils, 592 (R) Presser, Jacob, Breaking Point, 458 (R)

Pretties.: Girl in England, The: The Love Story of Mrs. Fitzherbert's

Niece from Journals, (ed.) Richard Buckle, 65 (R) Price, Thoinas, and George Shepperson, Independent African,

259 (R)

Pride and Prejudice, 875 (C) PrienleY, J. B.: An !reformat Study of his Work, David Hughes,

786 (It)

Priestley, J. B., (intro.) The Bodley Head Scott Fitzgerald Vol. 1,

590 (R)

Priestley, J. B., Topside, or The Future of England, 786 (R) Principles in Retirement, 632 (LA) Pringle, John Douglas, Australian Accent, 524 (R)

Prisons: conditions in Walton Prison, Liverpool, 183 (PW), 187 (S); book review, 620

Private Life of Henry Maitland, The: A Portrait of George Gissing,

Morley Roberts, 19 (R) (irate Prosecutor, The (Royal Court), 165 (CA) Proctor, Harry, The Street of Disillusion, 115 (R) Proctor, Maurice, Man in Ambush, 147 (R) Productivity and Economic Incentives, J. P. Davison, P. Sargent _,Florence, Barbara Gray and N. S. Ross, 144 (R) r og. Co-Ed., 336 (A)

Prostitution: connection with racial disturbances, 296 (LA).

346 (L); The Wolfenden Debate, 571 (A); 743 (S); a public

p nuisance, 847 (S), 862, 893, 920 (L)

proust, Marcel, 921 (L) pro vincial Repertory Season (Royal Court), 85 (CA) sychiatry in the British Army in the Second World War, Robert H.

_ Ahrenfeldt, 636 (R)

Pkveho-Analysis and Contemporary Thought, (ed.) John D. Suther-

land. 34R (R)

P,Svehology of Gambling, The, Edmund Bergler, 659 (R)

I ublic Accounts, Committee of, 242 (S) Public houses, State-owned, in Carlisle, 62, 140 (L)

u ritanism and Revolution, Christopher Hill, 897 (R) ryersu205it of Elegance, The, 552 (A), 585 (L)

, (CN)

P.vrandds Begin at the Top, 80 (A) Qteai d'Orsay (1945-)951), Jacques Domaine, 172 (R)

Quaker school in Greece, a, 18 (L) Qualeast, 418 (CN)

Swell magazine, 403 (A) set Shore, The, Ernest Raymond, 384 (R) Rack, The, A. B. Ellis, 592 (R)

Radio Rentals, 418 (CN)

Radio sets, transistor, See under HOME AND HOUSEHOLD Rae, Isobel, The Strange Story of Dr. James Barry, 723 (R)


British Railways' deficit on the year, 3 (PW); a train-spotters' anthem, 179 (C); lack of public support, 299 (S); Taper's detour through Lincoln, 426 (PC), 492 (L); the inadequacies of British Railways, 488 (A), 522, 554 (L); low standards in Pullman

restaurant cars, 550 (A); Monorails, 639 (A)

Rajawella Produce Company, 874 (CN) Rank Organisation, the, 354 (CN), 417 (F), 418 (CN)

Rank Story, The, 417 (F) Rank-and-Filers, The, 667 (A)

Ransome and Marks, 562 (CN)

Raphael, Frederic, The Earlsdon Way, 203 (R) Rare Bird, Kenneth Allsop, 146 (R) Ray, Cyril, (ed.) The Cornpleat Imbiber Number Two: An Entertain- ment, 872 (R)

Raymond, 435 (A)

Raymond, Ernest, The Quiet Shore, 384 (R) Ready for Independence, 568 (LA) Reaping the Fruits, 130 (A) Recovery of Unity, The: A Theological Approach, Dr. E. L. Mascall, 318 (R) Red Carpet to China, Michael Croft, 924 (R) Red Curtain Up, Beryl Grey, 721 (R)

Reed, Albert E., 35 (CN)

Reflections on the Psalms; C. S. Lewis, 352 (R) Reformation, The, (ed.) G. R. Elton, 618 (R) Reformation and Reaction in Tudor Cambridge, H. C. Porter, 412 (R) Religion: See under CHURCH AND CHRISTIANITY Religious Experience, William Temple, 828 (R) Reluctant Politician, The, 477 (A)

Remus, Uncle, 82(A)

Renault, Mary, The King Must Die, 352 (R) Rent Act: see under HOUSES AND HOUSING

Representative Government in Ireland: A Study of Dail Eireann

1919-48, J. L. McCracken, 868 (R) Republic by the Seaside, 124 (A) Retired Colonel, The, 260 (P)

Reuther, Walter, quoted, 60 (A)

Revenge of Frankenstein, The, 307 (CA) Revolt in Tibet, 392 (LA) Revolt of the Middle-aged Man, The, Edmund Bergler, MD, 582 (R) Revolution According to Pattern, 76 (A), 225 (L) Revolution in Medicine, Brian Inglis, 590 (R)


the racial problem in Southern Rhodesia, 18, 62, 110 (L); Dr. Hastings Banda and the Nyasaland African National Congress, 212 (N); the proposed new constitution for Northern Rhodesia, 536 (A); the Central African federal elections, 601 (A), 665 (PW), 666 (LA); book reviews, 259, 588 Rhodesian Anglo American, 69 (CN) Rhondda, Lady, 127 (S)

Rice, Craig, Innocent Bystander, 320 (R) Richardson, Alan, Introduction to the Theology of the New Testament,

828 (R)

Richardson, Joanna, Theophile Gautier: His Life and Times, 231 (R)

Richardsons Westgarth, 69 (CN)

Riddle of the Scrolls, The, H. E. Del Medico, 260 (R) Ridler, Anne, (se. and intro.) The Image of the City, 835 (R)

Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 232 (R)

Ring Out the Old, 514 (CA) Ripple from the Storm, A. Doris Lessing, 527 (R) Rise of the Meritocracy, The, 1870-2033, Michael Young, 712 (R) Ritter, Gerhardt, The German Resistance, 898 (R) Road accidents: and alcohol, 138 (A), 197 (L); road safety demon- stration, 163 (A); 439 (A) Robert, Romain, and Louis-Rene Mousier, The Cave of Rouffignac,

172 (R)

Roberts, B. C., National Wages Policy in War and Peace, 144 (R) Roberts, Michael, Gustavus Adolphus, Vol. II, 1626-1632, 199 (R) Roberts, Morley, The Private Life of Henry Maitland, 19 (R) Robeson, Paul: Here I Stand, 227 (R), 254, 281, 314, 346(L); recital

in Albert Hall, 215 (S), 254 (L)

Robin of 8 a.m., 785 (P) Robinson, E. M., Death Designs a Dress, 232 (R)

Robinson, Lennox, 507 (S)

Robinson, Lennox, and Donagh MacDonagh, (se.) The Oxford Book of Irish Verse, 784 (R) Rock-a-bye Baby, 482 (CA)

Rockets and Satellites: the firing of 'Black Knight', 327 (PW); attempts on the moon, 419 (C); American moon-rocket falls short, 503 (PW); President Eisenhower's space-travelling Christ- mas message, 907 (PW)

