4 JUNE 1859, Page 4


Reports of progress continue to fill columns of the morning press day after day. In addition to those places mentioned last week we have now to record the names of Colchester, Doncaster Greenwich, Kensington, the Isle of Sheppey, Leeds, Halifax, Lyinington Preston, Rotherham, Sheffield, St. George's, Hanover Square Islewortli, Ipswich, Pontypool, Swansea, King's Lynn, Newark, Reading, and Woodbridge. Several county meetings have been held. There is abroad a general feeling that the Government ought to find uniform, arms, and ammunition. At some meetings the furnishing of these things is made a condition precedent ; in others the difficulty is evaded by the establishment of a Rifle club, to be supported by sub- scription and not necessarily therefore under direct government control. In all places the great bulk of the people are of opinion that we ought as a nation to be accustomed to the use of arms. But it is more evident than ever that no efficient force will be raised unless the Government modify the terms of enrolment, and pass an act for the special case of Volunteer Corps.