Black And White In Rhodesia
SIR,—I read the letter on racial problems in Rhodesia with great interest. Your correspondent seems to me to have fallen into the usual habit of the ex-colonial when talking or......
Sir,—mr. Christopher Hollis Combines Surprise That Others...
him with an equal determination not to have any 'notion' (his word to me) about what his critics are saying. As a man of your contributor's years, as a graduate in theology and......
Taper And The Farmers
SIR,—Taper, writing on June 27, ventures into the realms of agriculture. He may well be right that 'Bagpiper's Tump, which I swear on the ashes of my ancestors is in......
Quaker School In Greece
SIR,—In 1945, a Quaker relief team started a small domestic training school in Salonica for Greek girls from villages near by. Every year since then, twenty girls have started a......
Sir,—there Seems To Be Some Misunderstanding On Both...
this controversy. The ancient Roman calendar knew nothing of a seven-day week, which was not officially recognised until Christianity was established as the State religion in......
Royal Show Dilemma
SIR,—Thc solution to the Royal Show dilemma, so ably described by Robert Hodge, is surely this : no more Royal Shows, either permanent or peripatetic. Instead, the Royal......
The Death Of 2nd Lieut. Browne' Sir,—although Witless,...
and doubt- less fools, we, as fellow archetypes of all that Mr. Michie sensed he had gone to war against, are prompted to remind him of that ancient military. truism that an......
Sir,—g. K. Chesterton Said That The Great Glory Of England
was that if it were decided tomorrow to burn a heretic at the stake a man would come along who knew how the faggots should be arranged. And here is Professor Bain with his in-......