Rockets Galore, 403 (CA) Roeder, Bernard, Katorga, 28 (R) Rolfe, Fr., Nicholas Crabbe, or the One and the Many, 560 (R) Rollins, Hyder Edwards, (ed.) The Letters of John Keats, 1814-1821,


Romantic Assertion, The, R. A. Foakes, 20 (R) Room in Chelsea Square, A, 319 (R) Room in Moscow, A, Sally Belfrage, 526 (R) Root of Evil, James Cross, 462 (R) Root, Waverley The Food of France, 438 (R)

Rootes, 601 (CM)

Rosalind Howard, Countess of Carlisle, Dorothy Henley, 869 (R) Rose Macaulay, 603 (A) Rosenthal, Harold, Two Centuries of Opera at Covent Garden, 67 (R) Ross, Alan, To Whom It May Concern, 316 (R)

Ross, N. S., J. P. Davison, P. Sargent Florence and Barbara Gray,

Productivity and Economic Incentives, 144 (R) .Roumania, (ed.) Oscar Halecki, 64 (11) Rowse, A. L., The Later Churchills, 26 (R) Rules Are For Natural Breaking, 746 (A)


labour camps, 28 (R); Mr. Khrushchev proposes an inunediato summit conference, 123 (PW), 123 (LA); and the proposed Arab Federation, 123 (LA); talks between Khrushchev and Mao Tse-tung, 183 (PW); Marshal Bulganin: 242 (5), denounced as 'anti-party', 670 (S), his confession, 907 (PW); massacred Jewish intellectuals, 329 (A); the Soviet Encyclopaedia yearbook, 331(S): ballet training in Russia, 398 (A); the economic and political threat to the West, 567 (LA); treatment of Boris Pasternak, 567 (PW), 601 (A); Russian attitude to the cessation of nuclear tests, 567 (PW); the Aswan Dam loan to Egypt, 567 (PW), 567 (LA); the Russian attitude to literature, 601 (A), 704 (L); Soviet powers in Berlin to be handed over to East German Government, 632 (LA), 755 (L); Hugh Cudlipp's impressions of Russia, 846 (S); book reviews, 22, 28, 315, 557, 721, 724 Russian, The (Lyric, Hammersmith), 435 (CA) Russian Revolution, The, Alan Moorehead, 557 (R) Sabbatical Year, Alastair Boyd, 175 (R) Nayantara, A Time To Be Happy, 146 (R) Sail Ho!, Sir James Bisset, 453 (R) Saint Laurent, Cecil, Clotilde, 458 (R) Si. Odo of Cluny, John Salerno, 829 (R) Saint-Sinron at Versailles, (sal. and trans.) Lucy Norton, 706 (R) Sainthill, Loudon, and H. Tatlock Miller, Undoubted Queen,

333 (R)

Saints and Ourselves: Third Series, (ed.) Philip Caraman, SJ, 829 (R) Salerno, John, Si. Odo of Cluny, 829 (R) Sally's Irish Rogue, 750 (CA) Samson (Covent Garden), 749 (CA)

Samuel Osborn and Company, 794 (CN)

Sand in the Gears, 185 (A) Sanderson, Ivan T., Follow the Whale, 258 (R)

Sangers, 465 (CN)

Sann, Paul, The Lawless Decade, 174 (R) Sansom. William, The Cautious Heart, 560 (R) Saunders, Edith, Napoleon and Mlle George, 658 (R) Savage, Richard, The Innocents, 232 (R) Sayers, Dorothy: A Treasury of Sayers Stories, 232 (R) Schnabel, Ernst, The Voyage Home, 352 (R)

Schools, nationalised public, 736 (C)

Schroter, Heinz, Stalingrad, 350 (R)

Schulz, Charles M., 883 (S) Science: the Astronautical Congress, 299 (S); book review, 22

Science and the Arts, 908 (LA)

Science fiction: book reviews, 379, 409 (L) Scotbits, 354 (CN) Scotland: book reviews, 112, 286, 832

Scott, Alexander, Still Life: William Soutar 1898-1943, 923 (R) Scott, Michael: A Time to Speak, 559 (R); 907 (PW) Scott, Sir Walter: The Heart of Midlothian, 112 (R); Old Mortality,

112 (R)

Scottish Social Welfare, 1664-1914, Thomas Ferguson, 286 (R) Scottish Tradition in Literature, The, Kurt Wittig, 112 (R), 169 (L) Sea Fury, 307 (CA) 'Sea-lion', Death in Russian Habit, 730 (R) Search, The, C. P. Snow, 496 (R)

Search for Man's Sanity, A. The Selected Letters of Trigant Burrow

with Biographical Notes, 781 (R) Searle, Ronald, and Alex Atkinson, The Big City: or The New Mayhew, 659 (R)

Secombe, Harry: a TV game, 883 (S)

Second Chorus, Humphrey Lyttetton, 560 (R) Second Thoughts, Michel Bator, 622 (R) Second Thoughts on the Second Report, 321 (F) Secondary Modern Schools: An Interim Report, H. C. Dent, 382 (R) Security: the Isis official secrets case, 127 (S); the Official Secrets

Act and ex-diplomats, 215 (S)

Seeing Life, Alexander Baron, 592 (R) • Selected Letters of Thomas Wolfe, (ed.) Elizabeth Howell, 556 (R) Selected Poems 1940-1957, Leonard Clark, 316 (R) Selected Writings of Jules Laforgue, (ed and trans.) William Jay

Smith, 63 (R) Selection Trust, 69, 234 (CN)

Selective Boom, The, 660 (F) Selvon, Samuel, Turn Again Tiger, 787 (R) Seminara, Fortunato, The Wind in the Olive Grove, 352 (R) Sense of the World, A: Poems, Elizabeth Jennings, 316 (R) Seraglio, The, James Merrill, 176 (R)

Serck, 262 (CN)

Serpent and the Tortoise, The: Problems of the New China, Edgar

Faure, 449 (R)

Set Fair, 504 (LA) Settlement in Cyprus. 536 (LA) Seven Times Seven Days, Emmanuel d'Asticr, 114 (R) Sex and Politics in Britain, 10 (A), 139 (L) Shadow of a Doubt. The, 211 (LA) Shadow of Heroes (Piccadilly), 513 (CA) Shadow on the Water, Harriet Ainsworth, 320 (R) Shah Sleeps Restlessly, Ti,,', 432 (A) Shakespeare: 451 (R). 499 (C); A Midsummer Night's Dream,

635 (S)

Sharing the Spoils, 3 (LA)

Shaw, R. G., and Co., 465 (CN) Shawcross, Christopher, 909 (5)

She Didn't Say No, 482 (CA) She Had a Magic: The Story of Mary Slessor, Brian O'Brien,

414 (R) Sheepridge Engineering Group, 386 (CN)

Sheldrake, Michael Wharton, 146 (R)

Shell, 118, 322 (CN)

Shepperson, George, and Thomas Price, Independent African,

259 (R)

Sheriff of Fractured Jaw, The, 645 (CA) Sherwood, John, Undiplomatic Exit, 728 (R)

