Investment Of Small Savings.
STR—I was much pleased with the excellent letter of" A. W. W." in your last impression on this subject and should like to add a few words on the Sick and Burial Clubs. Your......
Topics Of The Day.
FRENCH POWER IN INDIA. AN interesting problem has been opened in our general relations with the French Government, and it is one which is not likely to be left at rest by that......
A School For Officers.
Sin—On the opposite side of the world I have just been reading the article headed "The British Officer at School," in your number of 11th De- cember, and also "An Old Soldier's"......
A Soldier's Invitation.
Belgautn, 7th April 1859. The question, how may a better class of men be induced to enter the Army ? is undoubtedly deserving of grave consideration. The men which it would be......