IN I1S leading article on Monday the Daily Express had
this to say about the Archbishop of Canterbury. I quote the passage in full: DEEDS AND WORDS
Dr. Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, speak- ing last night about receiving divorced people back into the Church : 'There has to be a little discipline before that happens.'
Dr. Fisher, speaking last week about Makarios : 'His personal character is no concern of mine. . . . "Judge not that ye be not judged?'' Evidently the Express either thinks that a Church should never discipline anybody or it thinks that Archbishop Makarios is under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Canterbury. This sort of thing is typical of the nonsense that the Beaverbrook newspapers have been writing about the Arch- bishop and the Church during the last few weeks. There is nothing new about this, of course. The Church and the Archbishop have long occupied a conspicuous place in Lord Beaverbrook's personal Pandemonium together with Lord Mountbatten, Lord Boyd Orr, Mr. Nehru, the Duke of Welling- ton in Apsley House, Commercial Television, the British Council, Mr. Noel Coward, and UNESCO. But recently Dr. Fisher has been receiving a par- ticularly high proportion of Lord Beaverbrook's poisonous if rather blunt arrows.