Shipping: partial boycott of 'flags of convenience' ships, 799 (PW); the NASD suspended from the TUC, 908 (LA) Shooting: a Game Fair, 162 (A)

Shopped, 49 (A)

Shops: the Shops Bill, 308 (A)

Short Step, A, 45 (LA) Shorter Knox Bible, The, 828 (R) Shot in the Dark, A, David Garnett, 592 (R) Shots in the Arm, 740 (LA), 863 (L)

Sickert, W. R., 704 (L)

Sigh for a Strange Land, Monica Stirling, 622 (R) Silent Siren, The, Thomas Sterling, 232 (R) Silk-Cotton Tree, The, Esther S. Warner, 416 (R) Silkin, Jon, The Two Freedoms, 200 (R) Simenon: Malgret and the Old Lady, 33 (R); Malgret's First Case, 924 (R); Inquest on Bouvet, 924 (R)

Simms Motor Group. 150 (CN)

Singer, Isaac Bashevis, Gimpel the Fool and Other Tales, 526 (R) Sir Charles Dilke, Roy Jennings, 540 (R) Sitwell, Dom Gerard, (trans. and ed.) The Life of St. Gerald of Aurillac, 829 (R) Sitwell, Sacheverell, and Tony Armstrong Jones, Malta, 730 (R) Skeleton at the Bankers' Feast, The, 561 (F) Skinner, The, Jay Gilbert, 319 (R) Slessor, Kenneth, John Thomson and R. G. Howarth, (ed) The Penguin Book of Australian Verse, 200 (R) Small Beer in France 633 (A) Small Farmers, 600 (1_,A) Small Part of Myself, A. 520 (A) Smaller Dragon, The, Joseph Buttinger, 259 (R)

Smith, S., (England), 661 (CM)

Smith, Stevie, Sonic Are More Human Than Others, 730 (R) Smith, William Jay, (ed. and trans.) Selected Writings of Jules Laforgue, 63 (R)

Smithfield Market Committee's report, 739 (LA)

Sneak House, 43(1 (A), 490, 521, 584 (L) Snob Spotter's Guide, The, (ed. and illus.) Philippe Jullian, 899 (R) Snow, C. P. The Search, 496 (R)

Soaps and detergents, 15 (A)

Soldati, Mario, The Confession, 287 (R) Soldiers and Taxpayers, 473 (A) Solitaire, Kay Dick, 835 (R) Some Are More Human Than Others, Stevie Smith, 730 (R) Someone from the Past, Margot Bennett, 33(R) Son et Lumiere, 191 (A) Song is Ended, The, 239 (LA) Soustelle in Office, 44 (LA)

Soutar, William, 923 (R)

South African Winter, James Morris, 66 (R) South Durham Iron & Steel Co., 902 (CN) Space travel: the British Interplanetary Society, 299 (S) Spanning the Great Divide, 745 (A), 820, 863, 893 (L), 908 (LA) Special Operations Executive, 748 (A) Spectacles, 816 (A)


extracts from 1833: 8, 62, Ill, 140, 169, 196, 218, 255, 280, 312, 329, 365, 403, 440, 488, 520, 552, 585, 614, 653, 756, 816, 849, 892, 912


7, 48, 78, 127, 159, 186, 215, 242, 270, 298, 331, 363, 395, 427, 475, 507, 538, 570, 602, 634, 670, 743, 802, 846, 909 Spectator, the: on the invasion of privacy by the press, 883 (S) Spectopoly game, the, 916 Sport: a Game Fair, 162 (A); the decline of county cricket, 215 (S); lack of public support for county cricket, 299 (S) Spreading Share-Ownership, 732 (F) Square Peg, The, 857 (CA) Stairway, The, Ursula Curtiss, 730 (R) Stalingrad, Heinz Schauer, 350 (R) Stamps, postage, 531 (C) Standard Bank of South Africa, 118 (CN) Stapleton, Michael, The Threshold, 319 (R) Star Chamber Stories, G. R. Elton, 460 (R) Stark, Freya, Alexander's Path: From Carla to Cilicia, 526 (R) State and the Church in a Free Society, The, A. Victor Murray, 826 (R) Steele, Tommy, John Kennedy, 865 (R) Steel industry: a Spectator inquiry on nationalisation, 666 (LA) Steel of Wales, 873 (CN) Stelnbeck, John, The Log from the Sea of Cortez, 412 (R) Stendhal, The Life of Henry Brulard, 718 (R) Stepmother, The (St. Martin's), 641 (CA) Steps, Robert Graves, 728 (12) Sterling, Thomas, The Silent Siren, 232 (R) Sterling Industries, 206 (CN) Sterling Stealth, 472 (LA) Stevens, Wallace: The Necessary Angel, 454 (R); Opus Posthumous, 454(R); Wallace Stevens: An Approach to His Poetry and Thought, 455 (R) Stewards of Grace, Donald Coggan, Bishop of Bradford, 830 (R) Stewart, Rosemary, and Roy Lewis, The Boss, 834 (R) Still Alive Tomorrow, Wayland Young, 67 (R) Still Life: William Soutar 1898-1943, Alexander Scott, 923 (R) Stirling, Monica, Sigh for a Strange Land, 622 (R) Stock Exchange, the: rise in share prices continues, 261 (F); the vogue for equity shares, 624 (F); a selective boom in shares, 660 (F); 'Aims of Industry's' plan to encourage investment by wage-earners and salaried staff, 732 (F); Tube Investments bid for control of British Aluminium, 873 (F) Stocking Up, 1958, 695 (A) Stockwood, Rev. Mervyn: to be Bishop of Southwark, 802 (S); 920 (LI Stone. J. and F., 562 (CN) Stone, William, death of, 570 (S) Stopp, Frederick J., Evelyn Waugh: Portrait of an Artist, 588 (R) Storks of Colette, The, 787 (R) Story of Evolution, The, Sir Julian Huxley, 730 (R) Story of Music, The, Benjamin Britten and Imogen Hoist, 730 (R) Stothert and Pitt, 530 (CN) Strange Story of Dr. James Barry, The, Isobel Rae, 723 (R) Strangers in My Body, Eve Lancaster and James Poling, 286 (R) Strategic Studies, Institute for, 802 (S) Strausz-Hupe, Robert, and Harry W. Hazard, (ed.) The Idea of Colonialism, 259 (R) Street of Disillusion. The, Harry Proctor, 115 (R) Strip cartoons, 838 (C), 883 (S) Strix, a critic of, 860 (A) Stroyberg, Annette, 912 (A) Stuarts, The: A Study in English Kingship, J. F. Kenyon, 558 (R) Study of Political Behaviour, The, D. E. Butler, 414 (R) Suburbs of Sluntdorn, The, 541 (A) Success Story, 156 (LA) Sudan, the: General Abboud seizes power, 665 (PW) Suicide, 280 (A) Sully, Kathleen, Burden of the Seed, 287 (R) Sultan of Lahej, 569 (A) Summer Place, A, Sloan Wilson, 231 (R) Summer with Monika, 888 (CA) Summers, John, & Sons, 926 (CN)

