listful %Its,5ujuu, rah. kr.
THE "turn of the month," which has again just passed, has not been a brisk one, generally speaking, with the wholesale houses in the dry goods trade in the City. A few have been busy, but great inaction prevails in many departments of trade.
A great disinclination exists with buyers of certain fabrics, to order gpods for the approaching season. This is very much the case in the Eiigliah ribbon trade; and Coventry manufacturers would do well to be cautions in their forthcoming operations. It is a ground of complaint with buyers who visit that market, that the manufacturer will not con- tent himself with a large order of a certain style, but must swamp the trade with nearly the same thing, so depriving the original buyer of his advantage. The department of trimmings for ladies dresses, has been characterized -with much uncertainty. The fashion of wearing any special article not having to any extent prevailed this season ; and it is a matter of surprise to the managers of the various departments, in the houses, that they have succeeded in making the return they have done. T— 4*•-igpiirig we pointed out to our friends engaged in thjs.irsdg,ttxs,'ikehJ1,od of a much smaller demand happening,-for-apaild and plain silk frinjes, than there has hithate-beetr, "during the last two years; and our ticipations on -titIrEitad, have been fully borne out ; the quilled rib ns having very much interfered with them.