'Summit' conference: see under EAST-WEST RELATIONS

Sun at Midnight, Oswell Blakeston, 66 (R) Sunday Observance, 18, 62 (L) Sunday Pictorial Malcolm Muggeridge on China, 8 (S) Sunday l'ictorial, 530 (CN) Sunday Times: on subliminal advertising, 79 (S); 215 (S); 252 (A); views on the Wolfenden Report debate, 743 (S); Atticus quoted, 910(S) Sundial, The, Shirley Jackson, 260 (R) Surtees, R. S., Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour, 573 (R) Survey of Social Conditions in England and Wales, A, A. M. Carr- Saunders, D. Caradog Jones and C. A. Moser, 924 (R) Sutherland, John D., (ed.) Psycho-Analysis and Contemporary Thought, 348 (R) Sweden: book review, 199 Swift, Jonathan, Collected Poems of, 283 (R) Symons, Julian, The Gigantic Shadow, 462 (R) Syria and Lebanon under French Mandate, Stephen Hemsley Long- rigs, 726 (R) Taking It Easy, Edward Hyams, 116(R) Taper: and the farmers, 17 (L); on Mr. Selwyn Lloyd In the Middle East debate, 77 (PC), 170, 198 (L); 226 (L) Tate, Allen, and David Cecil, Modern Verse in English, 1900-1950, 785 (R) Tattooing, 28 (R) Tawncy, R. H., Business and Politics under James I, 493 (R) Taylor, Elizabeth, The Blush and other stories, 708 (R) Taylor, John W. R., C.F.S.: Birthplace of Air Power, 452 (R) Taylor, Rex, Michael Collins, 380 (R) Taylor Woodrow, 464 (CN) Technical Education and Social Change, Stephen F. Cotgrove, 201 (R), 282(L) Telephone services: effects of lack of capital, 863 (L)


commercial television's set-up analysed, 3 (LA); contract for the East Anglian station, 3 (LA); extravagant fees for Lord Mont- gomery and Sid Caesar, 7 (S); 'Pay-As-You-View', 17, 61 (L), 271 (S); commercial TV contracts a State-awarded monopoly, 48 (S); ATV's profit, 48 (S); the influence of American TV in Britain, 167 (CA), 225 (L), 342 (A), 410 (L); competition for the third network, 271(S), 278 (CA); programmes on books, 278 (CA). 314, 347 (L), 888 (CA); Mr. Macmillan and Mr. Gaitskell on TV, 363 (S); an island as a quiz prize, 386 (C); commercial TV a 'monumental fraud', 395, 427 (S), 442, 492, 521 (L), 603 (S); 1TV's superior news sense, 402 (CA); John Irwin, 427 (S), 442, 492, 521 (L), 603 (S); triviality in ITV drama, 484 (CA), 522 (L); 'natural breaks', 538 (8); the coronation of the Pope, 599 (PW,) 602 (S), 652 (L); the rigging of quiz programmes, 602 (S); ITA's falling standards, 602 (S); regulations for commercial announce- ments broken, 746 (A): Sir Laurence Olivier on TV. 750 (CA); catering for minorities, 802 (S); TV as a fillip to the live theatre, 812 (S); the BBC's anomalous attitude towards advertising, 883 (5); Harry Secombe's TV game, 883 (S); Lord Montgomery on TV, 888 (CA); a review of the year, 915 (CA); ITV's third 'golden' year, 915 (CA); book review, 923 Television and the Child. Hilda T. Himmclweit, A. N. Oppenheim and Pamela Vince, 923 (R) Teller, Edward, and Albert L. Latter, Our Nuclear Future: Facts, Dangers, and Opportunities, 717 (R) Temple, William, Religious Experience, 828 (R) Terbrugghcn, Hendrik, I13 (R) Terrible Stone Boat, The, 89 (A) Tetley, Joshua, 625, 791 (CN)


the Youth Theatre, 17, 61 (L); 'The Questors', 53 (A); World Theatre magazine, 218 (A); 'Method' acting, 249 (CA); Herbert Machiz, 275 (A); Pollock's Toy Theatres, 369 (A); the Club Panama, 513 (A): Hauptmann's Einsame Mensehen in translation, 634 (S); the theatre and television, 812 (CA); book review, 622 Their Man in Habarovsk, 650 (A) Theophik Gautier: His Life and Thnes, Joanna Richardson, 231 (R) Theresa's Choke, Rachel Cecil, 287 (R) Th6rese of Lisieux, 829 (R) Thiel, Rudolph, And There Was Light, 719 (R) Third Chamber, The, 535 (LA) Thirsty Evil, A: Seven Short Storks, Gore Vidal, 560 (R) Thomas, Hugh, The Oxygen Age, 724 (R) Thomas, R. S., Poetry for Supper, 316 (R) Thomas and Evans, 354 (CN) Thomas Cook, 681 (A) Thomson, John, Kenneth Slessor and R. G. Howarth, (ed.) The Penguin Book of Australian Verse, 200 (R) Thomson, R. W., The Battle for the Rhineland. 415 (R) Thomson, Ruth D'Arcy, D'Arcy Wentworth Thomson, 66 (R) Thomson, William, 828 (R) Thorn Electrical Industries, 290 (Cl')) Thoughts on the American Recovery, 593 (F) Three Nixons, The, 600 (A) Three Way Switch (Aldwych), 85 (CA) Threnody in Blue, 908 (A) Threshold, The, Michael Stapleton, 319 (R) Through Athenian Eyes, 391 (LA) Thundering Scot, The, Geddes MacGregor, 832 (R) Tibet the revolt against Chinese rule, 392 (LA), 399 (A); 288 (R) Tiddly-Om-Pom-Porn, 436 (A) Tied to the Index, 216 (A) Tillion, Germaine, Algeria: The Realities, 380 (R) Tillotson, Geoffrey: Pope and Human Nature. 452 (R) Tillyard, E. M. W., The Muse Unchained, 587 (R) Time for Paris, A, George Goodman, 260 (R) Time for Penance, 212 (LA) Time to be Happy, A, Nayantara Sahreal. 146 (R) Time to Lave and a Time to Die. A, 247 (CA) Time to Speak, A, Michael Scott, 559 (R) Time-Table for Re-Expansion, 353 (F) Times, The: law report quoted, 79 (S); on Russia and the Arab Nationalist movement, 215 (S); comment on British Railways, 299 (5); on Dr. Verwoerd and true Volkswil, 634 (S); strip cartoons, 838 (C) Times Furnishing, 322, 385 (CN) Tinbergen, Niko, Curious Naturalists, 201 (R) Titmuss, Richard M., Essays on 'The Welfare State', 349 (R) Tizard, Leslie J., Preaching: The Art of Communication, 830 (R)

To Whom It May Concern: Poems 1952-57, Alan R099, 316 (R)

Todd, John M., John Wesley and the Catholic Church, 829 (R) Todd, John M., (ed.) The Arts, Artiste and Thinkers, 923 (R) ton; thumb, 857 (CA) Totnmy Steele, John Kennedy, 865 (R) Tooth, a lost, 520 (A) Top People at Lord's, 53(A) Topside, or the Future of England, J. B. Priestley, 786 (R) Torero. 136 (CA) Towards Convertibility, 800 (LA) Towards the Thaw, 844 (LA) Town and country planning: the overspill problem, 574 (A), 616, 652, 703, 755 (L) Townsend, John, The Young Devils, 865 (R) • Toy Epic, A, Emyr Humphreys, 724 (R) Toynbee, Arnold J., East to West: A Journey Round the World, 494 (R) Toynbee, Philip, The Fearful Choice, 114 (R) Trade on the Move, 392 (LA)


boycott of Aeronautical Fngineers' Association, 49 (A), 535, 843 (LA); Mr. Cousins and the TUC's report on the London bus strike, 242 (S); and Communism, '739 (LA); committee of inquiry's report on the London Airport dispute, 843 (PW), 843 (LA): investigation of' Communism in the F.lectrical Trades Union, 879 (PW); the NASD suspended from the TUC. 908 (LA) Trades Union Congress: annual conference, 297, 330 (PC): on the Shops Bill, 308(A); reluctance to offend the large unions, 535 (LA); Communism in the ETU, 879 (PW); see also under TRADE UNIONS

Train-spotters, 179 (C) Trans-Canada Pipe, 733 (CN)


night travel, 58 (A), 170, 198 (L); some shortcomings of airline services, 251 (A), 282 (L), 490 (L); the Boulogne-Lyons car ferry, 374 (A); visas for foreigners, 378, 441 (L); unsatisfactory air booking methods, 490, 521, 584 (L); the AA and RAC, 550(A), 584, 615, 756 (L); the Newhaven-Dieppe packet, 581 (A); the Comet IV trans-Atlantic flight, 607 (A); Thomas Cook, 681 (A); misleading tourist advertising, 910 (S); travel books reviewed, 25, 66, 145, 494, 526, 587, 622, 870 Traveling with the Innocent Abroad, (ed.) Daniel Morley McKeithan, 145 (R) Traver, Robert, Anatomy of a Mulder, 462 (R) Treasury control of expenditure, criticism of, 475 (S) Treasury of Sayers Stories, A, 232 (R) Trial of Mary Dugan, The (Savoy), 85 (CA) Trick-Cyclists, 636 (A), 704, 756 (L) Trinidad Petroleum Development, 498 (CN) Triplex, 233 (CN) Tristan and Isolde (Edinburgh Festival), 340 (CA) Triumph of the Muse and Other Poems, The, John Heath-Stubbs, 200 (R) Trog, Flook, 659 (R) Tronoh Mines, 354 (CN) Truce from Terror, A, 183 (LA) Trust Houses, 118 (CN) Tube Investments, 498, 733 (CN), 873 (F) Tunnel Portland Cement Co., 291 (CN) Turn Again Tiger, Samuel Selvon, 787 (R) Turner, E. S., Call the Doctor, 648 (R) Turner and Newall, 873 (CN) Two Centuries of Opera at Covent Garden, Harold Rosenthal, 67(R) Two for the Seesaw (Haymarket), 912 (CA) Two Freedoms, The, Jon Silkin, 200 (R) Two Lakes, Winston Brebner, 146 (R) Two Plays, George Barker, 722 (R) Two Plays and a Preface, Nigel Dennis, 192 (R) Two Women, Alberto Moravia, 67 (R), 110, 140 (L) Two-Headed Spy, The, 750 (CA) Tyrannous Reign of Mary Stewart, The: George Buchanan's Account, (ed.) W. A. Gatherer, 832 (R) Ulster Unionist at Blackpool, An, 509 (A) Underhill, Evelyn, Margaret Cropper, 201 (R) Underwood, Michael, Lawful Pursuit, 147 (R) Undiplomatic Exit, John Sherwood, 728 (R) Undoubted Queen, H. Tatlock Miller and Loudon Sainthill, 333 (R), 377, 410 (L) Unemployment, 33 (F), 503, 599 (LA), 660 (F) Unexpected Guest, The (Duchess), 249 (CA) Unfinished Business, 879 (LA) Unhistorical Truth, The, 112 (P) Unicorn Trust, 530 (CN) Unilever, 322, 733 (CN) Unit trusts, 106, 764 (A), 926 (CN) Unit Trusts, 106 (A) United Dominions Trust, 148, 262, 322 (CN) United Nations: the Middle East under discussion, 125 (A); President Eisenhower's six-point plan for peace, 211 (PW), 239 (LA); report on nuclear radiation, 211 (PW), 211,267 (LA); Ireland's attitude on subjects for debate, 427 (S)


Alaska becomes the 49th State, 46 (A); the Sherman Adams affair, 46 (A), 391 (PW); Mr. Nixon's chances for the Presidency, 46, 600(A); Hawaii and statehood, 46 (A); Detroit automobiles for Russia?, 46 (A); intervention in the Lebanon, 75 (PW), 75 (LA), 125, 365 (A); America's Middle East policy, 125 (A), 184 (LA), 211 (PW), 239 (LA); Mr. Dulles and the Middle East, 185 (A); President Eisenhower's Middle East peace plan, 211 (PW), 239 (LA); the submarine Nautilus sails beneath the Polar ice-cap, 211 (PW); diminishing role of American foreign trade, 212 (LA); Mr. Dooley on Indirect Aggression, 217 (A); persistent rise on Wall Street, 233 (F); the Little Rock schools Integration question, 239, 267 (PW), 269, 393 (A); the Chinese offshore islands, 295, 327 (LA), 359, 423, 471, 535 (PW); the American attitude to the Formosa Straits crisis, 327 (PW), 327 (LA), 328 (A); Anglo-American relations, 331 (S); progress in racial integration, 335 (A); American policy in the Far East, 359 (LA), 409, 441, 442 (L); resignation of Sherman Adams, 391 (PW); Mr. Dulles changes his attitude over offshore islands, 423 (PW); necessity of recognising Communist China, 424 (LA); Communism in America, 447 (R); the American economic recovery, 593 (F); Democratic victory in mid-term elections, 599 (PW), 667 (A); the American car, 642 (A); Mr. Nixon's successful visit to Britain, 799 (PW), 802 (S); Mrs. Pat Nixon, 808 (A); The Wall Street Optimists, 837 (F); the decline of the political bosses and professional politicians, 845 (A); a new space- satellite fired into orbit, 907 (PW); book reviews, 22, 174, 284, 447, 448, 527, 782 Universities: university magazines, 17 (L); Oxford Psephology, 215 (A), 282 (L); the experiment at Keele, 745 (A), 820, 863, 893 (L), 908 (LA); book review, 586 Unknown Republic, The, 881 (A) Unknown Soldier, Time, 87 (CA) Unrecognised Revolution. 399 (A) Up and Up and Up, 155 (LA) Vacancy for a Victim, 614 (A) Vacuum flasks, 648 (A), 821 (L) Vailland, Roger, The Law, 175 (R) Vahnouth (Lyric, Hammersmith), 481 (CA) Van dcr Meer, F., and Christine Mohrmann, Atlas of the Early Christian World, 828 (R) Van der Ploeg, .1, The Excavations at Qumran, 260 (R) van der Post, Laurens, The Last World of the Kalahari, 712 (R) Vanities and Verities, R. H. Mottram, 788 (R) Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 270 (S) Vengeance Trail, The, Amelia Bean, 724 (R) Vent, Vidi, Viet, 423 (A) Venner Ltd., 263 (CN) Venus in Sparta, Louis Auchincloss, 352 (R) Verlaine: Prince of Poets, 1.awrence and Elisabeth Hanson, 656 (R) Verona New Testament, Time, 828 (R) Vertigo, 221 (CA), 314 (L) Vice, Anthony, and George Bull, Bid for Power, 231 (R) Vichy Regime, The: 1940-44, Robert Aron, 450 (R) Vidal, Gore, A Thirsty Evil, 560 (R)

Vince, Pamela, Hilde T. Himmelweit and A. N. Oppenheim, Tele-

vision and the Child, 923 (R) Vine Products, 354 (CN) Violence at Blackpool, 506 (PC), 538 (S), 553 (L) Violent City, John and Ward Hawkins, 147 (R) Virgin Island. 609 (CA) Visas, 378, 441(L) Visible and Invisible: Christian Affirmations in a Secular Age, Giovanni Miegge, 830 (R) Vittachi, Tarzie, 740 (LA) Vogue of the Equity Share, The, 624 (F) Voltaire, The Age of Louis X 1V. 115 (R) Voltaire, The Love Letters of, to his Niece, (ed. and trans.) Theodore Besterman, 620 (R) Voluntary work, 492, 616 (L) von Tessin, Brigitte, Time Bastard, 527 (R) von Urban, Rudolf, Myself Not Least, 66 (R) Voyage Home, The, Ernst Schnabel, 352 (R) VTOL at Farnborough, 272 (A), 346, 378 (L) Wadham, Ruth, Weekend in Baghdad, 462 (R) Wain, John, (ed.) International Literary Annual, No. 1, 557 (R) Wales: Festival of Wales, 84 (A), 139 (L); Welsh nationalism, 163 (A), 225(L): Prince Charles created Prince of Wales, 163 (A); the National Eisteddfod, 219 (R); TV service in Welsh needed, 225 (L) Waley, Arthur, The Opium War Through Chinese Eyes, 747 (R), 821, 863 (L) Wall Street Optimists, The, 837 (F) Wallace Stevens: An Approach to his Poetry and Thought, Robert Pack, 455 (R) Wallpaper Manufacturers, 562, 733 (CN) War: Sir Douglas Haig, 605 (A); book reviews, 114, 147, 350. 415, 524, 583, 617, 713, 898 War Loan, 530 (CN) Ward, Edmund, The Gravy Train, 352 (IQ Ward, Dame Irene, 748 (A) Ward and Goldstone, 178 (CN) Ward Politics, 668 (A), 894 (L) Wardle, Ralph M., Oliver Goldsmith, 24 (R) Warner, Esther S., The Silk-Cotton Tree, 416 (R) Was Mike Guilty?, 540 (A)

Wassail in Old South Ken, 245 (A) Waterhouse, Ellis, Gainsborough, 113 (R) Watson, C. R., Busman's View, 558 (R)

Waugh, Evelyn, 588 (R)

Way We Live Now, The, Warren Miller, 287 (R)

Weather: the missing summer, 312 (A); a journey in fog, 892 (A)

Weather Family, The, Edgar Mittelholzer, 527 (R) Wedgwood, C. V., The King's War, 1641-1647, 870 (R)

Wedgwood, Josiah, 379 (L)

Week in the Country, A, Ernest Oehler, 319 (R) Weekend in Baghdad, Ruth Wadham, 462 (R) Welford, A. T., Ageing and Human Skill, 251 (R) Welsby, Paul A., Lancelot Andrewes, 1555-1626, 824 (R)

Wesley, John, 829 (R), 921 (L)

West, Katherine, Inner and Outer Circles, 869 (R) West, Rebecca, The Court and the Castle, 146 (R) West End People, Peter Wildeblood, 658 (R)

West Indies: Parliamentary delegation's report stresses danger of

racial animosity, 183 (PW): Norman Manley, 333 (A) West Side Story (Her Majesty's), 887 (CA)

Westcoast Transmission, 233, 733 (CN) Western Holdings, 874 (CN) Whaling: book review 258

Wharton, Michael, Sheidrake, 146 (R) What Lola Wants, 645 (CA) What's Left?, 635 (A) Wheeler-Bennett, John W., King George VI: His Life and Reign

508 (R)

When Hell Froze Over, 667 (A) Which? magazine, 222, 611, 648 (A), 653, 820 (L) Whipping Boys, The Guy Cullingford, 33 (R)

Whistler, Rex, 226 (L) Whitbi cad, 625 (CN)

White, Jon Manchip, The Mercenaries, 33 (R) White, Patrick, The Aunt's Story, 835 (R) White, Terence de Vera, (ed.) A Leaf from the Yellow Book, 660 (R) White, Theodore H., The Mountain Road, 496 (R) White Desert, The, Noel Barber, 285 (R) White Mischief, 296 (LA)

Whiteside, H. S., 118, 626 (CN)

Who Killed lizik Feffer7, 329 (A)

Adams, Michael, 45, 125, 360, 424, 880 (A) Adrian, Leslie, 15, 58, 87, 136, 167, 195, 222, 251, 308, 344. 406, 438, _486, 517, 547, 581, 611, 645, 695, 751, 812, 857, 890, 918 (A) Alla913, Kenneth, 700 (A) Altrincham, Lord, 494 (R) Amis, Kingsley, 19, 448, 708 (R) Anthony, Thomas, 838 (C) Arden, J. E. M., 28,64, 141 (R), 240, 329 (A), 384, 460. 528, 710 (R) Ascherson, Neal, 259, 351, 462, 524, 559, 588, 658, 924 (F.) Ashworth. Herbert, 100 (A) Attlee, Lord, 678 (A) Ayer, A. J., 654 (R) Daniel, Glyn, 172, 317 (R) Davenport, Nicholas, 33, 68, 117, 147, 177, 204, 233, 261, 289, 321, 353, 385, 417, 463, 497, 529, 561, 593, '624,660, 732, 788, 837, 873, 900, 925 (F) Davis, R. Kennard, 150 419 (C) Denmston, Robin, 778 (R) Denvir, Bernard, 56 (CA) Donaldson, Jack, 6 (A) Donnelly, Desmond, MP, 396 (A) Edwards, Russell, 70, 595 (C) Ehler, Sidney Z., 740 (A) Enright, D. J., 28, 454 (P) Ettlinger, Eleanor, 299 (A) Exeter, The Bishop of, 428 (A) Falk, Roger, 96 (A) Ferguson, John, 806 (A) Fidgen, James S. 531 (C) Flew, Antony, 745 (A) Ford, Boris, 24. 201, 382, 712, 786 (R) Forster, Peter, 14, 86, 167, 219, 247, 278, 342, 402, 484, 547, 611, 692, 750, 812, 888, 915 (CA) G., C., 563 (C) Gainham, Sarah, 805 (A) Canton, James, 76(A) Barlow, John, 119 (C) Barraclough. Geoffrey, 64, 114, 142, 171, 259, 288, 414, 449, 525 (R) Benenson, Peter, 391 (A) Betjeman, John, 684 .0k) Bewley, Marius, 283 R) Blake, Robert,65, 14 (R.), 215 (A) Blossom, 207, 626, 838, 927 (c) _ Bowness. Alan, 113, 230, 714, 866 (R) Braine, John, 55 (CA), 188 (A) Brien, Alan, 85, 133, 165, 191 (R), 245 (A), 249, 277, 305, 339, 369 (CA), 379 (R), 401, 435, 481, 513 (CA), 541 (A), 577, 609. 641, 688, 748, 803, 853, 887, 912 (CA) Brogan, D. W., 26, 113, 174, 230, 447, 589, 617, 720, 782, 865 (R) Brooke, Jocelyn, 366 (A) Buzfuz, 386 (C) Byron, W. May, 355 (C)

Cairns, David, 86, 165, 276, 340, 406, 484, 514, 545, 610, 643, 749,

855, 886 (CA) Campbell, Patrick, 674 (A) Carter. Mark Bonham, MP, 49 (A) Catchpole. W. L., 760 (A) Champion, Harold, 333, 681 (A) Childers, Erskine B. 569 (A) Churchill, Randolph S. 50 (A) City Editor, A. 758 (A) Cockerel!, H. A. L., 98 (A) Cohen, Gerda, 134 436 (CA) Cohen, J. M.,'235 C) Cole, Harvey, 746 A)

Coleman, John, 202, 412, 528, 556 (R), 575 (P), 659. 708, 768. 865, 899 (R), 922 (P)

Conquest, Robert, 200 (R), 601(A), 706 (P), 722, 780, 785, 872 (R) Cooper, Julian, 199 (P) Coton, A. V., 248, 278, 370 (CA), 398 (A), 580, 690 (CA), 721 (R),

913 A) e, Craig, David, 556, 726 (R)

Creighton, T. R. M. 80, 536, 601 (A) Crosland, C. A. R., 555, 834 (R)

Charles' 10 (A) Custos, 35, 69, 117, 148, 205, 233, 262, 289 322, 354, 385, 418, 463,

re 498, 529, 561, 593, 625, 661, 732, 791, 837, 873, 901 tCN)

Why Should I be Dismayed?, Ann Bruce, 414 (R)

Wiggins Teape, 35 (CN)

Wild Coast, The, Jan Carew, 787 (R) Wild Strawberries, 578 (CA) Wildeblood, Peter, West End People, 658 (R) Wildschiltz, Der (Edinburgh Festival), 340 (CA)

Wilkins and Mitchell, 661 (CN)

Wilkinson, Roderick, The Big Still, 320 (R)

William Cory, 386 (CN)

William Eno, Dennis Farr, 113 (R)

William Jacks, 234 (CN)

William Thomson, Archbishop of York, 1819-1890, H. Kirk-Smith

828 (R) William Whiteley, 386 (CN)

Williams, Charles, The Image of the City, 835 (R) Williams, Raymond, Culture and Society, 1780-1950, 495 (R) Williamson, Henry, Love and the Loveless, 622 (R) Wilson, Angus, The Middle Age of Mrs. Eliot, 705 (R) Wilson, James, Interrupted Journey, 496 (R) Wilson, Sloan. A Summer Place, 231 (R)

Wimpey, George, 464 (CN)

Wind, Edgar, Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance, 230 (R) Wind in the Olive Grove, The, Fortunato Seminara, 352 (R) Wine for the Price of Beer, 699 (A)

Wingate, Major-General Orde, 492 (L)

Winnett, Arthur Robert, Divorce and Re-marriage in Anglicanism,

428 (R)

Wisest Fool in Christendom, The, William McElwee, 199 (R) Witch on a Vacuum Cleaner, 885 (A) With a Jug of Wine, Morrison Wood, 487 (R) With a King in the Clouds, Erika Leuchtag, 289 (R) With Censored in the Lebanon, 125 (A) Wittgenstein, Ludwig, The Blue and Brown Brooks, 654 (R.); Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir, Norman Malcolm, 654 (R) Wittig, Kurt, The Scottish Tradition in Literature, 112 (R), 169 (L) Wittkower, Rudolf, Art and Architectur e in Italy, 925 (R) Wolfe, Thomas: Look Homeward, Angel, 556 (ft); Selected Letters of, (ed. Elizabeth Howell), 556 (R) Wolfenden Debate, The, 571 (A)

Wolfenden Report, the, 296 (LA). 331 (S), 346 (L), 571 (A), 615. 652, 703 (L), 743 (S), 755, 820, 862, 893, 920 (L)


Gillie, Darsie, 124, 157, 297, 361, 425, 473, 505, 569, 633, 741, 800, 881 (A) Gregory, Kenneth, 53 (A) Grigson, Geoffrey, 449, 785 (P) Grimond, Jo., MP, 79, 635 (A) Gunn, Thom, 200 (R), 437 (P) H., C., 472 (A) Hale, Leslie, MP, 803 (A) Hamilton, lain, 115 (R), 135 (CA) Harding, D. W., 348, 495, 591, 781, 923 (R) Harding, Gilbert, 872 (R) Hartley, Anthony, 142 (R), 213 (A), 228, 285, 380, 411, 450, 494, 524, 717, 898 R) Haskell, Francis, 721, 925 (R.) Haycraft, Cohn, 393 (A) Heaton, Elizabeth Henniker, 777 (R) Hennessy, Jossleyn, 849 (A) Hill, Christopher, 21, 199, 285, 318, 412, 460, 493, 558, 618, 706, 824, 836, 870, 900 (R) Hirsch, F. G., 92 (A) Hodge, Robert, 574 (A) Hodgson, Simon, 688 (CA) Hollis, Christopher, 82, 187, 244, 333, 477, 540, 603, 683, 848 (A) Holloway, John, 523 (P) Howard, Jean, 25, 201, 286, 414, 770, 869 (R) Howard, Miles, 16, 60, 88, 138, 168, 196, 222, 251, 280, 310, 344, 374, 403, 439, 487, 518, 550, 582, 612, 648, 692, 752, 775, 815, 858, 890, 918 (A) Hughes, Ted, 19, 260, 454, 922 (P) Hughes, Tony, 687 (A) Hutton, Graham, 832 (R) Huntrods, E. J., 104(A) Hyde, H. Montgomery, MP, 509 (A) Industrial Correspondent, Our, 667, 908 (A) Inglis, Brian, 159 (A), 286 (R), 306 (CA), 335 (A), 450, 527, 622 (R), 636 (A), 660, 868 (R) lonides, Michael, 271 (A), 726 (R) Jacobson, Dan, 712 (R) Jenkins, Roy, MP, 604, 637 (A) Jennings, Elizabeth, 316 (R) Johnson, Harry, 144, 381, 556, 868 (R) Johnson, Joyce, 875 (C) Kedourie, Elie, 715 (R) Kee, Robert, 381(R) Kennedy, Ludovic, 130 (A) Kermode, Frank, 20, 146, 173, 257, 284, 315, 454, 496, 618, 655, 705. 864, 896 (R) Laing, Allan M., 465, 903 (C) Laski, Marghanita, 403 (A) Leapman, Michael, 851 (A) Levin, Bernard, 67, 227, 456, 716, 747, 833, 893 (R) Lindley, Robert, 288, 349, 655 (R) Lloyd, Canon Roger, 318, 828 (R) Lloyd-Jones, Hugh, 830 (R) Logue, Christopher, 716 (P) McCaig, Norman, 112 (P) McDouall, Robin, 910 (A) McEwan, Rory, 560 (R) Malik, Rex, 639 (A) Mason, Colin, 55, 220 (CA) Masterman, J. C., 274 (A) Maxwell, J. C., 451 (R) Metcalf, John, 722 (R) Michie, James, 496 (P) Miller, Jonathan, 201 (R) Miller, Karl, 112, 176, 286, 319, 457, 526, 658, 728, 832, 923 (R) Montefiore, Hugh, 260, 827 (R) Moore, Derek, 764 (A) Namier, Sir L. 13., 202, 895 (R) Nicholson, Geoffrey, 32, 116, 175, 231, 287, 319, 352, 384, 416, 459, 527, 592, 658, 713, 787, 923 (R) Nicholson, Jenny, 885 (A) Nicolson, Sir Harold, 672 (A) Norgate, Matthew, 437 (A) Norman, Stuart, 303 (A) Wolsey, Cardinal, 824 (R) Woman, the seven ages of, 38 (C)

Wood, Morrison, With a Jug of Wine, 487 (R)

Woodgate Investment Trust, 418, 464 (CN)

Wordsworth, Mary, The Letters of, (eel, and ed.) Mary E. Burton


Work of the Queen, The, Dermot Morrah, 494 (R),

554 (L)

World Bank, 367 (A) World Capital of Insurance, 760 (A) World of Butterflies and Moths, The, Alexander B. Klots, 201 (R) Wrench, John Evelyn, Alfred Lord Milner, 244 (R), 281 (L) Wright, Andrew, Joyce Cary, 528 (R) Wright, Judith. (comp.) New Land New Language, 200 (R)

Writers at Work: Interviews first published in the Paris Review,

(intro.) Malcolm Cowley, 202 (R) Writers' names, 263 (C)

Wrong Together, 75 (LA), 139 (I-) Wyatt, Woodrow, Distinguished [or Talent, 714 (R) Wylie, Philip, The Innocent Ambassadors, 66 (R) Wyndham, John, The Chrysalids, 379 (R)

York Minster, 920 (L)

Young, Andrew. Out of the World and Back: Into Hades and A Traveller in Time, 722 (R) Young, Michael, The Rise of the Meritocracy, 712 (R) Young, Wayland, Still Alive Tomorrow, 67 (R) Young Devils, The, John Townsend, 865 (R) Young Love, Johannes Allen, 352 (R) Young Mr. Keefe, Stephen Birmingham, 175 (R) Your Book of Architecture. Agnes and Jack Allen, 545 (CA)

Yugoslavia: book reviews, 64, 528

Yugoslavia, (ed.) Oscar Halecki, 64 (R) Yule, George, The Independents in the English Civil War, 21(R) Zaehner, R. C., At Sundry Times: An Essay in the Comparison of Religions, 822 (R)

Zeppelins, 89 (A)

Zinkin, Taya, India Changes!, 415 (R.)

Oakes, Philip, 884 (A) O'Donnell, Donat, 172, 284, 620 (R) Pakenham. Lord, 822. 836 (R) Papoose, 38, 794 (C) Patterson, George N., 399 (A) Peddy, D. R., 179, 736 (C) Pharos, 7, 48, 78, 127, 159, 186, 215, 242, 270, 298, 331, 363, 395,

427, 475, 507. 538, 570, 634, 670, 743, 802, 847, 882, 909 (8)

Piggott, Stuart, 591 (R) Pimlott, J. A. R., 323 (C) Plumb, 3. H., 115, 620, 897 (R) Pryce-Iones, Alan, 8 (A) Pyke, Magnus, 22, 719 (R) Pym, Christopher, 33, 147, 232, 320. 462, 728, 924 (R) Quennell, Peter, 63, 231, 656, 718, 922 (R)

Quigly, Isabel, 14, 58, 87, 136, 166, 193, 221, 247, 277, 307, 342, 372, 403, 438, 482, 516, 546, 578, 609, 645, 690, 750, 811, 857, 888, 914 (CA)

Raison, Tim, 579 (CA)

Raven, Simon, 32, 67, 146, 203, 260, 288 (R), 430 (A), 462, 496.

526, 560, 588, 622, 659, 724, 774, 835, 870, 899 (R) Ray, Cyril, 351, 558, 573, 659 (R), 699 (A), 710, 865 (R) Rees, David, 66, 114, 259, 350, 415, 587, 723, 772, 829 (R.) Robinson, Kenneth, MP, 590 (R) Robinson, Kenneth J., 13, 193, 307. 543, 642, 854, 914 (CA) Robinson, Robert, 12, 275 (CA) Robson, W. W., 30, 145, 351, 452, 586, 784, 835, 897, 923 R)

Roth, Andrew, 432 (A)

Rovere, Richard H., 46, 125, 185, 269, 328, 393, 600, 667, 845 (A) Rubner. Alex, 216 (A) Rudd, Anthony, 92 (A) S., A.M.0.. 263 (C) Schwarz, Walter, 185 (A) Sheffield. Lord, 453 (R)

Sims, David, no (R)

Smith, Denis Mack, 65, 174 (R). 539 (A). 827 (R) Smith, Stevie, 28, 66, 115, 352, 528, 776, 829 (R) Smoker, Barbara, 499 (C)

Stewart, Desmond, 129, 161, 365, 476, 511, 537,744(A)

Stewart, Mackenzie, 190 Stewart, Oliver, 272 (A), 452 (R), 479 (A) Stria, 11, 52, 89, 131, 162, 189, 218, 252, 312, 345, 376, 440, 488, 520, 552, 583, 614, 650, 694, 754, 816, 860, 892, 910 (A) Sykes, Christopher, 714 (R) Taper, 5, 46, 77, 126, 158, 186, 214,241 269, 298, 330, 362, 394, 426, 474, 506, 668, 742, 801, 845, 882 (PC) Taplin, Walter, 337 (A) Templewood, Lord, 508 (R) Terraine, J. A., 605 (A) Thomson, David, 911(A) Thwaite, Anthony, 23, 65, 228, 258, 316, 788, 899 (R) Tisdall. Bridget, 774 (R) Townsend, Peter, .349, 924 (R) Tucker, James, 84 (CA) Unitholder, 106 (A) Vansittart, Peter, 66, 258, 590 '(R) Vidler, Alec, 830 (R) Wagstaff, Eric, 291 (C)

Waith. Allan 0., 662 (C)

Waugh, Evelyn, 523 (R) Williams, Desmond, 22, 556, 724 (R) Williams, L. F. Rushbrook, 367 (A), 415 (R), 504(A) Williamson, Henry, 243 (A) Wilson, A. J., 147 (R) Wollheim, Richard. 571 (A), 656 (R) Wood, John, 144, 231 (R) Woodcock, George, 301 (A) York, The Archbishop of, 822 (R) Young, Andrew, 316 (R) Quinn, J. C. F., 486 (CA)